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Chapter 7: Unforeseen Battle - part 1

Ever since I've met Aizawa sensei, he has never acted as serious as he was now.

He wore his goggles and prepared to battle.

Meanwhile, down at the central plaza, villains started pouring out of the black warp gate of Kurogiri.

'Is that really you Shirakumo?' I thought to myself. "Sensei! That's what I think it is? A warping quirk?"

"I'm afraid so." He answered back.

A few of my classmates that weren't panicking, understood immediately what that implied.

It's a trap!

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead. Perplexing." Stated Kurogiri out loud while two nomus made pass his portal and stood by, waiting for Shigaraki's command. "According to the schedule retrieved from U.A, All Might should be here as well."

'Two nomus?! It appears my interference is already causing rippling effects through the plot.' I smiled enthusiastically. 'Good, I was fearing that things would get too boring down the line.'

"So you scum bags used the press as a cover and sneak in the campus." Aizawa deduced after the villains almost explained to him.

"Where is he? I've gone through the trouble and brought so many friends who were eager to meet him. They want All Might, the great symbol of peace." Handy guy began ranting before opening his arms in a confident manner. "I can't believe he is here... maybe if I kill a few kids he will come out to play."

At the open threat to his students, Aizawa's binding cloths expanded as if to warn he won't allow it.

Today, my class will learn what the real pro-heroes are up against.

The risks they face to keep society safe.

Looking at these villains, I wonder, which one of the fodder might have useful quirks for me.

I smirked just imagining finding a hidden gem, perhaps a diamond in the rough.

Shame that most of them are mutant types.

As the hordes of criminals began marching towards us, some of the students voiced their confusion.

"What? Real villains?! No way!..." Kirishima went on.

"Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Asked Momo.

"Question... I'm not sure." The other teacher said, to the surprise of some of the class.

"Obviously they had made sure to sabotage this facility's defenses... and it seems they've gone through the trouble of messing with our communication as well." I said as while gesturing with my enlarged communication device.

"Is the campus being as well? Or is this their only target?" Todoroki brought up. "Either way, one of these villains might have a quirk that is masking their presence here."

"Indeed, this isolated quarter is the consummate place to commence their assail! And the aspect that they were anticipating our arrival means that they thought this out... just like you said Monoma." This time it was Reiko who spoke up, with her emotionless tone and verbose vocabulary.

She looked at me with her usual deadpan expression, possibly waiting for me to nod.

And so I did. 'Geez, this girl has Yui's enthusiasm and Ibara's sway with words.'

"Thirteen, get them out of here." Aizawa ordered as he stepped forwards. "And alert the main campus."

"Sensei, it's not wise to fight all of them all by yourself, your fighting style isn't suited for this kind of situation. Please, grant me permission to aid you." I said respectfully, obviously gaining the attention from my class.

"Out of question! Besides, I wouldn't be a pro if I had only one trick." He turned his head while speaking to me.

"But sir, these villains appear to be confident to take down All Might! I'm not underestimating your capabilities... I'm only being rational sensei." I said and noticed he got annoyed because I quoted him... again. 'I got you!'

"Okay smart ass, but you are only to support me. Take unnecessary risks and you will spend the entire year suspended." He said and turned to everyone else. "The rest of you, go now!"

"No fucking way that I will run away while this thief stays and fight!" Shouted Bakugou.

"Explosion boy is right! I can fight too!" Shihai shouted as well.

"I said now!" Aizawa sent death glares to them and Thirteen took her cue and started to run while grabbing the two loud boys.

"Everyone, form the groups I detailed to you in case of emergencies and stay safe!" I said remembering them that I was still the class representative.

"Understood Monoma! Go and show them what it means to mess with U.A students!" Shouted Inasa.

'Wait, when did you become a fanboy?' I questioned mentally.

"Are you coming or not smart ass?" Said Aizawa.

"I'm ready, sensei!" I said boosting my body with One for All.

I jumped down the stairs to face the villains, and it was at that moment that I noticed something interesting.

Aizawa isn't immune to fall damage.

Instead of jumping like a crazy ninja, he made his way running down the stairs.

I would say that I was disappointed, if not for the clear precision and speed that he was running through multiple steps without tripping.

But alas, his quirk doesn't boost his body like mine does, as a result I reached the central plaza's floor much earlier than him.

"Shooting squad, take your aim!" Ordered a low level villain with gun barrels at his fingertips.

The wannabe Medusa and Roadhog followed his command and prepared to shoot me.

I just recollect the feeling of dissonant radio waves shooting out of my eye sockets.

My vision suffered a slight change as everything became a little more red, but anyone that I set my sight had their quirks nullified.

Also, my hair stood up as if I was going Super Saiyan.


"Argh! My quirk!" The leader of the small group complained, and so did the others.

In the blink of an eye, I knocked them both with precise punches.

I've gained much used with OFA, and with some of All Might's instincts, I was basically unstoppable.

"I ordered you to not take unnecessary risks, am I supposed to send you back?" Aizawa lectured me while we stood back to back among the massive group of villains. "And how did you..."

"Idiots! That's Eraserhead, a pro! He can cancel your quirks just by looking at you!" A surprisingly intelligent villain points out to everyone.

"But who's that brat? He is fast! Is he a hero as well?" Asked another.

"I don't care! He is dead meat!" Villain number 3 point out. "Cancelation? Bet you can't erase the quirk from a mutant like me!" The massive four armed villain charged, making the ground shake with each step.

Poor bastard, he must've thought he had a chance.

Before he tried to punch us, I one shot him with a mighty flick of my fingers.

"That's why I am here!" I said to make my display of power even more effective to their morale.



"Our intel didn't warn us about this kid!" The criminals shouted in surprise.

"Impressive!" Complimented Aizawa. "Think you can keep up?" He asked with a smirk.

"I will try, sensei." I replied with a smile, I generated a minuscule golden version of his goggles and immediately enlarged it. "If you need anything, I'm here for you!" I winked at him before wearing the goggles.

"In your dreams, smart ass!" He said before effortlessly dodging an attack coming from behind him.

"Which one of you gutter punks is next?" He asked the group of villains.

"What twist! I wasn't expecting that sensei's precaution would be necessary." Said Shigaraki, with a hand muffling his voice.

While I began trashing the tank villains, Aizawa went to get rid of the more agile ones.

Honestly, I feel like I can take care of everything here, but the two standing nomus are beginning to worry me.

'What if they know about me?'

'Could they have other Nomus in stand by?'

I began to enlarge my glue grenades I had stored in my pockets and made sure that anyone I knocked out wouldn't go anywhere before the pros arrived.

From time to time, I managed to take a good look at Aizawa's moves and immediately put them to practice.

I was already fast and strong, have memorized the moves of the best athletes in the world, and some instincts have been transferred to me from All Might.

And yet, I was learning a lot from my classroom teacher.

'Definitely not a small feat Aizawa sensei.' I concluded in my mind. 'Shame I still don't know the composition of your biding clothes.'

"Sensei! The warp gate villain has disappeared!" I warned him, knowing full well that he had also noticed it.

"Can you check the class? Argh-" He said before dodging an attack and taking advantage of his momentum, he spun to the other side and kicked his assailant while restraining two others with his binds. "I will hold things here."

"Understood, use this if things get complicated!" I said before handing some of my stun and glue grenades.

Aizawa just nodded and I left the central plaza with a single punch, with Inasa's quirk I managed to push some of the some of the groups of villains away.

Hopefully I can come back before Aizawa gets trashed by those Nomus.

Seeing my powerful leap and my last stunt against his league, Shigaraki narrows his eyes. 'A damn cheater?!'


Landing at the end of the stairs I met Thirteen and Tenya, who clearly were surprised at my arrival.

"Monoma?" Iida said. "What about Aizawa sensei?"

"I ordered me to help you guys, the warping villain disappeared and he was worried about you guys." I said before faking some surprise. "Wait, where are the rest of the class?"

Iida tensed immediately, but before he could answer Thirteen spoke up. "That villain has taken them! It's just as you said, he warped them to somewhere else."

"I see." I said. "Let's take him down and interrogate him."

"Wait, he's—" Thirteen tried to say something, but this time, Kurogiri decided to interrupt.

"You know, talking about someone like that while they're this close is certainly rude. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our goal has temporarily changed. No one is to escape until All Might arrives."

"Silence despicable villain, I'm here to guarantee that everything is alright." I provoked him. "I'm giving you one chance to surrender, otherwise don't blame me for being impolite."

Kurogiri falls for my trap and says. "Tch. Petulant child, I'm sure that getting rid of the second coming of All Might will fit perfectly for our pl-"

But he didn't finish his evil monologue.

In a split second I cross the distance between us and grab him by his metallic neck gear.

"I've warned you!" I tell him in a cold tone.

An instant later, he's encased under a thick cage of ice.

"Wha...How did you?" The shadowy villain mutters, already feeling the unpleasant effects of being instantly frozen.

"Listen well, if you stay frozen your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia."

Kurogiri, Tenya and Thirteen's eyes widen in disbelief.

But before anyone said anything. "Luckily for you, I'm a hero! So I would like to avoid any type of cruelty." Raising my right freezing hand, I continue with an innocent smile. "So please, don't give up on my dreams and answer me three questions."

Kurogiri attempted to move, but I stopped him. "I'm erasing your quirk, please don't waste both of our time."

My popsicle prisoner sighed in defeat. "Alright, what do you want to know?"

Smiling, I asked. "Where are my classmates?"

"Scattered across the USJ."

"Who is behind this attack?" I question again.

"The league of villains." He answered.

'You smart bastard.' I thought. 'It doesn't matter, I already know about All for One.'

"Last question please, my limbs are beginning to become numb." He said.

"What makes the league think they have what it takes to kill the symbol of peace?"

Kurogiri cursed my cunningness in his mind, but remembering his own words he decided to finish this. "Two of our members have power rivaling his."

Iida and Thirteen gasp at the last information.

"Now, would you mind?" The villain's implication was obvious.

"A pleasure doing business with you." I winked.

Using my other hand, the case of ice melted easily.

"Much better." Shadow thug says.

"Isn't it?" I laughed, before...


"What are you doing?" Kurogiri demands.

"Relax, it's just glue. Please stay put." I request politely.

Turning towards the exit I flick my fingers and blast off the doors.

"Thirteen, stay here and make sure this troublesome gentleman won't go anywhere until help arrives." I said to her, completely forgetting that she was a teacher.

To my credit she didn't seem to remember as well.

"Iida." I turned to him.

"You want me to go seek help? Aren't you faster than me?" He said without shame of admitting.

I shake my head in negativity. "Actually, I will send you even faster. My help is still required here." I point my hand to my side and out of nowhere, a black portal manifests. "I've copied the villain's quirk, through this you will be there much much quicker."

"Amazing!" Iida and Thirteen said.

'Im-Impossible!' Kurogiri thought. 'Just like...'

"Go now, I'm getting worried about the others." I rushed him.

"Right!" He ran towards my gate.

After he left, I closed it.

"Thirteen, don't lower your guard." I said while patting her in the back and jumped away.


First stop, Ruined Zone.

Originally, it was here where Bakugou and Kirishima friendship would begin to blossom.

But I've decided to test something out.

Landing in the roof of a ruined building, I noticed the result of my test pretty quickly.

There they were...

Inasa, Kirishima and Mezu working together to defeat the mob of villains.

They were oozing so much testosterone and manliness that it almost brought a tear to my eyes.


Give me a rest, I'm not as sensitive as Kirishima regarding this stuff.

But I respect it.

"Hey guys, nice work!" I said and announced my presence.

Well, at least for Kirishima and Inasa, Mezu had already seen me.

"Monoma! You here? What happened?" Kirishima questioned while displaying his sharp teeth.

"I've already dealt with the villain that sent you here! Please, go back to the main campus and alarm the teachers about what is happening!"

"Cool! You are fucking awesome Monoma!" Cheered Inasa.

I smiled at his antics. 'What a genuine guy.'

"That's reassuring, but how do you expect that we—" Mezu began speaking but stopped mid sentence as I've summoned my own gate, just like I did to Iida.

"I see, almost forgot you could copy quirks! That's really fortunate to us." Smiled Kirishima.

I waited until they left and I closed my gate, and with Reiko's quirk pushed someone hiding.

'Man, that's cool! It's like I'm using the force.' I thought.

"Please, don't hurt me!" Said someone.

'Found you invisible chameleon!' I smirked.

He gulped at my expression, but I just released him and glued him to the ground with my special grenade.

As a matter of fact, with my super speed, I instantly trapped everyone of the defeated villains and took off to another zone.


I set course to land next at the Landslide Zone.

"Damn half-and-half! Go ahead and waste your time interrogating these losers. I will get my revenge against that warping bastard." Yelled an angry Bakugou as he turned his back to his classmates.

"C'mon guys! Neito told us to stay together!" Remembered the sweet Ochaco.

"Like hell I would follow that thief's orders!" He replied back.

"Hmm..." Grunted an annoyed Todoroki.


"Huh?" Said Uraraka. "Hey, Neito is here!"

"Hello everybody!" I said in a hurry. "I've already dealt with the villain that sent you here! Please, go back to the main campus and alarm the teachers about what is happening!"

"You what?!" Shouted Bakugou. "Daaaamn iiiit!"

"That's a relief, but we are about to interrogate these villains." Todoroki said calmly while I made my way towards the frozen criminals.

I quickly freed them from ice and trapped them in my glue grenades. "It won't be necessary, I already know what their plan is. Made the warp guy spill the beans. Funny, I used your ice as well."

Todoroki only grunted and narrowed his eyes, probably understanding I was his strongest rival.

'Took you long enough, mister genius.' I mentally remarked.

"Please, go now! You are the first I've met, I need you to inform the teachers." I lied using my best impersonation of the best actor I could find.

Ochaco happily followed my instructions, Todoroki dragged his feet a little while staring at me.

But of course, Bakugou wouldn't cooperate.

"Like hell I will flee!" He gritted his teeth.

Tired of him and with my time running out, I just threw him using Reiko's quirk.

Before he could return, I closed the gate and jumped elsewhere.


The remaining ones were much more quick to deal with.

In the Mountain Zone, I found: Kyoka, Momo and Yui just after they finished with their last target.

You know, from what I noticed, Yui was becoming an excellent support.

I sent the girls back to headquarters, and dealt with the defeated enemies.

The one responsible for jamming the communications was dumb enough to try and ambush me.

Poor fool.

Next was the Conflagration Zone.

Itsuka, Reiko and Yotestsu had also made fine work of their share.

Before I sent them away, I noticed that Kendo was acting a little weird with me.

Hopefully I haven't scared her.


Just because she helped make me the butt of the joke in cannon, I hold no grudges against her.

Okay, perhaps one day I might knock her out just because I'm petty.

Anyways, following that, I landed in the Flood Zone.

To my surprise, this was the first group that didn't stay together.

Tsuyu and Ibara were a great match for this part of the facility.

But not finding Toru with them, made me fear for the worse.

'What if she had drowned?' I gritted my teeth but ignored it for now.

As I was saying, the duo of frog and vines was very effective here.

But they still haven't figured out a way of finishing all of the swimming villains.

After calming them and informing of my progress, I suggest a slightly derivative plan from the canon.

With Ibara being capable of growing larger pieces of vines and detaching them without major drawbacks to her health, our plan was to do just what Izuku originally did.

Ibara's vines alongside a different variation of my grenades were everything we needed to trap all the criminals together after I flicked the water surface.

After sending both girls away, I didn't waste my chance and copied that "Waterbender's quirk".

Hoping that Toru was safe, I jumped towards my penultimate stop, the Downpour Zone.

Here I found Kinoko, Fumikage and Shihai...

But no invisible girl.


From my time airborne, I saw that my time was up.

Instead of joining the three of them in their guerrilla tactics, I went super sonic and finished all of the villains in this sector.

Fumikage respected my power.

Kinoko gushed about how she liked my "Dark Side" or whatever she meant by that.

And Shihai... well, he was a mixture between Bakugou and Todoroki.

'Gotta keep an eye on him.'

Sending them away, and trusting that Toru knew how to safely hide, I jumped to rescue Aizawa.


'Stupid Downpour Zone's ceiling! Forgot you were here!' I grumbled after head butting through the dome responsible for the artificial rain.


At the central plaza, Aizawa was giving everything he had to fight the villains.

With his right elbow destroyed, and his eyes inflicting so much pain because of his constant usage during prolonged periods of time, he was only standing because of his force of will.

"That annoying quirk of yours isn't suited for drawn-out fights against big groups is it? Don't you think that you are a little out of your element here Eraserhead? You are much better at working stealthily, you are known for surprise attacks, not fighting head to head."

Aizawa was panting while not daring to lower his guard against the surrounding mob.

"But despite knowing that, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight. To protect your students." Shigaraki continued talking. "And where might be that powerful sidekick of yours? Perhaps he fled, or perhaps he just died... Hahaha."

While paying attention to the monologuing villain, Aizawa almost reacted too late, but managed to dodge the other villain's attack and knocked out three more foes.

He turned to face Shigaraki again.

"Hey, look at you, you are still standing! You really are so cool!" Mister Handy taunted him with open arms. "Oh, by the way, hero..." Aizawa suddenly noticed giant black monsters standing close behind him. "I'm not the final boss."

Both of the massive villains raised their hand and made a move to attack, they were so fast that Aizawa wasn't capable of reacting, especially in his current condition.

But before the creatures' attacks connected, someone stepped in between to save the day.



*Apologies for my long absence. College is really taking a toll over my free time, and some minor health issues made things even harder for me. But rest assured, I'm not dropping my stories.

Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

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