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Chapter 2: Laboratory 8

I gorged on the creature beneath me and a few minutes into my feast it began to weaken. I dragged it out from its prison and continued my dinner until I was satisfied.

My thirst and hunger had been thoroughly quenched.

Coming down from my feeding frenzy, I sat beside the body. Logic had finally come back to me instead of that irresistible thirst. Looking at the body I felt a pang of regret. Not for the fact that I had ended its life as it would have probably done the same to me, but that it couldn't give me any answers now.

With everything around me destroyed, it was unlikely I would be able to find anything relevant to my situation. I had a feeling that what I had done wasn't normal but I didn't have the luxury for sentiments or regrets. I checked the body for anything valuable. Unfortunately, the only thing on him was an onyx bracelet.

I slipped it on my right wrist before I grabbed my bag and trudged up the stairs. I got to the top of the stairs and saw a reception area. Beyond the large desk, there was a set of double doors. There was also a sign that pointed to a side door that said employee parking. I made a beeline for the door and peeked outside.

There were trucks, cars, buses, and a host of other vehicles in neat rows. The one that caught my eye was a rover like vehicle. It had a long body and a mounted speeder on the back. I had spotted a few other vehicles that could move faster than the truck as they would float over the ground but I was more interested in space. This way I could get two vehicles for the price of one.

The truck was parked in a space marked security, so its keys were probably back in the armory. I placed my bag next to the vehicle and made my way back inside. I bypassed leftovers and walked into the armory. I picked up a flashlight and shined it around until I saw a lockbox near the entrance.

I pried it open with my knife and found the keys for the marked space. I ran back into the lobby, only to find a massive spider standing in the room taking bites out of my former bloody and burnt meal.

I slipped my hands into my pockets and slipped my hands into the knuckles. I slowly made my way around to the back of the arachnid towards the steps. When I made it to the first step, I heard a low growl from across the room. The growl in the hallway came from the opposite side, that leads to the W series labs. The large spider clicked its fangs and turned to the dark hallway where the sound came from, only to meet a few pairs of bright yellow orbs that peered from the darkness.

The spider let out an eerie shrill screech. A few moments later skittering noises could be heard from a large hallway marked for the labs marked for the A series labs. I watched as large bipedal wolves charged the spider that had bitten into my leftovers while spiders in varying sizes started to stream out of the opposing hallway. In the darkness, beyond the spiders, I could see a few sets of glowing sickly green eyes. Whatever was back there, watched as the two forces dove into the fray.

All hell broke loose in the admin center as the wolves tore the spiders into pieces. As interesting as it was to watch this epic battle, I knew if I stayed I would probably wind up being a snack for either of these forces. I snuck up the stairs as quietly as I could. Unfortunately, a large spider noticed my exit and lunged towards me.

A large wolf came out of nowhere and tackled the eight legged freak. While it battled for dominance, another spider charged at its back. I pulled out my knives and threw them at my target. Both knives struck the eyes of the new enemy, it screeched and fell to the ground trying to remove the new body piercings I had gifted it.

The wolf ended its prey and looked up at me with shining golden eyes, it nodded at me before it turned and jumped back into the battle. Not overthinking it, I turned away and ran up the remaining stairs, out to the parking lot. I unlocked the rover and threw my bag into the passenger sea and quickly sat in the driver seat as the console came to life. In the center was a triangle below the word, "Start" I palmed the screen and the vehicle hummed to life.

"Destination?" a cool and calm woman's voice was heard, then a small map showed my current location. We were in the middle of nowhere with only three cities that were quite a distance away. One to the north, another to the south, and another to the west. I chose north as it wasn't the farthest or the closest. The vehicle moved on its own to the road, once we got onto the highway, the vehicle sped up.

Just as we passed the front of the building, the wolves came out of the building's entrance and started running south, while the spiders didn't seem intent on following, though they did spread out of the building and started to take positions as if to defend their new home.

As the rover drove to our destination, I checked its fuel and was surprised to see that instead of gasoline, it was purely electric. It had 12 full energy cells so I wouldn't need to top it off for some time.

Sitting back in my seat, I watched as the sun began to set over a distant mountain range. As the sunlight touched my face, I felt like a weight was pressing down on me and my hands shook slightly.My heart ached slightly until the sun disappeared over the mountains and darkness engulfed the car on the deserted road.

"What the hell was that!" I whispered to myself. This entire day was like stepping out of one nightmare to another.

First, I woke up surrounded by needles and corpses, I fed on some….person, and almost got caught in between the battle of wolves and spiders! "What the hell is this madness that I woke up to?

I took a deep breath and brainstorm on what I knew. It seems I was experimented on, along with tons of other people. If my designated number was anything to go by, I had no family, as much as it hurt to think about it, I wouldn't have been there if I did. I drank blood and it was delicious. The fact that it didn't creep me out as much as it should, said a lot about my personality.

I am not a fan of spiders. I didn't know how long it would be until I became hungry again and that could be a problem. Looking into the mirror, I wondered what a bloodling was. I initiated the autopilot and got up from my seat to check out the rest of the rover.

Plenty of weapons were stored on a rack on the left with spare uniforms in the cupboards beneath it, there was another cupboard stuffed with strange looking sticks wrapped in plastic. On the plastic read the instructions: Nutrient Ration; break off a cube, add water, eat. There were several bottles of water to go with the rations, I opened one up and placed it on the countertop.

I cracked open a water bottle and poured a small amount on the cube and watched as it melted, fizzled, and rose until it turned into a tiny ball of steaming bread. Picking it up I played with it briefly, the hot little bundle was adorable and fun to make. I took a bite and spit it out. I could tell it would have been fine if I didn't want to suck dry anything with a heartbeat.

A thought crossed my mind as I spotted quite a bit of blood on my coat that hadn't clotted yet, I used a bit of water on a rag to get the blood off my coat and face. I squeezed out the rag into an empty bottle until I had a small pool of bloody water. Using another cube I watched as the tiny puffball of bread sizzled into existence, unlike the white puffball from my first try this one was red and smelled like honey.

I took a bite and the texture plus the explosion of flavor made me moan, it only took me a few moments of scarfing to completely devour the small morsel.

I had enough watered-down blood for another one and this time I snacked on it while I looked around the other cupboards. I found a sleeping bag and some survival gear like a tent though I wouldn't be using it.

I looked at the console which had us arriving in four hours. We were moving at 170 miles per hour, a little slow compared to speeders but I would be able to rest until we arrived at Northblade city. I laid out the sleeping bag and used the tent as a headrest, munching on the little red puffball, I relaxed until I slowly fell asleep.

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