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Chapter 5: Butterflies and Tears

"So, have you heard about the 'big competition'?"

Did I mention that Sam is the leader of the school Gossip Club? Well,she is. And yes, it's actually a thing. It's more like the journalism club,only more fun and bubbling with steamy gossip in Edelville High. They get to have their own blog!

"What are you talking about,Sam?"

Also, it's English literature class,might I add. I don't remember the last time I fully concentrated in this class. I mean, it's really hard to when Sam sits right next to me.

"Shirley,do you happen to live under a rock? The news is all over school!"

"So,are you gonna tell me what it is,or what?"

"Remember the Whales?"

"You mean the Riverside High swimming team? What about it?"

"Well, the Sharks,our school,will be competing with them this Saturday!"

The Whales have won all the swimming competitions they've participated in. The Sharks,on the other hand,have won none. Well,not because they are bad (we can't know that for sure), they just haven't participated in any. Yet. This will be their first.

And there goes the bell! There's one lesson left before school's out. I pack up my books ready to leave.

"Bye,Sam! You should just go home without me today."

"Why- oh! It's Wednesday." She face palmed as she remembered.

"Okay,but I'll see you before you go for practice?"

"I'll meet you by my locker,then."

And then I left for Biology class.

Yes, Biology.

I didn't sit at my usual place because,well,Xander. He's always disturbing me and I can't concentrate.

Are you sure that's it, Shirley?

Yes!Yes I am. Now,if you don't mind, I need to study.

Okay,but don't look up, because he's walking in right now.

What? And I looked up.

I said not to look up,dumbass!

When will I ever learn?For a moment,our eyes met then I looked down. It's a reflex.

I was itching to look back up and see whether he had gone. I was hoping he had gone. So I looked up and he was still standing there. Oh God!

He was looking at me questioningly. I couldn't look down again because I didn't want to look like an idiot,not that I didn't look like one already but oh well. I managed to mouth a "What?".

He pointed at me and where I usually sit,then back at me. I stuck my tongue out at him (Not the most genius thing to do but,eh! Who cares?) Xander just shrugged and took a seat .

I didn't,at any point, want to look behind because of my lack of good luck.

See what I did there?

Anyway,the lesson was finally over, which means, I will no longer be in the same room with Xander.

I'm still trying to figure out why I get so uncomfortable in his presence. I quickly  pack and I'm among the first people to get out of class. Looking behind is the last thing I wanna do,lest I make yet another eye contact with the person I'm really trying to avoid.

For what reason am I doing this? I don't know.

Or maybe you just don't want to admit it, Shirley.

Shut up!

In case you haven't noticed yet, I talk to myself. A lot. Maybe it's weird, according to other people,but to hell with their opinions.

I went to meet Sam at my locker before she went home.

"I'm here! I'm here!" I said, opening my locker.

"Well, it's about time! And why are you running,or rather,who are you running from?"

"Noone!" I quickly answered.

"You sure?"

"Yeah,yeah. I'm sure."

"Okay. So,I'm gonna go home now. I'm from gym class and I'm tired as hell!"

"Okay,bye! I'll call you when I get home."

"You better." Then she took her back pack and gym duffle bag and left.

I put my bag in my locker,took my music book and left.

I waited for my teacher but I couldn't see her. Then the janitor walked in and told me she had an emergency so she left early.

Oh wow!

I decided to practice on my own with a few songs on the piano. I've never really played it on my own,so this was my chance.

I sat down and started to play "When the party's over" by Billie Eilish. I decided that I might as well sing.

That's right. Shirley Reign,the short dumbass sings. Only not with people watching. I get nervous and that doesn't really do my voice any good.

So there I was,all alone in the music room, singing my heart out. When I was done, I realised that I really needed that.

I didn't want to strain my voice and since the teacher wasn't around, I decided to leave early. So I took my music book and stood up to leave. Then I noticed something.

The door was halfway open. I could have sworn I closed it when I got in . Oh well,maybe the janitor forgot to close it on his way out. And besides,there was no harm done. I got out on my way to my locker,but I kinda got destructed.

I happened to pass by the poolside . I wanted to see how the Sharks were preparing for the competition which was just in two days.

I stood on my tippy toes to peak through the gate. I could only spot Craig and Josh ,but Xander was nowhere to be seen. Not like I was looking for him,oh please! But I kinda hoped,more like wished he would be there. Which annoys me.

The Sharks seemed very serious with their practice. When I decided that I had  poked my nose in other people's business enough, I turned around to leave.

But Karma was watching my every move. Oh,Karma! When will you start minding your business?

As soon as I turned around, I hit myself against a tall guy's chest. Did I mention that he was wearing a familiar scented cologne? Well, he was. And he had familiar midnight blue eyes too. And he happened to be named Xander.

Curse my luck!

"Are you lost,shorty?"

"What? No! I was actually just leaving." I tried to leave but he caught my wrist in a very firm grip. I looked up at him questioningly.

"Did I do something to you?"


"Why?" I knew exactly why he was asking, I just wanted to play dumb to make sure we were on the same page.

He looked into my eyes. I could feel his piercing through my soul and for a moment, I felt my knees go weak.

"Why! You have been avoiding me lately."

Situations like this are where my acting skills that I learned in seventh grade drama class come in handy. I acted surprised.

"Avoiding you? No! I haven't been avoiding you." Then I let out a fake laugh. "Why do you even care? I thought I was annoying."

"Did I say that?"

Come to think of it,he never really said that.

"No. I never said you s- oh forget it! I'm not avoiding you,okay? Now let me go."

He loosened his grip, but didn't let go.

"I'll let you go,on one condition."

"Which is?"

"You come to practice with me."

Oh crap!


"You want me to let go,or not?"

"Huh! Fine! Now let go of me."

He let go of my wrist and opened the gates. I followed behind.

"Where have you been, Xander!" Craig said as soon as he spotted Xander.

"Doesn't matter. I'm here now."

"I see you brought friend?" That was Josh.

Xander looked back at me. It seems like he had forgotten I was there. I could feel my cheeks start to heat up,so I looked down at my shoes.


"Okay,now go change. We need to practice for our very first competition with the 'unbeatable' Whales."

"They won't be unbeatable for long." Xander said with a smirk.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change. Try not to miss me,shorty."

I scoffed a "You wish!" ,then took a seat on one of the benches.

"Oh, don't worry about her. Craig and I will keep her company when you're gone." Josh shouted behind him,then turned to me.

"So..." he looked at me intimidatingly.

"What?" I was so confused.

"Leave the girl alone,Josh."

Josh ignored Craig and continued.

"So you're the girl trying to steal our best friend,huh?"

What on earth was the talking about?

"Are you on something?"

"No, I'm not. I know what I'm saying. You're almost the only thing he wants to talk about."

Hold up. What! Xander talks about me? I wonder what he says. And I also wonder why the hell there are butterflies in my stomach.

"Well,is that my fault?" He didn't answer me. Instead,he looked at Craig.

"Sassy. I like her."

"I know, right?"

I'm really confused.

"What's going on here?"

"We'll let you hang out with Xander. Just don't steal him from us."

I just shook my head in

confusion,because if I started asking any more questions,I wouldn't be getting anywhere with the conversation.

Then Xander came back with only a pair of swim shorts on. I could not unsee what I saw.

His abs were perfectly sculpted and his masculinity was oozing toxicity. Boy, wasn't I tongue tied! I unwillingly tore my eyes from the masterpiece standing before me. I couldn't risk being caught staring.

"Shall we?"

"It's about time!"

The trio jumped into the pool and joined the rest in practice.

My mind went back to what Josh had told me earlier. I could feel the butterflies again. I wondered what he said about me.

My phone snapped me back to reality.

Sam was calling. I picked up the phone,only to hear Sam sobbing.

"Hello,Sam? What's wrong?" I was getting worried and my tears were almost coming out. Sam's the strongest person I know and she almost never cried. It must me serious.

"Sam, I need you to calm down and tell me what's wrong."

" parents. into an accident on their way home." I couldn't hold back my tears any more. I let them run down my cheeks.

"Where are you right now?"


"Okay. I'm on my way." I hang up, took my book and left. I went to my locker to take my backpack.

I was on my way out of the school gate. My vision was blurred by the tears. Then I heard someone call after me.

"Shirley! Shirley,wait!"

What now,Xander!

I didn't want to stop. I continued walking.

Xander caught up with me, grabbed me by the arm and turned me around to face him.

"So you were just gonna leave without telling me?" He sounded rather disappointed.

I looked up to look at him,my tears still running. The expression on his face immediately changed. He looked concerned. I couldn't help but notice his wet hair. He had already changed and his shirt was halfway buttoned. It seems he was in a hurry.

"What's wrong, Shirley?" His voice was softer this time.

"I need to go,Xander."

"Why, what happened?"

"It's an emergency. I need to get to hospital."

"I'll drive you." He said, taking out his car keys.

"No,Xander. You can't miss practice. You have a competition coming up."

"It's no big deal. Seriously. Let me drive you there."

I didn't respond. He took my hand and walked me to his car then opened the passenger door for me.

I got in, strapped on the seatbelt and quietly waited for him to start the car.

It was a quiet drive to the hospital. I silently cried all the way and Xander occasionally looked my way then continued driving.

We finally reached the hospital. Before I got out,Xander took my phone from my hand. He dialed his number and called his phone then returned mine. I opened the door and got out and mumbled a "thank you".



"Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay." I said,rather whispered, before giving him the faintest smile I could afford. I then walked into the hospital.

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