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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Path to Godhood

The red flame spoke with a harsh tone of voice as it replayed the conversation with a God the blue flame had after death.


"Awaken! You poor young soul," a loud voice echoed inside Blue's head as they slowly opened their eyes.

"Where am I? Did I died? What is this place?" Blue said to themselves before scanning their surroundings until they saw a tall man with a too bright glowing face.

"You're finally awake, wonderful! Now we can begin!" the tall man spoke with a deep yet cherry tone of voice.

"What is this? What's going on? Who are you?"

"So many questions, however, I can not blame you for asking," the tall man chuckled in amusement.

"Huh?" Blue only titled their head in confusion.

"Needless to say, you deserve an full explanation. I'll start with this; have you ever wished to become a God?" the tall man spoke simply, confusing Blue more than before.

"Well... what if I were to tell you that you can?" Blue's eyes widen in surprise, as they believe what the man said was untrue.

"What do you mean? I don't understand,"

"Do not worry, becoming a God is your decision alone. However, if you happened to agree of becoming one. Fair warning, there is a catch,"

"A catch? What is it?"

"Well simply put, before you become a God there is a challenge you'll have success. If you do so you'll become a God,"

"And if I don't succeed?" Blue gulps as they waited for an answer.

"If don't succeed... your soul be stuck in limbo for a entirety," the man said without changing tone of voice.

Blue reminded quiet while the tall man continued. "That said, there is a test you have to pass first before you can take God Challenge,"

"A test? What kind of test?" Blue questioned, hoping the test won't be something stupidly insane to complete.

"This test is referred to as 'The Shine Test' and to what it is, simple. You'll become a flame and be send to a dark room, to pass the test you could probably guess. You have to 'shine' brightly, enough to fill the room with light,"

"What if I fail? What happens to me?" Blue quivers from anxiety of the situation they were placed in.

"If fail you will be send to heaven, nothing more I promise you," the tall chuckled again.

"And and what if I don't don't want to be become a God?" Blue stuttered while thumbing with their hands.

"Hmm? That's fine, if you not wish to become a God then I will send you the Judgment Chamber. Where the Soul Keepers will decide if your soul will go to heaven or hell," the tall man spoke in a calm tone, although his voice sounded slightly disappointed.

"Anymore questions?" the tall man asked towards Blue.

"Yes... just one more. How come I was given the choice to become a God?" Blue was indeed nervous, but they spoke with confidence.

"Why you specifically? The answer is quite simple, because I believe you got what it takes to a God," the man chuckled before it became hefty laughter.

"What do mean I got what it takes? What do you see in me that could make believe that I got the slightest chance of becoming a God?" Blue questioned, but man only continued laughing.

"Apologies, however, that is my own opinion. So I simply can not tell why," the man said with amused tone of voice.

"Ah~ I almost forgot to even introduce myself, my deepest apologies yet again. My God name is Pluto, and for my human name is Rinascita," Blue eyes widen slightly when heard the words human name.

"You were human?" Blue asked in curiousity.

"Yes, just like you I was also chosen to becoming of God and succeeded as well," Pluto bragged with pride.

"So reaching Godhood is possible?" Blue asked.

"Of course, humans are considered pathetic creatures to Gods. That is why the God's Challenge is doable in human standards," Pluto chuckled once again.

"What is the God's Challenge?"

"Apologies once again, however, I can not tell you anything more about the challenge until you pass the Shine Test," Pluto apologize, still slightly chuckling.

"Now that mentioned, will you take the test and try to strive a path to Godhood or will you not. It is your choice," Pluto said as he given his hand out to Blue.

Blue stared at Pluto's hand, as they try to decide their decision (which the reader should know what that decision is already). Blue took hold of Pluto's large hand as they nodded in agreement.

Even though it was only slightly, Blue could see a glimpse of Pluto's grinning face. "Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! If that is your choice, I only desire one thing from one. Would you graciously grant me that one thing,"

"Uh... oh okay I guess, what is it?" Blue gulp nervously.

"Nothing much, I promise you. I simply request you to tell me your name, that's all. You can do that much correct?" Pluto said with cheerful voice.

Blue then sighed with relief. "Oh... is that it? Fine then, if you assist. My name is Alice, Alice Brook,"

"Very good! Well Alice, let the test begin..."

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