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85.45% The Dead God's Path / Chapter 47: Dreadnoughts

Chapter 47: Dreadnoughts

Heading back to the blue hall I take my first trip through the portal. On the way I see Iza sitting on a stone bench that is comically small compared to him.

I smirk seeing his closed eyes holding his two machetes in front of himself in a defensive position. "Iza," His eyes snap open at me as I say his name.

"Come." I gesture him to follow. As he stands I touch his arm and blink the two of us to the upper staircase. I walk ahead into the blue hall looking at the portal at the wall across from the way from my study.

I stand in the middle of the room as I turn to face the stairs. I raise a hand to the side and use the magic I learned from Thrall. I call upon the elements of earth to raise the ground in front of me.

A spike rises from the ground then forms into the shape of a large chair but still with a pointed back. "Sit, you will be the first Watcher. Anyone through this portal that isn't one of our undead or doesn't know the password, kill them."

Iza nods his big head as he sits in the chair I made for him. Just like before he sets his machetes on both sides of himself with his hands resting on them prepared for a fight at any time.

I smirk seeing he has become more respondent. "This is a gift." I gesture a hand to him causing death magic to flow into him. His glowing red eyes seem to ignite like a deep dark red flame leaving wisps in the air.

The skin on his long skull fades revealing a black skull beneath. The fleshy skin on his body seems to harden as small spikes protrude from his knuckles and shoulders. The hardening flesh turns from the grey flesh to a reddish black coat of seemingly metal. His ribs, spine, and collar bones seem to be on the outside of his skin and are pitch black like his skull.

'Have the lesser dead build a new wing off of the blue hall. That will be your exclusive wing.' I say through our collection to Tsar'Rin.

I nod as I can see the muscles in his arms tense with power. I turn as I acknowledge my good job and step through the portal. On the other side of the portal, I am met with a room full of necromancers, which is odd because I don't remember the Acherus having necromancers

They lower their heads to me as I walk to the teleportation platform on the other side of the large room. Stepping onto the platform I shift to the lower deck where I Darion straight down the hall from the platform.

He looks surprised as he sees me walking his way down the hall. He lowers his head as I get near.

"Where are the other Lords?" I ask not all that curious.

"They are all training like mad since the matches… You have gotten taller my Overlord." He says looking up at me.

"I made a breakthrough in power. The Lich King is but a child to me now. It's good they are training, I intend for them to become God's eventually." I say casually sitting at the biggest chair on the table.

Darion's eyes widen as he still stands across from me "You intend for us to become Gods?"

"How else would you be able to defend this world properly? Mortals are not enough." I say playing with some pyromancy flames in my hand.

"I… never thought of it like that. When are we leaving?" He asks finally sitting down.

I give him a smile "You are not coming with us to Silvermoon. You and the other lords will go to Strathholme to make sure everything is fine with the capture. Then you will join us. The two hands are coming with us though. Have they chosen their fingers?"

"Yes, they have both chosen five knights with races that match the alliance and horde to make sure there are no conflicted feelings. I think they are both aboard Nito's Sepulcrum."

I close my eyes and feel my connection to them. They are indeed where he says they are. Opening my eyes again I stand up.

"If that is the case we should begin to leave immediately. Keep me informed on the state of Stratholme. Don't help them fight, our favoritism to the horde can only be taken so far." Darion nods as I walk out of the room and teleport back to my study on my own since it's faster.

I also make sure to tell Prime to take us to Silvermoon. He'll figure it out. Once back in my study I begin to research portals since I'm already good enough to teleport myself and blink with others. The step between Blink and Teleport is small but here is a large gap between teleportation and creating portals.

Only two days into our travel, still a day and a half out from Silvermoon I received a message. 'We have a situation, my Lord.' Darion's voice rings in my head waking me from my seemingly futile attempt at gathering new mana.

'And what is that?' I ask back as I open my eyes and stand up.

'Some of the scourge necromancers wish to join us and I don't know what to do about them.' He says probably still standing in front of them.

I sigh as I walk out to the blue hall patting Iza's shoulder as I walk past into the portal. Stepping into the large room still full of necromancers. Walking past them onto the balcony I look down and see a sprawling plague-filled city below me. I close my eyes and feel where Darion is.

Once I find him near a large Ziggurat near the edge of town I gather arcane energy at my hands and teleport there. In front of Darion is nearly a hundred necromancers in black and grey robes kneeling down.

Next to Darion, Siro and Siouxie are standing with crossed arms talking. Once I appear however their heads lower. "My Lord," the three say in unison.

I wave off their formalities "What exactly is going on?" I ask gesturing at the kneeling crowd.

Darion sighs "They wish for you to make them undead so they can serve."

"Huh…" I walk up to the closest one "With your evil methods, with all the terror you have caused. Why should I let you serve me?"

He looks up at me with corrupted white eyes "We are willing to give anything for the glory of undead."

They all lower their head in unison "PRAISE THE DEAD GOD." The crowd says in unison as iff practiced a hundred times.

I turn to the three lords "You didn't teach them that right?"

They shake their heads as I turn back to the crowd. "I will allow you to serve me… but I will take EVERYTHING in exchange.."

They look confused as I hold out my arms and miasma sweeps over the entire outcropping of the city. They look confused as miasma is infused into their bodies seeping through the pores of their skin turning it dark grey.

Some begin to scream in pain as their powers of death are pushed past their limits. Their heads fling back as the miasma seeps into their mouths, eyes, and eyes. Turing their eyes a glossy onyx color.

They gag and roll around breaking their neat kneeling lines. I see Siouxsie clapping out of the corner of my eye with a mad grin while Darion looks bored and Siro stares seriously. They all eventually stop moving as they fall over dead.

The miasma fades as they slowly begin to twitch again standing up with their now miasma-infused bodies. They look like mindless dolls as they stare ahead in neat lines like a trained army.

Darion walks in front of them and waves a hand in front of its face looking for a reaction "You destroyed their consciousness…" He says with a bit of surprise.

I give him a smile, "I gave them what they wanted. Their bodies will remain undead for as long as I wish. But their true souls have already been sent into the cycle of death."

I tap a finger on my chin as I begin to think "What should I name this new type of undead?" I think aloud.

"What do they do?" Siro asks staring one dead into its black eyes.

"They do nothing too special, but I raised them using my own divinity meaning they can use my pestilence. The unique trait is that they can be ripped limb from limb, devoured, anything really. And you only need to give them some death magic for them to assemble." I walk up to one and tear its head off with my bare hands.

"See?" I say holding the still-alive head to Siro.

Siro nods as Darion chimes in "What about Dreadnoughts?"

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