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Chapter 2: ONE

"You'll do." My mother's brown eyes cooly assessing me as I stood before her in the dress our Royal seamstress had delivered. Other than my mother's words, there was no other indication that she actually liked what I wore- neither her tone nor her body language. I bit back a sigh. But then again, what did I expect?

She opened her mouth to speak and I stared thinking I'd finally hear the words I'd been waiting to hear all day. "Ketki, have the dress ironed to perfection before the ball," She ordered. Her eyes then flickered to me "Get ready for the ball, Althea. Dignitaries from the other kingdoms will be attending. Do not disappoint me."

It was a clear dismissal. I still didn't know why we were organizing a ball now of all times. Ketki, my personal handmaid helped me to step out of the two layered dress. I left the room walking slowly, hoping she'd say it but she never did.

From then, I was ushered into the bath which had been prepared for me upon my mother's oder. After nearly two hours of lavishing myself trying to look even moderately acceptable in the eyes of my mother, I dressed in my undergarments and was taken to my dressing chambers where I was seated on a stool facing a mirror as Ketki braided my hair. There was an uncomfortable silence between us. This was how it always was whenever I was alone with her. It always felt like she was watching me, waiting for something. The discomfor was like a third presence in the room. One I was now familiar with.

"Ketki," I looked to the door to see Reagan, one of the few maids whom I was familiar with. "The ball has begun, and Her Highness has ordered that Princess Althea be downstairs within the next ten minutes." Ketki gave a nod and with that Reagan's blonde head disappeared no doubt off to deliver the message to my mother.

A few minutes later, I stood in front of the mirror analysing myself. Ketki had braided my hair into two of the most complex corn rows I'd ever seen which was saying something as being a royal, I'd seen the way they strived to impress one another. My face was made up lightly with no indication of the application of anything artificial. The emerald dress fitted till it reached my waist where it opened into frills complimented my olive complexion. All in all, I decided I looked good enough to not disgrace the Kingdom.

Ketki escorted me to the end of the stairs which descended into the ball room where royalty from other Kingdoms and dignitaries from within our kingdom were undoubtedly waiting for my arrival. The ballroom was structured in such a way that the very place I stood was some sort of stage. The stairs made for dramatic entrances.

"And here comes Princess Althea, the very cause of this gathering who turns twenty one today." the announcer's voice boomed. Seemingly all heads turned in my direction craning up to look at me from the top of the stairs. I took a deep breath before starting down the stairs mimicking the grace with which my mother walked always.

The crowd parted as I descended giving access to full view of the throne which stood at the very opposite of the door. And sitting on the throne back straighter than anything I'd ever seen was my mother. Her curly, black hair was styled into a complex chignon atop her head. Her crown was somehow fixed to center the chignon. Her gaze felt the heaviest on me as I reached the entrance. There was no disapproval in her expression, so I assumed I must've done it right. She rose from her throne and began walking towards me with that grace that made her seem otherworldly.

"Althea," my mother greeted as she reached me with a smile which held no warmth gracing her face. Leaning into me, she whispered, "Stand straighter." and I did. "Your lessons with Ms. Adelia must've been fruitless if you do not still know how to compose yourself properly." I bristled feeling that all too familiar sharp pang in my chest. Standing as straight as I could, I faced her, and she turned around directing me to the part of the ballroom reserved specially for us.

The chatter and fun seemed to resume once we were out of the crowd's general sight. Queen Elise rushed forward cooing about how spectacular my dress was and how it seemed that grace and beauty were undoubtedly family traits. Her daughter, Arissa stayed behind her eyeing me with some emotion akin to envy. But it couldn't possibly be, right? Princess Arissa of Envion who was rumored to host the wildest parties, for whom suitors lined up to court left, right and center possibly couldn't be jealous of me.

"Queen Avantika," I withdrew from my thoughts looking to where King Othniel stood. My mother nodded in response and the king stiffened noticeably having expected to be addressed by his title the way he had for my mother. She however didn't care for that. For a long time, they continued to stare at each other willing the other to look away first. Everyone in our section could feel the tension for it was no secret, not even to me that the King of Aurion had something against my mother. It was said that he despised the fact that our Kingdom was led by a woman.

"Greetings, Queen Avantika." King Othniel's wife, Queen Adriana said probably hoping to divert my mother's attention from the battle for dominance which she was engaged in. She had no such luck as my mother did not acknowledge her still focusing on the Queen's husband. She too stiffened, her face turning red in embarrassment. She placed a hand on her husband's shoulder murmuring something to him. His jaw clenched before he looked away turning to me. Although her expression remained cool, her eyes gleamed with smug satisfaction.

"Happy birthday, Princess Althea." Queen Adriana said. "Hopefully, this year you'll be allowed to entry into the politics of our world." her husband added. I struggled not to flinch at his comment. My mother turned to him but he ignored her purposely fixing his gaze on me. "My wife and I will see ourselves out. Age with wisdom, Princess."

And with that, he walked out arm in arm with his wife. I watched Queen Avantika stare thoughtfully at them before turning around and walking away leaving me alone with the remaining royals. I didn't know what to do. Surely, she didn't expect me to sit alone with them? The mere thought of that had my heartbeat accelerate slightly. I could feel a headache coming on.

I didn't want to be a coward. I didn't want to disappoint my mother and so I schooled my face into what I hoped was an aloof mask before heading to the table where the younger royals sat. Their chatter stopped at my arrival evidence that they'd no doubt been talking about what had transpired between my mother and the other king. I took a seat at the farthest chair from the lot of them. After sometime, they resumed their gossiping in lower voices.

I tried not to long for the friendship they had with one another. I stared wistfully at them. I had no friends. How could I when I was never allowed to leave the palace? I didn't even know what the kingdom I was supposed to rule looked like. But I dared not ever bring it up to my mother. I shuddered to think of what would happen if I was actually possessed enough to do it.

"... Has a stick stuck up her ass."

"Always acting so perfect. Who does that?"

"Her daughter isn't any better. Look at her acting so stuck up. She thinks she doesn't need any friends."

I found it funny that some people thought only females gossiped because at that moment, the princes were saying a whole lot more than any princess would.

"At least we know it's in the blood."

"I hate them." Princess Arissa spat- lowly, of course.

Hate was such a strong word...

But I could hear all they said and each word fed the dark abyss in me. That place that I'd tried to hide. That I tried not to let anyone see. I rolled my tongue in my mouth, a thing I did whenever I felt sad or angry and tears clogged my throat. My fists didn't clench and no muscle ticked in my jaw like in the books I'd smuggled to read through Reagan.

I glanced at them to see if they were aware that I could hear them. They weren't. Not until Princess Arissa looked up and directly at me. She smirked. "Oh look, the birthday girl is looking down upon her lowly subjects. How's the weather up that icy throne of yours, Althea?"

They all turned to me waiting to hear what I'd say, how I'd react. You weren't supposed to call any royal openly by their name unless the royal had given the permission. It was a sign of disrespect third right after not addressing the royal by their title and completly ignoring the royal. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to provoke her by giving the wrong answer. And that meant I would have to ignore her which was almost the same thing.

I was however liberated of making that choice when Queen Elise said in a horrified voice, "Arissa, what has gotten into you?" The princess was turning red from embarrassment "Apologize to Princess Althea, this moment." Arissa turned even redder. She however did not disobey her mother. That undoubtedly wouldn't sit well with the royals who were all watching her.

"I'm sorry." She ground out pasting a fake smile on her face.

"I really do hope you forgive her, dear."

I nodded unable to speak. I didn't want to stay here and endure the glares of Arissa and her band. So, I mumbled what I hoped was a polite excuse before standing up to go and receive some fresh air.

As I left the Royal's section, a cloaked man came barreling into me with so much force that I would've fallen for sure if I hadn't had lessons on stamina in etiquette class. He hadn't even stopped to say sorry. I looked around my gaze falling on the man who stood expectantly at the end of the entrance. It felt like I was being invited.

I looked around the room. I seemed to be the only person to notice him. Wasn't this the kind of beginning to adventures, I'd always read about? Only focusing on the man who took off the second, I started to follow him.

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