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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Quirk Awakening

It has been a few months since I turned 4, and it is 1 month until Mina turns 4. Our parents are hoping that I awaken a quirk, to the point of looking visibly worried the more time that passes without me awakening it. I however, was not worried a bit. I assume that getting a custom quirk, and a powerful one at that, will take some time.

I have been able to do minor telekinesis, gravity manipulation, telepathy, and I noticed an increase in strength. My limits of the telekinesis is about the size and weight of an average book. The limit of what I've been able to manipulate gravity is my own body. With the telepathy, I can only hear the surface thoughts of the people in a 5 foot radius of himself. My strength is about the average 10 year old.

3rd person POV


In a daycare, with lots of colors around the room, sat Azreal coloring on a paper in a book he brought from home. It seemed like he was doing what a regular kid would do, and was coloring inside a coloring book. Of course it wasn't the truth. In reality, Azreal was trying to write a song he was working on in his previous life, but never was able to finish it. Azreal trying to concentrate solely on his song writing didn't notice a voice behind him.


Not hearing the person, they start to get irritated. Tapping on Azreal's shoulder, to get his attention, They start speaking again.

"Hey, whatcha doin'?"

Azreal finally noticed them, due to the tapping on his shoulder. He turned around to see a little girl that looked to be around his age. She had dark black hair, forest green eyes, and pale white skin. She was wearing a green colored dress with a lighter green to accent it.

Hearing what she said, he had a brief flashback of his last life. The flashback was from an old cartoon he used to watch that had a girl who always said that. Thankfully, with the sage force, it only took a second making it seem like nothing happened on the outside.

"Sorry, I didn't hear what you said. Do you mind repeating what you said?" Azreal had to ask. He couldn't do a give me a moment, and has a short flashback to remember what was just said. Azreal hopes to be able to do it by the time he gets to U.A.

"I said, Whatcha Doin'?"She replied visibly annoyed.

"I'm just drawing in my coloring book."

"Give it to me!"


"Because I want to see it!"

"No, it's mine!" 'She is an extremely spoiled child.' Azreal decided.

Still wanting the book, she reached for it. Azreal kept it out of her reach, though.

"What's going on over here?" A stern voice sounded from beside them. Turning around they saw the assistant teacher standing over them.

"He's not sharing the book, and being a meanie."

"But I-" Azreal responded before getting interrupted by the teacher.

"No, Azreal, you need to learn to share the toys. Now apologize to Iana."

"..." Seeing how easy Iana got her way left him shocked.

"Azreal?" The teacher questioned.

Deciding that he won't win he relented. "I'm sorry Iana."

Hearing his defeat, Iana smiles and quickly reaches for the book. Due to Azreal being distracted by the teacher, she was able to take it.

Smiling to herself, she starts to run off, laughing. The teacher stares at Iana, discovering that she was played.

If she opens it, then it'll be very obvious, that Azreal is not a regular baby. The main problem with people thinking that he isn't normal is them believing that being smarter than others is his quirk. It will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble when he awakens his real quirk.

Reaching out wanting to get his book back, but she was just slightly out of reach. Taking a step forward, he reached for it again. This time, though, when he did, Iana dropped the book. Grabbing the book from the floor, before she can take it again, the book almost seemed to go instinctively towards him. It was closer to Azreal than it was to Iana, when he grabbed it.

'Hmm, if this is what I think it is, then I need to do some tests.'

Due to the ruckus Iana caused when trying to get the book, the other teacher noticed. "What happened over here, Ms. Zias?"

"Well..." The assistant teacher, named Ms. Zias, said.

"Ms. Zias, please tell me that you didn't judge the situation on your bias, again..."


"*Sigh* Just tell me what happened." The main teacher told Ms. Zias, while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Ok. When I came over I saw Azreal here, keeping little Iana from a book. So, I intervened. I asked what happened, and Iana told me that Azreal was refusing to share a book we have, and that he was being mean to her. So, I started-" Ms. Zias was able to say before getting cut off.

"Wait, you listened to Iana only? What about Azreal?"

"I assumed he was in the wrong."

"You need to listen to others perspectives. Sometimes the boy isn't in the wrong."


"No buts. I understand that 'He' was in the wrong, but you can't take it up with every boy, especially kids who don't even know the difference between genders, besides cooties. I'll finish up here for you, but could you keep an eye on the kids at the bathrooms?"

What they didn't know was that Azreal understood their whole conversation. 'Wow, I just thought she was one of those annoying teachers, that treats certain kids unfairly... There is no telling who a person is without getting to know them.'

Ms. Zias starts to walk to the kids who went to the bathroom, but was still able to hear the other teacher say, "I don't blame you Mia, remember that." Ms. Zias turned her head to see her teaching partner, to nod in understanding.

Azreal let out a small smile, thankfully unnoticed by the others, 'I forgive you, Ms. Zias. I won't hold a grudge on you.'

After the main teacher gave a warning to Iana to not try to steal other people's things. Azreal was able to continue to write in his book. Thankfully, there were some black pages, that he could write in clearly.

Mina came over a bit later. They were close enough in age, that they were able to be in the same class.

"Hey, Az!"

"Hey." He answered. Az is a nickname she gave Azreal when they were little because she couldn't say Azreal properly, and it just continued. Their parents think it is cute, and Azreal doesn't mind. It became her own little name for him. To be honest, he is just glad that she hasn't decided to use Azzy, that will be a big hit to the pride he has as a man.

"So," She started hearing a pause. "What are you doing?"

"I'm writing a bit of a small story."

"What is it about?"

"Well, I'm not really sure yet. I'm seeing where it takes me."

"Oh, ok. Let me know when you finish it."

"I will, Mina." What Azreal is writing is more along the lines of a song than a real story, but he is trying to write it as a song containing a story in it. If he told her he was writing a song, then she will go trying to brag about me doing it, but he would rather it be a secret.

"It is almost snack time, want to come with me to get some? I heard they are giving out brownies today!"

Letting out a chuckle, he replied, "Yeah, I heard that, too. Let's go." After hearing him, she took his arm and takes off to the snack section.

Azreal POV


It has been about a month since that event, and there has been some discoveries. Mainly based on my quirk. It seems that when I reached for my book, I was summoning it. Well, I was in the process of summoning it. At first, I thought that I'll only be able to summon books of magic, but now, I believe I could summon any book. I'll still need to do more experimenting, but I plan on showing my parents and Mina when they come back from a celebrating day for her since it is her birthday. They let me with a babysitter to celebrate with her, I think they are hoping for her to show her quirk, while out. I mean, they hope she has more than just her mutant quirk. They did the same thing with me during my birth month, but they didn't do it for any of my others.

Right now, I am reading some of my dad's cooking books. I am hoping to find a great chocolate cake for Mina's birthday. She is obsessed with chocolate. I believe she is going to have a chocolate stash in her bag when we go to U.A. Back to the book, though. I have found a few, but there is only one that we have all the ingredients for. Thankfully, the cake that I believe Mina would like the best is the same one that we have the ingredients for.

Just then, I hear the door start to open. Coming out of the kitchen, I see Mina with a smile covering her face. She runs up to me, completely oblivious to the tired expressions of our parents that I was able to see. I can't really blame them, though. Mina is a handful, and them trying to see if she will awaken her quirk is pretty normal for parents after quirks started appearing. They just want to see the best for their children.

"Hey, Az!" She says to me when she gets right in front of me.

"Hey Mina, I was looking at some books, and I think I found a chocolate cake be can make for you."

"Really? How much chocolate does it have?"

"Well, let's just say even chocolate pudding is an ingredient..."


"Ok, ok. Let me show you the recipe first, though." After I said that, I reached towards the kitchen, and the cook book that had the recipe in it came rocketing into my hand. Opening it up to the page I bookmarked, I held it up for her to see, but she had wide eyes staring at the book in my hand before letting out a sequel, that can give anyone a headache.

"You awaken your quirk!" My mom and Mina said like I didn't even say anything about an awesome chocolate cake.

"Yep, I thought it would be a cool surprise for Mina's birthday." I said popping the 'p'. "Now, are we going to make a cake?"

"CAKE!" Mina yelled to the people across the continent.

It was safe to say, that the cake had to much chocolate for my taste, but not for Mina. I mean, adding extra chocolate to an already abundant chocolate recipe is a lot of chocolate.

The next day, we went to register my quirk. I was a bit nervous, but I have been able to increase the range of my sage force. With the increased range, I have been able to have very good information access. I am also able to implement suggestions into other people's minds. Unfortunately, it is only a slight suggestion, and people can resist it if they either have a strong mind or don't have any real desire to complete the task. I plan on using this on the doctors, who examine my quirk, so my quirk doesn't seem to strong nor to weak and lacking potential.

Arriving at the hospital for the registration, my parents look a little nervous, and keep telling me that no matter what the doctors say, I will be their little hero. I know due to hearing their surface thoughts, that they are nervous about my reaction to my quirk designation. They don't want to crush their child's dream of becoming a hero, like most parents.

Giving them a smile, we went inside.

The resignations was more of a headache than anything else. I had to use gravity manipulation of the Strength force, so that they don't find out that I weigh as much as a 12 year old. That would be embarrassing if they thought my quirk was to weigh more than normal, then I would forget about the ease of going to U.A. just based on embarrassment.

When they finish the medical side of the examination, we went to a room that looks like it was specially made for kids who could not control their quirks.

"So, do you mind showing what your quirk is?" One of the doctors that followed my family into the room. He looked like he was in charge due the other 2 following his lead.

"Ok, Azreal, show them." My father said.

I raise up my hand, and a book comes flying out of mom's bag that she brought. It was the same book that I was writing the song in. The doctors only show a little surprise, reading their minds, I find it to be because they have seen many kids display their quirks. There was even a very disturbing one, where a boy could grow any of his part of his body, and when he came in, a bobble headed disproportionate kid freaked them out.

"So, it seems like you have a form of summoning for your quirk."

"What objects have you been able to summon using the quirk?"

"What quirks do you two, the parents, have?"

They all started talking after seeing me summon the book. They were obviously happy to see a quirk that isn't rambunctious.

"Well..." My mom started, before whispering to the head examiner.

"Oh, I understand. You know that you'll have to tell him, hopefully before he becomes 8. Around that time, schools start to learn about quirks, and inheriting them." The head doctor told her quietly, but I was still able to hear. I was able to guess that she was telling him that I am adopted.

After telling the other two, the one to the right of the main examiner poorly whispered, "Do you know what his birth parents' quirks were?"

"No, we don't even know his real birthday. All we know is that his real name is Azreal Yongheng."

"Ok, Kubo, you go check on the name." After the head examiner said this, the one to his left left.

"So, what has he been able to summon so far?"

"He has been able to summon only books so far."

"Well, then I am going to classify his quirk as summoning with a limit to books. Hmm, the name could be something library..." the main examiner trailed off in thought.

"Oh, could my quirk be called something cool, like Magician's Library?" I quickly asked him.

"I don't know, we'll see."

Long story short, I was able to get my quirk called Magician's Library, but the examiners want to keep track of my quirk progress until I'm 10.

It has been a while since I checked my missions, though.

'Mission Board'

[Optional missions:

-Become a famous music producer

Reward: unknown book knowledge

-Become a famous scientist

Reward: unknown book knowledge

-Know true death

Reward: unknown book knowledge

-Know true life

Reward: unknown book knowledge

-Find the connection of the 2 worlds

Reward: the secret behind All for One's quirk

Mandatory missions:

-Defeat All for One

Reward: safe travel to MCU]

'Seems like nothing has changed. Wait, what does that mean?'

Dragon_Princ3 Dragon_Princ3

Sorry for not updating in a while. I wasn't going to try to force it, and give a bad chapter.

I already have a plan for both of the worlds, mha & mcu, but I will take suggestions, after all my plans may not be the best.

Vote or something if you like this so far.

Have any suggestions for me to get better at writing, then please comment.

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