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Chapter 2: one-

Dear Eliza,

If you didn't know, my father is very close to the minister of magic and has a few tickets to go to the quidditch world cup. The Zabini's will be meeting us up later that evening as well as the Greengrass but IBulgariadering if you would like to go. Owl me as soon as you can so I can pick you up that day.

Draco L. Malfoy,

Dear Draco,

I miss you too. I would want to come. You can meet me in my front yard, ### ######, manchester, England.


Eliza Stone :)


"Bloody hell," Eliza muttered under her yawn as she turned her body to the other side, with her back facing the annoying alarm clock.




"Shut up!" She yelled, swerving her hand against the alarm clock, hitting it off the old bedside table, onto the hard wooden floor.

The noise of batteries scattered around the room. Eliza gets out of bed and get the batteries under the bedside table.

"Eliza! Your friend is coming in an hour!" Said her Aunt Melania as Eliza quickly jumps up, hitting her head.

She left the batteries as headed towards her closet. She picked out a red top with shorts, since she's rooting for Bulgaria. She then grabs her choker and a pair of white sneakers.

"I'm almost done!" She yelled as she ran into the bathroom trying to straighten her hair as fast as she can.

Noticing it not working, she pulls her hair into a high ponytail. She turns the sink knob on, rather aggressively, and brushes her teeth as she ran back into her room, where the full-length mirror was checking if she looked at least kinda presentable for the Malfoys. Of course, She noticed that the shorts were her aunt's old ones, so there were a few sizes bigger.

"Elizabeth!" Her Uncle James yelled.

Without the time, she grabbed her black belt and was trying to put it on running down the stairs

"What, uh- an admirable home you have," Said a man with long platinum hair, having a strict voice.

The Malfoys have arrived.

"Why thank you!" Aunt Melania, she gushed, not hearing the sarcasm and unenthusiastic in his voice'

Eliza walked down the final steps seeing the full view in the living room. Draco was wearing a black cloak as well as his father. 'Father like son huh'

"Hello there, Mr.Malfoy" She nodded as she shook her hands with him.

She's been to the Malfoy's but Draco's father wasn't around when she was there.

"Good Morning, you must be the Slytherin girl Draco's been talking about," He said as Eliza stood there a little shocked.

Yeah, they were close but she didn't realize how close they were. She met Draco on the train ride to Hogwarts in her first year. That was when she met her best friends, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, and Pansy Parkinson.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you," She acknowledged and headed towards the guest room, giving Draco a look, meaning for him to come and follow her.

His eyes widened as he walked in. The guest room hasn't been used in a while, but it was the closest room and felt a little less disrespectful than to head back int her room.

"What's that?"

"A TV," She said, forgetting that Draco didn't own any muggle things.

"...It's a device where you can watch stuff you bloody idiot" she said.

Even though her uncle was a wizard, like her Father, her muggle aunt still had regular things.

"Ahh," Draco nodded and he sat down on the bed.

"Is that your luggage?" He asked, trying at least start a small conversation.

"Oh, yes," Eliza said. "This is weird…" She said catching on.

"It really is, you excited for the quidditch world cup?"

"Definitely!" Eliza was gonna explain why she was wanting Bulgaria to win, but couldn't until she was cut off Lucius telling them it was time to leave.

"Be good Elizabeth"

"Clean up after yourself"

"Have manners"

"I will, I will Geez," she said partly embarrassed


I'd been to the Malfoy Manor once before, when my aunt and uncle had been on a business trip, but its dark beauty still amazed me. It was cloudy, but the turrets and balconies still shone as if the sun was out.

"Are you going to come in?" A voice from ahead asked and I looked to see that Draco and Lucius were already at the doors as I'd been admiring their house. I blushed and jogged there, my suitcase rolling along the pavement. Lucius knocked, and immediately the doors were opened by what must've been house-elves, they had lots of them. Draco settled down on a sofa as I continued to take in the inside, then I heard the cluttering of footsteps and a posh voice calling for me.

Narcissa Malfoy was rushing towards me with outstretched arms. I let a house-elf take my luggage and met her with a hug as she pulled me in. I could faintly smell roses, the same scent of the perfume I'd gotten her last Christmas. She was the mother I'd never had, and I hoped she viewed me as at least a niece figure.

A coughing noise came from behind us and we turned to see Draco standing there, hands in his pockets. He rolled his eyes at us, and muttered "girls", but I could see a faint grin, Narcissa squeezed my hand and walked away into another room, so it was just me and him, and an elf dusting the fireplace.

"Your bags are in the guest room," He said and motioned for me to follow him up the grand staircase. There was a turn in the hallway, and he showed me to the guest's suite, where I would have my own room, bathroom, and a lounge room. Before I could thank him, he had already slipped away, leaving me to unpack. Draco could be odd like that sometimes.

I finished putting my clothes away, what I had packed for a few days trip had managed to fit into one drawer, and looked at myself in the mirror. As I stared at my reflection, a bell went off from somewhere, which I remembered signaled supper. I tucked a few stray strands of hair back into place, straightened my choker, and headed downstairs.

Like many things in the mansion, the food looked immaculate. There was pork, vegetables in some shiny sauce, mashed potatoes, and assortments of cheese on platters. It could in no way compare to the feasts at Hogwarts, but since it was summer, it was the best meal I'd seen in a while. Aunt Melania and Uncle James hardly made this much of an effort. Lucius sat down at the head of the table, and we all started to eat.

As I piled my plate with the potatoes, I could see Lucius staring at me. "So, Elizabeth, I'd hope you are on Bulgaria's side."

I started to say yes, but then remembered I had food in my mouth and nodded.

"Good. I would never dream of anybody against them entering this house."

It sounded like what could've been his attempt at a joke, but he said it so fiercely I knew it couldn't be. I guess the Malfoys had competitiveness in them, which reminded me,

"Draco, do you think we could play quidditch? After supper?"

The boy across from me gave me a curious look, then nodded. I smiled. Quidditch wasn't really my thing, too much fighting and I found it hard to keep up with, but I knew he already had supplies for practice and his backyard was more than big enough. We'd be going to a professional game tomorrow, and I wanted to know more about it.

After supper, the elves took our plates and I followed him outside. The backyard wasn't much of a yard, more like a large elegant garden, with bushes and topiaries and exotic flowers all around. Something landed on my foot and I looked up to see Draco throwing a broom and a wooden chest to me.

"You know what the balls are, right?"

I nodded. "But how do we play with only two people?"

He shrugged. "You asked to play, you can figure it out."

I put a leg over the broom and held onto it as I started to glide up. I'd occasionally wobble, but soon I was as high as Draco was and seems pretty steady. Then, he whistled, signaling the start.

The hoops were already placed on opposite ends and the snitch and the other ball that I couldn't place the name of were released, the bats and whatever you hit them with stayed on the ground. The big ball flew into the air as the snitch disappeared, and we both headed opposite ends.

Draco caught the ball first. My broom seemed to head in his direction before I even realized he had, and suddenly we were side to side. He turned right into me, and then I slipped to the side.

I screamed and held onto the broom with whatever I could as I felt his hand pull me back to safety. Without looking at him, I slowly floated back to the ground and hopped off my broom.

A golden fleck was buzzing around near a close bush, and I quietly walked over then clasped my hand around it. At least I'd done something right. I returned to put it in the box and rolled my eyes at Draco, who was leisurely laying on his floating broom. It was impressive, but not with his cocky attitude.

"Glad we figured out that Quidditch isn't for you before the World Cup."

"Shut up, Draco," I mumbled and watched the last bit of sun disappear over a bush.

"It's getting late, I'm going inside," I told him, I didn't think he heard but I didn't care too much.

I was in a room I didn't recognize. It definitely wasn't any in the Manor, it wasn't nearly nice enough. It couldn't be my house either, so where was I?

I was about to call out when I heard the sound of a young child crying. Despite the oddity of the situation, I raced into the next room. It was a quaint little kitchen, with peeling yellow paint on the walls and a rusted clock on the wall that said it was 3 in the afternoon. It couldn't be.

Then I noticed the two bodies on the floor.

Next to them was a small pigtailed girl clutching a stuffed cow. It seemed familiar, but I focused on the dead people, probably her parents, on the floor rather than how I remembered an animal plush. There wasn't any blood on them, and when I crouched down to look at them the crying girl didn't even object. Come to think of it, she hadn't even acknowledged me. I turned to her and studied her face. Her eyebrows were scrunched up in fear and sadness, and her hazel eyes welled up in tears. One by one, strands of hair fell into her face, her tears turning them into a dark shade of brown. No denying it, her parents were dead, and she knew it.

Just like mine.

I swallowed the forming lump in my throat and managed a smile at her. She didn't even look my way. Odd. I waved my hand in her face and she didn't even flinch. The girl didn't even know I was there. So I went back to looking at the parents.

The man, closest to us, had long hair that covered his face, the same shade as hers. His mouth was settled in a straight line, with no emotion at all. Same for the woman next to him. Like they didn't even show any emotion when they died. Just as I was about to continue looking around, something drew me back to the man. I tucked his hair behind his ears and then gasped. A horrible emptiness seemed to take over my stomach. I'd seen this man before, this woman, the doll, and even the girl.

I was looking at my parent's corpses.

I woke up drenched in sweat and clutching the covers of the bed, which were beginning to soak by a combination of said sweat and the tears that were now coming down my face. My body was shaking. I couldn't stay in here any longer, I grabbed a blanket and left the room. Then, I set the blanket on the floor and prepared to sleep there. Just as I was settling in, I heard a whisper.

"Eliza? What the hell are you doing on the floor?"

I sat up. "I… couldn't sleep." The end came out in a sob, and I closed my eyes and hoped Draco hadn't heard it. Of course, he did.

He crouched down and fumbled for my hand. "You can sleep in my room, come on."

The blush creeping up my face made me glad it was so dark. He took my hand and navigated the way to his room and flicked on the light. It was…. Nice, if you had a ton of school spirit, or rather, house spirit.

Tapestries covered a wall from top to bottom, mainly of Slytherin, the Malfoy family crest, and Durmstrangs crest. The next wall was filled with what I assumed were autographs and a photo of what could only be the Slytherin quidditch team. He turned the light back off as I settled down on the floor again.

"Eliza, where are you?"

I layed down. "On the floor", I mumbled as I pulled the fuzzy blanket over my head.

"Merlin, Eliza you can sleep in my bed," He said with a tone that made it obvious he was rolling his eyes. The blush crept to my neck, making it feel pleasantly warm.


I could hear him sigh. "It's big enough for the both of us to never even touch."

Sure beat the floor. I, once again, grabbed the blanket and stumbled my way through the dark until I crashed into a piece of wood and fell onto the soft surface of his bed. Then something hit me in the nose and I cried out.

"Draco you kicked me!"

"Yeah yeah, just get in the bed."

I pulled myself on, leaving my beloved blanket on the floor. Draco's foot was back where I had been, and I rolled to the other side, catching myself just before I fell. Then, I started grabbing the assortment of pillows at the end of his bed and got to work.

"Eliza, what're you doing now," He scoffed.

I finished, placing the final pillow. "I made a pillow divider, to, you know, separate us."

He laughed. "You're so extra."

I shrugged, knocking a pillow astray. "I can never fully trust you, Malfoy."

Then came the awkward silence.

Draco cleared his throat. "So why couldn't you fall asleep? Was it just a ploy to be in bed with me?"

I grabbed a pillow from the top of the pile and smacked it down where he was. "In your dreams,"

"How'd you know?"

My hands went back to my sides, and I sighed. "I actually had just had a nightmare, about my parents." As soon as I finished I brought my hands to my face in embarrassment. Why did I tell him? He'd probably make fun of me, tease me for having a dream, and-

He managed to find my hand from underneath the pillows and gave it a gentle squeeze. And he didn't say anything else once we fell asleep.

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