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Chapter 57: CH 57: Nova

Dr. Strange, Clea, and Thor asked Jason a few more questions about his pantheon before they felt satisfied. They tried to ask the others more about their pantheon but they did not receive any answers from the other 3 since Jason telepathically for them to blow his cover and say anything by mistake.

'I always forget that I can use this. Or that you guys can go invisible to anyone who can't sense magic. Need to remember that for the future.'

Jason turned to Fury who had also let down his guard slightly. But when Fury saw the look on Jason's face, he knew something was off.

"Now that that has been handled, I believe you were going to tell me exactly what you know about who did this, Fury."

Iron Man was the one to step out and answer instead of Fury.

"Look, kid. I like you. You got spunk. But you need to leave this to us. We will make sure to give you an answer. This is our job."

Captain America followed that up with,

"Iron Man is right. Just let us handle it. I can promise you that we will bring in whoever did this."

Jason had a small smile on his face when he heard that. Emma tried to tug on Jason's arm but he just turned around and gave her a reassuring smile.

"It seems you both are mistaken about something so let me correct that. I am no child who is ignorant of the ways of the world. Do not try and pacify me with these false promises when you have fulfilled none of the ones you have made to mutants in the past."

Jason turned away from the two heroes and looked back at Fury. He purposely let them stall for time since more heroes and organizations who were there to help had landed on the heli-carrier and they would be able to hear what he said.

"So you have a choice, Fury. Either tell us or we go through with our own investigation as the remaining leaders of the nation of Genosha. And the first act I will do as one of the leaders is declaring war on Latveria."

Fury looked shocked when he heard that. While Doom was an asshole, his nation produced a large amount of oil and exported many pieces of technology around the world. A war would harm many foreign interests but before he could interrupt, Jason continued.

"And you can't blame me for thinking it was them. Their leader and ours have had differences and even battled in the past few months, Doom has the intelligence to create such advanced and self-replicating and improving sentinels such as these, and they have the funds for such things.

It makes perfect sense that they are responsible. So unless you have anything to turn us away from looking toward them, we will have no choice but to pay Latveria a visit. As a government, we should properly ask them.

But even not as a government and as gods, if someone harms our people, why shouldn't we smite them?"

A threat. A clear and blatant threat. But there was nothing the others could do. Jason had the moral high ground while there was nothing they could truly do. While Thor may be able to stop one of them, an entire pantheon with a righteous reason to take action was almost impossible to hold back.

So Fury made the decision that seemed like it would be for the best of everyone.

"Her name is Cassandra Nova. She has some relations to Charles Xavier but we are not sure what. We only know because she purposely said it on the recording when she entered the facility to take the wild sentinels.

Wild sentinels are beings that would constantly grow. They would start off with their original bodies before slowly upgrading themselves with any machines or metal they came across to constantly evolve.

The wild sentinel program was an old program the US government was planning to use in case the mutant situation got out of control. We had a base set up in Ecuador. It was supposed to be shut down due to the hard to control nature of those sentinels but apparently, someone kept working on it.

There were only two that were made, and those were the large ones that were unleashed on Genosha. She apparently uploaded Master Mold code into them which is why they produced their army.

That's all we know. I can't tell you where she currently is or where she had gone. So are we good?"

Jason nodded while thinking to himself, 'He most likely told the truth. He would not want to have at least 5 beings on Thor's level be unleashed onto the world for no reason. Now we just have to find that woman.'

"Give me a copy of the recordings and we are good... for now. But if I find out that anyone else backed Nova or was involved, they will feel the full wrath of gods. We are prepared to show the world what true Avengers look like if we need to."

Fury nodded. Soon SHIELD took off along with all the other parties while Jason and the others remained. Jason had Achilles bring Emma to New York since he wanted to be alone with his plans.

Jason pulled out two cards that were gold with red highlights. These were the Caster and Alter Ego cards.

'Anastasia probably ascended since she experienced something similar. As for why Okita did, that is anyone's guess. But with both of them ascended, that leaves only 3 cards left.'

Jason had big plans for the future and he needed all his Servants to be at their best for them. But his first job: Hunt down Cassandra Nova!

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