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Chapter 26: After the Finals. (2)

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... [The 11th of December 2014] ...

In the aftermath of the 2014 U17 Basketball World Cup in August, where the Japanese team endured a disappointing 1-6 record and finished in 14th place, Yoshimune, a key figure in Japanese basketball and one of the wealthiest individuals in Asia, found himself deeply troubled by the national team's performance.

As a fervent advocate for the sport and a steadfast supporter of Japanese basketball, he was disheartened by the team's lackluster showing on the international stage. Witnessing such a subpar outcome for the country was a source of profound concern for Yoshimune, who harbored a deep passion for elevating the standards of basketball in Japan.

Amidst the disappointment, there was a silver lining that brought a measure of satisfaction to Yoshimune. The great performances of two exceptionally talented players, Rui Hachimura and Soma Nanasawa, emerged as beacons of hope. Hachimura, recognized as the best power forward in the country at the high school level, and Nanasawa, distinguished as the best center in the nation at the high school level, showcased their skills on the international stage.

What brought an extra layer of pride to Yoshimune was the fact that both Hachimura and Nanasawa were mere freshmen during the competition. Their outstanding contributions amid the challenging circumstances added a sense of optimism for the future of Japanese basketball, turning what could have been a wholly disheartening experience into a source of encouragement.

Both of them maintained an impressive average of over 20 points throughout the tournament, showcasing their individual prowess on the basketball court. Unfortunately, their teammates proved to be a significant letdown, offering little support to the dynamic frontcourt duo.

Initially, the old man took the losses in stride, recognizing the limited potential of their team. However, a call from an acquaintance, Joseph Tsai, boasting about the Chinese team securing the 7th position, triggered an intense rage in Yoshimune. The frustration reached a point where he contemplated a radical overhaul of the Japanese basketball committee, replacing them with more competent individuals.

As the initial fury subsided, Yoshimune realized the impracticality of such a drastic move, considering his limited influence within the organization. A sense of disheartenment initially enveloped him, leaving him uncertain about the next steps to take. 

That's when Yoshimune received an invitation from J-sport 5 to provide commentary on the Tokyo Winter Cup Finals featuring the junior high schools: Teiko and Yuuki.

"Japan's future in basketball might look promising if these players continue to develop in a steady manner," Yoshimune remarked to the three individuals seated in front of him. Just over a week had passed since the Finals, prompting Yoshimune to gather his three loyal assistants to discuss a new project he had in mind.

Simon, a Japanese-Caucasian mix middle-aged man, held a pen as he addressed Yoshimune, already anticipating the answer he might receive from his boss. "So, you aim to give these young talents a chance to fulfill their potential. Am I right?"

"Yes, that's the idea," Yoshimune affirmed, handing each of them a bundle of A4 papers. As his assistants were reading the content of the bundle, Yoshimune tapped his finger rhythmically on the table as he explained, "I've outlined the plan, and I want you guys to refine it and present it to me." He shifted his gaze to his other two assistants, Yukio and Tanaka, making sure they received the bundle before he added, "You three have been by my side for over two decades and have performed admirably. The future of these kids rests in your hands. Use the framework I provided to craft a solid plan. I expect a detailed proposal in a week."

Yoshimune finished with a slight smile on his face. The three assistants, having shared more than two decades with Yoshimune, exchanged glances and shook their heads with wry smiles.

Knowing Yoshimune's temperament and usual style, they speculated that he must have been greatly motivated by somebody to enlist all three of them for a task. Typically, one assistant would suffice, given their individual responsibilities. Plus, they each possessed incredible ability, propelling Yoshimune to become one of the wealthiest individuals on the continent in a little bit over two decades.

However, without questioning their boss and friend's motives, they nodded with smiles and set to work on the assigned task. Since they've been trusted to do the job, they will do their best for the betterment of Japanese basketball.

... [The 13th of December 2014] ...

Positioned at the mid-post, Shinji Koganei smoothly caught the incoming pass, establishing his stance with purpose. Engaging with the defender, he used a singular, decisive bump to create separation. The initial contact set the tone as Koganei orchestrated a controlled backdown, repeating the motion for a second time.

As anticipation grew for the third contact, Koganei executed a subtle shift in his weight toward the mid-line, suggesting an imminent drive toward the middle. His defender, attuned to the movement, preemptively adjusted in anticipation of the spin. However, Koganei, in a calculated twist, pivoted sharply toward the baseline, leaving the defender momentarily off-balance.

Seizing the opportune moment, Koganei elevated for an uncontested shot, capitalizing on the split-second advantage he had created. The defender, caught in the strategic dance of movements, found no time to recover and contest the shot. 

"And..." began Kimura, stationed on the sidelines as the ball arced through the air, seamlessly finding its way through the hoop. "Done! Let's call it a day," he announced while applauding Koganei and the defender for their hard work.

Bringing the workout to a close, Koganei sank to the floor, exhaustion settling in, rendering him too fatigued to move any further.

Three days had passed since Koganei and Kimura had embarked on their endeavor to establish a basketball program at Seirin High School. During this time, they diligently trained at Yuuki Junior High's basketball gym, committing to daily sessions. From the morning before the start of class to the afternoon at the end of his classes, all that time is used for training.

Not only did Kimura invest his efforts, but he also reached out to one of his former Junior high school players, now in his third year at a high school in Tokyo, to lend a helping hand in Koganei's training. This player, who had been defending Koganei in earlier sessions, approached Kimura and questioned the motivation behind such intense dedication. He had never seen a teenager work that hard on a basketball court.

Gazing at Kimura with a puzzled expression, he inquired, "Could you refresh my memory on why he's pushing himself so hard?" Kimura, having called on this former student every afternoon for assistance, shook his head with a smile on his face. 

"I plan on going to a High School team starting next year. He will be the ace of that team, so, of course, he has to live up to that future title." Responded Kimura, not feeling good about calling such an 'unrelated person' to their workout.

Still, he didn't have a choice. Mitobe, usually a reliable training partner, couldn't participate due to familial responsibilities. His parents went on a business trip, leaving him alone with his younger siblings. Damien, having returned to the US for Christmas, was unavailable. Hideki was engrossed in training with his father, a former professional player. The remaining players, lacking in academics since they focused on basketball the whole year, were preoccupied with their studies and couldn't participate. 

Upon hearing his former coach's words, the high schooler's eyes lit up with excitement, prompting him to continue the conversation. "So, are you finally heading to the high school league? Which team are you joining?" His curiosity was palpable as he sought every detail about Kimura's impending transition. However, Kimura, maintaining a level of mystery, offered only a succinct response.

"It's a relatively small team, nothing to get too worked up about. We might not be in a position to compete for a couple of years," Kimura replied, providing a mere glimpse into the situation. The details were scarce, and the decision itself hadn't been finalized. Kimura, known for his cautious nature, wasn't inclined to divulge more information, especially when the matter was still in flux.

Observing his old coach's reluctance to share further details, the high schooler nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, already accustomed to Kimura's characteristic reticence. It wasn't the first time Kimura had kept mum about a project until its completion. Understanding the coach's mindset, the high schooler knew that when Kimura had a vision in mind, he preferred to keep it close until it materialized.

Shifting his focus away from the high schooler, Kimura strolled over to Koganei with a thoughtful expression. "How's it going?" he inquired, extending a hand to his pupil and effortlessly pulling him back to his feet.

Climbing up, Koganei wore a wry smile. "I'll be honest; my body isn't quite accustomed to this level of intensity yet. But, I can sense a transformation happening. I genuinely believe I'll emerge as an entirely different player before I graduate," he remarked, casually dusting off his shorts before walking over to the basketball, and scooping it up.

Kimura nodded in understanding. "That's true. In just a few months, you'll undergo a significant evolution in your game. After all, you're under my guidance," he remarked with a playful grin, relishing in the mentorship role. "The process might be challenging, but the results will be worth it," Kimura added his tone a mix of encouragement and anticipation for Koganei's basketball journey.

Shaking his head, Koganei, with a content smile, picked up the basketball and approached the high schooler who had been an instrumental part of his recent training sessions.

"Hey, thanks a lot for these three days. Honestly, I can feel the improvement, and I wouldn't have progressed this much without your guidance," Koganei expressed his gratitude sincerely, the meaning behind his words evident in his appreciative smile.

Reflecting on the past days, Koganei had managed to elevate his [Finishing] skills to the high school tier, a feat he fell short of during the finals. With the assistance of the high schooler, he had finally broken through. However, Mitobe had informed him earlier during class that his parents were expected to return today, signaling the conclusion of the additional training assistance.

"No problem at all," the high schooler replied, extending his hand for a handshake. Koganei reciprocated, firmly shaking the hand extended to him, a tangible expression of his gratitude.

Regretfully, the high schooler spoke, "I won't get the chance to play against you since I'm graduating this year. Nevertheless, I genuinely hope you have an amazing three years in high school," he added with a warm smile, conveying well wishes for Koganei's future basketball endeavors. Koganei acknowledged the sentiment, reciprocating the smile as they exchanged further pleasantries.

As the high schooler left the gym, Koganei and Kimura remained.

Observing the man's departure from the gym, Koganei turned to Kimura with anticipation evident in his eyes. "So, when are you heading to Seirin High to have that talk with their board of directors?" he inquired, eager to unravel the next steps in the exciting journey of establishing a basketball team.

Kimura, contemplating the question, replied, "I've scheduled a meeting two days from now, on Friday. Given my somewhat noteworthy status in Japan, they allowed me the meeting earlier than I previously expected them to." However, despite his confident response, a trace of concern flickered across Kimura's face, hinting at an underlying issue.

Curious, Koganei seized the moment to probe further. "Do you still have a problem with the cameraman following you around?" he questioned, recognizing Kimura's reluctance to be in the spotlight after retiring from being a professional.

Kimura hesitated before voicing his reservations, "I'd prefer to keep it low-key, but does it have to be filmed?" he inquired, expressing a clear desire for a more discreet approach.

In response, Koganei nonchalantly shrugged, "Not my idea. My big sis insists it'll help us generate content until the high school season kicks off. Apparently, it's good for the channel."

Acknowledging the pragmatism in Koganei's sister's approach, Kimura sighed, realizing the potential benefits of increased visibility. "Well, if it helps the channel, I guess I can't argue too much," he conceded with a helpless smile on his face, understanding the strategic advantage of attracting attention.

"Alright then, take care on your way home," Kimura said, bidding farewell as he made his way out of the gym. Koganei waved in response, heading towards the locker room for a well-deserved shower before venturing out. 


Emerging from the locker room, Koganei slung his bag over his shoulder, securing his basketball in hand as he exited the gym. The surroundings of the school triggered a flood of memories, particularly the intense game against Teiko Junior High that lingered in his thoughts.

As he strolled through the school premises, a contemplative expression crossed his face.

'If we played again, right now, they would blow us out.' He thought, wondering about how lucky they were to face them in that situation. At the time, Teiko wasn't familiar with his game. However, by the end of the fourth quarter, they picked up on his tendencies, decreasing his scoring opportunities. 

'I need to get better. High school teams have a lot more tools and watch a lot of films, especially the good teams.' he reflected, clenching his fists in determination. Arriving at the area designated for bicycles, he continued his musings aloud, "I have to elevate my game to a point where they struggle to stop me, even if they anticipate my every move."

With these words echoing in the quiet space, Koganei retrieved his bicycle and pedaled out of the school, setting his sights on a future where his skills would be refined and formidable, allowing him to compete on the highest stage basketball has to offer.

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