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Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3

A/N: swearing involved. Very sorry :(

As I make my way to my next class, I can't help but think about 'Greek god'. Why did my heart do a backflip anytime he laughed? And why did I feel like I was going to explode when he talked to me? I can't deal with these emotions right now, they all seem very foreign. Why on earth did he pick an interest in me of all people? If what I think of him is correct – which it most likely is – he must have all the girls at his disposal. Why me? I brush the thoughts to the back of my mind, leaving them lingering around, waiting for me to lose focus so that they can show their ugly heads once more. One thought rushes into my mind and I remember that I am still late for my class.

Way to fucking go, Lexi.

I snap out of my thoughts and run through the hallways, trying desperately to find my World History class. Don't I just have the best of days today? Note the sarcasm. I finally find a red door with the label 'World History' engraved on a golden piece of metal that is nailed to the door. I twist the doorknob and enter the class only to be met by at least 20 other pair of eyes staring directly at me excluding the bald-headed, pot-bellied man standing in front of me. I presume he is the teacher.

"I believe you are Miss Walker. You're late." The man says. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

"Yeah, I know. I'm so sorry." I say, not knowing how I could possibly explain that I was held up by a hot boy in the hallway. Yeah, no.

"Give no excuses, girl. Detention. After school. Don't be late." He says, giving his final verdict. This is just fucking perfect. Note to self: Go online later and search for a million slow and tortuous ways to kill hot boys. My eyes scan the room for an empty seat and I finally find one at the middle row of the class, next to a platinum blonde haired girl.

"Hi! I'm Krystal. With a 'k' not a 'c'. People always get it wrong." She says with a bright smile and her hand outstretched for me to shake. I take it and a small smile stretches across my face. "I'm Lexi. I'm new here. I transferred here today and apparently, I have detention. Just great."

"Oh, so you're the new girl everyone's been talking about."

"What do you mean? Everyone's been talking about me? I just got here?" I say, confusion written in my features.

"Word travels fast in Bridgewood High. And rumors say you're also Jordan's latest catch." She says with a shrug.

"Wait, what?! I don't even know who you're talking about. Like I said before, I just got here." I say frantically. I cannot get myself involved in high school gossip. It defeats the whole purpose of laying low.

"Wait…weren't you talking to him just before this period?" she asks. What the fuck? I've not talked to – oh…Greek god is Jordan. Well, fuck.

"Yeah, only because he was obstructing my path and I was late as fuck and he was calling me all these corny nicknames which I absolutely despise, by the way. He's a major asshole. So I gave him some harmless threats to do some major bodily damage and he left me the fuck alone." I say with a shrug.

"By harmless threats, I'm guessing you threatened to kick his balls."

"Yup." I reply, popping the 'p'.

"Damn, girl, you got some fire." She says, a radiant beam on her face.

"Well, he annoyed the fuck out of me and I told him what was on my mind." I say nonchalantly.

"OMG, we're going to be the bestest of friends!" she exclaims loudly which earns her a deathly glare from the teacher. "Sorry, Mr. Wigglesworth." She says sheepishly and I burst out into loud and uncontrollable fits of laughter at his name. "Wigglesworth? That's your actual name? What's your first name? Teddy?" I wheeze, unable to contain my laughter. Shortly after, the whole class joins in.

"That's it! I've had it with you, Miss Walker! Double detention for you!" He booms, as he turns a deep shade of purple. As if on cue, the bell rings for the next class and I start to leave, but not before receiving a death glare for Teddy over there. My next class was Languages, which was taught by a young Latino lady, Miss. Hernandez, who didn't look a day over 21. Almost all the boys in the class drooled over her as she walked through the rows of chairs while some of the girls glare at her and others, including me, actually pay attention. I've always had a knack for languages and I would love to learn how to speak Spanish, French and Japanese before I'm done with college. The class passes by rather quickly and I'm a tad bit disappointed. It seems like the classes you are actually interested in go by faster than the classes you're not. Speaking of classes you're not interested in, the next class was Math, a boring subject taught by a boring teacher in a boring class. The woman was quite old, looking a little bit over 60. The class was so boring that I was barely awake for half of it. But I could still hear every single agonizing second of it. Let's just take a moment to thank my knight in shining armor – nah…metal armor sounds more like it – who rang fiercely, signaling lunch break. Yay! God, I love food. After going to the office to collect my new schedule, I make my way to the cafeteria. Bridgewood High isn't that big so I can navigate my way through without any directions. I've never been more grateful for small places in my life. As I enter the cafeteria, I don't fail to notice the glares most of the girls are giving me. It's a wonder how one boy can make their head go over the top. But he made yours go over the top too, heck, yours is even doing hula hoops up there, my subconscious argues. Okay, it's official. I really hate my subconscious. Because you know I'm right, she sneers in a sing-song manner. Better hold me back 'cause I'ma kill a bitch. I go to the counter and order chicken nuggets and look for someone I know (in other words, Jace or Krystal) or Jordan, she remarks once again. Hey, subconscious, shut the fuck up when real people are talking. That did the trick. I finally spot Krystal on a table sitting and chatting amicably with a black haired girl I don't know.

"Hey Krystal. Is this seat taken?" I ask. "No, no. Take a seat." She says and gestures to the seat I'm currently holding. "Thanks." I mumble. "Oh! Where are my manners? Lexi, this is my best friend, Maika. Maika, Lexi. I met her in World History." She says, pointing to her then me as she introduces us to each other.

"Oh, hey. Nice to meet you, Lexi." She says, a warm smile on her face.

"Same here." I say, returning the smile.

"You're the new girl, right?" Maika says.

"Yeah. Has everyone heard of me?" I ask, a little weirded out. Why does everyone know about me? I've only been here for not up to a day. It's like I'm some sort of celebrity.

"We don't usually have newbies around here. All of us have practically known each other since elementary school. So when there is a newbie, it's going to be the talk of the school." She explains. Oh so that's why people have been staring and whispering today. Makes sense. "I heard there was another one, a boy I presume?" she continues and as if on cue, Jace barges through the cafeteria doors like he owns the place and looks around for a moment before his eyes meet mine. He waves at me and I roll my eyes as he starts to approach the table.

"Oh. My. God. Hot." They say in unison, completing the sentence together. They look absolutely star-struck. And I'm guessing they're not the only ones. All the heads of the girls snap back and I actually thought they were going to die from the force. Deathly glares were once again thrown my way as Jace sits next to me.

"Hey, sis." He says and throws an arm around my shoulders. I look to the girls and see the star-struck look still on their faces. I hold back my remarks and face Jace. "Don't 'hey, sis' me. You ditched, didn't you?" I say, narrowing my eyes at him and he just shrugs. "Well, you never said I had to stay the whole day." I roll my eyes at him and then realize that we're not alone on the table. "Oh, sorry girls. This is Jace, my idiot twin brother. Jace, Krystal and Maika." I introduce and Jace smirks. Ew.

"Hello, ladies." He says, giving them one of his supposedly heart stopping smirks. In my previous school, the 'popular girls' only talk to me to 'give them my brother's number', 'invite my brother to parties for them' and 'tell my hot brother not to forget their plans for the night.' Insert vomit face here. Krystal and Maika have both lost all ability to form coherent sentences because they are mumbling shit with their eyes wide open and their mouths slightly ajar. Krystal is the first to break out of the trance.

"You have a twin?!?! Girl, why the fuck didn't you tell me? And a really hot one at that." She tells me in hushed whispers then faces away from me and turns to Jace with a bright smile on her face. "Hi! I'm Krystal, she's Maika. We're Lexi's friends. Nice to meet you." She says and extends her hand towards him. He takes it and kisses the back of it. I roll my eyes, "Nice to meet you too, Krystal. You too, Maika." She retrieves her hand; her cheeks tinted a dark shade of pink. I roll my eyes. Maika is still frozen to the spot until Krystal nudges her on the ribcage and whispers, "Maika! Snap out of it! You have a boyfriend, remember?"

"Yeah, so? Because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean that I can't appreciate fine works of art." She whisper-yells. I roll my eyes and continue munching on my food. Shortly after, the bell rings and I have to depart with my love. I'll come back for you, chicken nuggets. Yeah, I have a problem.

"Oh, yeah, Jace?" he looks up at me. "I've got double detention so don't wait for me. I'll take the bus home." I say and he grins. "Double detention on your first day? Naughty, naughty girl." I roll my eyes. "Shut up."

The rest of my classes go by in a blur and it's finally time for the most wonderful experience in life, also known as detention. I can't even begin to explain the unhealthy levels of sarcasm that one sentence has. As I open the door to the class labeled 'DETENTION', it's not what is inside my cell that surprises me, it's who.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."


WORD COUNT: 1, 894



I know, I know. It's a cliffhanger. Settle down, young grasshoppers. So…about Greek god…or should I say Jordan. Yay! We finally know his name. It was getting creepy calling him Greek god like that. Let me know what you think. Vote. Comment. Follow.

Till next time, young grasshoppers.

Ily <3


Vida <3

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