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Chapter 3: Chapter Three

1957, Harlem, New York City.

The band was halfway through playing when Rasheed noticed Anne in the crowd. They finished playing and Rasheed was packing up when Anne crept up behind him. "Hey stranger, are you willing to let me pay you back for that drink? I'll also explain the other night which I'm sorry about and I still feel so bad" she said. Rasheed acted like he had to think for a moment before flirting

"I think I can allow that." They went to a fancier bar this time called "Beers & Barstools" and sat down where Rasheed went to order. "No, no this bartender will get you a drink based off of what he thinks of your style" Anne said. He brought her a glass of wine and Rasheed a glass of whiskey sour and he loved it.

"So about the other night?"

"Ah yes...that was one of my fathers friends. My father orders him to follow me around and make sure I'm not getting into trouble. I'm usually good at shaking him but I guess he caught on to me."

"Orders to follow you around...with a gun?"

"Yeah he's kind of like a henchman I guess, he's no harm at least to the ones I like."

"A henchmen? And can I put myself on that list?"

"...You've definitely been doing well making a spot for yourself" Anne said moving closer to Rasheed. She leaned in to whisper in his ear

"Should we get out of here?" Rasheed was at a loss for words he couldn't believe Anne Romani wanted to leave a bar with him. He found the words -

"Yeah we can hang at my place" and they got in his car. They snuck through the apartment to his room luckily with Francisco passed out in the living room. Anne thought they were being quiet out of respect when really Rasheed just didn't want to be embarrassed by his roommates. Anne pulled a bottle of wine from behind her back -

"I stole this from the living room I hope you don't mind."

"No of course not" he replied knowing Francisco would be the one she had to worry about. Rasheed left and returned with two glasses,

"I love the pictures on your walls. What a great collection of vinyls too" Anne complimented while snooping some more. "Thank you that means a lot. I really love music, it's all I've ever really known" Rasheed told her.

"Why is it that my opinion matters so much to you, what makes me so "amazing" I think you said?"

"What's not to find amazing Anne? The way your long luscious hair hangs and flows over your shoulders. The way your eyes sparkle and look like honey in the sun. The way your dimples deepen as your smile widens. Most of all the way you act, not like any other girl. You don't see how truly gorgeous you are and you're loyal. You stick up for people you care about just not yourself but still have enough respect not to date losers. Your father has money and you don't take advantage of it or act like a daddy's girl. You never care about being noticed or try to be popular, you only try to be you — amazing" Rasheed said. This time Anne was the one lost for words, that was the nicest thing someone had ever said to her. She put down the bottle of wine along with the glass she was filling and stepped towards Rasheed. She starred into his eyes and kissed him, Rasheed pulled back in surprise only to pick her up off her feet. He kissed her back harder as they slowly moved over to the bed.

"I can't believe the first girl in my room that isn't one of Francisco's groupies is Anne Romani" Rasheed thought. They laid down and continued to kiss,

"Will you hold me Rasheed?"

"I will Anne" Rasheed said wrapping his arms around her. She fell asleep first and Rasheed just stayed up for awhile listening to her breathe. He loved the smell of her hair — it smelled of coconuts from a tropical island. He held her tight with her head on his chest to hear his heartbeat. He pulled the blanket across them to keep her warm and slowly fell asleep. When he woke she was no where to be seen. Rasheed sat up noticing a note written on one of his vinyl cases that read,

"Sorry to leave you like this. I didn't want my father worrying and doing something stupid. Thank you for the most amazing night of my life - love Anne xx." Rasheed smiled, he didn't care she left because he had the most amazing night of his life as well. Leaving his room he ran into Francisco in the hall,

"I ran into that young lady leaving your room this morning. Did you guys uhh-"

"No we just slept."

"So you stole my booze and didn't even get lucky with the broad?"

"She's not some broad, she's a unique, sweet, beautiful person. Definitely has more class than any of the trollops you and the boys have brought back here. Also it's ten in the morning and I think you've already had enough to drink. Can I get you a refill?" Rasheed said smelling the alcohol on his breath six feet away. "Ha, ha very funny. Did you at least get her naked?" Francisco laughed — Rasheed was now walking away ignoring anything else he had to say.

"Naked, who's naked?" Li said coming out of his room,

"You are, go put on some clothes fool" Rasheed said irritated.

"I'm not naked, I'm wearing underwear. Anyways the reason I came out here is because you'll never believe who just called."

"I didn't hear the phone ring" Francisco said

"You don't hear your alarm clock going off for an hour" Li added.

"Go on" Rasheed said moving his hand in a circle motion.

"Yeah stop wasting our time" Francisco said taking a bottle out of the cupboard, removing the lid and smelling it.

"What's up your keisters? Anyways, it was Murphy Combs."

"Thee Murphy Combs?" Rasheed asked.

"Yes thee Murphy Combs."

"That guys bad news man" Rasheed said, Murphy Combs was also known as "Papa Bear" and ran a gentleman's club called "Fox House." What wasn't as known was that Papa Bear was also a pimp who ran an escorting business out of the back of his club. He also sold drugs on the side — there was code words for if you wanted to pay for a girl or some drugs. He even had ones for if you wanted both.

"I knew you guys wouldn't like it but he said he'd sign us. He has a studio in the club where we can record and he said he'd even give us double our pay and plus protection" Li said.

"I'm in, I can't handle this restaurant job anymore" Francisco agreed.

"That took no convincing Francisco, I don't know about this boys. It might be really dangerous and cause unwanted attention for the band" Rasheed argued. "Forget all of that, imagine all the money. We won't have to be cooped up in this small apartment anymore. Most of the people at the restaurant don't appreciate us playing anyhow, c'mon what do you say?" Li asked.

"I don't know man, I have to ask John first"

"So John makes all your decisions Rasheed? We could get new equipment, you could get yourself an apartment and get your mom a new one. Hell if our album does well maybe even a house."

"I don't know man I-"

"You'll still be able to see your little girlfriend."

"Fine I'm in but you get to deal with Johnny" Rasheed was convinced. Three out of four had their minds made up and were on board — John was hard to convince at first but eventually caved in like Rasheed. It was really only the thought of not sharing a messy room with Li anymore that convinced him. Papa Bear wanted them to meet him the next afternoon at his club.

"If he says something or does something we don't agree with that's it, we back out alright?" Rasheed told the band,

"right" they all said. It was the next day and they pulled up to the Fox House, getting waved to park on the side by security. They walked in and were surprised how clean the place was, it even had a live Jazz band performing smoothly for the customers and dancers. All walking up to the bar Li said

"We're looking for Murphy Combs" and the bartender didn't say a word he only pointed. Pointing to a door with a large man standing in front of it, they headed towards it.

"I'm not calling him Papa Bear" John said on the way over,

"Do what you want, I don't speak for you man" Li replied. They were now standing in front of the man at the door who stood about 6'5". He was white, bald, with a beard past his shoulders and almost had grey eyes with a hint of blue. They were like an old blind dogs milky eyes, he also had a long scar over his right one.

"We're looking for Papa Bear" Li said — the man responded in a very deep voice

"I'm Pete, Papa Bears security. That over by the dancers is Lefty, they call him that because he lost his left eye in the war and he also has a mean left hook. He wears an eyepatch now so don't stare too long or he'll get uncomfortable. We're all Papa Bear needs for security and we're mostly for the girls, Papa Bear can usually handle himself. That being said I'll still need to frisk you boys before you enter this room" Pete informed.

"You really think we have any type of weapons and would be dumb enough to mess with you guys?" John asked. Pete just gave him a look and then John volunteered himself to be frisked first. They entered Murphy's office

"Well, well look what the sexy cat dragged in" Papa Bear said with a big smirk. He was wearing a salmon pink suit without the jacket and had his sleeves rolled up. He wore gold rings, bracelets and necklaces but he was never complete without his thick framed glasses with an even thicker prescription. As he took oh his hat he hung it up and push up his afro making sure it wasn't flattened. "Help yourselves to some drinks boys, they're on the house" he told the band. Francisco turned to the door almost leaving without saying

"I'll be there a drink limit, no? Okay." He didn't return for another twenty minutes and by then he had finished four drinks and returned with a fifth.

"Nice of you to finally join us Francis" John said pulling him in the door causing him to spill a bit of his drink.

"Papa Bear here has just been filling in the rest of the band on what it will be like recording here" Rasheed said.

"Yes Francis I'd-" Papa Bear began before Fransisco cut him off,

"Only my close friends call me Francis." Murphy looked offended and as if he stopped himself from speaking before putting on a smile.

"Of course Francisco, my apologies"

"That's okay Mr. Murphy."

"Please call me Bear. I hope to earn that friendship to call you by your nickname one day. Anyways as I was saying I'd love to have you boys, I think you're the finest band in Harlem" Murphy complimented.

"Ain't up to me, I'm just the drummer" Francisco said downing his glass of whiskey and returning to the bar for more.

"Is he gonna be a problem?" Papa Bear asked.

"No, not at all. Don't mind him, I'll take care of him" Rasheed said and Murphy gave him a nod.

"Alright boys, let's get this business started. Are you in...or are you out?" Murphy said. Rasheed, John and Li all looked at each other and responded "we're in." Murphy smiled again and pulled out a briefcase from under his desk while he lit a cigar. He then stacked four separate piles of money for each of them with a cigar on top. Rasheed counted thirty-thousand dollars — he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Do you have a phone I can use quick?" Rasheed asked.

"Of course Rasheed, there's one out at the bar" Murphy replied. Rasheed went to the bar and asked the bartender to use the phone and he pulled it out. Rasheed dialled his mother and she picked up surprisingly after the first ring


"What no Mama it's me Rasheed" he replied.

His mother sounded like she was crying,

"What's wrong Mama?"

"....It's Lynn-"

"What about her?"

"Tom beat her again, really bad this time. She's in the hospital and said she'd call me when she's been taken care of. I think I'm going to just head there, do you want me to pick you up?"

"No Mama I'll meet you there, I love you" Rasheed said slamming the phone down — dragging Francisco again they returned to Murphy's office.

"Hey man what the hell are you pulling me around for?" Francisco questioned.

"Sorry for the disturbance Papa Bear, I just need my band mates to go handle something with me" Rasheed said.

"What's up Rasheed?" John asked,

"It's Lynnette, her good for nothing boyfriend beat her again" Rasheed said. "Again?" Li asked —

"Now gentlemen let me have a minute with Mr. Henderson here" Murphy said. Everyone left the room leaving Murphy and Rasheed alone in silence. Murphy poured two drinks of brandy and handed one to Rasheed —

"I'm too angry to dri-" Rasheed started as Murphy raised his glass to him. They both finished their glasses then Murphy spoke,

"Now, who's Lynnette?"

"My sister."

"And this boyfriend of hers, what's his name?"

"Tom Morrison that piece of-"

"Where's your sister now?"

"She's at the hospital."

"And is Tom back at home?"

"He's off today so he probably went to his favourite Irish pub."

"Then lets go handle it" Murphy said wrapping his arm around Rasheed and leading him out the back. They hopped into his salmon pink 1954 Cadillac Eldorado Convertible and Rasheed gave directions to Tom. They pulled up and Murphy brought Rasheed to the back of his car and popped the trunk. Taking out a wooden bat and giving it to Rasheed — "Now this is gonna be fun."

"I knew I'd like you Henderson" Murphy said and they walked into the bar. They seen Tom sitting on a stool with his friends ordering drinks — Rasheed hot blooded went straight up and hit his stool. The stool broke from the bat and Tom hit the ground,

"Rasheed, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I'm here to break your teeth Tom" Rasheed threatened. Tom laughed and his friends joined in with the laughter before Rasheed started hitting him again and again with the bat. Toms friends took a step to defend him when Murphy picked up a leg from the broken stool leg and pointed it at them. They stood still and didn't move as Rasheed broke Toms bones while he pictured him hitting his sister. He wanted him to feel her pain and then multiply that by one-hundred. Tom was choking on blood and Murphy stopped Rasheed pulling him aside. He then bent down and stuck a pistol in Toms mouth — Rasheed was shocked.

"If you ever, ever hit Lynette again next time I'll pull the trigger. You understand me? Now when she gets discharged you're gonna go pick her up with some flowers, hell even some chocolates. Then you're gonna take her home and make her dinner, maybe rub her feet. Then when the nights over tell her how lucky you are to have her and how stupid you were to ever treat her badly. Understand?" Murphy said. Tom gave a muffled scream

"yes!" and Murphy pulled the gun out of his mouth and wiped it on Tom's shirt. He then turned to Rasheed and said

"let's get out of here, I think we proved our point." They got into his car and headed back to the club — Rasheed couldn't believe how he felt but he liked the adrenaline he had, it was like the feeling from that cop chase. He knew now that no one was gonna mess with him or they'd have to answer to Murphy Combs a.k.a Papa Bear.

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