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Chapter 2: Prologue

Deep in the cold winter mountains of Russia, a base hidden under wind and snow. Scientist and soldiers can be seen walking about and doing God knows what. This is one of the secret bases of Hydra, where they conduct their experiments for the super soldier serum. Inside the base a large room full of glass tubes holding children and teens of various ages can be seen.

Some of these experiments look like they came straight out of a horror movie with their grotesque appearances, even with their initial success with the winter soldier they couldn't prefect the process and could be said that they got lucky with 'Bucky' rather than a scientific success.

The leading scientist within this base is one Dr. Wilhelm Almund. A man who was shunned by the scientific community for his rather dark experiments on orphans in studying how to implant genes from animals and gain their abilities into humans. After his disgrace he was approached and recruited by Hydra to continue his reasearch and possibly find a solution to their dilema on the serum.

Now he is currently watching one of the glass containers, where a boy no older than 15 can be seen inside with a breathing apparatus and various tubes and other devices to monitor his health and mental status. So far this boy was the only success among 300.

He was injected with an experimental serum that unlike the normal super soldier serum was made to gradually increase all his physical capabilites instead of the massive increase like Captain America. This was done because it was deemed the increase was too much for the human body to endure.

The serum was tested on 300 orphans and children kidnapped from around the world from which only the boy showed any kind of positive reaction whereas 140 died after the injection and 50 became the deformed monstrosities in the other tubes and 9 simply became catatonic and thus put in stasis for later examination.

Dr. Wilhelm is currently watching the boy now termed subject SS-B52 undergo the procedure to implant the specific trait of the Peregrine Falcon, specifically its eyesight said to be one of if not the sharpest in the animal kingdom. The doctor believes that with the healing factor granted by the serum subject SS-B52 would be able to endure the process of implantation and thus his observant gaze as the process is being carried out.

Dr. Wilhelm "How is the infusion going?"

Scientist 1,"Everything is going smoothly sir, there is no sign of rejection or adverse effects and the infusion is at 55% and rising."

Scientist 2,"Heart rate and pulse are steady sir".

Dr.Wilhelm,"Good, i want no mistakes or you'll find yourself in one of those tubes", he said coldly.

The scientist shuddered and quickly went to their own positions and carefully checked everything to make sure there were no mistakes. They knew Wilhelm was a psychopath and would follow his threat through.

Dr.Wilhelm,"Soon, soon my greatest creation will be complete" he said looking at the boy inside the tube with a crazed gleam in his eyes.

"When the time comes I will show them how wrong they were! I WILL SHOW THEM WHO IS INSANE AND WHO'S THE GENIUS!", He shouted as the crazy in him began to act out. He remembered the council that put him down, how they ridiculed him, how they ostracized him and sullied him name. 'They Will Pay!',he thought to himself.

"Begin the final process", he said to the scientist and got a nod in response.

Scientist 1,"Final infusion process of subject SS-B52 with serum 43d in process.....10%...20%.....30%.....40%".

Scientist 2,"Subjects heart rate increased to 62bpm and counting...65bpm and counting".

Scientist 1,"Infusion at 90%....92%....95%".

'Beep beep beep', suddenly there was an alarm going off.

Scientist 2,"Heart rate climbing to 120bpm and still rising, sir at this rate the heart can't take the pressure"

Wilhelm,"Continue!! No interruptions, the healing factor should be enough to finish the process, i am so close to greatness! NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME!", he roared and they could only comply.

Scientist 1,"Infusion at 99%....100% the eyes should be undergoing the necessary evolution right now".

Scientist 2,"Heart rate at 180bpm and still rising, the brain waves show erratic behaviour, subject seems to be in great pain".

Wilhelm, "Greatness requires sacrifice, what's a little pain compared to it, it will be a success".

Scientist 2,"Heart rates at 260bpm and still rising sir and the brain waves indicate mental collapse at any moment!", he said, distressed about the situation.


Beep....beep.....beep.....Bbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppp....". Total silence ensued, no one dared to breath loudly as the heart monitor showed no more activity.

But then after a few more minutes of continued silence,"beep...beep.....beep...beep....beep"

Scientist 2,"Heart rate stabilised at 50bpm and brain activity returned to normal...subject is alive?", he said incredulously. Everyone was amazed as shown on their faces.

Dr.Wilhelm was laughing in your typical crazy scientist laugh,"Muahahahahaha...its alive! Its Alive!!".

While the scientist were busy celebrating and talking, they didn't realise the spike in activity of the brain waves. Something was happening to the subject.

1st Person POV

'Ughhh....what a headache! Why do i feel so weak right now, can't even open my eyes. What the hell was i doing, my head's all foggy, did i get drunk again? after being sober for 2 years? am i that stupid? ugghhh!!! this headache is killing me!.....wait what!?', and just like that memories came rushing in but not what he expected no; this was memories of a 15 year old boy, an orphan living in the streets of a rundown town and was caught stealing and then was hold in lockup until men in black suits came and told him they were gonna give him food and a place to live so he followed them. Only, that was the start of his torture where he was subjected to hours and hours of experiments to various parts of his body. He shuddered just thinking about the pain and despair.

After the experiments he was thrown into a large room with other children of various ages and slept in bunk beds, they were fed then the torture continued. He didn't know how long he was here but after what he thought was eternity they took the kids 5 at a time and they never came back. He was sacred because he didn't want to die, so too were the other kids but they couldn't do anything and so time went on.

Now it was his turn and he dreaded every moment of it, strapped in a metallic stretcher with large steel plate rings holding him tight, they inserted various needles and devices to his body and then came the pain, he felt like he was being burned by a fire inside out and then blacked out. When he woke up the man with that crazy eyes told him that he was chosen for something and then told the soldiers guarding him to train him.

And so more time went by where he would run in a treadmill or swam in a cold tank with an oxygen mask on, but at least they didn't hurt him anymore and what amazed him was that all the scars he had after those tortures were gone and he felt stronger everytime he ran or swam. And then they took him to a room where the man with the crazy eyes told him that he was part of something that would change the world but he didn't really understand and he obidiently lay on the operation table and then he blacked out.....

That was the end of the memories, '....what the hell!? i am a 28 year old office worker so where the hell are these memory coming from??', he was puzzled and frankly scared out of his wits. 'Okay, calm down, just gotta open my eyes and see for myself, this is just a bad dream', he told himself.

And so he slowly opened his eyes and immediately the light almost made him blinded and quickly shut his eyes again, after sometime he tried again and this time his eyes slowly adapted to the light and saw a blurry image. Slowly the image became clearer and he could finally make out his surroundings, he was inside a glass tube filled with somesort of translucent green liquid, outside he could see a man nearby talking to and giving orders to the other people he could see. From the memories he quickly recognised the man as the guy with the 'crazy eyes'. 'So, it isn't dream and i'm really a child experiment huh and why the hell am i so calm about it!', while he was thinking to himself he suddenly felt a warm pressure from his chest that quickly went through his whole body and before he could think further he heard a beautiful voice say,{Don't resist} followed by an inhuman roar and the sound of broken glass and screaming.

As Wilhelm and the scientist wete about to finish their discussion's they heard a loud roar and glass breaking, before he could turn himself he was flung to the other side of the room and broke his neck on impact, the culprit was steaming with read lines that looked like lava was making vein like patterns across his body and his eyes were red and then continued to slaughter everyone inside the room as more and more soldiers came running.

'It felt like a first person 3d game as i watched my new body transform and kill so many people, but i still felt no extreme emotions, like their deaths didn't really matter but i guess its for the best in this situation and i can sort out my feelings later', as i was thinking this the same beautiful voice rang in my head,{It seems whoever sent us here also did something to you just like it did to us}. 'Umm, hi, uhh....could you please explain what's going on? I'm kinda lost right now.' After a few moments the beautiful voice answered,{I too do not know the exact circumstances of our predicament as i was simply guarding my realm and next thing i know i was here....along with the one who is currently controlling your body}.

'Huh so were kinda in the same boat huh, so, i'm guessing me not having a mental breakdown right now is because of whoever sent us to this place?', {Indeed that seems the most probable, as to why we are in your vexes me that i have no solution}, 'Okay...i haven't introduced myself, my name is Alex, Alexander Cunningham. And you guys are?', { name is Scatach Skadi guardian of the shadow realm, your other tenant seems to be a man of few words however i believe he was a demi god of the greeks, as i can clearly feel his divinity}.

Alex,'Shit! Did she just say Scatach? as in 'The Scatach' holy shit! wait that means, body those red veins, greek demi god.....heracles??, what the fuck!'.

While Alex was having his internal monologue, the now identified Heracles was on a rampage across the entire base and killing and destroying everything in his path.

Soldier 1,"Evacuate immediately, the base has been compromised and self destruct sequence has been initiated." /Boom/ /Crash/, sirens were blaring, there was screaming and explosions constantly rocked the base. After another large explosion Heracles controlled Alex had just destroyed a wall that showed the outside world, snow, he jumped out and then continued to jump towards the mountains as a giant explosion visible from miles away could be seen where the base was supposed to be.

The next day, soldiers could be seen making a perimeter and investigating the destroyed site of the base.

Agent 1,"Yes ma'am, not much could be identified but it seems the Russians had no clue about the base and are willing to co-operate and find whoever was able to build such a high tech base within the heart of their own country".

Director Carter,"....I see, make a thorough investigation and keep me updated, Carter out". Peggy Carter, Director of the newly formed SHIELD had a bad feeling about this case, the last time she had such a feeling was when Steve....sigh, holding back her tears she felt that something was amiss and she would be prepared.

Carter,"Although i may be wrong, theres nothing wrong about being over-prepared", she said looking at the picture of Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America. Now that even her closest friend Howard Stark and his wife died in a traffic accident last week leaving a griefing teenage Tony Stark alone.

"Seems times are changing and i'll need to look for someone to replace me soon",she said looking out of her office.

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