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Chapter 3: Chapter two

(Normal pov)

As the princess of hell arrived back at the castle, she was met by her father sat in her room on her bed. ", Where have you been?!" he asked sternly in his deep dead voice. "No where for you" the teenager glared at her father folding her arms rolling her mixed colour eyes. The king growled and stood up walking over and towering over her "You do not speak to me with such disrespect!". "Like you do the same fucking thing to me father!" She yelled at him "You treat me like you wish you had another son then forcing me to marry a guy i don't even know!". "I am your father! You will do what I say or you'll end up like your mother!" he yelled back. "You have two dam sons dad capable of ruling choose them to rule not me i rather be like mother than be your daughter" Psycho looked up at him with her eyes full of hate clenching her hands into tight fists. "I want a powerful man to take over the throne!" he shouted with his red eyes glowing "not you weak worthless little mutts who have no purpose!" he yelled and stormed out, slamming the doors of her bedroom causing the place to shake. She ran to her door and opened it as she screamed "then adopted the fucker then you can have him on the throne you sorry excuse of a father!" Then slammed her door again. She quickly got changed again into navy blue rip jeans, an adidas black long sleeve crop top saying psychopath and left hell. She appeared back at her hostess' mind seeing that she was with a lad "wow jenifer you already had sex" she laughs. "Ewwww psycho no need for that comment" she whined at girl in her head . The male tilted his head "Huh? Who? What?" He asked psychos hostess confused as to what she meant. "You remember how i said i have split personality...." the girl says. The nodded "Their name is psycho? But what did she say". "Lets say something very very immature that brings children into the world" Jenifer says looking down very flustered at the thought princess demon had said. He blushed darkly and laughed nervously "Sh-she did?" He stuttered out and gulped. The princess started laughing at his reaction "god he's easy to fluster" she snickers. "Where d-did she get that idea from?" The flustered boy asked. "No clue she a wind up merchant". "Oooh" he chuckled nervously. Jen giggled shyly before whimpering when she felt something pinch her however nothing was there. "Huh are you ok?" Lucas said concerned. Jen nodded rubbing her arm. "What happened?" He asked her, tilting his head and looking at her arm. "Lets say psycho is actually a demon and she stood next to me and pinched me" the girl rambled quietly. "Ooooh heh why'd she do that?". "ooooh because she deserved to be pinched" the tall girl with bright purple hair suddenly appeared beside the brunette. Lucas looked at her wide eyed. "Your psycho I'm assuming?" He said. "aye told ya he's a smart lad tomboy" Psycho nudged Jen smirking "oh shut it princess what number guard are you on already" Jen glared at her. The princess glared back and huffed "shut it and fyi it guard number twenty.". The teenage boy looked at them confused"humma?" he said and tilted his head. "Anyway who are you?" The demon girl asked him. "hi I'm lucas" he said and smiled. "Okay nice to meet and what my friend jenifer here means is that im currently in hell and i have a new body guard thats all." The girl shrugged.

(Psychos pov)

Yay jenifer has a boy great not. "Oh cool!" he said. "What so cool about being a royal?" I asked him slightly harshly. "You have everything you want? " he said to me quietly. Crap I'm making him scared i sighed deeply "don't always think like that". "why?" he asked and tilted his head. "Everything is not what it seems" i say noticing jen headed off probably for a walk. Lucas looked around "hey where'd she go?" he asked me. "Jen probably gone for a quick walk" i said calmly shrugging my shoulders. "hmm" lucas said thinking. "Whats the matter?" I asked him. "what if something happened to her?" he said worried and looked at me. "Hey me and her have one rule always take a weapon for emergency." I rolled my eyes jesus this kid worries too much. He looks at me and frowns, pouting "hey I don't worry too much, I just well worry about her?" he said quietly at the end. "Sure dog breath if it makes you any happy we'll go look for her" i mutter i mean cmon hes smell like a werewolf wonder how long itll take for my hostess to work out hes a werewolf. He rolls his eyes at me "don't have to be rude yknow" he said pouting and turned around. "Sorry okay its just my dad pissing me off i didn't know Jen would have company" i sighed rubbing my forehead. Lucas turned back around slowly and tilted his head "well would you like me to leave? I-I don't want to get in the way" the werewolf said backing up. "No i like seeing Jenifer happy now cmon werewolf lets go find her" I took my leather jacket off and jumped down from the tree house. Lucas stayed quiet and jumped down after me. "Hey you don't have to be scared of me treat me like an equal" i smiled at him. He smiled back at me and turned into his wolf form. "Hold on buster have you even check her art room?" I asked him. He tilted his head and thought to himself "what art room?". "The hatch you know that thing over there which goes underground" I pointed to the hatch that was opened. Lucas ran over to the open hatched and looked inside for the girl and whimpered after knowing she was no where to be seen in there. I followed him and look at every detail of the room when one thing hit me. Jenifer's pockets knife was still here "lets go she been taken" i said sternly. Lucas growled running off straight away after hearing my words. Ah crap he can run fast I can't dam it. I tried to run after him. Lucas looked behind him to saw that i was far behind and stopped for me to catch up. "Thanks" i panted as i climb onto his back. Lucas then sprinted off into the woods following the scent of the girl. "Go straight i can sense her!" I ordered, wow it felt weird to order someone probably because i refuse to boss people around. The wolf nodded and ran straight ahead before hearing voices in the distant."Aw cmon baby just go out with me" a male voice said."I'd rather people know that I'm a freak than date you" i heard Jen spat with hate at someone only i knew who. "Its Jason that dumbass" i muttered hearing his voice. Lucas stopped behind a bush and looked around for them "Where are they?" he thought. "Near the waterfall Jen keeps moving back shes gonna end up falling off" I whispered as I saw them. Lucas looked up at them standing on the edge and whimpers. "She's gonna get hurt" he thought." Lucas she can fly remember" I tried to calm the wolf down. "Princess stop moving or your gonna fall" the boy smirk stepping closer to the hybrid. " heh why no shit Sherlock" Jenifer smirked looking behind her. Lucas shook his head "Should we do anything?" He thought as he looked at the demon. "By anything you mean take out the boy and rip him to shreds?" I piped up. Lucas growled "Don't tempt me" he thought and looked back up to her and the boy. "Now thats not nice" Jason says grabbing ahold of Jenifer's hands and pulled her towards him before forcing her to look at him as he crashed his lips on hers. "Oh i wasn't tempting i was planning" I growled as I jumped off of Lucas. He growled even more before running off. "Lucas!" I yelled for him as i looked back at Jen, she had shoved the boy away "You asshole i already have a boyfriend!". "What that wolf oh well." He grinned. Lucas ran up to the top of the waterfall and stood firm behind him, growling. "Yeah so what!" She growled "mate just leave the girl alone you have a death sentence to face" i appeared on the left of the Jason. "Well helloooo sexy chick" he turned to me and winked. Lucas morphed back to human "Just leave the girls alone you pervert, it's obvious they hate you mate". "Oh so your a freak like her then? Now this is funny" the boy laughed tossing his words off. "How about I just kill you and take you down to my father" i grinned twistedly as i twirled my hatchet. "I like to use the word different rather than freak, my definition of freak is you for even thinking to pull a stunt like this" Lucas fired back and folded his arms across his chest. "Still what you gonna do mutt you have no claim over her" he smirked "oh just like you haven't either Jason" Me and Jenifer said at the same time both having a hatchet each. Lucas rolled his eyes "You just don't know when to fuck off do you". "Sorry newbie but the girl is mine so piss off" he flipped him off only to soon loose his finger when Jenifer threw the hatchet at him. "Now thats my girl" I cheered. Lucas laughed "Nice throw" he cheered along with me in support of Jen's actions. Jason glared at lucas "you stupid dumb shit mutt shes mine!" He yells as he ran up to him and punched him. Lucas growled and punched him in below the ribs, causing the guy to lean down, holding his stomach. Lucas took the opportunity to knee him in the head and push him onto the ground. He groaned in pain not noticing that I was walking up to him humming softly a song and squatted down to him " any last words?" I ask in a sickly sweet tone. "Fuck all of you freaks" he glares at them. "I think we've been pretty nice considering what you tried to do to jen" Lucas admitted and smirked. "Whats nice for you psycho?" Jen laughed knowing i had a different term for nice. "Oh i think killing him is nice enough thank you" i laughed with her bringing my hatchet close to his face. "You are all muderers" he says. "Life is full of them" i shrugged before raising my weapon and slammed it into his head. Hearing the perverts skull crack satisfied me as it was the closes thing i got to killing my father. Lucas gulped "Remind me not to get on your bad side" he chuckled nervously. "Are you ok though Jen?" He looked at her and tilted his head slightly. "Hey when your locked up in a castle for most of the time your gonna build rage up" i smiled at him. "Yeah slightly the kiss was horrible i think im gonna need bleach and my boyfriend kisses to make it better" she pouts. "B-boyfriend? O-oh. Well I'm glad your ok." He said to her and smiled."wow Jen i think he's forgotten or never asked you out" I giggled at the werewolf reaction. Jen rolled her eyes at her and cuddled lucas. Lucas blushes and cuddled her back "Forgotten what?" He asked her. "She just winding me up because of how my heart beat now works since we met" she says. "Hey at least Dominic isn't here then I'll have to torture both of you" i sighed before picking up my hatchets that were covered in red metallic . Lucas blushes "W-well I was gonna ask-" but before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a tall boy with dark brown hair, wearing black jeans and a a black shirt "I heard my name mentioned" the boy said as he appeared leaning up against the tree. "Haha Psycho guard twenty is here!" Jen started laughing before dodging a flying hatchet from me. "Shut the fuck up!". "Hey I'm not that bad of a guard" Dominic said as he walked over to them. "You sure know how to annoy someone though" Lucas said rolled his eyes. "Fuck off to my dad and you can tell him that i ain't marring anyone" i hissed at Dominic not caring what he had to say,i don't know why but i felt like i still have some rage left. "Psy chill out" Jen says. "Nah I'm not on duty" Dominic said and chuckled. "Still fuck off manwhore" i huffed as i sent death glares at him. "Hmm sure I've got better things to do I guess" Dominic said before snapping his fingers and disappears. "Wow you really don't like him huh?" Lucas asked her. "I don't like any of the guards who work for my dad" i muttered . "Psycho you cant keep doing this he might be an ally for you" Jen says. "She's right" Lucas said agreeing with Jen. "He's not gonna stop you from living a life either". I sighed knowing i was in wrong "fine he can come back and stay".Lucas shook his head "He left to go out with his mates" Lucas explained. "typical men" i rolled my eyes and disappeared into thin air.

(Dom pov)

I just got home from being out with my friends and i collapsed tiredly onto my sofa. I couldn't help but think why did she snap at me she was fine before she left. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Did I do something wrong? Still how did she know the girl Lucas met at his new school? I had all these questions whizzing around my head. Princess Psycho Samantha Kilso the most confusing yet interesting girl I've ever met. She reminds me of that girl though... especially when she changed her hair to brown. I sat up and looked around. What should I do now though? Just then there was a knock on my door. I tilted my head in confusion before standing up and walking over to the front door to open it. "Hey..." a girl appeared at my door having her hoodie up and looking down. "Hello? Can I help you ma'am?" I asked confused as to who and why she's at my door. "Dominic im sorry for snapping at you earlier" she says quietly thats when it hit me it was Psycho. I looked at her "Im not upset at that though psy" he said "but want to come in?" I offered. She nodded softly hugging herself as she came inside. I shut the door behind her and went to sit back down on the sofa. "I-is it okay i stay here for the night?" She stuttered. I nodded "Of course! You can have my bed it's more comfortable" i said and smiled at her. Yet she didn't smile back. "whats the matter?" I asked looking up at her. "Its nothing" the princess sighs softly, thats not true i know something wrong. I shook my head "I'm gonna get it out of you eventually by being annoying" I said and chuckled. "Try your best i have two older brothers who do that everyday" she smirks. "well I don't want to be too mean now do I your highness" I said and smirked back. "Dominic don't you know thats does what you said it does to females!" Psycho whined blushing faintly. "you gonna tell me then?" I asked. "Never its nothing for you to worry about."she huffed folding her arms. Yet its my duty to make sure she is okay. I copied her actions trying to keep a straight face. Her highness then poked her tongue out at me and sat next to me on the sofa. "please tell me?" I asked and looked at her "not only is it my job but I care about you and don't want you to be unhappy". "Just an argument with my dad thats all" she muffled quietly. "Oh is that why you want to stay here?" I asked feeling bad. Psycho responded with a nod. "Well your welcome to whenever you want" I said and smiled. "Thank you" she smiled softly and hugged me. Heh shes too adorable, feisty and mysterious yet she more of a big softy towards people who treat her the way she wants to be treated. I hugged her back "no problem" I said to her and smiled "you can trust me psy". "Heh i have no choice really since you are my personal guard and my new friend." Psycho says burying her head in the crook of my neck. I chuckled and nuzzled her "nope you don't" I said and smiled. She giggled softly. Welp looks like i found where she's ticklish. I smirked and nuzzled her again. Her giggles are the cutest. "Heyyy that tickles" she giggles trying to push me away softly. I laughed "there's that smile I remember" I said and smiled at her. "Oh hush I'm scary i made that boy Lucas nearly shit himself" she grinned proudly. "Heh did you now?" I laughed. "Yep only because i killed a boy infront of him and my friend Jenifer" she nodded happily. I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled "crazy girl" I said. "Insane boy" she fired back. "oh I know" I smirked and then i was suddenly pinned down by the princess." I knew it was you!" She grins happily "your the boy who helped me with my heat". I tilted my head in confusion before realising and my eyes widened "y-your the girl never told me their name?!". "Hey nice to find ya again and told ya you would freak out" psycho giggled. I shook my head "I'm not freaking out just happy I know who was my first" I said quietly. "Heh im happy too" she smiles and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I blushed and smiled "really?" I asked. "Oh don't ruin the moment Dominic" she playfully glared at me. I smirked and titled my head "what moment?" I asked. "Oh your mean" Psycho pouted and got off of me. I chuckled and sat up "I know I am" I said and smiled. "Thank you though for that" she blushed softly biting her lip. I blushed as well and laughed nervously "N-no problem" I said. "always happy to help a pretty lady"."bet you say that to every girl you help" she joked softly. I shook my head "No I don't actually I only say it to the prettiest" I said and pouted. "Heh i wish there something i can do to thank you though" Psycho sighed. I shook my head again "I don't want any thanking" I said and smiled. "Please" she cutely said pulling a sad puppy eye look. I still shook my head "honestly knowing who she was now as more than repaying me" I said "how did you know it was me though?" I asked and tilted my head slightly. "Because you said the exact thing he did before" the princess says. "Oooh well I should be thanking you" i said and chuckled. "Huh why?" Psy tilted her head to the side. "For being my first" he said and aslo tilted his head. "Hey thats nothing to do with me thats the mother nature i just heard about you from another girl." She shrugged being honest. "how? You were the first girl I had ever helped" i said confused. "I used to be friends with someone she said you two were close friends and went to the same school" she started to explain. "Oh well what did she look like?" I asked her curiosity taken over to know who this girl was. "Well i still remember her name,her name is saph" wow my best friend who helps me study hooked her up with me. "Saph? I didn't know she did that" I said "And I didn't know she knew anyone from outside of school either". "She was a party animal I always ended up finding her in the clubs she even got me the alcohol since i was thirteen" the princess smiles as she was going through her memories. I chuckled "you like going to parties or pubs?" I asked and tilted my head. "Yeah! Though i never understood why men and boys were looking at me like they wanted to fuck me" she nodded eagerly. "Cos they are drunk perverts so never make eye contact or go near them ok?" I said being protective without realising. "Does this mean no more clubbing at night then since thats when i go?" She asked."Not if your alone" I said and shook my head "it's dangerous". Her reaction after i said that was quite scary she started to giggle but more of a slight dark aura came from it.

(Normal pov)

"Oh thats funny sorry Dominic but like i said earlier i killed someone im more dangerous than the perverts"the girl spoke "one rule i never ever leave without a weapon or two" the princess grins. "remind me why you have a personal guard" The guard rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled. "To be honest i don't know" Psycho shrugged her shoulders. "hmm" Dom yawned slightly before covering his mouth. "Anyway you sleep in your bed I'll sleep on the sofa" the princess of hell said nudging him off the sofa. "No your sleeping in my bed end of" he said standing up and lifting her off the sofa before laying down on it smirking as he put his hands behind his head. "Well i ain't sleeping then I'm heading to the clubs to get drunk" she huffed. "No! Psy just sleep in my bed" he sat up quickly and looked at her seriously. "Only if you do as well..." the female mutters ever so quietly. Dom blushed slightly and bit his lip "why? You can have the bed to yourself y'know" he said confused. "Because i feel safer when i have something or someone with me when i sleep" Psy admits. "Ok fineee" he gets up and stretches. Psycho giggled and poked his side when he stretched. "Hey!" he said and chuckled as he stops stretching and pouted. "Whaaaa" the young teen smiled innocently. Dom poked his tongue at her and walked upstairs. Psycho followed him closely like a lost puppy without her owner. He opened his bedroom door for her and gestured her to go in. The princess did a sarcastic curtsy to him and poked her tongue as she entered the males domain of a bedroom. He rolled his eyes playfully at her and chuckles walking in and over to the cupboard to get a duvet and pillow out. "Heh im surprised you didn't notice i have one pillow thats the same as yours when you came to my room this morning" Psycho smiled as she sat on his bed. "You do?" he asked as he placed the pillow on the bed with the duvet. "Mmph i stole it from ya" she admits with no shame. "heh well I mean sure you can steal my things " he said and smiled. "Heh at least it was your scent that helped my paranoia to get to sleep" the demon princess says softly holding her self. Psycho fear wasn't the dark when she was a mortal she was killed in her sleep by a man she thought loved her. Her darkest fear was to fall asleep without a someone to protect her and she'll die again. "I thought you didn't need or want anyone protecting you?" dom asked and sat down on the bed next to her. "I mean of course I'll keep you safe no matter what!". "Oh hush its only because I struggle to sleep because of it" she looked away. "Hey its ok no one's gonna hurt you" he said calmingly as he held her chin gently and turned her head to face him. "got it?" he said smiling. The princess nodded softly. "good" he said and let go "you should get some sleep though psy" he said and got up and walked over to his drawers. "Or what?" Psycho smirk as she took her jeans and jacket off. He took out shorts and a shirt "well then you'll be the one-" he turned and around and stopped mid sentence and blushed. "What?" She tilted her head as she was sat on her knees in black panties and a navy blue crop top with cute monster written in gold. "Heh it's a bit revealing your highness" he said and laughed nervously "would you like to borrow shorts?" he asked and walked into the bathroom to get changed. "Nada i tend to burn up so i keep to minimum clothing on my legs" psy says, in all honesty she just like to wind him up. "Ooooh" Dom walked out and threw his clothes on the floor in front of the drawers and jumped onto the bed. The princess leaped out of bed and pick up his clothes and put them to the wash. Psycho then came back and jumped onto the bed. "Heyyy you don't do my washing your the guest" he said pouting on the bed. "Oh be quiet i have OCD it would've bugged me." Princess Psycho poked her tongue out at him. He did it back and layed down in bed under the covers. The male turned to face to other way, yawning as he closed his eyes. The female smiled softly and closed her eyes falling asleep. Dom rubbed his eyes tiredly and eventually fell asleep.

~~time skip brought to you by psy murdering jason~~

Hours past as demons slept however the guard was now facing the princess spooning her in his arms. Psycho was pressed against his chest snoring softly. Dom stretched slightly and rolled onto his back yawning. Princess Psycho nuzzled him not letting him go like he was a teddy. Dominic rubbed his eyes as he slowly woke up. He looked to his side and saw the sleeping princess and blushed. She was sound asleep with a soft smile plastered on her rosey cheeks. He chuckled quietly and brushed her cheek softly. "Cutie" he said quietly to himself smiling. "Baka" she said quietly in her sleep. Dom chuckled and sat up stretching. The girl stirred awake and yawned quietly. "Morning sleeping beauty" he said and smirked "got cold last night?". "Oh hush its not my fault your really good to cuddle with" she rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times. "heh I'm not complaining" he says and lays back down and messing with his hair.

(Psycho pov)

Heh he really is kinda cute when hes like this. I cuddled up more to him taking in the calm scent Dominic gave off that help me to sleep at night. He smiled and looked at me whilst wrapping an arm around me. I blushed a faint red as he did and looked up at him."thank you for letting me sleep here" i said quietly. "It's okie anytime" he replied and smiled. "Hey d-do you think you could help me again next week when it my h-heat happens" I stutter softly blushing darkly. He blushed at my words "y-you want me to help you?" he stuttered and looked at me. I nodded shyly, yes I'm nervous for how I've been ignoring my heats for so long. He nodded "as long as you want me too" he said and smiled. "Heh i haven't done it with anyone else after you i mainly ignored it even if it was painful" i smiled back him. "Whyyy" he said and shook his head "you shouldn't have ignored it". "I didn't know what to do" i pouted at him. "Heh innocent girl" he said and rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh shut up im stronger than you guard twenty" I rolled my eyes back at him and smirk "though i will say your little friend down there is looking for fun" i then winked at him. He blushed and bit his lip, quickly sitting up and shaking his head. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat on his lap and bit my lip. "Heh wh-what do you want madam?" he stuttered and chuckled nervously. "To help my personal guard~" i smirk, my voice lowering a octave sounding more seductive than usual. Dom bit his lip at the tone of my voice and hesitated before shaking his head "No it's fine your highness" he said trying to sound formal. "Heh i say different" i smirked sexily tilting my head to the side my messy hair slightly moving my hips on Dominic. He bit his lip to hold in any noises for encouragement and moved his hands to my waist. With a hint of mischief I continued to move my slim hips in his rough warm large hands. He still shook his head not willing to give up that easily. "Pretty please master let me help" i beg cutely trailing my slim hands up his chest. "I thought pet was innocent though" he said and tilted his head. "I'd say more clueless on how things work and what the terms mean but I'll get the hang of it" I shrugged softly with a smile. "Heh adorable innocent girl" he said and smiled back. "Heh careful im on top of you Dominic~" i smirked and grinded on him abit harder which made him give in and moan quietly. I giggled softly and continued my actions as i felt his friend poke me through his boxers and my panties. He bit his lip before kissing my neck roughly. I couldn't help but squeak out if excitement and shock. He smirked at my reaction and finds my sweet spot straight away. He nibbles it.

(Dominic pov)

I nibbled on her soft skin as she panted softly. I smirk as I pull away "heh what's the matter pet?~" I said to her and tilted my head. She playfully glared at me as she sneakily started to pull my boxers off. I looked at her and blushed "a-are you sure you want to?" I ask her quietly. "Mmph im sure" psy nodded confidently smirking at me at how i was acting. Aye the girl plays heart strings and make me like the night i helped her. I nodded taking off her top and bit my lip. "Wow you still look as sexy as the night we met~" I smirked at her as she was now in her black laced undergarments. "And your still as hot as then" she fired back. "debatable although I would say I'm more risky" I said and chuckled as I trailed my finger down her back. She instantly gasped and arched her back, heh another turn on for the princess. I smirked "hmm what other turn ons does pet have?" i said and tilted my head thinking. "Master likes teasing a lot doesn't he?" Psycho looked at me with her mix colour eyes that were clouded in lust. "He sure does" I smiled "but it's mostly when they start it when I tease" I glared at her trying to keep a straight face. "Maybe keep a little friend in line and i wouldn't " she smirked moving her panties to the side to tease my cock with her wet pussy. I moaned and slightly grinded back on her. Psy bit her lip to keep her moan in which resulted her to loose focus on teasing me. I took this opportunity to switch places so she's laying on the bed and me on top. "Hey no fair master~" she pouted as i had the princess pinned down. I tilted my head "does pet want to be on top?" I asked. She shook her head and tried to grind against me again from under me. "H-hey" I bit my lip and looked at her. "Yessss master?~" she smirked as she looked up at me. "hmph" i huffed took the rest of her clothes off so that she was fully naked in her glory underneath me. She giggled softly blushing faintly. "Wow" I said admiring her beauty. She looks more developed than when I last saw her. "Heh like the view up there Dominic~" Psycho asked biting her lip sexily. I snapped out of my thoughts and blushed "S-sorry I didn't mean to stare!" I said looking away. She rolled her eyes and leaned up pressing her lips on mine kissing me with passion. I blushed, shocked at first but melted into the unexpected, passionate kiss. "Im ready master~" she pulled away. "You sure pet" I asked and tilted my head. Psycho nodded to reassure me and she was okay "um I don't have protection" I said and laughed nervously. "You are so lucky then i know magic" she laughs and summoned one. I rolled my eyes playfully and slid the protection on. Lining my rock hard shaft to her entrance she carefully watched what i was doing. I smirked and looked at her as I teased her entrance with my tip. Psy whimpered pleasingly looking at me with pleading eyes to go further. I bit my lip and push in slowly further into her. The princess gasped softly as i groaned she seems so much tighter than last time. I stopped and waited not wanting to hurt her. "Its okay I'm fine" psycho said quietly. I nodded and moved slowly at first, biting my lip slightly. Her back arched off the bed ever so slightly as the princess panted quietly biting her plump pink bottom lip whilst closing her beautiful eyes. I looked at her expression and chuckled to my self before slowly moving in and out of her, moaning softly and panting. "Ah~ Dominic y-your big~" Princess Psycho moaned opening her eyes to look at me lustfully. "Your so tight~" I said tilting my head back slightly as I started thrusting into her faster. She moaned louder as i picked up my pace tilting her head back. I continued at a fast pace, leaning forward and kissing her neck again roughly. "M-master!~" she squealed adorably as i gave her body more pleasure thrusting my cock harder into her. I smirk, ramming myself inside her faster and deeper. I nibble her neck as my thrusts became sloppier. "Fuck master im gonna c-cum!" She moaned digging her nails into the bed sheets. Her walls clenching tightly onto me meaning she was going to reach climax. I kept thrusting faster and as hard as i could into her before releasing my cum into the condom and panting. She came with a final moan releasing her juices on to the protection panting heavily. I pulled out slowly and took off the protection, throwing it in the bin. "That was amazing" Psycho said quietly out of breath. I join her laying on the bed "R-really?" I asked and blushed slighty looking at her.

(Normal pov)

The teenage princess nodded blushing softly. He chuckled nervously and runs his fingers through his hair. The female demon wiggled over to him and brushed her fingers through his hair softly. Dominic blushed at how close they were to eachother. Psycho giggled at him blushing "heh losing confidence Dominic?". He chuckled and shook his head "Never" he said. "Mmphhh sureee mr blushy guard" she smirked. He pouted and poked his tongue at her. The princess grinned and she bit his tongue which caused her guard to blush when she did. "Heh shy guard" princess Psycho laughed softly at her guard. "oh hush" he pouted and sat up "your mean". "No I'm Psycho" she grinned. "har har very funny" he said and rolled his eyes playfully getting up and looking in his draw for clean clothes. The demon princess sat up and looked over pinching one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. "Heyyy" he pouts getting pants and a tank top out of the draw. "Whaaaa" she replied copying him. He got dressed "Im making breakfast pet so any requests?" he asked. She blushed faintly "wait what time is it?" She asked. "Umm I'm not sure I don't have my watch or phone on me" he said looking around the room "why?" Dom tilted his head. "Because of my older brothers they'll freak if they find me not at home" Psycho explained as she got dressed. "Oh crap w-want me to walk you back?" Dom asked. "Or we can pretend you caught me since you do have work?" She smirked. He nods "or that" he said as he got his work clothes on "ugh these uniforms are uncomfortable" he whined adjusting it. "Heh try wearing a corset thats really tight then a tight ball gown" she rolled her eyes at his whining as she did some magic to the clothes to make them fit her curvy body as the clothes hugged her nicely. "Well your beautiful wearing anything so you don't even need to try" he complimented her and smiled. "Oh i know but royal life ain't it everything is about image" the girl sighed forcing a smile. He shook his head "Forget about all that stuff" he said and looked at her "You shouldn't care what others tell you to do because when your outside of them walls your no longer the princess, your this beautiful sassy girl and you need to express that because I know which psycho is the real one". "Hmmmm i guess though you might as well admit that sometimes life is cruel i may be the rare chaotic demon who's learning to control their seductive powers but life is going to be unfair" Psycho looked up at him with a sad smile. He nodded "Life can be unfair sometimes, whereas the others are the best times" he stroked her cheek softly "don't always think bad ok kiddo? You'll get a time where your the happiest girl ever and you'd deserve it". Princess Psycho sighed and nodded "The time I'm the happiest girl is probably when I'm dead again". "Not if I'm with you" he said and took her hand. She giggled softly and blushed "like you can protect me from an old man who's just slightly stronger than me but I appreciate the effort even though my life has been decided to marry him..". He shook his head once again "I'll protect you no matter what" Dominic smiled. "And plus you have me as a spy if needed". "Thank you" she said softly. His smiled and nodded kissing her hand "I'm always here if you need me Psy" he said calmly. "Heh i think ill keep you around" she grinned. "Really?" he asked and tilted his head "Well it is my job anyways". "Oh hush i consider you as a friend so don't think of it as a job". "Fineeee and speaking of job we better go" he said as he walked out the bedroom and down the stairs. She followed straight after him whilst picking up one of his dark hoodies and put it on. "You are worse than Saph when it comes to stealing my stuff y'know that?" he chuckled and grabbed the keys. "Well take your pick me keep sneaking out to sleep in your bed with you or me take something with your scent to fall asleep with" she fired back with a smirk. "Hmm the first one" he smirked back and opened the door for her.

(Psycho pov)

I blushed darkly and pulled the hood up as i walked out the door. "Whaaat it felt safe and calm falling asleep cuddling someone and then waking up to see their beautiful face" he said and smiled walking out after me and locking the door. "Baka" i huffed softly. "Sorry..." he said starts walking and looks down "I-I get carried away" he mutters quietly. "huh you know what that means?" I asked him. He nodded "my friends girlfriend calls him that too" he explained "well I say girlfriend, he likes her and she likes him but not quite dating yet" he said and rolled his eyes. "Wow thats like my friend Jenifer she likes the new boy that arrived at her school i don't know if she knows he's a werewolf" I giggled slightly. "Wait are you talking about a kid named lucas?" he asked me. "Yeah god he was kinda fun a big worry head but fun" i said not thinking much of it. "What so your friend is Jenifer?" he asked another question. "Yeah shes a hybrid tho she does have a little bit of my powers since we can swap body's when we want " I replied. "You are not understanding me are ya" he chuckled and looked at me. "Its too early just explain already" i whined poking his cheek. "Lucas is my host and we share a body most of the time when I'm not at work" he said. "Ooooooh whoa whoa whoa Lucas has a crush on Jen?" I asked slowly picking things up. Dom nodded and clapped sarcastically "Smart girl" he said and laughed. "Oh hush its early in the morning okay" I yawned quietly resting my head on his shoulder. He blushed faintly and smiled moving his hand to meet mine. I smiled softly and held his hand. He swung our hands gently and slowly as i blushed keeping the hood up, hes just a friend, friends do this stuff right? I thought. Dominic chuckled and put my hood down tilting his head as i looked at him blushing. Why is my heart racing he's just my guard and friend. "Hey you okay? You look unwell" he said and stopped walking to feel my forehead. "Heh yeah I'm fine" i nodded. "Hmm want a piggyback ride there?" he asked and tilted his head. My eyes lit up as my demonic tail swished happily, with no hesitation i jumped onto his back. He chuckled at my reaction and held on to my long legs as he continued to walk again.

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