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Chapter 2: CHAPTER ONE


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



Monday. The first day of the week, where she is most productive of. She's not like the other students who hates Monday.

As she finishes preparing herself for school, she took one more glanced at the mirror and slightly smiled. Take note that, even if she smiles her eyes doesn't reflect any emotions. Such a stoic facial expression that's why most of the students doesn't approach her.

She combed her hair, and the color of her hair was rose gold as she often dye her hair. Her school doesn't forbid it. She clipped a gold hairpin with a crown design. She used a light pink lip tint to make her more presentable.

Aella took her bag, and wore her shoes for school for she lives in a dorm, in her school. Her school executes a lot of events, that sometimes students went home very late, that's why they made a dormitory inside the school. Also, some lived far from the school.

As she exits her dorm, most of the students looked at the rose gold haired elegant lady made her way to the school. Some were very chatty about how Aella caught the attention with her hair but she didn't bother.

She went to the announcement board to see any changes or upcoming events of the school, as she's a student representative of the second years. That's the only thing she's good at, at least she can be a help to the student council.

As she walks to her room, she can still hear some of her batch mates gossiping about her. Who wouldn't? - She may be tall, elegant to look at, her catchy hair color, her natural purple eyes and her presence overwhelms others because she's also intelligent.

She sat to her assigned sit, which is at the back row and near the window. Like any anime protagonists.

No one dared to talk or befriends with her because of her stoic facial expression but she's really a fragile lady and only has troubles of having friends.

While waiting her their homeroom teacher, she used her phone and checks her social media accounts to kill the time. She's been getting random stares from her classmates but she never dared to look up to them.

"Is Kasugano Aella here?" That caught Aella's attention to look up, and looked at the person whose looking for her.

Aella stoop up and walked in front to the person whose at the front door. She slightly bowed to respect the person. It's the student council president, Machida Yume.

"What's the matter, president?"

"Can we talk more privately?" She asked Aella. Aella nodded politely. Pres. Machida walked with her, side by side talking about the delicious she ate at the dining hall near the dorms. Aella just nodded, making Machida telling her thoughts about the meal, one sided.

As they reach the student council room, Machida opened the door - revealing a PE teacher.

The PE teacher rose, then nodded in order to acknowledge the presence of the respected student council president and student representative.

"Please be seated, Midorikawa-sensei." The teacher sat at the common area of the student council office. Machida sat in the middle, while Aella sat at the opposite side of the teacher. "Homeroom is about to start, so we will hasten this meeting."

"What is the meeting all about?" Aella asked.

"Well, we're having problems with your Physical Education." Aella looked at the PE teacher as he started talking. "You are an outstanding student, Kasugano-san but not participating in any Sports kinda dragged your grades a little bit low."

"What should I do?" Aella asked again. And it was an obvious answer that she has to participate in any Sport. "Aside in participating in Sports."

President Machida, faced palmed her face in Aella's answer. She has to encourage her underclassmen to participate in sports. She has to use her height.

"Well, I thought that you would disagree in sports that require full body requirements like women's volleyball team of our school." The teacher said. Aella nodded while Pres. Machida was sweating even if the aircon was blasted to their seats.

"Well then, what kind of sports do you suggest? Is it for my grades? Or just an activity to kill time?" Aella asked without giving any second thoughts that she's talking infront of the teacher and student council president.

"We thought of changing your Physical Eduation class this school year," Machida started. "Since you are outstanding already in Dancesport," the president paused again. Aella just gave her usual stoic facial expression. "We transferred you to Archery."

Aella nodded. She may hate sports, but only those sports that requires strenuous activities.

"Also, I require you to manage a club." Aella furrowed her eyebrows as the teacher stated what he required.


That caught the president and the teacher off guard. They were expecting Aella to ask, but they weren't expecting the question 'Why'. It took about couple of minutes of silence before Aella broke it.

"I am going to accept the changes in my schedule, but please do enlighten me about managing a club." Aella stood up, slightly bowed to give respects to the teacher and the president. She slowly walked out of the student council room.


As she went back to her classroom, the bell in their school rang, signalizing that homeroom is about to start. She noticed that some of the students started running to their respective classrooms before their teacher arrives so that they won't be considered late.

As she sat to their assigned seat, their homeroom teacher arrived. She took her out one of her random notebooks in her mind and silently wrote some doodles, her random thoughts about being a loner, and some poems and haiku.

"Before we get started, I want to congratulate Kasugano Aella-san for maintaining her place as the top student." Everyone shifted their gaze to the silent lady who was writing to her random thoughts. "Kasugano-san?" Their teacher called her which made her stand up.

"Y-Yes?" Aella asked confusingly. Some of her classmates laughed slightly about her attitude being somehow airheaded one.

"I said, congratulations on maintaining your high grades. Please do inspire others to work hard as you." She didn't know what to say, so she just nodded.

Her classmates started whispering again about how Aella was being unappreciative about the things that she achieved.

But what Aella felt was awkwardness, because she didn't know how to respond and she's not being unappreciative. She actually felt proud about those things but because of her stoic expression, she looked arrogant.

She looked outside, creating her own universe. The universe that made her more unapproachable by her classmates. Aella was hard to read, and that made her classmates be weary of her.

Lunch came and most of her classmates left, some transferred seats - especially from those who seat next and in front of her. She didn't mind those kind of treatment because it wasn't new.



"Man, Kasugano's classmates are rude." Kei looked up to his 2 idiot friends. Namely, Hiroshi and Kenji. It was Kenji who spoke.

"Why? What happened?" Hiroshi asked Kenji as he ate his lunch, and Kei did eat too.

He took from his lunch box the egg roll and ate half of it, then ate rice. Kenji was analyzing what happened to that Kasugano.

"Her classmates seem to avoid Kasugano. I wonder why," then Kenji looked up to the ceiling wondering why the others are avoiding Kasugano. "What do you think Kei?" Kenji asked Kei.

"Maybe something's wrong with her attitude." Kei said without giving any second thoughts. That maybe the reason why the others are avoiding her.

"I think so too," Hiroshi said as finishes drinking his Milk. "She has this stoic face, that when she stares at you - its like you're having chills."

"I heard her spoke one time to the third years, and she's kinda blunt." Kenji added. Kei heaved out a sigh then shook his head.

He knows who Kasugano is. Aside from she often changes her hair color, she is an outstanding student as well. He caught Kasugano several times, doing things by herself.

"Sooner or later, you'll regret neglecting those around you." Kei said to himself as he left Kenji and Hiroshi.

When Kei went outside their classroom but he stopped walking when he noticed the rose gold haired girl walked in front of Kei. The girl looked at him, and he did likewise.

The girl only stared, then looked down and passed by him. He was kinda shocked that Kasugano ignored him.

"What kind of pride was that?" He said.

He continued walking towards the restroom to wash his hands after their meal. It was his habit because he's kind off a clean freak. He wants everything clean and organized.

As he walked back to his classroom, girls started having sparkly eyes and showing flowery background as Kei passed by them. Some were calling him nicknames for them to be noticed. Boys on the other hand would acknowledge him, wave at him or smile at him.

He's a star. He's the ace of their volleyball club, even if he's a second year student. No one was able to surpass his skills. At the moment.

Kei would constantly nod or wave passed through those who greet him. Kei stopped at the backdoor of Kasugano's classroom, just classroom before them.

Girls from that class waved at him, and boys acknowledge his presence. But the girl who caught his attention, didn't even bother looking at his direction. She was only looking at her phone.

"Is she always like that?" He whispered.

When he arrived to his classroom, Hiroshi and Kenji are making bets about who's gonna win about their volleyball practice after class hours. The two wouldn't challenge Kei because he's the ace player.

In less than 10 minutes, the teacher for their afternoon class arrived. And that teacher talked about a student whose going to join their class during physical education.

"Why would they do that?" Kenji whispered.

"Maybe that student sucked." Kei answered.

If that student transferred meaning that student is an idiot. That wouldn't happen if it were industrious. Also, their physical education isn't that hard since it was only archery.


After class, they went out their classroom but stopped walking when the girl with rose gold hair color passed by them. She even looked at the 3 gentlemen who stopped at the door.

He was captivated by the girl's precious amethyst rose violet eyes locked its gaze to his. It was so clear that he can even see his reflection on her eyes, but she continued walking. Those eyes matched her hair color. He felt heated, heart beating and being restless.

"Hey, you alright?" Kenji tapped his shoulders. He blinked several times. What he felt when she locked gaze with him, was new to him.

"Yeah. Let's go." Kei said.

They walked downstairs, then when they were at the grounds, they jogged as they make their way to the men's volleyball gymnasium.


After several warm ups, the coach made them do a hundred serves and that made them exhausted.

"I'm kinda lucky that I don't do jump serves." Hiroshi said, that made Kei and Kenji chuckle.

Only few of the team doesn't do jump serves since it requires enough stamina, and it also requires discipline in making those. It requires effort in tossing the ball up, having the perfect formation to flare to spike. Some does, jump float serves, but it requires patience and practice for you to get a lucky serve.

"Hiroshi!" The coached yelled that caught all our attention. "I want you to practice doing jump serve." It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order.

"Noted." Hiroshi answered. When the coach turned his back on them, he started making face and Hiroshi murmured about doing jump serves.

"Chill man, jump serve won't hurt you." Kei said while slightly laughing. Hiroshi looked at me, glaring.

"You practiced jump serves ever since we were first years in middle school." He snorted.

"Well, jump serves adds up spice." Kei said.

After doing hundred serves, the coach made the boys rest for 5 minutes. It was hell because after that rest, they'll be doing a hundred spike before actually doing a match between the first and second years versus the third years.

Then, while doing the hundred spikes, someone entered the gym. It was the second years physical education teacher.

"Good Afternoon coach Takahashi." The coach acknowledge Midorikawa-sensei's presence. The two of them walked towards the coach's office.

"20 more spikes then we'll jog around the whole gymnasium ten times, before resting then we'll start the practice match!" Our team captain, Takishima Akira shouted.

"Why won't akuma's won't disappear." Hiroshi complained. Kenji just laughed and Kei remained calm.

Kei did 20 more spikes, and as usual no one dared to receive his spikes. His spikes are compelling and keen. I guess, you can consider their Libero receiving Kei's spikes but that would tear their arms off their body.

"It would be a pleasure. I'll talk to the second years." The boys heard their coach spoke as the coach and the teacher exited the office.

The coach was slightly smiling, while the teacher was a bit flushed. The boys guess in their head that it was something related into searching the team's manager. They needed one, but the coach accepted no one since most of the girls would only flirt to the players.

The PE teacher, lowered his head to pay respect then laughed. The coach gave signal to the boys gather up. The boys formed circle then sat on the floor, doing indian sit.

"Second years, raise your hands." Kei, Hiroshi, Kenji and 4 more guys raised their hands. The coach gestured the second years to lower their hands. "So Midorikawa-sensei suggested someone to be the team's manager." He started.

No one dared to show their reaction for they know is the person that PE teacher suggested.

"It's actually a second year student." Coach continued talking.The four second year students were despondent, while Kenji and Hiroshi were perplexed. Kei remained calm.

"Who is it coach?" Captain asked the coach. The boys heard a slight fearful tone of the captain's voice.

"The biggest hater of sports." The coach gave the boys a clue.

"Often changes hair color?" Captain asked then the coach nodded.

"She's the student representative of the second years." The coach said.

The team didn't know what to feel. They were clouded of tons of questions of 'Why her'.

"Well, she's not that bad. She was even suggested to become our manager." The captain said in a stern voice.

"Captain, you're mistaken."

"Huh? How come coach?" Akira asked.

"The team must persuade the young lady." The boys didn't respond after what their coach told them.

"Approaching her is already hard." A first year said. Most of them nodded about the first year complained but the coach seemed to stick on his decision.

"Well, that's the challenge. She's not like the other female students. She doesn't care about any sports. She's currently slumping in physical education as Midorikawa said. So he suggested her." The coach said. Like he didn't care about the opinion of his boys.

"Let's just skip practice today, then think of anything so that we can approach her. Is that okay, coach?" Akira asked coach.

"Yeah, it'll be hard for me also. I requited her several times, but she remained calm with her stoic facial expression and declined countless times." The boy saw the irritation written on the coach's face.

So the rest of the given time, they talked about ways to approach, what to talk about, who'll be the sacrifice and how long will take to persuade her.

"Kei should talk to her!" Hiroshi pointed at Kei who was listening to his idiot upperclassmen arguing on how to approach the rose gold haired lady.

"Huh? Why me?" Kei asked.

"You were mesmerized by her purple eyes earlier." Hiroshi plainly answered at his question.

"Well, she's got the most attractive eyes, but because of her stoic face, she's hard to approach." Akira said while scratching the back of his head. "I talked to her once or twice, but she didn't even cared."

"What did you talk about?" A first year asked.

"Recruiting her as the manager." Akira said in a low voice. "She rejected it, politely."

"Maybe she'll talk to us when the whole team, went up to her." Kei suggested. The whole team looked at him, then smirked.

"Yeah sure, let's all go to her dorm." Akira said.



Aella was lying down while watching some archery beginners video. She'll have archery as her PE, instead of dancesport so she should have advance knowledge in it.

While looking for another video about archery, there was a suggested video.

Mizuki Kisaragi all service aces and spikes compilation



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She didn't click the video and browsed more into archery videos. She is a left handed lady, so she's looking for videos that has a left handed one. Sadly, it took her hours but never found one.

She stood up to charge her phone, and went to her study table to do her assignments but she paused.

"I'm already done with those earlier." She whispered.

She didn't know what to do anymore. She doesn't have any friends that she can call to come over. Her own dorm room was clean, from the kitchenette, to the bathroom, clothes up to her bed. She went to her bookshelves but stopped half through when someone knocked at her door.

It was her first, ever since she studied here. From middle school until now, no one knocked to her room. She soften a bit.

She walked to the door and opened it. Bunch of men in front of her, specifically a man that she saw earlier.

The man that locked his gaze with her. His dark olive eyes are looking at her purple eyes again. With other tall people with 2 munchkins. If she's not mistaken, those guys came from Volleyball club.

"May I help you?" She asked.

The man with dark olive-brown eyes stared at her. He has this guys, they were intimidating. Bunch of male species in front of a lady's dorm room.

"Have you eaten dinner?" The guy asked. He was tall, and his hair was tied, brown hair. He also has slight beard on his chin.

"I have."

"Do you have assignments?" Another guy asked. He's also tall, with black hair but deep blue eyes.

"Already done."

They looked at each other, like asking at each other's help to continue talking to Aella. On the other hand, Aella was a bit suspicious about the boy's behavior.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Be our manager." The guy with dark olive-brown hair said. She stared at the gentleman's eyes, to see if he was joking but he wasn't.

She heaved out a sigh and she bowed politely.

"I'm sorry." She looked at the boys who looked defeated except the guy with dark olive hair.

"I challenge you."

"K-Kei!" Two guys held him. They were stopping him from blurting unneeded words.

"I don't do sports, if that's what can make you give up on recruiting me to be your manager. Goodnight." She turned her back on the male volleyball team that was begging her to be their manager.

As she close the door of her room, she gestured her hands on her chest and held it. She removed her slippers and looked at herself in front of the mirror.

The mirror finally reflected an emotion. A longing emotion. She closed her eyes and contained everything inside of her. As she opened her eyes, the mirror reflected a stoic facial expression of the young lady.

It was painful to contain the emotions you wanted to show, but for you to be protected, she let those unneeded emotions kept inside. Where her past lies, and all the pain and longing are kept.


She walked to her mini refrigerator, and took drank water. Her stomach grumbled in hunger. Aella slightly laughed.

"I guess, I was hungry. Let's just eat a light meal." She talked to herself.

She took some ingredients in her refrigerator and cooked a light meal for her dinner and breakfast.

"I should keep my distance from them, for now." She talked again to herself. It became her hobby since she has no one. Aside to her parents, she has no one.

As she finished cooking she prepared herself to eat. She ate at the living room, while watching movie.

As she eat, she felt lonely. She wished someone would understand her that she's more than who she is on the outside. She want someone would stay by her side, knowing that she's hurting. That she's fragile. That she also wants friends and those you call trusted ones.

She didn't finish the movie that she was watching. She cleaned the plate and utensils she used when she ate her dinner.

She washed herself and it took only fifteen minutes to clean herself up. She did her skin care routine, to make her skin healthy even if her mind is not.

After that, she went to bed. She used her tablet since her phone was charging. She used a certain browser to fill her thoughts about archery.

Little by little, Aella was already sleepy and and she slept comfortably.


Haiku – short form of Japanese poetry in three phrases, typically characterized by three qualities: The essence of haiku is "cutting"


Author's Note:

Hi :> I tried using a third person's point of view, and tried using an English only book, hehe. Stay Safe and Keep Positive Vibes :)))

The setting changed also, since the story was using 'Japanese Terms', let us all assume that the characters live in Japan hohohoho!



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