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Chapter 22: Journey to the west

Today is the day we leave this shithole.

I had wet dreams about it last night to be completely honest.

I pack up my things and place them in my inventory

[Inventory 10/10 ]

All my clothing and my PC are all packed up now.

Avengers assemble!

I meet up with the others at the main gate, wich is still caked in guts and blood.

"Lets go."

I pull the lever to open the gate.


The gate raises slowly, the pully stopped up with bits of brain matter and organs.

Soon enough the gate is completely raised and the wintery snow blasts through the fortress.

We walk out and begin following the road, a long journey lies ahead.



A gigantic monstrosity with 3 heads speaks telepathically to a familiar figure.

A crack of lightning smacks the hydra like infested that rules deimos, known as Lephantis.


Volt stands gallantly with a lex prime¹ in his hand, aiming towards the first head of Lephantis and blasting it to bits.

A harmonious squeal is let out as blood shoots across the arena.

"2 more to go!"

The tenno comes out of his warframe and slings² to the back of Lephantis, he re-enters his warframe and smashes his dual daggers down into the 2nd of of the monster.

The ground quakes as the beast lets out an agonized scream.


Volt sprints across the bleeding monsters back and reaches the last head, it lashes a blade out at him but he slides under it easily, he charges a heavy attack and beheads the last one.


Lephantis crumbles into ashes as the Volt glows brilliantly, an aura of sparks covering him.

"Mother, he's down."

The young tenno says.

"Good my child, the corpus researches can continue their work, it seems that the necralisk may need your support."

The sweet womans voice once more rings out in his head.

"I'll get to it mom."

The boy reassures his 'mother'.

"Be careful, my data suggests that the stalker may be coming for you soon."

The tennos smirk grows as he flies his ship towards the heart of deimos.

"That pathetic servant can't harm me."


[8 hours of walking later.]

"Phew, lets rest for the night."

I order the others to set up camp.

I pull down my sensor and scan the area for life forms, making sure we wont be ambushed by any ghosts or goblins.

Eh, I could easily take a goblin now anyway.

I probably shouldn't jinx it because there are ghosts in warframe.

A fire is lit and we get a small thermal generator up and running, the warmth quickly enters my body.

The heating elements in my armor are starting to dud from being used too much, I imagine its the same for the others.

Another 6 hours of walking and getting past a giant brigade of corpus soldiers and we'll be out of here lickity split easy peasy.


Sleepy time.

[Next morning]


I situp from my sleeping bag and pop my neck, sleeping on cold, hard, rock is not the most comfortable.

The others get up and re chamber their weapons, getting ready to march again.

Hopefully we dont encounter any wild beasts today, any slowing down is only more time for the corpus to form a greater foothold in old Russia.

"All right, 6 more hours and we get to the corpys blockade."

"Roger." ×3

Everyone gets in formation and we start walking once more, our boots leaving deep imprints in the frozen ground.

[6 hours of snow crunching later]

We finally arrived and its much more than I expected.

Over 300 corpus just on my scanner alone, all working dutifully to set up a supply line and airstrip.

We are really gonna have to be sneaky.

I hand signal the others to come forward quietly, we all hide behind a respective tree and watch as the corpus roll out.

The ship is in the hanger in the back of the facility, we can easily cut to it through the woods but the hard part is going to be starting the ship and flying away without getting killed first.

We retreat further into the woods and I pull up another holo map.

I trace our route and we begin sneaking through the forest.

I keep my eyes on all the patroling corpus scouts, especially the ospreys² who can detect lifeforms in a 100 yard radius with thier circular scanners.

Soon we arrive at the back of the blockade, many rusted buildings lie half destroyed with piles of orange grineer helmets and armor scattering the warehouse district.

I punch a hole into the fence and pull it out, entering what used to be a grineer ship building plant.

The others crouch behind me as I use my helmet scanner.

3 corpus are sitting playing games on their tablets, most likey gambling.

I take my bow and pull back the string.

An ethereal grey ring sight shows up, with 5 pins.

Each pin sighted in for different distances, the first pin is for 35 yard, so I will have to use the second meant for 60 yards.

I looks through the peep hole on the bowstring which I have anchored to my nose.

I line up the second pin with the corpus techs head and let go of the string.



The corpus grabs his neck in terror as blood gushes down his suit, he falls over dead.

The other 2 corpus pull out their plinxes³ but soon arrows are placed into their heads.


Drum comments.

I crouch forward and hide behind a shed, waiting to see if more corpus will come.

After 10 minutes I signal the rest forward and we quickly sprint to the remaining grineer ship.

A small brown dinghy class ship sits, dust gathers over its brown paint.

On the side a large spraypainted grineer symbol masks scratch marks.

A name is emboldened on the side.


Atleast the grineer care enough to name their ships.

I open the door and my brain instinctively flips a few switches on, I click on the main power and open the shuttle doors, Gome enters the copilot seat and the other 2 sit down and grasp the safety handles.

I close and seal the doors and push one last lever up, I push the starter and with a massive blast of cobwebs and dust, fire emerges from all 8 plasma exhausts, the gauge has half a tank.

Enough to go to another planet or 2.

Alarms sound at the rumbling of the engine, corpus swarm the hanger and quickly shoot at the ship.

I lift up on the propellant handle and push the shifter into ascend, we shoot upwards.

I push down on the clutch until the engine makes a low whir and a dial beeps, I engage the ship into forward cruise and push the main driving stick forward.

We blast off at 200 mph. Corpus plasma bolts pepper the ship, Drum sprays the corpus footman with his sobek out of the blast window.

I engage the clutch once more and set us to space cruise and we slow down but more torque is given so we easily pierce the atmosphere. I turn on autopilot and set no destination.

I stand up and nod towards Gome who is beaming.

I enter the crew hold.


Wasp has tears streaming down her face as she pushes onto a bloody splotch on Drum.


I rush towards him and lean him upwards, a bullet pierced right above his collar bone. He tries to speak but foamy blood froths out of his wound.

"You wont die Drum!"

I clutch the wound and tear off the cloth on my armor to wrap it.

I hold pressure on the wound as Wasp searched for the emergency supplies.

She comes back with a small red crate.

I open it up and find bandages, a stitching gun and some random shot.

I take the shot and plunge it into the grineers neck, the blood stops coming out.

I take the cloth off and hold the stitcher above his wound.

"This is gonna hurt."

A small laser comes out of the gun and begins 3d printing stiches into the wound, as it closes Drum lets out gurgling screams.

I finish up and take a bottle of antiseptic and pour it frantically.

After a few minutes Drums breathing steadies.

"I thought they had me for a second, those fuckin corpus."

I sigh and sit back exhausted.

"That was close."

Wasp nods in agreement and wipes the last of her tears.


Gome opens up the door to the steering room.


I run into the room and what greets me through the glass is horrible.

A giant red railjack is blasting its way through a corpus fleet, and it seems some corpus ships have noticed us!


1 .Lex prime: An orokin era magnum pistol, a non prime variant is more readily available but the prime version in all its golden glory is much more powerful.

2. Ospreys: Corpus flying robots that follow corpus crews, repairing their shields and shooting lasers at enemies.

[A/N below]

Almost killed a main character, feel my power small mortals.

For those who think the Volt is filler.

I mean your not wrong.

But he'll be part of the story later on so might aswell establish him early so you can be like

"Oh ye that dude!"

Also spacefight next chapter?@?@[!?!)@

SoupHarbinger SoupHarbinger

Stone for chapter, blood for blood, ash for ash?

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