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Chapter 81: COG: 18: For all Mankind

It took a bit to get the truck running again but it somehow is still chugging along, everyone sits in silence as the engine rumbles lightly, empty seats line the inside troop carrier. Only a few managed to make it out of their first battle..

2 grunts and 1 sniper is the remnants of Ephyras relief force, not much of a force anymore, more akin to yet another group to be sent into the locust meat grinder, pretty much food for their guns.



Hounded, their dogged resistance will not stand against my horde, though my children only managed in eliminating some of the gears, the mutant was gravely injured and will not be able to help in the upcoming battle wich is satisfactory enough for my general and will not interfere with his plans to end the humans once and for all.

My locust will take over the surface, use the human tech and end the lambent, we shall burn their history to ash so only we remain, this world shall be reset and peace will last for generations, long beyond my age and more. All shall be laid on the foundation of the bones of humans who have sought to annihilate this planet for their lust of power and control.



Ephyra. Jesus finally some safety for now.

The crumbling golden gates pass my view and soon the dust and debris of the city takes hold, fogging the windows a light ashy grey.

"Dizzy, HQ."


He turns the wheel sharply to the left avoiding many shanties and homeless lying about with nowhere to go in a vain similar to Sisyphus. Rolling a stone for all time, only to be knocked down. People in this world strive for peace but are built for war and crave it internally.

The engine huffs as it turns off, grinding slowly to a rusty painful stop.

"Were here."

I step out and take my helmet off, a breath of fresh air enters my nostrils and cools my face lightly.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna go chat with Prescott."

Barrick nods solemnly as he places his gun down.

I enter though the main door, 2 onyx guard the inside with loaded Lancers, their fingers occasionally phantom touching the trigger.

Seems everyone's on edge, with the locust coming any second I dont blame them.

I take the first flight of stairs to the right and enter a quaint elevator that is on its last legs, the inside red walls and wooden floors have begun peeling and show signs of misuse and neglect.

The cables whir in despair as the lift carries on to Prescotts office.


With a large thud the cables set into brackets and the door slowly slides open and in front of me sits a narrow hallway that leads to a gold inlayed oak door waxed sublimely with an ethereal shine.

My hand turns the doorknob and it clicks satisfyingly.

"Hello who- you have um, returned."

Prescott stares at me, dropping the pen in his hand.

"Thanks for trying to get rid of me asshole."

"YOU DARE speak to your superior in such a fashion?"

"Uh dude were in an apocalyptic event here your authority means fucks all to me, as far as I'm concerned the gears trust me more than you, especially after sending droves of soldiers on suicide missions to thin the herd and tie up loose ends."

"Son, I will have you killed. The dead should stay dead."

"Fuck you Prescott, you know I'm your best shot so dont even dream of pulling anything stupid."

"So you are holding me captive, figuratively. Bastard, you should have stayed dead, when this war is over, I am coming for you."

"Hey Prescott."

"I think a locust sniper killed you."

"What the hell are you-"


The boltok in my hand flares up, the cylinder revolves as Prescott falls backwards out of his chair, blood spurting from his chest.

"That's for kidnapping Adam Fenix, for trying to kill Sam and everyone else, that's for sending innocent women to an island to be used as breeding cows, that was for dropping the hammer on innocent people you fickle piece of shit."

I holster the pistol and approach the grand window behind his chair, I clench my fist and bust the window. Tensing my legs, I jump down and land in an alleyway with a thud.

Well that loose end has been tied.

I should probably lay low, the higher ups are gonna be looking for me because I was the last person seen going into his office, and I had many reasons to kill him so they will know I was the perpetrator.

With that piece of shit dead the cog will get a better leader, I dont know who but anybody would be better than that backstabbing genocidal maniac.

Where to now? Hmm..

I think hiding in the shadows works for a bit.

Ah shit the bear, better go check on it.




Where'd it go? How the hell does a big ass bear just dissapear.


Ok then

[Quest Loading...]

Oh right I actually came here for a purpose..

[Objective: Defeat Myrrah / stop humanities collapse]

[Reward: Rare Skill]

Ok then, I was kind of already planning on that.

[Side Quest: Prevent Ephyras fall]

[Reward: Skill merge]

Skill merge? That sounds important..


Uh what was that?

Ink overtakes the sky in am instant, smokestacks appear over the horizon and gunfire screams throughout the city.

Time to kill these fucking grubs once and for all, well until the swarm show up but that's for a different day the lambent will have to be eliminated by Adam Fenix first before the swarm can awaken.


[Omni pov]

A cold cell clamors as explosions ring out around it, a man sits in a grayish tank top staring silently at the door.


Dom opens the door, he is in full commando gear, he grips a large rucksack.

"Prescotts been killed, its time to get our of here"

"Prescott's dead? He got what he deserved."

Marcus stands up, Dom throws the bag to his feet aswell as tipping a hammerburst onto the wall.

An explosion sounds just down the hall.


"Marcus come om grubs are coming!"

After a few moments of dishevehled shuffling he fits the armor on and the pair rush through the prison block.

Locust pile drive through the doors and into the courtyard where a fire fight ensues among them and other armed prisoners of war.


Marcus chucks a grenade and a boomer looks at it blankly before it gets turned into red paint.

More drones pour through the blasted our gates only to meet the guard towers troika fire, shredding them in an instant.




Myrrah where are you?

You can't hide forever you bug riding bitch I'm going to find you and kill you.

I take out my voulge and cover it in Qi, no more playing I'm ending this now.

An armored kantus drops from above with a group of therons.


The kantus screeches and the winding of torque bows echoes down the hollow street.

I roll to cover, the plunks of their bows sound off and explosve bolts land where I was standing.

My boltok rolls out of my holster and into my right hand, the polearm disappears into my inventory and I pop my head up quickly and take aim at a theron, I pull the trigger and it falls to the floor, bleeding all over the nice sidewalk.


The kantus orders the 2 remaining theron sentinels to charge me, unfortunate for them.

I re arm myself with the large polearm and leap over the abandoned car, I swipe down and smash a theron over the head ending their life instantly, I turn to the other one and stick the spear head through his neck, it gurgles at me in hatred for a second before falling down into a face full of it's own blood.

The armored kantus stands silently holding a big ass cleaver in its hands.

It licks its tongue around and spins the sword as if it weighs nothing.

"Hey chuckle nuts."

A small purple sphere appears in my hand.

"Die bitch."

It glows into a mass of electricity, I throw it against the disgruntled war priest who looks at it confused.


Only ashes remain of the kantus when the plasma grenade blows up.

"Rest in shit dirtbag."

I kick the remaining ashes and continue making my way into the suburbs of the city


Wow what a nice and totally not telling everyone to give up speech.

Thanks Anya, dont die on us.

This will all be over soon so everyone just needs to hold on.


"You've arrived, with the true reinforcements."

Grey emerges from a street corner covered in blood.

"King, rebels, with us."

He stands aside and the pounding of feet march behind him, from the shadows of the inked sky an army of figures stand.

"Good job Grey, the war ends with this."

From the darkness an army grows, 100s of savage locust, armed with anything they could get their hands on. Drones, grenadiers, diggers and more.

A savage kantus heads the group, the once elustrious bronze pointed helmet broken, and a cloth covering the lower half of its face, the kantuses robes replaced by scrapped together cog and uir armors.

"The queen abandoned us, your people abandoned you, it is time for things to be set right."

The kantus bows as its low droning voice approaches my ears.

"Today it ends, and with it peace."

"RAHHHHHH!!" x a shit ton of locust.

The walls of the buildings lining the street shake as the rabble let's out a guttural warcry.




Gears of war arc is ending soon! Big things will be happening in warframe for our main character. Also who watched tennocon? Crazy stuff happening in warframe!

Chapterly Song suggestion: Crushed - Parkway Drive

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