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Chapter 8: Village Burned

It's been two years of non stop mediation against the whispers of the dark magic. I had put my body through desiccation just to build a mental dam able to hold back the dark magic. After the first year I had accomplished this, but continued my mental training to fortify my mental dam to hold up when I increase and improve my body further.

Deciding that it was enough I controlled a villager that I had left a psychic print on to come feed me blood. After I had fed enough from her wrist I made her go back. I stood up from my lotus position breaking the vines that had grown across my legs and dusted off the dirt that had gathered. Before going to see how the village been doing I walked forward falling into the stream. I've been in one spot for 2 years it would be weird if I didn't take a bath.

Walking toward the village I instantly noticed that the relatively small village has grown to the size of a medium near large settlement. The next thing I noticed was that some of the huts on the edge of the village were burnt completely down to the ground. I wondered if perhaps they had gone to war with a neighbouring village or something. Entering the village I was greeted by smiles and excitement all around, they all think I'm on of their village warrior due to my mass compulsion when I first came. Heading to the largest hut in the the center to look for Scarlett, I saw a middle aged man running towards me

"my son!" he said as he placed his hands o. his knees to catch his breath.

"We were attacked we lost almost all our gold!" he said panicking.

I was completely calm "Who attacked the village?"

He shivered at remembering " A dragon!!"

My eyes went wide as I started to remember stuff.

(' This is before malavore was created by the vampire, witch and werewolf union. If that's the case that means dragons are still the apex of supernatural creatures.' )

A wicked smile grew on my face.

('If I could get the blood no....the heart of a dragon and perform my transmutation ritual hahaha....imagine the possibilities')

I calmed down and shook my head to the influence of the black magic.

(' I guess the black magic is still slipping through even now....but I still need to get more powerful and never feel helpless again')

" I'll handle it" is all I said as I broke out of my thoughts.

" Handle it?! You are but a man!!" I practically screamed.

I mocked " The great Visar, chief and warrior of Anada village showing fear."

He got serious and stared angrily " We men of Anada know no fear"

I smiled and continued my journey to the hut. Entering I spotted a young brown haired child climbing on a basket.

(' How you've grown Scarlett')

I started gathering anything shiny or alluring to a dragon and wrapped them up in a cloth. As I was doing that I was approached by the young Scarlett with teary eyes.

"You! Why are you taking our stuff!?" she said bravely as she could.

I smiled, but I had no time to talk to a child that would barely understand. Moving to the baskets I moved it and took my grimoire from behind. I then took a sword from Visar's weapon rack. At this point Scarlett started crying and was very scared, which brought the attention of our "mother".

" Sigh, you have only just returned and your already making trouble for your little sister."

I glanced over to the little sniffling girl with a smile. " Sorry, Scarlett." I then turned back to Visar's wife, Alae. "I'll be back " then left before anyone could say another word.


Hunting this Dragon took longer than I had anticipated. I thought with gold and shiny items I could lure it out but after 3 days I decided I would straight up hunt it down, for weeks I hunted until now where I would come face to face on top a mountain. I was very confident in my skills as a warrior and my magic so I had little to fear, but the fact that this creature was branded the strongest got my blood pumping and me excited.

Walking up the small incline I came face to face with the winged behemoth.

(' I guess the one I saw on TV was a baby or something this....this is beyond what I was expecting')

Just in resting position this Dragon was around 35 feet in length.

Taking advantage of the dragon sleeping he ran at max speed and drew his sacrificial magic with the dragon as the center.

(' I need to finish this in one go' )

The dragon suddenly opened its eyelids and is yellow reptilian eyes adjusted and landed on me.

Before it could move I did "Gjennom magien til å drepe magi, gjennom magienes kraft tilbake til naturen" my form changed to the black veins, red eyed appearance as I chanted.

This spell was a black magic killing spell I made from studying Qetsiyah's magic books. To have this spell take effect on a being such as an adult dragon it took a lot of dark magic out of me desiccating almost half my body. He roared a shockwave uprooting couple trees while he reverted to a humanoid form. I was extremely angry that the spell didn't straight up killing him,

though he looks severely injured with blood coming out his mouth.

His new appearance was that of a large black man around 7'2 pure muscle.

(' I really hope he's not physically a beast too')

He growled his eyes flaring with fire. His throat turned red and I quickly realized what was going on.

('Oh fuck!') Was the only thought that came to my mind.

He let go a large fire breath that burned everything around me. The visual was majestic it seemed as though the entire area was an alive raging fire. I did put up a magic barrier when I saw it coming, protecting but the trees and any living thing around wasn't as lucky.

" *pant* pant* your flames are very powerful are you perhaps the alpha of dragons or something?" I asked putting on a brave front.

He smirked

"Oh!! So you do have some intelligence I thought all dragons were just stupid" I said mockingly

(' I need to finish this the next move ')

The dragon visibly angry titled his head back I could see the flames growing from his chest to his throat. But before he could fire another blast I blurred and jumped with sword in hand. Seeing me coming down on him he didn't get to charge it all the way. The force of the fire breath he released wasn't as powerful as before making it possible to plunge the sword straight into the flames into his mouth through the back of his head.

My face, chest and hand were burnt though they were healing it was healing a bit slower either because of the power of his flames or due to partial desiccation.

(' Fucking hell man!! I need to remember not to take on a dragon fire breath again')

Without wasting anytime I took one of the shiny bowels I had and walked over to the dead dragon. I drained him of his blood from his mouth. I plunged my hand to his chest and met resistance as though trying to penetrate sturdy leather.

(' Sturdy') is all I thought as a wicked grin appeared from ear to ear.

(' With a skin like this VERY few would be able to penetrate my skin' )

I then used one more plunge at full strength and penetrated his skin. In one pull I removed his heart. To proceed with the ritual I sat down in a lotus sitting position and drank the dragon blood. I started channeling the powerful dragon that just died through the sacrificial ritual then began the transmutation spell "Jeg skifter fra hverandre til blodet og hjertet til blodet og kroppen til en av hverandre" a storm formed over head and the winds raged out of nowhere as I continued my chant "til blodet og kroppen til en av hverandre, til blodet og kroppen til en annen, til blodet og kroppen til en annen" I finished with a shout and the storms stopped. As the storm stilled I took the heart and ate it in few bites.

Nothing happened everything went back to normal I was a bit disappointed feeling that the ritual failed but was not the case as I soon felt a burning sensation everywhere in my body. My belly felt like it was on fire I started coughing all about starting a small fire on the ground. My eyes were soon replaced with fire as a raging fire burned from the inside out my insides were on fire.

I rushed down the mountainous side and headed to a river I had passed. Reaching there I jumped in hoping for a soothing sensation that never came. Feeling no different I came back out and rolled on the river banks in pain. I coughed and started small fires near the river. My entire pain lasted roughly 8 hours and finally stopped late into the night. Upon stopping of the pain I layed there processing the pain I just went through and contemplated whether power was worth. It was obvious that if I wasn't Immortal I couldn't survive a ritual like that but just moments ago I really wished I could die.

Finally ready to move I got up and looked to the only other source of light other than the moon. It was one of the miniature fires I had coughed out that is now raging, the only thing this fire wasn't the normal orange but it was red and black. The flames were red as blood and black flames danced about synchronized. It was probably one of the most beautiful flames I've ever seen. Falling back to my knees I hung over the river and was once again shocked, my appearance had also changed. Looking pass the red eyes, the black veins that were now more pronounced. On my head were horns like a dragon! They started from the front of my temple and curved sleekly to the back of my hand more so horizontally than upwards.

I had tried reverting back like how I'd do with my red eyed appearance but it didn't work due to my near dessicated state. At least I had hoped that was the reason.

I got up as firmly as I could and blurred away. Standing infront of a small village I psychiclly called a villager and fed on him. After draining him dry I tried getting rid of the body using a fire breath like a dragon. Trying the first time nothing happened but on the second time I decided to really try to feel it. It felt as though a mixture of gases swelled in my chest and in one release all the gas and heat mixed forming the fire breath. My fire breath was beautiful as I saw before, a mixture of red and black. The breath did more than I thought is it burned him down to only a few bones.

(' Humans weren't that durable anyways ')

With that done I looked down on my hands and realized the had changed back. I just as fast reach for horns and felt nothing. I was relieved at knowing I wouldn't have to be wary of my own appearance when approaching people.

(' I thought I would have to start using illusions for my appearance')

I then blurred away heading back to Anada deep in thought.

(' I gained even more power I should be one of the strongest in the world by now. But in this world you can never be too sure there's always bigger fish. I need to transmute more dark magic into my body ,so that I can stand at top the witch ladder. But before that there's one more creature I need to hunt before malavore comes, then I'll truly be unstoppable ' )

A wicked smile appeared on my face again thinking of the prospect of the future.

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