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Chapter 25: chapter 25

As I was walking through the streets I saw a demon who was walking towards me and he was about to pass by me, so I quickly covered my face in a proper way. I gave a sigh of relief because he passed by me without any doubt, my magical dust worked. For few hours we just searched here and there, we saw the security was so tight, everywhere there were demons. After a while I entered a place which was kinda outskirt from the main kingdom. I was mesmerized by the place's beauty. It had so many beautiful trees. There was a beautiful huge lake there too, I felt some sort of magic near it. It felt like the nature is singing to me. The breeze, the sweet chirping of the birds, the musty leaves on the ground. I feel so alive. No one was there. I walked a bit there then I saw a stone which was looking like a grave stone. I went near it, it was placed just right under a cherry blossom tree. I leveled down on my knees to see the stone clearly, I brushed off the leaves upon it and removed the dust from it. On the stone it was written "EMILY". What a pretty name. So this is a grave of someone. I wonder why a grave is here in such a lonely place. I stood up and with my magic made some white flowers appear and placed it on her grave. I prayed for her "hope your soul rest in peace" and then left the place. Soon I joined my gang at the place where we are living for now and already the night had fell. We all sat together on the floor and discussed whatever we saw today but not much information was gathered.  Alex started the conversation "the way the security has increased its not an easy thing to move around here and there on our will"

Jess said "its true plus the problem is how we go back to our world.... the portal is closed"

I said to them "guys the only answer for now is the castle..... there is alot of things which will lead us to alot of revelations and maybe back to our world as well.... my gut feeling is saying that"

steve said " but no way we can go there.... the demons will catch us"

jason "even if we pass through the guards there is no guarantee we won't be getting caught by the people inside the castle... they r really powerful"

andrew said "but we can't sit like this! we have to do something.... do we have any other choice rather than going to the castle?"

ray said "I agree with Andrew because see we can't stay hidden forever here.... and there is a chance we can get to know about our past as well and why so many things looks so familiar to us plus the fact why they are after us"

leo said "But still its too risky... we don't have any proper plan"

zen said "then let's make it.... we didn't got any much info or anything to get our answers or how to go back"

alina said " I don't know guys but I am not sure about this..."

derek said "as long as we have each other don't worry.... we'll make it work."

jason then said " then for 2 to 3 days lets explore the kingdom more and get as much as possible information about the castle like when it opens, when it has less guards, the shifts everything plus practice our powers to improve our skills and yes me ray and alex need proper hunting as well".

Ray and alex nodded.

derek then said "lets take rest for now.... lets prepare our beds ".  Me alina and steve with the help of our magic brought new leaves and made them into futons by putting layers upon layers. I said to everyone "You guys sleep... I'll take a walk because I don't feel like sleeping right now". They agreed with it. I went outside the house and walked a little away from the house but it was under invisibility barrier so it was safe. I gazed at the stars and the shiny crescent moon. I went out because I was feeling the anxiety while discussing about that castle, don't know why but I was feeling like that so I closed my eyes, gave a sigh and started hearing the soothing nature sounds.... soon I felt arms around my waist. I opened my eyes and said  with a soft voice "Leo.." . He then tightened his back hug on me and put his face on my shoulders and said "hmmm".  I asked him "did something happen?". Leo said to me "Nothing its just I felt like going to you". I said "hmmm". I understand his feelings right now we all are in such a situation what to do what not to do that we aren't even able to focus on each other. I hugged his arms and said "don't worry everything will be alright". He closed his eyes and  snuggled onto my neck area more and whispered right into my ears with his raspy tired voice "I hope so..... soon". We stayed like that for a while and then we held hands and went into the house. Everybody was already asleep because they all were tired. We both also went to sleep.

The next two days we got some information about the castle by asking here and there and by observing. The information we collected was that the guards shifts changes every 4 hours . So we have to sneak into the castle during the interchange period because at that time they would be busy interacting with each other. The king doesn't go out much so we have to be extra cautious. Plus nobody doesn't talk much about king Arthur and his family and majority of them ignored us even if we mentioned his name.... maybe its forbidden to talk... god knows. Two days passed and now is the final day after which we would again enter that castle. It was evening time. Jason ray and alex had went for hunting. Me and andrew were sitting on the grassy ground while taking some rest as we both have been searching ingredients for the magic potions for the whole day. Alina and steve are making the potions and others are helping them.

Andrew said to me "I remember how we both used to sit like this at the terrace whenever we got free from classes.... away from everyone..."

I said to him "Yeah it used to be our little secret hideout.... and later leo joined us there after you two stopped hating each other and no one even could catch us because there was always lock on the terrace doors so everybody used to think no one is there but we used to teleport to the terrace always"

andrew said to me "thanks for saving my life again"

I said to him "devil it was Nothing okay"

andrew said to me "trust me if you didn't had pulled me into the corner at the right moment that demon would have got suspicious and caught me and by now I would have been dead... its just the scenario different but u did save me twice"

I said to him "as along as I am alive Nothing will happen to you guys"

he said to me "I know I know that's my girl" and we both layed on the ground, he put his hand under my head and then to my shoulders and hugged me like that which made my hands touch his waist area and continued his saying "what would I have really down without you if I didn't met you that day".

That day in school I remember...


My teacher told me to find andrew as I was the head girl that year and he was missing for few periods. Me and andrew had same sections and in later years me andrew and leo were in the same section. I searched for him everywhere but didn't found him anywhere, finally I thought of searching the school ground but again no sign of him. I then stood on the ground and looked at the sky for a while as I was exhausted and nature always takes away my exhaustion and in my mind thought where was he. Then I saw a figure on the terrace. That guy figure was standing on the railings of the terrace. I was in shock. IS HE FUCKING CRAZY? I had no time so teleported to the terrace and pulled him by his arm and we both well on the floor of the terrace. Seeing his face it was andrew.  I said in a loud panting voice "what were you doing there? Are you crazy andrew?"

andrew said to me "why did you stopped me witch? I can do whatever the heck I want"

I said to him with my eyes widened "You know what I am?"

"ofc because I am a devil..... now go leave me alone"

"I don't know why were you on the railing.... but its dangerous... lets go back to our class... the teacher only sent me to find you"

"go hell with you teacher..... for now leave me alone. I just want to jump from here"

"why pls don't do such a thing. I may not know what you are going through but this is not the solution"

"you are no one to say this to me so leave me alone and go away" and he was getting up and going towards the railing again. I held his arms and said "pls don't" but he shrugged off my hand. I held him tightly by wrapping my arms around his waist and put my all force so he doesn't go out of my grip and said "see I can use my magic to stop you but I want you to stop by yourself... pls stop this.... I am no one to say I know that but I know what pain is but don't let the pain engulf and take your life"

"take your bullshit away from me"

"even if its bullshit pls listen to me"

"leave me at once"

"no.... never". And I tightened my grip upon him more.

He was in tears and so was I...

"pls andrew calm down..... lets talk it out....."

he calmed a little and said "I have nothing to talk about"

"okay don't talk then just calm yourself down". I was hugging him and he stood like a statue. Finally I broke the hug..He turned around. I rubbed his tears away and said "its okay if you don't wanna talk.... but will you go with me somewhere else?". He just stared into my eyes. His eyes were saying everything. Those eyes longing for someone to take him away from this dark world. "Just trust me... So will you come?". He nodded..I held his hand in my hand and teleported near a lake. I made a air bubble and said to him "jump into the lake and swim along with me". He gave me a confused look. "I told you..... just trust me". We were still holding hands. Andrew gave a sigh then we both jumped into the lake. We swam deep into the lake. I signed him that we will go into that cave. We passed through the cave and there was a place inside an air bubble. We entered that area. I said to him "you can talk here this air bubble is different from the others"

"where are we?"

"ahh this is my secret place.... I always come here to spent some alone time... isn't it beautiful.....I feel good whenever I come here..... I thought if it may make u feel better". The fishes where swimming above us but they can't enter here. There was a cushion seat which I made with stones. Thanks to my magic they are stones but will feel as soft as cushions. I told him to sit there. I sat beside him.. And said to him "take rest here... I can go if u want" andrew said to me "no pls stay here". I gave him a reassuring smile and sat beside him and handed over him a tiny crescent moon rock in his hands. He looked at me with a confused look. I told him "this is a special stone..... Whenever you want to come here this stone will directly teleport you here, I have chanted protection spells here so normal teleportation won't work and if you tap it twice an air bubble will form, it shows the path to here and you can easily enter this place..... You can always come here"

"But... It's your place"

"Not anymore.... As you know this place now so its our place... So don't be hesitant"

He was saying "but I can't just come-" . I put my finger on his lips and said "shhh no more complaining.... Just try to relax for now..... Close your eyes and take rest". He didn't say anything much and agreed what I said. He laid his back against the cushion seat and soon fell asleep. Who knows what kind of pain he is going through but I hope he overcomes that because I don't wanna see him taking his own life again.

I enjoyed the view of seeing all the aquatic animals moving from here to there. Then I started making bubbles of purity. He woke up after almost an hour. He then asked me while sitting next to me " what are these"

"Ahhh these are bubbles of purity, these bubbles helps to keep the ocean pure and clean..... This life inside the ocean also needs some support sometimes..... And by doing this I feel happy for them.... Atleast with my powers I could help them"

"Thats so beautiful..... ummm btw shouldn't we go back to school?"

"If you are okay with that then we can go?"

"Wouldn't the teacher be expelling us as we are missing from the school for this much of time"

"Don't worry I'll make some excuse for us ..... I am the head girl so mam will think I got some extra duties which made us late"


"Yeah sure"

We stayed there for half an hour or so and listened to the relaxing ocean sound and swam a little around our place. There were alot of aquatic animals and its beauty can't be explained in words.

Then we went back to school. I told our class teachers that some of the  juniors for fun locked him up in the storage room so he wasn't able to escape from their. Finally after thorough search I found him. They asked us why was he in the storage room I made another excuse that he forgot his book yesterday in the class and the sweeper kept it in storage room so andrew went to take it back. They believed us and we were relieved.

When our school got over I went to andrew. He asked me "why aren't you with leo?"

"He is absent..... But anyways I just wanted to come here"


"No reasons..... Just ny intuition.... But wait how do you know I am with leo at this time?"

"You guys didn't even realised that you both are always together so its easy to spot"

I gave a nervous laughter.

We were then walking our way homes. I asked him "coming school tomorrow?"

"Not sure...." He said while avoiding any sort of eye contact.

I just did hmmm in response.

Then after few minutes I said "if you do come wanna meet during break time?"

He didn't responded that moment only but As we reached at the crossover he scratched the back of his neck and said "yes we can", I gave him a smile and  bid farewell to him. I didn't asked him the reason why he was trying to jump off from the roof because I wanted him to be comfortable around me first and then if he wants to open up to me I'll hear him.

Next day when I was entering my class I saw Andrew was already in the class. I am glad he came. Andrew went to the washroom few minutes before the recess bell had rung. I waited for him for a while but he wasn't coming.

The recess was about to end and I was getting worried so I went out of the class to find him.... I made a whole round all over the school, it was fast for me because of the inspection spell but he was nowhere to found. Then I thought.... Maybe he is there. I teleported to our place. Swam into the lake through the cave. There he is. But is he crying? He was hugging his knees, head down. I entered into the air bubble of the place. He didn't even realised my presence. I knelt down to him and called his name "andrew". He looked up to me. His eyes were full of tears and his eyes were almost red due to excessive crying. He was not in a state to talk. I hugged him. He was shocked but I didn't let go of him. I said "shhh calm down.... I am here.... You are not alone". He started more crying and almost screaming while saying "I can't.... I can't with this.... You... You shouldn't be here.... You'll get destroyed by me too"

"You won't.... I know"

"You dont.... Don't know me"

" I don't know you fully but I know you won't harm anyone" and I patted his back. He then finally hugged me back and cried his all heart out. His cries hitting my ears and making me feel how much he was going through and was holding it inside him. I was in tears too seeing someone in this situation is not easily endurable. He then broke the hug.... I rubbed his tears from his face with my fingers and said "its gonna be alright". He was staring into my eyes directly. His eyes showed so much pain in them as if crying for help. He then finally spoke "how did you know I was here?"

"My gut feelings.... Or maybe telepathy"


"Yup... Somethings can't be explained you know"

I then sat beside him and he said to me without breaking the eye contact "why aren't you asking me anything that why I am behaving like this?"

"Because I want to gain your trust first and then if you are comfortable enough with me and if you do want to tell me then I'll listen"

"I am sorry for being a burden like this to you"

"You are not a burden to me.... never say that.... Everyone goes through problems and everyone needs someone by their side at such times"

"But you would get into trouble because of this and I am extremely sorry for everything and the way I behaved to you at the terrace"

"Its my choice of being with you... So even if I get into trouble I'll handle it... Plus don't be sorry, its okay we say some things which we don't mean in that state.... Now don't think about these things..."

"Actually some of my classmates were talking bullshit about how much I am a failure as a son and that I am a heartless asshole and that's why my parents always feel ashamed to call me their son.... I got so hurted that I ran away from there.... I had no energy left in me to argue with them and my anxiety was triggering. I was almost having a panic attack so I used your stone to escape from there"

"But why were they doing such a horrible thing to you?"

"I don't have much good relations with my parents..... And they got to know that when they saw my parents were continuously bad mouthing me during and after the PTM... So those boys took this opportunity to humiliate me as they never liked me, don't know why they hate me so much"

"Some people just love to humiliate other people because they are either jealous or doesn't have anything other than getting satisfaction from other's sufferings... Its been hard for you I know but don't worry every suffering has its end"

Flashback over

I put my arms around his waist completely and hugged him while saying "I am thankful to you for coming in my life my devil....." and then I closed my eyes  In each other's embrace we didn't even realised when we fell asleep.

After a while I woke up and realised his large dark wings were hugging my body so I didn't felt uncomfortable and cold while sleeping on the ground. Andrew and leo used to do this when we were children too. I looked up and saw him staring at me and asked him "why are you staring at me?"

andrew "you were sleeping like a bear so thought of watching this interesting bear"

I made a so done with his lame jokes facial expression and gave a death glare.  We were still in each other's embrace. Zen shouted "Hey youuuu two sleepy heads come and have dinner. You guys need energy for tomorrow". Andrew said "no I wanna stay like this". Zen said "come or I'll tell Alina to do the water sprinkle spell". andrew said "okay okay I am coming". Then he removed his wings from me and I stood up. We ate and later jason, ray andalex came. We practiced our powers a bit then went to sleep.

The next day the most important day. Me alina and steve put the invisible spell upon everyone. We carefully sneaked through the places and finally reached the castle. We all went to the corner and waited for interchange of guards time. After an hour they were about to change shifts and during that period the guards were discussing something with each other, we took that as an opportunity and carefully sneaked into the castle. We split up into different groups. I was with jess, zen and ray, the 2nd group had alina , leo and alex and the last group had andrew, jason, derek and steve. Alot of people were inside but we made sure to not make any sound. I made the mind connection and told them lets go to the attic of this place if we found anything there and mainly nobody is there as such. We didn't knew the direction so it took us time to find the place. On the door it was written forbidden. I held jess and zen's hands and teleported inside. There were alot of antiques there and dust everywhere. Zen then called everyone and to see what he had found. It was an old antique brown box. I opened it and it revealed a bracelet. I took it in my hand and was shook it looked exact same of my aunt's bracelet, they also later realised that. What on the earth my aunt's twin bracelet doing here. Zen then sent the location message through his powers to everyone. I put the bracelet carefully in my pocket and we continued our search. Soon the others joined us. The attic was huge. We found a really long box which was on the left most side of the attic. We were about to open the box but someone attacked me with magic. I groaned in pain but because of this attack the invisibility spell broke. I turned and saw it was king lucas. King lucas gave a smirk and said "Finally found you" and then the gaurds also entered. A fight between him and his guards vs us started. We kept on fighting, both sides were getting tired but no one was giving up. King lucas was really strong and he looked like of our age only. Derek and Alina got really injured. I made a protective barrier in front of them and started shielding them. Their continuous attacks were weakening the shield, I was trying my best to hold on it, others were still fighting. King lucas striked leo hard with his powers. "NOOOOOOO" I screamed. My anger was boiling I couldn't leave alina and derek too. Then I saw a witch entering and teleported us somewhere. We were all in another room. It was the same room which I saw when I came into the palace for the 1st time, it was the room were that statue made of ice was there. We all weren't able to move. They have frozen our movements. I could see everyone was in pain including myself. The witch was standing near the statue and King lucas walked towards me and held my chin and looked directly into my eyes while saying "well well its been such a long time since I saw you... Finally got hold of you". I can't even speak because of this spell. I was just giving him death glares. King lucas then said to the witch without breaking the eye contact "unfreeze her mouth". I said to him with a strong voice "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US!?"

Lucas said to us "Chill chill.... No need to be so bold.... We just met only after so many years.... Don't tell me you don't remember me?"

I said to him "whoever the fuck you are I don't care, JUST LEAVE US RIGHT NOW"

"Oh my my Christina your bravery is still intact within you..... Well we will continue our conversation later for now I'll do the work which I need you for right now" said lucas and then he turned his gaze to that witch and gave her eye signal. He then said to me "bring your hand towards me". My hand automatically did that. What the hell? Did that witch used controlling spell over me? He then took a knife and cut my wrist. I gasped. And then he said "go towards the statue and pour the drops of your blood onto the statue". Hell no! My body is moving on its own. As soon as the the blood drop fell the ice started melting. I saw others watching in astonishment just like me. The sculpture just became a human or other supernatural being  I don't know. That ice guy just opened his eyes and smirked. Lucas went to him and hugged him while saying "finally brother evan you are out of that spell". I was trying my best to break the spell, I eyed to my gang, they understood and connected each other's mind

In the mind

Christina: Listen guys I am about to break the spell, it will distract them and you all will get the chance to escape. Leo and andrew hold each other's hands and teleport at once at that moment only

Everyone: No way we are gonna leave you

Christina: I would be fine, I would teleport too after few seconds later

Everyone: NO

Christina: PLS DO IT! I'LL BE OKAY

and finally it broke and I attacked them with my magic spell. The spell which captured my gang broke because they got distracted but the spell with which I attacked,  that Evan guy just blocked it with his hands and said "not so fast Christina" and with a tremendous speed he came infront of me. Is he a vampire? I was about to cast another spell but that witch used the controlling spell over me again. On the mean time my gang instead of teleporting started attacking the enemy soldiers but soon they were trapped again. Evan said to the soldiers "go and take them to the dungeons....." And he turned to me "and I have different plans for you". My gang was trying their best to break the spells but no use and they were taken away. I was all numb. I can't even do anything, just helplessly standing. Evan then took my wrist which had a slit because of this cut made by lucas. I saw his fangs protruding and he then bit my wrist and started sucking my blood. I can feel the pain slowly. He then left my wrist. I looked at him with disgust. His eyes turned into a mixture of red and black. Wait is he a hybrid? Half vampire and half demon? He then went closer to my face and then towards my neck, I could feel his breathing. He then bit me on my neck and slid his arms around me. Ugh I feel so disgusted and I am feeling weak too. He kept on sucking then finally lucas said "brother you need to stop, we need her later". Evan stopped and took out his fangs from my skin and locked his eyes with me. He gave a smirk and wiped off the blood from the corners of his lips and said to me "sweetie you are gonna have a really good time" and snapped his fingers and I blanked out. After a while I regained my consciousness and I saw myself all chained up but the chains were chanted and then I saw beside me was......

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Hey guys I am back!So sorry guys for being on such a long hiatus & disappointing you guys like this.I'll be honest with you all by saying that alot of things were happening which really didn't kept me in a right state to write the stories as everything was getting hectic & when you stop doing something you love its really hard to come back as uk it takes alot of strength & I am really passionate about writing so I wanted to write again when I am again ready. Ily guys & ty for all the support

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