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Chapter 2: 2

241Chapter 2

Warnings: Swearing and adult situations.


Harry picked up his phone after the third ring.

"Yeah?" Harry slurred into the phone, not quite awake yet.

"You forgot to mention that your son is a Parselmouth," Severus's easy tone came down the phone line.

"Severus?" Harry asked, his mind a little jumbled and his leg on fire.

He could see the time on his bedside table flashing 4 o'clock and he was sure that was in the afternoon. Since the blackout curtains made the room dark around him.

"Blake? Are you okay?" Severus's voice sounded concerned and Harry wasn't sure why.

Harry rolled onto his back and hissed a breath. His ribs complained and his head throbbed. He wasn't thinking clearly as he tried to remember how he got home.

"Had a mishap," Harry replied, words slightly slurred.

He remembered yelling and being airborne before pain and more yelling. He wasn't sure what happened after that.

"What kind of mishap?" Severus asked sharply. "Where are you?"

"At home," Harry replied, looking around to confirm.

How he got there seemed to keep sliding away from him. He remembered people around him but couldn't recall how he'd gotten home. He didn't realise he had fallen back to sleep until he felt someone cross over his wards like a jolt to the system. Harry opened his eyes and tried to turn over onto his side but his body wasn't listening.



Severus knocked on the front door of the man's house but no one answered. He grew more concerned about Blake by the second. He knocked one last time before trying the front door. The door click open and Severus moved into the tidy house. He made his way through the living room and towards the bedroom. He found Blake's room at the end of the hall. The room was dark when he opened the door.

"Blake?" Severus called softly.

"Yeah, here." The other man slurred back.

"I'm going to turn the light on."

Bright light lit up the room and Severus eyed the dark haired man lying under the covers of the bed. Severus could see the bruise on the side of the man's face from the doorway and it didn't look any better as he moved closer. The man's eyes were just slits as he peered up at Severus.

"Too bright," Blake slurred, trying to turn his head away.

Severus turned the bedside lamp on and went back to turn the other light off. For a wizard, Blake's house was completely muggle. When he moved back to the bed, Blake had closed his eyes once again.

"Do you mind if I have a look?" Severus asked, his hand resting on the blanket covering the man's chest.

"Yeah," Blake replied, not bothering to open his eyes. "Hurt my ribs and hip. I think."

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure. I was working with a team when one of them set something off." Blake replied slowly.

Severus carefully peeled back the blanket and saw more of the damage done to the other man. The colour across the man's ribs stood out the worse against the man's pale skin.

"I remember I hit a wall…I think. There was yelling. I'm not sure what happened to the team…I hit my head pretty bad." Blake whispered.

Severus moved his fingers up to the man's skull and found a gash and swelling, but someone had cleaned it up and stitched the gash closed and he could feel the slight magic around the wound.

"Someone has looked at this," Severus said softly, as he moved back to the man's ribs making him hiss as he felt out the damage. "They have closed it up."

"Don't remember," Blake replied softly.

"Probably a concussion," Severus muttered, removing the blanket to reveal the rest of the damage.

The other man was only wearing his underwear, which Severus was thankful for. But what drew his eyes was the old damage to the man's right leg from the snakebite. It had eaten away the muscle in the man's thigh, leaving a mess behind. He was amazed that the man could still walk on it.


Severus looked back up to see Blake looking back at him with dull green eyes.

"I have something for the bruising, were you wearing some kind of armour?" Severus asked, as he moved the blanket back over the man.

"Yeah, my dragon hide vest." Blake replied slowly. "I don't know where it is now."

Blake sounded frustrated, so Severus laid a hand on the man's shoulder in comfort.

"It's okay," Severus said softly. "Once the swelling goes down you should remember."

Blake nodded then closed his eyes in pain. Severus placed a pain potion at the man's lips. He swallowed it down without looking, either trusting Severus or he was just that far out of it. The man sagged back into the bed as the pain reliever worked it's magic.

"Thanks," Blake muttered.

"I'm going to put some balm on your ribs to help with the bruising."

Blake nodded and tipped his head back as Severus worked on his ribs.

"It's a good thing that you were wearing that vest or you may have broken a few bones."

"No broken ribs?" Blake asked

"None that I can feel and someone has already applied a balm to these ribs," Severus reported.

He spread the balm across the other man's ribs and hip. His fingers skipped over the man's ribs and hip and he ignored how well toned he was under his hand. He would guess that he was in his late forties to early fifties, which would make him about ten years older than Severus, as he worked the balm in. He could clearly see the gash and the slight lump on his head through his short hair. There was no denying that the man was from the Potter line and Severus could see a lot of James Potter in the man as he looked him over.

His eyes, which were similar to Harry and Lily Potter, were the big difference and the man's height. James had been a lot taller and his hair had been more of a dark brown than Blake's pitch black. The man had a kindness and a sense of humour around him as they worked together on projects and potions. Severus let his thoughts drift as he worked.

"I need you to turn onto your right side," Severus stated.

Blake opened his eyes and nodded.

Severus gave him a hand to move onto his side and Severus got his first look at the man's back. It was littered with scars. They overlapped each other running from his shoulder to his lower back then down his arms to his elbows and they were very old. The bruising was just as bad on his side and Severus started to work the balm into the bruised skin, his fingers skipping over the faint scars.

"I was tortured," Blake whispered after a few minutes of silence.

He was almost sprawled out across his front with a pillow under his chest and stomach.

"Why?" Severus asked.

"I had information that someone wanted." Blake recalled, the pain potion working as he lay boneless. "They weren't too happy when I didn't give it too them."

Severus didn't know what to say to that as he worked the balm into the bruising. He could tell when the other man fell asleep for his breathing evened out and the lines around his eyes eased off. He ran his fingers over the scars on the man's back, he must have been tortured for a long time and yet it threw up questions of why in Severus's mind. They still didn't know much about Blake Sun.

He pulled a stethoscope from his robes and placed it against Blake's back to listen to his breathing. After a few minutes he put it away satisfied that there was no liquid in the man's lungs. He left the jar of bruising balm on the bedside table next to the man's two wands, one pale and the other dark. Along with a couple of pain potions and another potion to help mend any bones in case there were hairline fractures in his ribs.

Blake suddenly mumbled something in his sleep, startling Severus and making him turn back to the man. He was frowning slightly in his sleep and Severus reached out a hand and placed it on the man's side without thinking. He settled under his hand before he rolled onto his back. Severus placed the blanket back over the man and left him to rest.


Harry woke the next morning feeling a lot better. His memories sliding back into place slowly. He sat up carefully and took a dose of the pain potion that Severus had left behind. Very grateful for the man's help, after the pain potion started to work, Harry pulled himself to his feet and moved slowly towards his cupboard were he kept a spare cane. Taking the old cane in hand he moved towards the bathroom.

Once the hot water was running and steam started to fill the bathroom. He got into the shower and allowed the hot water to ease the tension in his muscles working into the bruising in his side and the muscles of his right leg. He ignored his cock at the remembered feelings of Severus's fingers running over his side and down his back as he scrubbed himself down with the soap. He let his head rest on the tiles as the warm water ran over his back.


Harry startled at the voice from the doorway and almost slipped.

"Fuck," Harry cursed as he got his feet back under him.

"Bad time?" Severus asked from the doorway.

Harry opened the shower door and looked over at the man leaning in the doorway.

"Sorry," Harry apologised. "I thought I was alone. You startled me."

Severus grinned at him. "Do you need a hand?"

Harry laughed and said, "Are you offering Snape?"

Severus grinned wider, the expression changing his face. Harry quirked a smile at that.

"With getting you back to your room?" Severus expanded.

"Nah," Harry replied, pulling back into the shower and letting the water run over his head. "All good. Could you put the kettle on, please? I'm dying for a coffee."

Harry didn't hear an answer but when he stepped out of the shower the other man was gone. Harry made it back to his room and slowly dressed before moving to the kitchen. Severus was pouring the hot water into a mug and Harry looked him over. He was more relaxed away from the school as he handed the mug over to Harry.

"I spoke to the Headmaster," Severus started to say. "I told him that you needed some help and that I would be away from classes for a couple of days."

Harry raised an eyebrow at that.

"I'm sure Ry will be happy," Harry remarked in amusement.

Severus quirked a smile.

"He is a smart boy, if you can get him to focus." Severus commented.

"Yes, that's half the battle," Harry replied. "I'm sure I had more grey hairs after the Headmaster told me that Ry and Ron used a flying car to get to school. He just never seems to learn, he could have just called me. He needs to think more before acting."

"Too much of his father in him," Severus muttered with a smirk.

"Hey, watch it." Harry yelped. "I've got that Potter blood too."

"More diluted I hope?" Severus retorted.

Harry just laughed but said no more. The two men fell back into silence until Severus got up to make up a couple of sandwiches for the two of them and they sat down to have a pleasant enough lunch.


"So, let me get this straight." Harry said slowly trying to rein in his temper. "My son went down into a chamber in this school and battled with a basilisk, saved Ginny Weasley from a copy of the Dark Lord in a diary and erased the memory of one of your teachers?"

The Headmaster looked at him with clear blue eyes.

"Yes, that's about it." The Headmaster said calmly.

Harry looked around at Ry and Ginny in their hospital beds, Molly and Arthur looking over their daughter and then to Severus, leaning against the wall talking with Professor McGonagall.

"What kind of school are you running here?" Harry asked, running his hand down his face.

Severus snorted. Harry wondered if all parents felt like he did now or if it was just because his son was the boy-who-lived. The anger he felt towards Albus was nothing compared to what he felt at himself. To try and remember what happened to him as a twelve year old at the age he was now. He sighed in frustration as he ran a hand over his head. He pushed his dark thoughts to the side as he focused back on Albus.

"I am very sorry this happened to your son, Mr Sun." Albus apologised.

"I feel tempted to pull my son from this school-"

"No Dad!" Ry cried from the bed.

Harry turned his glare on his son, stopping the boy from saying anymore before turning back to the headmaster.

"The only thing stopping me from doing that, is the fact that Lily and James Potter put it in their will," Harry said softly, glaring at the Headmaster. "That is the only reason, but that only goes so far. I would be just as happy to teach Ry myself or enrol him in another school. Am I understood Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Albus nodded and said quietly, "Yes, I understand. I will leave you with your son."

Albus nodded at the Weasley's and made his way out of the room with McGonagall on his heels, hissing at him. Harry turned to his son, a lot of his anger leaving him as he looked at the sad image his son made on the bed. He limped over to the child's bed and sat on the side taking the boy's uninjured hand in his.

"Harry," Harry said softly, using the boy's full name to get his attention.

Ry looked up at him sadly, tears slipping down his face. Harry reached up and cupped the boy's face.

"You know I love you dearly, Ry." Harry said softly. "But if you keep this up, you are going to give your old man a heart attack."

Ry smiled as Harry heard a snort from Severus.

"My hair is going to be whiter than Dumbledore's," Harry said with a wink.

"I'm sorry," Ry sobbed.

Harry hugged the boy close and looked over at Severus leaning against the wall watching them with soft black eyes. He looked over at the Weasley's to see Molly looking back at them with tears in her eyes. Harry nodded at her before letting Ry go and tucking him into the bed. The twelve year old looked so small in the bed, his eyes puffy from crying and the big scrape down his cheek.

"You rest now Ry," Harry said softly.

He pushed some loose hair away from the boy's eyes revealing the red and puffy scar under his fringe. Harry stared at that scar as Ry's eyes closed and couldn't help but silently curse the man that had given him that scar. So much trouble from such a simple scar. He looked down at the child and felt his heart clench. He was putting a lot of trust in Albus to keep his son safe. Since he was having so much trouble recalling the events himself.

He did know there were only more dangers to come and he still had work to do before Voldemort would come back to power. Which was an event that had to happen for Ry to be free from the man and his connection to him. Harry sighed and ran a hand over his head as he looked down at the small boy and let his hand rest on his shoulder. He pulled himself to his feet and moved towards the Weasleys as Severus stood up a little taller, watching him carefully.

"I am very sorry for what happened tonight," Harry said softly, not wanting to wake the children.

Molly crashed into his arms and Harry's arms circled around the woman as he took his weight off his right leg.

"Oh, Blake," Molly cried into his shoulder and Harry looked over to Arthur for help.

"Come on, Molly." Arthur whispered in woman's ear. "The man needs to breath."

"Oh," Molly cried, letting go of Harry suddenly.

Harry almost fell, if it weren't for Severus moving up beside him and taking his shoulder in his hand holding him steady. Harry placed his cane firmly on the ground to take part of his weight once again. Severus slid his hand off his shoulder but stayed beside him.

"You have nothing to apologise for Blake," Arthur remarked, looking down at his own daughter. "We think of Ry as part of our family and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have our daughter still with us."

"Yes," Molly sniffed. "We should be thanking Ry and yourself."

Harry shook his head.

"There is no need," Harry said softly.

"We wish to say it anyway," Arthur stated.

Harry nodded.

"Thank you."


Harry decided to take Ry away to America for the holidays instead of staying in England before he would start his third year at school. It was a week before Ry was due to start school when he called him into the office of the house they were renting. He'd been putting this off while he'd tried to come to a decision.

"You called Dad?" Ry asked, coming through the door.

"Yes," Harry answered, pointing to the seat on the other side of the table. "Take a seat, I have a few things to talk to you about."

Ry nervously entered the room and took a seat at the table. Harry pulled out a copy of the English paper with Sirius's face on the front page. He hesitantly held the paper out to the thirteen year old. The boy took the paper and looked at the photo.

"Hey, that's one of my father's friends." Ry exclaimed.

Harry nodded, knowing the boy would have known what Sirius looked like from the photos of his parents he had given the boy. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter had been in those photos as well as a couple of Lily and Severus. He'd found lots of photos when he'd gone through the Potter vaults at Gringotts.

"Yes, Sirius Black." Harry replied unsure about what he should tell his son. "He been imprisoned in the wizard prison called Azkaban for the last twelve years. He was a friend of your father's and is also your godfather."

"Why was he in prison?"

"When people wanted to hide from the Dark Lord they would ask someone to keep their location secret." Harry explained. "There is a spell that can be cast that will keep a location a secret. One person holds the information and they are the only one that can give out that location to another person. That person is known as a 'Secret Keeper'. The location can't be found until the secret keeper gives it up. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad." Ry replied.

"Your mother and father needed to go into hiding so they asked one of their friends to be their secret keeper," Harry continued. "They decided it was going to be Sirius that would be their secret keeper."

Harry stopped talking unsure of what he should say next as Ry looked up at him with wide green eyes. Harry didn't talk about his parents often or his own past.

"They changed it at the last moment to Peter Pettigrew instead." Harry finished, he just couldn't lie to his son anymore. "He betrayed them and let Sirius take the blame. Your mother and father were murdered that night. Sirius went after Peter and a street full of people were blown up. He was arrested and taken to Azkaban. I went to see him after I took over custody of you. He was mad when I saw him, I went to tell him that I was going to look after you for James and Lily. That I was trying to reopen his case."

Harry could still hear Sirius's cries and yells while he'd explained that James and Lily's son was still alive. That he would take care of him but the dementors had already done damage to the man. Even if, he'd only been there a couple of months. Harry couldn't get through to him and Sirius's pale eyes had glared at him the whole time. Those yells still haunted him.

"So he was falsely arrested?" Ry asked softly

"Yes," Harry answered. "I tried to get his case reopened but he kept yelling about killing people. Every time I would put paperwork in to reopen the case, it would be rejected. The legal system in the wizarding world is still so backwards."

"It says here that he escaped?" Ry pointed out.

"Yes," Harry agreed. "I want you to be very careful Ry. Sirius can be a dangerous man, even if I don't think he will hurt you. He may do it without meaning to, he was a Auror before he was imprisoned. Professor Dumbledore has already contacted me to inform me that there will be dementors at the school this year. You must be very careful, do you understand?"

"Okay, Dad." Ry said softly as he nodded.

"Okay, Ry." Harry said as he reached over and ruffled his son's messy hair. "How about you go pack up? We leave tomorrow to get all your school things."


Harry found himself skipping around the world for most of Ry's school year. The Japanese had a big need for him after they opened an old temple that cursed the people that had opened it. Harry had had fun tracking down each person that had opened the temple before he could lift it. He did get a call from the Headmaster to say that the new wards on the Quidditch pitch work fantastically and that Ry was fine. Harry didn't look at that too closely as the German Ministry called him back to Europe.

He was happy to receive Ry's letters and made sure to check in at every Gringotts branch to pick up any mail for him. He also made sure that he called Ry whenever he got a chance. Ry was enjoying Hogwarts more than he had liked his boarding school.

He was in contact with Severus just about every week as they were working on a new Wolfsbane potion. Harry made sure to see the man whenever he was in England but it wasn't for as long as he hoped as he was called away again. It wasn't until close to the end of the school year that Harry made his way back to Hogwarts. The goblins finally giving him a break.


Harry turned to see Severus smiling at him from the front gates of the school. He moved towards the man with a grin.

"Severus," Harry cried and took the man in a hug, which surprised the Slytherin. "It's so good to see you again."

Harry stepped back from the shocked man, giving him a last pat on the shoulder before limping up towards the school. Severus quickly fell into step with him and adjusted his longer stride.

"The Headmaster has made up a room near mine, while you are here." Severus remarked to the older man.

"Great," Harry said with a grin. "That should make it easier to work in the lab."

"Yes," Severus agreed. "Only downside is that my classroom is a few doors down from the lab."

"I'm sure I'll be able to deal with the children," Harry replied with a laugh.

Harry was looking forward to staying at Hogwarts for the last month of the term and helping Severus with the Wolfsbane potion. Not to mention it would be good to see Ry again.


Harry looked up as he walked into the entrance hall to catch Ry as he ran into him. Harry grunted as the boy hugged him, Ry was already up to his shoulder, he guessed it wouldn't be long until the boy grew taller than he was. Probably thanks to proper food intake, something Harry had missed out on at his age. He gently pushed the boy back and looked him over.

"Hello Ry," Harry said in greeting with a lopsided grin. "What are they feeding you?"

"Dad," Ry groaned as he bounced on his toes. "I have so many things to show you!"

"We'll have plenty of time, Ry." Harry replied with a smile. "I am here until the end of the term and then we'll be staying here for a couple of weeks after."

Ry grinned, then looked behind him at a brown-haired man in a tweed suit, worn black robes and sharp eyes. The man looked Harry over as he moved closer with an odd look in his eyes.

"Oh, Dad." Ry said happily. "This is Professor Lupin, he teachers Defence."

Harry stood up straighter and held out a hand to his father's old friend with a smile.

"Blake Sun," Harry introduced. "Very nice to meet you."

Remus smiled at him and took his hand.

"Remus Lupin, please call me Remus." The man introduced.

"Remus it is," Harry agreed.

"Blake is here to work on a new Wolfsbane potion," Severus remarked silkily at Harry's shoulder.

Harry could feel the tension increase between the two men as Remus stared at the smirking Severus. Remus then focused back on him.

"That's interesting," Remus said slowly. "Are you a Potion Master?"

"Dad does everything!" Ry said quickly.

Severus looked down his long nose at Ry and the boy settled down beside them. Harry smacked his arm as Remus watched the interaction with interest.

"I dabble," Harry replied, ignoring Severus's snort. "My main work is a curse breaker."

"Oh," Remus said lightly. "Do you work for Gringotts?"

"Sometimes, I work on contract."

"He is brilliant!" Ry pipped up.

"Thank you Ry," Harry said quickly before Severus could say anything cutting. "If you don't mind Ry and Remus, but it's been a long day and I would like to get settled before dinner?"

"Okay dad," Ry agreed with a grin. "I have an extra class with Professor Lupin tonight but can I come and see you after?"

"Of course," Harry smiled. "My rooms are down near the potion's classroom?"

Harry turned to Severus with a raised eyebrow in question and the man gave him a smirk.

"Third door on the left after the potions classroom," Severus replied evenly.

Ry nodded in thanks and with a last hug moved off down the hall. The adults watched the child for a couple of minutes.

"He's a smart boy and very talented," Remus remarked, looking back at Harry.

"That he is," Harry agreed. "When he puts his mind to something he can be quite stubborn too."

Remus gave him a grin before bidding them goodbye and headed off down the hallway. Harry watched after the man for a little while, he had forgotten how much of a toll being a werewolf had on the man.

"I would keep a eye on that man," Severus remarked softly from his elbow.

Harry turned to Severus to see his dark eyes watching Remus move off and the tension in the man's shoulders. He had also forgotten how the two men interacted.

"He seems nice enough." Harry commented as they moved towards the dungeons, ignoring the looks they was getting from passing students. "Even if he is cursed."

"Cursed?" Severus asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied. "A dark curse; maybe a werewolf or some other kind of dark creature. They all kind of look the same without taking a closer look."

"What do you see when you look at people?" Severus asked curiously.

"Not enough," Harry replied with a laugh as he sidestepped the question.

Severus smirked as he showed Harry his rooms and where the lab and his rooms were as well as the potion classroom. Harry settled into his rooms, sitting in the armchair near the fire, his right leg stretched out on a stool with his bulky laptop computer. The headmaster had supplied him with a power cell to keep his muggle devices changed while he stayed at the school and Harry was thankful that he hadn't had to bring his own.

He looked over his potion's notes so he would be prepared when he would be working with Severus tomorrow evening. They both knew that they wouldn't get much work done before the students left for the holidays but they had wanted to get started on the more hands on side of the potion. There had only been so much they had been able to do with Harry working away.

Harry was never a master at potions but he had a talent with working charms into them. He could also look at potions from a different direction than most people. He also needed Severus's help, for he was a potion master and knew how far he could go with a potion before something went wrong. Harry was good at coming up with ideas but Severus had the knowledge to know if it would work. Severus had talents he didn't and he was hoping that the two of them working together would lead to some break through with the Wolfsbane.


Blake peered into the potion before them, seated on a stool from Severus's classroom. Severus himself stood on the other side of the table as they both looked into the bronze cauldron. The brown liquid swirled around as it softly bubbled away. Blake frowned at the colour before he looked down at his notes.

"That didn't work." Severus muttered, as he placed his wand tip into the potion and gave it a swirl.

"Damn," Blake cursed as he sat back on the seat and stretched his back.

It was well into Saturday night and they had been working on it since that morning with only small breaks for lunch and dinner. When a loud knock sounded at the door they both looked over.

"Enter," Severus called.

Remus Lupin poked his head around the door.

"Severus, I was wondering- oh hello Blake." Remus amened when he saw Blake.

"Come in," Severus offered as he took a seat himself.

Remus entered the lab and looked around at the cauldrons bubbling away around him and the ingredients spread out along the long table at the back of the room. His nose twitched at the smells as he moved into the room. He looked back at the two men to see Blake studying him, his pale green eyes focused and slightly intense.

It was still startling to see the man. He knew that he was related to James from what Ry had told him over the year, not to mention the fact that he'd had to have Potter blood for him to be able to take over custody of Ry so easily after his parents were killed. He had to admit that the Potter line was very strong in Blake and it reminded Remus of James and James's father. From how short that Blake cut his hair he was sure that he received the Potter curse of messy hair as well.

"Are you a werewolf?" Blake suddenly asked, startling Remus out of his thoughts.

"Ah, what?" Remus stuttered, while Severus smirked.

"You have a dark curse or creature around you," Blake explained as he turned on the stool and rested his elbows on the bench behind him. "I was wondering if it was a werewolf or something else?"

Remus was taken aback, he'd never had someone be able to feel out the werewolf in him before. He could understand some of the stories that Ry had been telling him about his father as he looked the man over. Remus stood up straighter and looked the other man in the eye, those green eyes looking back at him in interest.

"Yes," Remus admitted, trying to keep the nervousness out of his tone.

"Fantastic," Blake said, clapping his hands and using his cane to get to his feet. "Do you mind sparing about an hour to help us out?"

Remus looked over to Severus but he was no help so he nodded slowly. Unsure about what the man may have in mind.

"I suppose," The brown haired man agreed. "What would you have me do?"

"I just need to have a closer look at your curse," Blake stated, like it was nothing.

He moved closer to Remus, slowly removing a black wand from a holster. Severus causally cast a barrier spell between the two men and the potions so that no stray magic could leak into the delicate potions.


"Okay," Harry said, once he was ready.

He raised the wand calmly and pointed it at the nervous man before him. He looked carefully at the darkness around the man before selecting the strand that he believed was the werewolf curse.

"Ipsum revelare," Harry whispered, sending the spell out towards Remus.

Suddenly the wand bucked in Harry's hand. A rush of darkness shot out from Remus towards Harry with teeth and claws. Harry stumbled back, his bad leg buckling under him, as he quickly flicked his wand ending the spell so suddenly that his head spun. He landed heavily on his backside and felt slightly dazed.


The other two men rushed over to him as he clutched his head.

"Ah," Harry groaned. "A pain reliever would be welcomed, Severus?"

Harry heard the man leave the room but was surprised when Remus laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Remus asked, with concern in his voice. "What was that?"

"Yeah," Harry replied. "Just a headache and that was your curse. Wasn't expecting the backlash. How long have you been a werewolf?"

"A long time," Remus replied, uneasily. "Since I was a young child."

Harry looked down at the black wand that he'd dropped when he had ended the spell. If he'd thought it through, he wouldn't have used such a dark wand for revealing the curse. He'd been thinking, since it worked so well for the dark curse on the Flore house, that it would help this time. Severus moved back into the room and held out a potion and Harry's cane.

"Here," Severus offered.

"Thanks," Harry replied, taking both items.

He swallowed down the potion and slowly got to his feet, happy when the pain in his head eased off. Once he was standing again, he ignored the dark wand on the floor, as he hald out a piece of chalk to Severus.

"Could draw a circle on the floor a few meters wide, please?" Harry asked as he flicked the dark wand away with his foot so that Severus could draw the circle. "Remus can you stand in the middle of the circle, please?"

Remus stepped into the circle as he eyed the wand that Harry had kicked. He had never seen a wizard kick his own wand so carelessly. Harry knelt down with the help of his cane and pulled his cherry wood wand and placed the tip to the chalk line. A barrier flared up green along the chalk line as Harry whispered the containment spell before settling down and going transparent.

"You have two wands?" Remus questioned.

Harry looked up at the man and smiled.

"The black wand is temperamental." Harry replied.

Both men looked at him with confusion but didn't ask any more questions as Harry pulled himself to his feet and faced Remus. Harry raised the cherry wood wand and carefully cast the spell as he grabbed a hold of the dark strand of the curse. The darkness seeped out of Remus smoothly this time and formed itself into the shape of a wolf. The beast snarled at Harry and lunged but the circle kept it contained. The wolf prowled around the barrier of the spell as it eyed Harry off. He knew that it was looking for a weakness as it snarled silently.

"That," Harry explained to the other wizards. "Is the curse of a werewolf."

Remus looked wide-eyed and even Severus was speechless as they watched the pacing wolf. He was sure that they had never seen anything like it before.

"Can…can you remove it?" Remus asked softly as he ran his hand through the dark mist of the wolf.

"Nope," Harry replied distracted as he studied the curse. "It's been a part of you for too long."

The wolf stopped in front of Harry and bared its teeth as the other man knelt down to study it. Its eyes flashed brown, which was the only colour it had as it crouched down as if to lunge at Harry again but then thought better of it. Wizard and wolf looked each other over.

"It has a lot of anger," Harry remarked then looked up at Remus. "Are you feeling angry?"

"No, just disappointed." Remus answered.

"Severus could you grab my other wand?" Harry asked from his place in front of the barrier.

Severus picked up the dark and handed it over to Harry. Severus could count the number of times he'd had permission to hold another person's wand on one hand. It was such a personal thing to a witch or wizard and yet the other man had said it so casually like it meant nothing to him.

Harry took the wand with a smile and a soft thanks. He held the dark wand in one hand and the cherry wand in the other before he focused on the curse. The wolf silently snarled at Harry as he looked into the curse. He could feel the darkness from the wolf but also a trace of light. Both types of magic bound together and tied into the man standing in the circle watching them.

The mist swirled around the shape of the wolf and Harry could feel the animal instincts brushing against his mind, even with the barrier separating them. Harry channelled the darkness with the dark wand taking notes of the curse before turning to the lighter side of the curse with the cherry wood wand. He was a little surprised to find a lighter aspect of the curse but it was there and it gave Harry hope. He took notes of the light curse with the cherry wand before ending the spell and breaking the circle on the ground. The wolf lost its shape as it puffed into mists, which rolled past Harry and disappeared.

"Okay," Harry Exclaimed.

He used his cane to get to his feet, the world suddenly spun around him and Severus grabbed his shoulder to help him stay on his feet. Severus guided him to a seat and Harry sat down.

"Sorry," Harry apologised. "Just got a bit dizzy there."

"Are you okay?" Remus asked, in concern.

"Yeah," Harry replied and waved the concern away. "I'll be fine. Now, the curse, I'll have to relook at the curse on the full moon-"

"You can't be serious!" Severus cut in.

"Sorry, I mean I will have to look at the curse after you have taken the Wolfsbane potion next full moon." Harry clarified. "I need to know what it does to the curse. There are two parts to it, which is intriguing."

"Two parts?" Remus asked.

"Yes, there is a dark curse." Harry answered. "Which I was expecting, but there is also a strand of another curse more light in nature."

"What?" Remus asked in shock.

"Yeah, interesting isn't it?" Harry said with a grin.

He got excited over new things. He had never looked at the werewolf curse before and it didn't disappoint. Remus had been dead and buried a long time before Harry knew enough to look into curses. He had looked at Teddy's magic but hadn't seen anything of the wolf in the man.

"I wouldn't go that far," Severus remarked dryly.

Remus nodded in full agreement, which just made Harry give them a wide grin.


Harry was sprawled out in his armchair, reading a book, when someone banged on his door. Before he could call out, Severus barrelled into his room.

"What?" Harry asked as he pulled himself to his feet and snagged his two wands off the side table.

"Lupin," Severus grasped. "He didn't take his last Wolfsbane potion and I can't find him! It's a full moon tonight!"

"Shit!" Harry cursed, he didn't realise that tonight was the night. "Where would he go?"

"The Shrieking Shack, the entrance is under the Whomping Willow," Severus replied quickly as he moved out of Harry's rooms.

"You go ahead Severus," Harry ordered, he knew he would only slow the man down. "I'll catch up when I can."

"Alright," Severus agreed and went to run off.

"Severus," Harry called after the younger man. "Be careful!"

Severus nodded and with a last look disappeared down the hallway, his robes blowing around him. Harry moved as quickly as his leg would allow, cursing that bloody snake. By the time he made it out of the castle, he could see Severus in the distance making his way to the Whomping Willow. Harry cast a charm on his leg to numb it. He knew he would pay for it later but it allowed him to quicken his pace until he was almost running. He son was in danger and he wasn't the only one.

He reached the Whomping Willow, breathing heavily as he got within reach of the tree. He stopped it in place so he could slip down into the tunnel.


Harry could hear the cry as he moved up into the Shrieking Shack. He rounded the door to find Sirius and Remus on one side of the room with Ron sprawled on the bed in the corner. Hermione stood next to Ry and Severus sneering at them all. When he moved into the room everyone looked in his direction.

"You!" Black yelled, startling everyone including Harry.

Harry looked just as surprised as everyone else as Black lunged at him and Harry quickly stepped to the side as Remus yelled out.

"Stop!" Ry yelled in the background.

Black turned on him again and with a snarl tackled Harry to the ground. Harry blocked the first punch but wasn't so lucky with the second as it collided with his ribs. Suddenly hands grabbed Black from behind as Severus and Remus pulled the enraged man off him.

"Dad!" Ry cried, throwing himself down next to him.

"Dad?" Sirius gasped.

All the fight drained from Sirius as he sagged between Severus and Remus. Harry pulled himself to his feet and wrapped his arms around Ry.

"Do you remember me?" Harry asked, keeping his son close.

Black cocked his head to the side and said, "Yes, you were at Azkaban!"

"What?" Severus asked as he looked between Black and Harry.

"You took Harry away from me!" Black yelled.

"What?" Ry asked, looking up at his father.

"No, no." Harry stated. "I came to see you at Azkaban. I tried to get your case reopened and a retrial called!"

"Ha!" Black barked. "That would mean I had a trial to begin with!"

"You did," Harry insisted. "They had you sedated. You kept yelling about cursing and killing people."

"I don't remember," Black whispered, shaking off the hands holding him back. "But you took Harry away from me!"

"No," Harry snapped as he gently pushed Ry to the side and stepped forward. "I came to see you, to tell you that I was going to look after him. I'm a distant cousin to James, a Potter by blood but not name."

"No!" Black snarled as he shook his head. "You took him away and it's all that rat's fault!"

Black turned to Ron as he held a rat in his hands. Harry stared at that rat in growing horror, Ry had never mentioned that Ron had a rat and Harry wondered why he'd never asked.

"You can't have him!" Ron yelled back.

"Ron," Remus tried.

Suddenly the rat bit Ron's hand and the boy let out a cry and dropped him. Lupin flicked out his wand and with a flash of blue-white light a short pudgy man appeared in front of them, nose still twitching.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Severus gasped, looking down at the Death Eater in front of him.

"Severus," Peter cried and crawled on his knees towards the dark-haired man.

Severus sneered down at the man in disgust.

"You worm," Severus snarled. "Get away from me."

"Remus and Sirius." Peter sobbed. Black kicked out at the man and he sprawled out on back with a cry. "I was your friend!"

"You gutless traitor!" Black snarled with a kick.

Pettigrew skittered back and looked from one unforgiving face to the next before his eyes settled on Harry.

"Please," Pettigrew pleaded. "They want to kill me!"

"They are not alone," Harry replied coldly and flicked his wand to tie the man up. "We should move this back up to the castle? Before the moon rises, would be a good idea."

Remus paled and they quickly moved out of the room. Remus lead the way with Pettigrew floating before him. Severus floated a sulking Ron with Hermione close by. Ry and Black came next with Harry taking the rear of the group as he limped along. Black would glance over his shoulder at Harry but he ignored it.

"You know, Harry." Black stated, talking to Ry. "I'm still your godfather."

Ry looked up at Sirius.

"I know," Ry replied softly. "Dad told me."

Black's eyes flicked back over at Harry and he gave him a wink. Black glared at him and Harry could see his fists clench before he turned back to Ry.

"If you wanted to," Black whispered. "After I'm cleared, we could get to know each other. I could tell you about your father…your real father."

Ry glanced over at Harry before he turned back to Sirius.

"I would like that. I would like to hear more stories about my parents." Ry said softly.

Black's face lit up with a smile. "You could even come to live with me."

"What!" Ry squeaked.

"He's my son, Black." Harry hissed at the man. "He will not be living with you."

Sirius turned to glare at Harry as he bunched his hands back into fists at his side. He'd never been known for keeping his temper under control. With a hiss the man moved up to walk next to Remus. Ry looked up at his father and took his spare hand in his smaller one. Harry looked down into the green eyes of his son and gave him a smile back.

They all moved out into the late afternoon sun. They moved up towards the castle before Remus suddenly stiffened. Harry cursed as he noticed where the sun sat on the horizon, they were too late. Remus fell to the ground with a cry. Harry pulled Ry behind him as Pettigrew fell to the ground. Harry barely spared Peter a glance as the man transformed and disappeared into the grass. His eyes were locked on Remus in fear. Hermione rushed over to Ron as Severus lowered him to the ground and helped him to his feet.

"Run!" Black yelled.

He transformed into his dog form as Remus cried out only halfway through the transformation. Harry pulled his dark wand as he focused on the werewolf. With a howl Remus fully transformed and turned on Severus. Harry brought up a shield quickly between the werewolf and Severus just as Black crashed into the werewolf with a growl. Harry poured in the power into his shield as the two animals tangled. Snarls and growls sounded on the air.

"Severus!" Harry yelled, snapping the man out of his trance. "The children! I'll hold the shield."

Severus nodded and ran over to Ron and Hermione. He quickly helped Hermione pull Ron to his feet. Harry held the shield and let it expand along the ground. Sirius was trying to push Remus away as Harry held tightly to Ry's hand.

"Get to the school!" Harry ordered.

Harry had to keep moving the charm as the two animals fought. He could bring up a full protection ward around them while they were moving. Suddenly Sirius grabbed Remus around the neck and pulled the wolf down. Remus kicked out before running with Sirius close on his heels. Ry pulled at his hand and Harry was pulled to the side. He cursed as his shield wobbled.

Suddenly a loud yelp sounded out on the air and Ry pulled hard. Harry tried to keep a hold of his son's hand but it put him off balance. Ry suddenly lashed out without warning and Harry lost his balance and grip on Ry's hand.

"Ry!" Harry snapped and tried to grab the boy

"Sirius!" Ry yelled and took off.

"Shit," Harry cursed with wide eyes.

A coldness settled in his stomach as he locked eyes with Severus before he ran after his son. Severus could protect Ron and Hermione.

"Blake!" Severus yelled after him.

"Get back to the school!" Harry shouted back.


Harry ignored the call as he rushed after his son, moving as fast as he could. He could see the dementors gathering at the lake and picked up speed. His heart pounding in his chest and his grip on his wand so tight he thought it would snap. He skidded down the slope and his heart froze as he saw a dementor crouched over Ry. Before he could cast a charm, a bright white light lit up the lake. A chill ran down his spine at the sight.

Prongs rode again that night as the patronus charged through the dementors. They scattered before the glowing animal as it circled around towards Ry. Harry stood rooted to the spot for a second with wide eyes.

Harry slid down the bank and landed hard on his right side before he scrambled over towards Ry. His heart in his throat as he fell to his knees before his son. He reached down with shaking hands and turned the boy over, he was so pale. Harry placed his fingers against the boy's neck and sighed in relief when he felt a strong pulse under his fingers. He sat back on his heels as Albus Dumbledore and a couple of Ministry workers ran towards him.

"Is he?" Albus asked, his face pale and eyes wide.

"He's okay," Harry replied as he took the blanket Albus handed him.

He wrapped it around Ry as the Ministry workers handcuffed Sirius Black and floated him back to the castle. Dumbledore cast a floating charm on Ry and helped Harry back to his feet. Harry could already feel his leg screaming at him even through the numbing charm. Albus got under his arm and helped him back towards the castle.

"What happened?" Albus asked softly.

Harry grimaced.

"Sirius Black is innocent, Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper," Harry explained dully. "Remus changed into a werewolf and Pettigrew got away. Remus is still out there somewhere."

"Don't worry, my boy." Albus said and patted his back. "It will all work out."

Harry nodded and leaned into the other man even more. Albus took his weight without protest.


Harry looked up at Severus's yell and smiled at the man already feeling exhausted. Albus gratefully handed Harry over to the younger man. The Headmaster turned to the front doors to the castle and quickly cast a spell on the doorway and it flared up in a shield.

"I have work to do and a Minister to yell at," Albus remarked, as he patted Harry on the shoulder and quickly headed off.

"Are you okay?" Severus asked as he helped him limp towards the dungeons.

Harry snorted and said, "Don't think I'll be walking for a couple of days."

"I'm sure, we can work something out." Severus replied.

Harry could feel the numbing charm easing off on his leg as each step become harder. Severus took more of his weight and sweat broke out on his brow. He was relieved to see his door and was breathing heavily as Severus pushed open the door.

"Bedroom or lounge?" Severus asked.

"Bed," Harry gasped, pain overtaking his every thought.

Severus moved him towards the bedroom and gently eased him down. Harry groaned embarrassingly as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'll be back in a minute," Severus told him, before he moved out of the room.

Harry eased his shoes off and sprawled out over the bed, arm over his eyes to block out the light. Damn leg, Harry cursed silently. The pain raced up and down his leg and hip, but at least his son was safe. No one had been killed, so he would chalk that up as a win.


Harry started at the voice and looked up at Severus, squinting through the haze of pain and light. He took the potion Severus held out to him and emptied it without looking then took the next potion.

"Thanks," Harry slurred as his eyes started to shut.

Severus looked down at the sprawled out man before him on the bed as the potions sent him to sleep. He couldn't believe how far the man had gone for his son and yet wasn't surprised at the same time. It made him think of the cold block of ice that was his own father had been. Nothing he did had been good enough for the man.

He shook his head and gently lowered Blake's jeans down to expose the mess of the muscles of the man's right leg. He took a jar of balm from his robes and gently worked the cream into the man's leg. He hoped that it would help the man on the bed. He removed the jeans completely and placed them on the ground next the bedside table, then removed the man's jacket. He covered him up with the blanket, ignoring the scaring down the man's arms and his well-toned body. It was at that point that Severus knew he was lost to this man and quickly placed the jar on the bedside table with a couple of other vials and left the room.


Harry woke slowly the next morning, stiff and sore, but surprisingly not in as much pain as he expected. He slowly rolled over and pulled himself into a sitting position. He reached out and snagged up a piece of paper and a pen from the bedside table.


Please come and see me after you leave the hospital wing. I am sorry but I can't make the trip up to the hospital wing at this time.

Love, Dad.'

"Hogwarts house elf," Harry called and folded the note in half.

A small elf appeared in front of Harry and squeaked, "What can Softy do for you sir?"

"Can you deliver this to Harry Potter in the hospital wing, please?" Harry asked and handed the letter to the small elf.

"Yes, sir." The elf said with nod and disappeared.

Harry sighed and downed the vial of pain potion. He looked at the balm that Severus had left on the bedside table for a couple of minutes before he moved to the shower. Once he was dressed and had a coffee in hand, he made his way to the small dinning table.

It seemed like everything was moving so fast. If events kept going the way they were Voldemort would be reborn in about a year and the whole wizarding world would be in danger once more. Harry had dealt with that once before and wasn't keen to do it once again and yet he knew that Voldemort would rise again. If he didn't use Ry's blood then he would find another way to do it.

Harry knew his love of Ry was stopping him from looking at this objectively, but damn it, this was his son! He had raised the boy from one year old. He had taught him how to ride a bike and held him as he cried. Cleared up his first scrape and sat next to him at the Doctor's office when the boy had fallen out of his first tree. This was his boy and he wasn't going to let some ghost of a Dark Lord take him.

"Come in," Harry called at the knock at him door, expecting Ry.

"How are you feeling?" Severus questioned softly as he came in.

"A lot better," Harry replied and sat back in his chair with a heat pack held to his leg. "Thanks for the balm, something new?"

Severus came in to sit at the table, Harry frowned at the tense way that Severus sat and the slightly wary look in the man's eyes. He was unsure what the look was about.

"Yes, a new kind of muscle relaxant." Severus answered. "Did it work?"

"Yes, very well." Harry smiled, if it hadn't been for the balm he probably wouldn't have made it to the table today. "Thank you."

"The Headmaster wanted me to tell you that Ry is recovering well and should be released from the hospital wing this afternoon." Severus told him. "Also that Sirius Black managed to escape from Ministry custody and is back on the run."

Harry smiled at the look of disgust on the younger man's face.

"He also said that he wanted to talk to you about a contract once you are back on your feet," Severus added.

Harry raised an eyebrow in question but Severus couldn't give him any more information. Severus got to his feet and asked if he wanted another coffee. Harry looked Severus over as he made the coffees.

"What?" Severus questioned as he moved back to the table and placed the coffees down.

"Nothing," Harry replied and smiled at the frown on Severus's face. "I suppose that that new wolfsbane is even more important now."

Severus gave him a glare and Harry smirked as he sipped on the coffee. They moved onto small talk as Harry settled back into his seat. The events of last night settling around them and they let it slide away. It could have gone very wrong but it hadn't and they were both still alive so Harry definitely counted that as a win.


A soft knock at his door startled Harry out of a light sleep in the armchair near the fire.

"Come in," Harry called.

Ry poked his head around the door looking very sheepish.

"Hi, Dad." Ry said sheepishly.

"Come in Ry," Harry called with a smile. "Take a seat."

Ry perched on the edge of the seat and looked down at the floor.

"I am very proud of you," Harry started and Ry's head snapped up, his green eyes wide. "You were very brave, stupid as well, but brave."

"But Dad-"

"No, listen to me." Harry said sternly. "You should have told a teacher or even come to me with this before running out into the night. You knew who Black was, Harry. I told you that he was dangerous and you knew that Remus was a werewolf."

Ry hung him head. "It happened so quick."

"Yes, it did." Harry agreed.

"And then," Ry continued. "Dumbledore saw us in the hospital wing and said something about time and then Hermione had a time turner and we saved Buckbeak and then Sirius and then he was flying away."

Harry sat back while the words just tumbled from his son's mouth.

"I'm Sorry," Ry finished, looking at his father.

Harry reached out and placed a hand on the teenager's knee.

"It's okay Ry," Harry soothed. "Just remember that something really bad could have happened. One of your friends or teachers could have been killed or Black could have harmed you in his madness. Next time, just think it through before you rush into something. Try not to be so much of a Gryffindor."

"Okay," Ry said softly with a quirk to his lips. "Thank you."

"Now, how are your studies going?"

The boy groaned.


"I would like you to teach an advanced Charms and Curses class," Albus asked as he placed a cup of tea in front of Harry. "You have been highly recommended by both the Ministry and Gringotts."

"What?" Harry asked stupidly.

Albus grinned at him, as he took a seat across the table from him in Harry's rooms.

"I've been trying to get Professor Flitwick to teach an advanced class for years, but the man is stubborn." Albus explained with a fond smile. "There are many students that would benefit from what you could teach them."

"I wouldn't be able to stay here the whole time," Harry reminded the Headmaster. "I have a few contracts over the next twelve months."

"That would be no problem," The Headmaster assured Harry. "Whatever time you can spare would be enough. You wouldn't be a full Professor just on contract. You would be paid for the work you do on a monthly basis."

Harry thought it over.

"The Department of Mysteries has been asking me about who I could recommend." Harry remarked.

"Do we have a deal then?" Albus asked. "Your fee would depend on the classes and how much time you are here, but I'm sure we can come to a agreement. The rooms you are staying in now would be part of the agreement as well as a classroom."

"Okay," Harry agreed, after a few minutes of thought. "It would be nice to see Ry on a more regular basis. I'll talk to the Ministry and my lawyer and we can draw up a contract."

"Then it's settled," Albus stated as he got to his feet and went to move to the door before he turned back to him. "Oh, by the way…the Triwizard Tournament is being held here next school year."

Harry's head hit the table once the Headmaster was out the door, what had he just agreed to?

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