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42.85% Death call

Chapter 3: No other way

Adir looked at the over-affectionate gesture that goes on. To be honest, he didn't hate it when Killian hugs him, but he doesn't want to seem soft as everyone around him says.

He won't seem soft! Not anymore!

He won't forgive Killian that fast!

When his mind was set in that direction, he pulled Killian away from his chest and glared at him.


He said he will not be soft anymore, but tears in those blue pools always softened him. He sighed and stabilized Killian on the other side.

When Killian stopped crying, Adir turned to him to demand an explanation of that outburst. Killian fidgets and debated whether to say it or not.

"You are not the kind to be here at this time Kai! Just say what you have to say!" Adir said his eyes colder than they always were.

That gesture made Killian even sadder.

"Whatever I'm going to say, please don't hate me more!" Killian said still looking down, fidgeting.

Adir looked at his friend and sighed.

"If it is something I'm going to hate don't say it-"

"It's about your father!" Killian blurted. That got Adir's attention. He turned to the fidgeting friend and scrunched his eyebrows and then returned his poker face.

"You had another dream?" He said relaxing beside his friend. Killian hates this about him. The way he pretends to be calm in any situation really triggers him.

Killian looked at the wall in front of him and sighed.

"It's not a dre-"

"Yes, a vision! What did you see?" Adir asked still having a poker face. Killian debated whether to say or not.

But again, Adir hates him now because he didn't say about that 6 years ago. And he wonders how will he react when he gets that news.

"Navy blue suit! Black tie with white polka dots! Pushed back gel hair, and white office shoes! Oh, and black mustang Toyota!" Adir turned his attention to Killian when he described his father's appearance that he saw in his vision.

He shook his head.

"Black jeans and button-up maroon shirt today! And he bleached his hair black too! Went with blue Mercedes-Benz!" Killian listened to him and gave a sigh of relief.

Adir looked at him and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter! He wants me dead anyway! Stop crying!" Adir said and raised his hand towards crying Killian. He wiped a tear that escaped his blue eyes. Killian shuddered in the touch of Adir.

Adir came back in his sense and removed his hand from Killian's cheek.

"How is your girlfriend?" He asked to avert his mind from thinking about anything irrational. Killian sighed and stood up. Adir grabbed his hand.

"Stay! Please!" Killian looked down and exhaled slowly. He sat beside him and didn't release his hand.

Like how can you refuse that soft look in that bad boy? Everyone who knows their friendship knows how much inseparable they were when they were younger...

Until 6 years ago...

They grew up together. Did everything together and many people said they were soulmates. Like really, they are soulmates.

Killian looked at his friend who had the same expressionless face.

"You can explode on me you know! I won't judge!" Killian said rubbing Adir's knuckles in small circles. Adir turned and looked at his friend's blue eyes. He held his gaze until Killian looked away.

"You know what you did to me right? I'm sorry that I explode on you-"

"No, it was my fault! I knew exactly how you are-"

"Gay? How is me being gay has anything to do with what you did to me?" Adir asked while putting a genuinely confused look.

Killian looked up thoughtful and looked down shamefully. Adir seeing there is nothing more to say, he sighed and snatched his hand from Killian's grasp. Killian turned abruptly in shock.


"Don't change the subject! How is your girlfriend?" He asked again. Killian looked down still shameful.

"Mae is fine! She is more than fine! I don't know what I'm doing anymore.... I mean the day I saw in my vision is gone!" He said playing with his fingers.

"You don't know that! You saw my dad today but it wasn't today! What if something happens to Mae.... Later? Like what happened to my mother?" Adir said the last part in hushed tone. Killian looked up..


"I'm going to the next lesson! Let me not keep you!" Adir said stood up and went downstairs.

Killian ruffled his hair angrily and groaned loudly. He knew that topic would be brought up now that he talked about those visions that he gets and voices he occasionally hears.

What are you going to do?

That wretched voice came at him again. He hates it. Because last time he heard that voice, the vision he saw last happened.

His own brother raped Adir's mother!

Actually, everyone knew how his older brother, Neil was sex driven and had older women fetish. And then Adir's mother was a beautiful sight. No wonder where Adir got all beauty from.

Adir's family was pure Hebrew but just living in London. His mother was so beautiful and young. Adir said she was married to his father in young age. But his father was already married in his younger years too.

So, when she married him, there was another child in the family. But his mother loved that child as if her own until she got one herself.

That's when his father started to love Adir's mother more because she got him a son. Because a son is much privileged than daughters in their society. And his first child was a girl.

When they moved to London, Adir was too young to talk. So he practically lived there his whole life.

From their first word, first walking step, every first they did together. Adir and Killian. People said Adir would be a little problem because he was late to talk, walk and even crawl. Because he is older than Killian for four months.

But, I would say he was waiting for his friend and soulmate.

Like every parent would go nuts hearing their child's first word, but Adir's and Killian's first words were names of each other. Adir was a problematic child since young, so his father started to dislike him and compare him with Killian.

Adir didn't like it.

When they were 8 years old, Killian ran to Adir one morning and told him that he dreamt about the death of Mrs. Whiskers, Adir's beloved cat.

He told him he saw her strangled in the corner and had his favorite Japanese warrior doll cuddled by her side.

Adir brushed it off acting strong, while he was scared and didn't want Mrs. Whiskers to die. He watched her all day since it was weekend. He went to play outside and collected all his samurai dolls in the attic.

When he came in after dinner, he was hit with horror. There in the corner lied Mrs. Whiskers, strangled and had a ping pong ball printed in Samurai, cuddled by her side.

He let out a scared scream and his mother rushed in. She helped him out of the room and held him all night as he cried for his dead best friend.

Since that day, horrifying things were happening around Adir and Killian told him in advance. Adir didn't see Killian as freak or anything. But he would comfort him anytime Killian run to him crying because if a nightmare he had.

Actually, he felt so bad for Killian. Always seeing those horror scenes on your bed, that's so messed up. Like what did Killian did to the deities that they gave him that punishment.

He was a good supporting friend in that horrifying, mysterious phenomenon Killian was going through, until they were 12.

In their neighborhood, there was repeated rape reports and majority was for middle aged women. Police classified it as sexual assault since victims were all older than 18.

It remained as mystery as to why is that rapist targeting middle aged women? Both police and health care officials worked together to crack the case.

Until Killian saw his brother with pictures of all victims that were assaulted. He thought maybe his brother wanted to crack the case since he was detective himself, so he didn't put any more thoughts.

One day, he dreamt of Adir's sister being forced to do something that he didn't know but he knew it was painful. He wanted to tell Adir that his sister will go through something painful, but it was Adir's birthday that day.... So he didn't!

That night, Adir's sister, Alana.... She was found dead after being repeated raped. Because she was not over 18 yet. Adir asked Killian if he saw that and he told him that he did...

Adir brushed it off and pretended to understand. He asked him if he saw culprit face, and that's where Killian screwed it all!

He lied!

When he went home, he went directly to his brother's room. But it was locked that day! He searched for spare key and he found one. When he opened the door, he found something that made his jaw drop.

There was a bracelet that he made for four of them. Him, Adir, Jessi and Alana. What was it doing there? Because he didn't made one for him.

He looked at the wall and there was Alana's picture. But that day, next to Alana's picture was Adir's mother's picture.

He stumbled to run outside where he bumped into his brother Neil! Neil didn't say anything but pushed him out of the way and slammed the door on his face. Killian was petrified.

The culprit is really his brother!

He saw him in his vision but he didn't believe it. Like things he sees, always happens but may vary little details. Like samurai doll in Mrs. Whiskers death.

He went to his room afraid of sleeping. Until that day, no one knows that he sees those visions except Adir.

Actually, until this present day!

That night, he saw the scene that he was dreading to see. Adir's mother rape!

And yet again, he did not tell Adir!

Deep down in his heart, he didn't believe his brother was a culprit. He didn't believe that Adir's mother will go through that thing he saw.

Until it did!

At their own house! Found by Adir's father himself!

Adir asked the same thing... If he saw the scene before! And Killian agreed! That's when their friendship went into shambles.

His brother Neil was charged for break-in, sexual assault and murder! Life sentence!

Killian sighed and decided to go to the class. He was going down the stairs in gleeful motion. He halted when he saw someone in front of him.

It was Adir talking to someone. That someone was his own father, principal Zeth. He had brighter expression talking to Adir as he always does...

"Take him out and he will enjoy it! That boy likes going out more than eating I swear!" His father said and hit Adir on the shoulder playfully.

Adir was facing his father so he didn't see his expression. But he could only guess that he was smiling.

That brought a smile into Killian's lips.

Mr. Zeth is known as sunshine for that reason. He always makes people happy. He is not strict and he spoils his students rotten.

Adir said something to Mr Zeth but Killian didn't hear it. Mr Zeth's expression changed to a dark one and he looked up and met his son's eyes.

He held the gaze and then averted his eyes to Adir and had a questioning look.

"How did you know that?" He asked still confused. Adir still facing his back on Killian shrugged.

"I don't know! I just have this intuition! I had it since recently! Do you think it has anything to do with that session we had earlier?" Adir asked slowly.

Ah! Yes, Mr. Zeth is also a psychiatrist who is treating Adir since he was 12. Killian was confused but he didn't want to go say anything.

"I don't-"

"Hey, Sam!" Another voice said and all people there turned to look at the source of the voice. The person looked at the situation weirdly.

I mean how will you react when you see a principal talking friendly to a student who just dodged a lesson?

"Ferouz! What are you doing here?" Mr. Zeth said to Mr. Hayes who was swaying on his model like body towards the duo. Wearing navy blue suit, white office shoes, pushed back gel hair and a white polka dotted tie.

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