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Chapter 3: The fateful Night

The night air is refreshingly good tonight,Jasper thinks to himself as he walks from his small apartment to the small gathering with his coworkers since tonight is the beginning of a new year.

The night before...

Arisa you have to go to the party regardless or im doubling you're hours! She looked back towards the bar as her brother was standing there shouting at her before her escape for the night. Look Akros you can't double my hour's cause im always working each night so if I don't want to go I don't have to,and besides I do have a life other than babysitting you're drunk ass each new year's eve. With that she walked out and soon disappeared,as Akros had a look of someone who just lost a big bet soon turn his attention to Jasper as he was wiping down the tables and chairs before he headed home for the night. Hey! Jasper! You don't have any plans for tomorrow right? Jasper hesitated for a moment before he answered,well no not really but I was planning to visit my father's grave other than that I guess I'll make sure you don't start another riot at the karaoke place again. Akros shifted his look up as he scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly,look it was only one time and the dumbass manager there tried to charge double.... also its been about five year's since your father passed away huh? Jaspers father was found dead in the river five years ago,it looked as if he was killed by a wild animal with how badly the body looked but the detectives were even stumped about the case file so it ended up being filed as a cold case and still labelled as a animal attack.

Jasper nodded at Akros and silently finished cleaning up before saying his goodbyes and heading on home.

Meanwhile back on new years eve...

Rena if you would quit running so much I could end your suffering quickly,the voice echoed out in the dark ally as the dark figure walking slowly while tracking his prey who escaped with a few others after the attack back at the conference hall.

Blood dripping and soaking the floor of the conference hall as it was a scene that was worse than any nightmare,the few people still holding out from this massacre now breathing heavy waiting for any chance to escape and regroup. Grimly if you just waited a bit more we could of taken care of all this way sooner,yet you had to go against our plans,the annoyed voice was coming from the small slim figure as be shook his head is disappointment. Grimly with a grin threw the cold body of his victim down and turned around to look up before voicing his own opinion,look we only have what four maybe six or so left out of what a thousand? I say we did pretty damn good,besides shouldn't you be somewhere else? The small slim figure nodded in agreement even if he was annoyed by how Grimly went about this whole thing on his own. I guess I won't argue with that just kill them already while we go and complete our true goal,also.... before Grimly knew it the slim figure had moved right in front of him within a blink of an eye and summoned a giant hand that grabbed his neck choking him without the slightest hint of remorse. If you ever break away and act on your own again I will kill you! With that the slim figure and big burley figure disappeared as if they were never there,Grimly rubbed his neck and clicked his tongue as he was now pissed off after that confrontation. I was going to kill you all quickly,but now im going to take my time. His eyes shifted around the room at the remaining people still left stand,he then took a deep breathe before narrowing his eyes while his body was now crouched slightly preparing to hunt his prey down. Rena! Now! Maria shouted out as she ran and jumped up and off the stage as a broad sword bigger than her was now in her hands and swinging straight down at the man. The sound of metal ringing out as sparks flew out from the sword and his claws clashed together,guess you want to die first huh? Well who am I to deny someone a death they're wanting so badly,as he grinned he grabbed her sword with his other hand moving it with not much resistance,as he did this Maria eye's widen as his strength was not beyond what she at first thought. Before he could finished the battle of his overwhelming strength Rena stepped in as her string wrapped around his body dug into his flesh drawing blood to drip out of the wounds. You're the bitch who sliced my arm off,his voice filled with rage rang out and echoed around the hall. Everyone hurry and get out of here well hold him off go now! Rena holding her string tightly holding him in place,everyone started to run out of the hall heading toward the exit before they left one of them shouted out. Rena! Well open a bridge for escape to the human realm it'll only take us about five minutes,so... don't die on us! After that they were out of sight,Rena sigh of relief was cut short as Grimly was slowly breaking free. Holding onto the blade still he grabbed the string with his now loose hand gripping it tighter his claws began to cut through each string one by one,as he was freeing himself Maria now holding onto two longswords she wasn't about to give him any chance to counter attack. Her attack was like a wave of water flowing steady and smooth each attack landed on it's mark slicing into his flesh with each swing of her swords,his struggle was slowly turning into a fiery rage as his eye's now glowed a crimson hue. Blood dripping down his body from the attacks he turned around dodging the onslaught of her blades even as the strings still cutting deeper as he turned he looked at the direction of Rena a threw the broad sword straight at her with speeds that no normal person could see,without missing a beat she leaned back barely dodging the sword while keeping a strong grip on the strings. Nows my chance,Rena thought now was the time to end this fight but something was wrong she couldn't feel the resistance of the strings....

He was gone nothing where is he? Wait where is Maria,Rena quickly searched the room with her eye's catching a horrible scene. Maria's body was pinned to the wall across the room with her longswords dug deep into her body and keeping her pinned into against the wall,her breathing was heavy as her face showed just how much pain she was in and that man Grimly standing there just below her as he was grinning and saying something to her hanging body before turning his sights on her. You're first he shouted at Rena before closing the distance within a moment,soon his claws dug deep into the flesh on the left side of her shoulder cutting down. Rena gasped out in pain and jumped back dodging his next swift attack,she stumbled and looked down before looking up to focus on him. Shooting pain was now sending signals as her leg and shoulder now bleeding,she used her right hand and motioned a wave as she did he began to sprint towards her before his feet were pulled from underneath him as his back was greeted by the wall slamming into it with great force the wall gave way and rubble from it collapsed on top of him. Maria! Rena shouted and quickly took this moment to try to get to her before he had the chance regain his momentum,as she approach closer a sharp pain struck her right above her ribcage as sounds of bones breaking echoed out with a sickening sound,for a brief moment her eye's caught a glimpse of a crimson leg gauntlet before her body was sent flying with great enough force she went through the conference hall and several more walls. That'll teach you to ignore me! Grimly cracked his neck as he tilted his head side to side as a grin formed on his face,looking up at the other female who was pinned up on the wall he sighed and spoke. You just stay right there,I'll be back to deal with you after I kill the other bitch,I owe her for cutting my arm off once and now for slamming into the wall and I always collect my debit that is owed. He began walking towards where he sent her body flying,Rena! She looker up to see a blurry figure standing over her as they reached down to carefully help her up,as she moaned in pain tbe figure put her arm over their shoulder and began to lead her away. Don't worry Rena we have a bridge open it'll close soon so we gotta hurry as the voice continued to speak while they kept on moving she finally recognized the voice. Rin is that you? Her voice low in tone softly spoke out. Yes Rena it me Rin,I got you so focus on moving forward or that crazy bastard will catch up. I wonder who are those guys and what is it are they trying to accomplish here? Soon they reach the room where the bridge leading to the human realm was located Rena were almost there so hang on,as soom as they approached the bridge Rin began to walk through it with Rena in tow but before she knew it Rin he had let go of her as she looked back she saw a crimson claw plunged through Rin's chest and another figure standing behind him as Rin coughed up blood he softly spoke with his last breathe he told her to run and keep going as the light faded from his eye's and his body was thrown to the side she disappeared a long with her sight of Rin.


Father I hope you're resting somewhere in peace,mom is doing okay and so is sis. Jasper standing before his father's grave wishing him well and bringing him up to date on everything that's been happening this year,as his speech was coming to an end he kneeled down and placing his hand on the tombstone as he held back his tears he whispered out "Love you dad,and I miss you". With that he stood back up and put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked out of the graveyard. Walking down the sidewalk as the street lamps barely lit up the darkness of the night,he mumbled to himself and thought even if he did take the short cut through the construction warehouses he was still not going to make it before midnight hits as he clicks his tongue and shrugs he turns the corner and head off towards the warehouses down the alley short cut. Coming out of the alley walked towards the gates of the construction site warehouses,as he began to open the gate his ears picked up of a sound as if it was someone yelling? Wait is someone hurt or stuck inside one of the warehouses?

Come out now! I know you're in here,I can sense your fear you know death is here for his prize. I can make it quick and painless if you just give yourself up! The sound of the warehouse door creaked opened slowly as a figure stood near the entrance,looks like I have a new toy to play with. Before he had a chance to speak out a figure of a man stood before him and grabbed his neck before throwing him through a wooden crate,gasps of pain slipped out from his lips and his thoughts began running wild in his mind "just what is happening? Why is this happening? Who is this person?" so many things ran through his mind as he tried to get up from the ground before something heavy pressed against his back pushing him down harder into the concrete,stand put right here im not done with you but..... you'll break to easily unlike her,the man was grinning as he barely caught the glimpse of the man's face. Come out now unless you want to have this human's blood on your hands too!? Footsteps echoed out as a figure of a female limping slowly appeared from the other side if the warehouse,she was struggling to keep herself from falling down her wounds weren't healing fast enough and for sure at least couple if not all her ribs were broken in a instance. I knew you would show yourself over a this trash of a human,you guy's are so predictable. He laughed at her broken body before removing his foot from the human and kicking his body with enough force to dent the side of the wall,as he hit the wall a wave of pain shot through his body as he coughed up blood he gripped his stomach as he watch the man approach the female. He approached the Rena and reached out to grab her but before his hand reached her throat blood splattered out and his eye's widen then narrowed before filling with rage as she was smirking at him. He roared out and spun around kicking her with blinding speeds as she blocked the kick her right arm snapped as the sound of bone breaking echoed within the warehouse. She was sent flying and crashing through couple of the crates into the side of the metal wall as gasps of pain escaped her mouth,the man picked his arm up just like he had done before reattached it before moving it up and down and waving it around. Looking over at her broken body laying there he smirked as he spoke out to her,not once but twice you have sliced my arm off and now look at you can't stand or move anymore,don't die now im not done with you and when I am im going to kill the rest of your friends. Laying there in pain he watched as the female was sent flying and the man reattaching his arm,what kinda monster was this guy he thought as his tried to ignore the pain screaming out within his body. Im not sure what I can do to stop him either way im dead and so is she,he slowly began to get up as he coughed up more blood as he got up he wiped the blood that had stained around his mouth away and looked around for something he could use as a weapon,stumbling he walked towards a broken piece of glass that looked big enough to use as some kind of make shift knife. The man started walking towards the girl laying on the concrete floor as blood was dripping from her wounds,then a slight pain struck the side of his neck as he turned his head he saw the human with his eye's wide open from the shock of the glass not digging deeper into this guys neck. You trash! Grimly back handed the human and sent him flying but before he could go to far he grabbed his ankle with one hand with enough force to break it as pulled the human back and slammed him against the hard concrete and began to beat him into a bloody mess,then he reached down and grabbed him by the head pulling his battered body up from the ground as he held him up and whispered "You dare attack a God you worthless piece of trash!" He then stabbed his claw right through his chest before pulling it out. He then let the human drop to concrete floor as pool of blood had now covered the area where he laid,the light slowly fading from his eye's as his thoughts tried to catch up with what had happened. "this was supposed to be my year damn it,how did it end up like this? Im sorry Akros, like im not coming back home to see you all.

Strange voice echoed inside his head as his life started to fade away faster. You're in a very sorry state right now huh? Guess it can't be helped since you were challenging a god like being,if you want to live and fight back then I'll be willing to make you a deal.

Deal? Wait who are you?

Me? You'll find out soon enough.

So do you want to accept the deal?

I don't even know what this deal is?

Small details,right now you're dying and fast so is now a good time to ponder over things as the details of this deal?

I...Fine I'll accept this deal or whatever just don't screw around with me!

Then we have us a deal.... Now unto you child of fates cruel hand that has dealt upon you,awake now chained down by fates new plan and become its puppet!

11:59pm new year eve....


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