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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Demons comes with many form but most of them mimic the form of animals due to their hunted nature, a group of demon might be a treat but a single demon is nothing more than a hunted deer that is why they took the form of animals for the weak demons they chose small and fast animals like bird, snake or insects even some demon take the form of plant to avoid fights and some take the form as strong and mighty creatures to strike fear to their foe but all demons have one particular same form ALL OF THEM HAVE HORNS, horns are the symbol of pride for demons and a demon that have a broken horn is more worthless then a hornless demon, due to this fact hunters always took the horns of a demon as trophy of their success and because of this weak demons are mostly hunted down until they reach the break of extinction, such conditions made the demon kind violent towards human kind knowing the fact that they would hunt demons just to take their dignity as a trophy and ignoring the fact that those demons have no ill attention towards the humans, from the start of time the demon never wanted to harm other kind but due to the discrimination the Demon folks have no other choice but to fight back this started the first era of the Demon kind.

On a bright blue sky, a single black entity flew toward the kingdom of Reegan with wings the wide of a man it's easy to notice with the naked eye and it seems that the entity doesn't have any intention to hide his presence at all intentional showing off his skill of purpose he flew toward the kingdom alarming every living being that saw it even the monsters started hiding from this black flying entity, knowing that there is a threat coming closer to the kingdom a hunter scout quickly ran back to the kingdom to warn the knights and the guards glad he made it before the being and quickly reported the sighting to the knight headquarters. Meanwhile,

"FINALLY I CAN GO TO THE HUMAN KINGDOM!!!" shouted the 4th Demon general Harpy or also known as Kurosan the sins of lust,

after 4 months of doing nothing in the North border castle, he was finally given the order to go to the human kingdom for investigation for the 3rd General the Garuda Lord, simply just because over-excited he forgot to hide his presence and alarm everything within the forest until a spear was thrown at him at high speed then he finally realized that he didn't hide his presence,

"Whoa where did that spear come from? Wait didn't I already hide my presence?" said Kurosan confused about himself and ignored the fact that he was just under attack by someone powerful,

"4TH GENERAL OF THE DEMON KING I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL 1 ON 1!!!" shout the man that threw the spear right at Kurosan,

hearing such familiar voice Kurosan quickly looked at the source of the voice and quickly realize who's the man that challenged him to a duel

"hi Golden knight, don't tell me that you hold a grudge against me because of last time, I simply did you favor isn't it good?, why are you mad about it" said Kurosan

Lowering his flying high so the golden knight can hear what he's talking about

"You?! Did me a favor?! ALL YOU DID WAS MADE MY LIVE SUFFER!" the golden knight shouts once again

and a powerful aura of a grudge is coming out of him

"what... Hey listen here you were having trouble with your wife and all so I helped you with a little lust so what?" said Kurosan with an innocent expression

while reaching to the ground trying to negotiate with the golden knight because not knowing what exactly happened,

"it's because of the lust that you put on me not only my wife got effected but also every woman in the kingdom wants to F*ck me whenever they saw me even the high priest!" said the golden knight with a terrifying face and a powerful murder intention

"because of that my pride is wounded and the king banished me from the kingdom until I can find the antidote to this curse of yours, I golden knight of Taurus shall kill you right this instant!" the golden knight sir Taurus

then he strikes without any hesitation empty-handed only with the golden armor covering him he strikes multiple times at Harpy but because of the difference in both speed and power Taurus can't land a single hit on Harpy and Harpy can't simply get his because if he does it'll be over for him.

Somewhere near the location where the golden knight Taurus and the 4th General Harpy is fighting lies the 6th General Worm just lying around on the ground looking for gems and crystal that he senses early but due to the ruckus that the fight made Worm lost the location of the gem that he was looking for

"those...those stupid ... stupid humans why are they fighting near my gem because of those stupid... stupid human now I lost my precious gems... gems... gems!" the 6th general Worm was frustrated unable to find the gems,

the 6th general Worm quickly dug underground and head towards the fight to end it but when he arrives the golden knight Taurus punched the ground and made Worm surface from underground forcefully,

"you annoying... annoying human are always bothering... bothering my works why can't you can't you just stop," said Worm frustrated with what the golden knight is doing

"now you ruined... ruined all the gems underground I shall I shall not forgive you!!!" said Worm quickly wrapped Sir Taurus and made him unable to move,

With the skill, GREAT WORMS BIND an almost king-level skill that binds the enemy Taurus might be powerful but the more he struggles from Worm binding the more he'll get weaker, knowing this fact Sir Taurus didn't even try to fight back and calm himself down,

"Now you're calm?" ask Harpy

approaching Taurus that's being warp by Worm special ability with a casual tone Harpy once again trying to negotiate with Taurus while trying to calm down Worm so he doesn't kill Sir Taurus, the negotiations went for almost an hour just listening to Sir Taurus explaining what all the embarrassing things that have happened to him since after Harpy cast his lust one him


hearing Taurus story while Taurus is holding himself not to punch him Harpy is trying to figure out how to benefit both sides at this situation after a few more minutes of negotiations and trying to find the solution and explaining what is everyone personal objectives are (beside Worm that is because he already forgot what he was doing there) Harpy finally found a solution.

Harpy gave an antidote to Sir Taurus and Sir Taurus have to escort them to the kingdom disgusted as Professional clerics since with that they can slip in the city without any suspicion and since Harpy is a support class and Worm is a nature mage it fits them perfectly, sir Taurus agreed with this condition since he's one of the golden knights that knows what the true purpose of the Demon king so he agreed and escort both of them back to the kingdom of Reegan, arrived at the gate the knight was rushing out to hunt down the flying black entity that was actually The 4th General Harpy Kurosan, seeing this scene Harpy hide his presence more to avoid conflict because not everyone in the kingdom knows about the true purpose of the Demon King and most of them are just low-level citizens most of the noble objects with the Demon king idea because it will discriminate their pride of Nobles,

"Excuse me where are they going to?" asked Sir Taurus to the gate guard curious not knowing what is the situation

"oh sir Taurus may God bless you and thank goodness that you finally found a way to lift the curse" said one of the gate guard showing his gratitude for the presence of one of the golden knights in front of him

"it seems that there was a sighting of a giant blackbird and the knight was worried that it was actually a demon general approaching the kingdom, so they send a 20 group scout Knight to investigate the big black bird" explain the other gate guard about the condition of the emergency at the moment,

Hearing this both Sir Taurus and General Worm that is in disguise look at Harpy with disappointment,

"owh! Who might they be sir Taurus? are they your new companions?" ask the other gate guard

curious because he never saw they face before while guarding the gate all these years, Sir Taurus explained to them they Worm and Harpy are his new companions that helped him on his journey to lift the curse of the sin of lust, 2 hours of Taurus telling a fake story of his journey that the guards were excited to hear and Worm and Harpy was just bored to death wanting to just die already

"is this... this human always... always such a big of a mouth?" asks Worm getting impassion of hearing Taurus talking nonstop for 2 hours

"my friend he was still talking while fighting me for half an hour, make your guess" answer Harpy

Harpy was also getting bored and can't wait anymore so he decided to disturb Sir Taurus stories by explaining that they're in a hurry, the gate guards quietly open the gate and let the three of them in then they partway where Sir Taurus is heading to the castle to meet his majesty and Harpy looking for an Inn to stay in while Worm quickly disappears into the down jewelry section still can't remember what his mission was.

Not far outside the kingdom there was a small abandoned mine, a small miner group was working there after hearing rumors of a hidden crystal that have the size of a human heart with a red glowing color under the mines, this rumor spread quickly among miners and blacksmiths saying that maybe it was the heart of an ancient golem or maybe it was the jewel for the staff that is used by one of the golden knight in the past generations no one know the truth about this rumors but when Worm accidently heard of the rumor he knew straight away what it was, a crystal the size of a heart and glows red color even underground there was nothing more besides the description of a crystal that is used for necromancy called the undead king eye this crystal was usually possess by the Demon kind at the Demon era only a few of being know about this fact veteran knights, high mage, elves, dwarves and demons, when Worm The 6th Demon general was about to set off and get the crystal for himself he was a group of dwarves was getting ready to set off to the old mines but Worm knew if he wants the crystal he need to get rid of those dwarves because they are the biggest obstacles that will be, not just good at blacksmithing they're also very intelligent with mining and earth magic the biggest weakness of Worm knowing this Worm quickly find an empty place with no one around and quickly dug underground hoping that he can find the crystal first before the dwarves get there.

Worm finally arrived at the mines, he looked around to make sure that there was no dwarves around to ruin his plans and when he's sure that no dwarves was around he quickly dug underground looking for the crystal and still haven't found it until the dwarves arrived, after the dwarves arrived they entered the mines fully equipped for any surprise attack from other people that know the truth about the crystal, after the group of dwarves reach the underground dungeons that they found deep underneath the mines they set up camp knowing this Worm decided to help them from the shadow because he know with this he can just snatched the crystal at the last second, after a few minutes of break time the dwarves decided to proceed deeper into the dungeon to search for the Necromancer crystal, along the way the dwarves was talking about all sorts of things about crystals and gems that is more valuable than the king crown itself such conversation actually made Worm the 6th Demon general and the sins of greed drooling nonstop imagining about how does all those gems and crystals looks like but then the dwarves stumble on a very interesting topic about the new Demon king the Demon king Ace,

"hey have you heard the rumors? They said that the Demon King wants to make peace with the humans" said one of the dwarves that have a Whitebeard and holding a massive hammer and a shield

"yeah I heard that rumors they also said that the Demon king wants to free all nonhuman kinds from slavery such as for demi-humans, elves and dragons kind," said another dwarf that carrying a big backpack and a short brown beard

"well it sure will be nice that if it true," said another dwarf that hold a pickaxe with the bulk body and a short white beard

"well it's not actually a rumor the Demon king really sent proposals for peace even he sends his 1st great general to meet the king with himself," said the last dwarves that also hold a pickaxe but have a less bulky body then the other dwarves that hold the pickaxe and these dwarves is also the only one with a bald hair

"well the rumors also said that the king rejected it because of some unknown reason and made them suffer the critical condition of almost losing 3 of their golden knight trying to harm the Demon king in the middle of a negotiation," said the dwarves with the short brown beard

"well who knows maybe it's because those stupid noble people that force the king to decline the good offer, they also said that one of the nobles actually treated the king that he would send an assassin to kill the princess if the king would ever accept the agreement," said the bald dwarves

"damn those nobles they knew that the king loves his one and only daughter so he would do anything to protect her," said the bulk dwarves

"yeah the king always fails to have a daughter and there was a rumor going around that he was actually cursed to never have a daughter despite he has 5 other sons," said the dwarves with the shield and hammer

"right now the king is at the weakest point and all we can hope is for the new king to be the 3rd prince" said the bulk dwarves,

this conversation keep going until they reached a huge gate with an odd symbol on it the dwarves don't know what the symbol was but Worm the 6th general that have been observing them and hearing their conversations this whole time realize that they will not be able to make it out of the dungeon alive if the dwarves is not careful because that symbol is belong to the ancient demon race known as Armanduk a very powerful demon race that rule the underground for thousands of years but all the recordings of this mighty demon race was lost right after the down of the High elves era that disappear with all the recordings of the first demon era where powerful and deadly demons was born and took over the world for thousands of years, knowing this fact Worm quickly comes out of his hiding spot but it was too late the dwarves already enter the altar of the Armanduk demon race, Worm quickly ran into the altar still hiding his presence when the dwarves was about to take the crystal suddenly the altar turned red and the statue on the wall began to move the dwarves were shock not knowing what to do they ignored the crystal and getting ready to fight for their lives when suddenly the statue began to explode them self-crumbling the altar burying the dwarves under grounds to make sure they can't escape but Worm quickly informed the dwarves to follow him if they want to live but knowing that Worm is a stranger to them it took them a few moments before believing him but when the situation is getting worse they quickly follow Worm and jump into one of his holes that he dug to escape to the service.

The Dwarves and Worm made it into the service safely without any critical injuries, Worm was exhausted after digging a very long tunnel from the underground to the service but the dwarves were very grateful for his help because without him they could have died down there without anyone knowing,

"thank you for your help Demon," said the dwarves with the hammer

"ye without you we might have been squashed down there, we are very grateful thank you" said the bald dwarves,

hearing this Worm was surprised that the dwarves knew that he was a demon

"How did you know about me as a demon?" ask Worm curiously

"ah that way of talking might it be that you are the 5th general of the Demon king Worm the great miner?" ask the dwarves that have a short white beard

"great miners? I don't know that I was a great miner" Worm was confused with the title that was given to him by the dwarves,

"oh! You see you might not realize that we dwarves admire your capabilities to be able to own so many rare gems crystals and minerals all around the world" explain the dwarves with the short brown beard

"yes you're our hero! Being able to find so many rare and precious things underground is more than us dwarves it surely is a great achievement" said the bald dwarves admiring his Demon general hero in front of him

"by the way General Worm what were you doing down there in the dungeon?" ask the bulk dwarves "I was... was just about to look... look for the Necromancer crystal Necromancer crystal but then I was you dwarves... dwarves in trouble so I save you dwarves" explain Worm trying to convince them about the reason why he was there

"well it was a good coincidence then that you were there, but sadly I can't grab the crystal," said the dwarves with the hammer,

worm actually succeeded to grab the crystal but he was hiding it for himself but after seeing the reaction of those dwarves Worm decided to give the crystal to them, they were very happy to receive such a magnificent give from their idol/hero and they were thanking nonstop from so many times until Worm decided to excuse himself to leave they said farewell to each other and went to their own ways.

Worm services once again near the kingdom wall only finding that Harpy was waiting for him,

"that was unusual of you to give something precious to someone Worm? Did someone or something finally hit your head hard enough to make you lost your memory?" ask Harpy mocking Worm a bit for his odd behavior

"shut up Harpy I was simply grateful for them for them that they see me as their hero hero" said Worm a little embarrassed

"does that means if I call you my hero you'll give me a big crystal too!!!" ask Harpy excited and teasing Worm

"all the words that come out of your words are never true" said Worm with an angry aura wanting to punch Harpy the hardest he can

"now don't get angry, I have some good jewelry here I want you to do a tunnel into the kingdom stealthily ok" said Harpy

explaining his true purpose for waiting for Worm near the King walls, for a few hours they negotiate and fight until they came to an agreement that Harpy will give Worm the Heart jewelry and after that Worm will help him with his Mission,

"okay okay!!! I agree!, goddammit of I keep making deal with you I'm going to be broke and start living as a beggar" said Harpy complaining about the deal but still accept it anyway,

"good doing business with you hehehehe" said Worm laughing while start digging the tunnel to the castle.

After both of them arrived at the castle Worm got an information about what he was supposed to do so he quickly say fair well and head to the village, while Harpy is still trying to find where the kingdom keeps all their golden knights records he stumbled upon a secret underground tunnel leading to a human made dungeon from prisoners, after looking around for a bit and examined all the cells and prisoners he noticed that all of them are nonhuman mostly are elves slave and lizard men, seeing such scene he bear the pain in his heart to see one of his comrades for torture in one of the cell, the former Harpy Demon General also the teacher of the now Harpy demon General Amon, with rage Harpy Kurosan punched the wall made a huge sound that alarm the people outside, after a few minutes of sorrow and pain Harpy finally calm down he pick up his teacher body and planning to bringing it back to put him on a proper resting place at the Demon Castle, Harpy also freed all the other prisoners and escort them outside thru the secret tunnel that was made by Worm the 5th demon General,

"now you are free, go towards the Demon territory and show the this emblem the Demons will take care all of you don't worry" said Harpy the 4th demon general

also giving them directions to where they should go an gave them supplies and the Harpy emblem and when Harpy is about to depart by himself one of the elves called him

"excuses me general Harpy but there was actually another prisoners down at that dungeon deeper then where we were if you could safe her it would also benefit the Demon king" said the elf explaining about his request

"how will helping this one person benefit my king?" ask Harpy a bit furious,

"well you might not know but those prisoners are actually the 3rd prince and the princess, they were captured for the treason of treachery by accepting the Demon king proposal, even If he's captured it seems that he still has influenced since the man that escorted him wears full mask and they blindfolded the prince and the princess," said the elf

explaining the dire situation within the kingdom politics and also might be the reason why the masks people captured both the prince and the princess, hearing such information Harpy was shocked and quickly hand over his master corpse telling that they should wait here a bit longer since Harpy sent an immediate emergency pickup to the other demon General, Harpy quickly ran back into the tunnel and quickly entering the secret dungeon underneath the castle only finding that there were people in there that wear a full-fledged mask and fully equip weapons and armor escorting a certain someone.

The man that was escorted was none other than the 1st prince and a noble, from the look of it they're the ones that keep non humans down here to torture them and it looks like that they were the one who killed the Master of Harpy the 4th general of the Demon king, Harpy was frustrated wanting to kill him but if he does it would make more trouble for his king and more trouble for his comrades because of that now he hold an unbearable grudge questioning why would his king wanted to make allies of this people they're simply monsters not far different from goblins and wolves, to simply put it Harpy is bearing the pain of being slash by a thousand Cain whip it was painful but there is nothing else he can do beside waiting for an opportunity to save the prince and the princess, on the way to the prince and princess prison the prince and the other noticed that all the other prisoners disappear seeing this they quickly ran to the prince and princess prison not knowing that Harpy is just waiting in the darkness to strike and any given moments, after the prince and the prince and his men's reaches the prison where they held the 3rd prince and the princess captive they were glad to see that both of them is still there

"phew thankfully that the intruders didn't find these two" said the Nobel cover in sweats after running for a pretty long distance

"guard quickly block the way out and keep an eye for any upcoming intruders!" said the first prince commanding his men to make sure he was safe from any surprise attack

but that was to late Harpy already in the cell with the prince and the princess hiding in the shadow, the 1st prince entered the cell while looking down at his brother that is now weak and unable to move and lying down on the floor with metal chains on both of his legs and arms

"how are you my pathetic little brother" greed the prince mocking his brother that is now unable to fight back

"what you're not going to fight back? So weak!" said the first prince while kicking and beating up the third prince

while doing so the Nobel looks at the little princess with a disturbing expression, after a few minutes of beating his brother the first prince look at his sister and fell disgusted

"do whatever you want with her," said the first prince to the Nobel

but when the Nobel was about to make a move Harpy decapitated him into eight pieces in split second with his power, the first prince drop to the ground shocked of what he just saw and then from the shadow Harpy the 4th general appeared in front of the first prince

"I don't care anymore as longest there is no witnesses it should be OK," said Harpy getting ready to attack,

the 1st prince was shouting calling for the guards but they didn't come and then he started to beg for mercy but Harpy ignored it and slice off the first prince head like an apple.

On the way back carrying both the 3rd prince and the princess on his back he encountered two more demon generals the 7th and the 9th General Bennu and Phoenix demon General, they offer him help to carry the prince and the princess back to the Demon Castle and Harpy simply agreed,

"so it didn't go well huh for you Kurosan" said Bennu while he's carrying the prince

"well from the look of it you're still energetic as ever but just a bit gloomy," said Phoenix curious of what happened

and then Harpy Kurosan suddenly stop

"Red, Black... Why does the king want to make peace with that worthless trash" said Harpy looking at the ground silently with no expression

"why does he want to make peace with worthless trash like those humans they do not value lives they only care about money and power and nothing else, WHY WOULD OUR BELOVED KING WANT SUCH DISCRIMINATED FATE?! DOES HE NOT KNOW HOW MUCH WE WILL LOST IF WE MAKE PEACE WITH THOSE BACKSTABBING!!!..."

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