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Chapter 3: Laughing Her Way Through

Mahina sipped her tea with a smirk as she watched the two blonde bimbos from her gym class wash their hair, it was going to be hilarious when they saw that their hair wasn't Barbie Blonde but Smurf Blue. She kept her smirk in place as she scrolled through Twitter, not even snickering or laughing when the two screamed and cried and ran out of the locker room with their hair still soaking wet.

"Mr. Jameson, you do know that I could pull the racism card right?" Mahina asked, swirling her straw around, "I'm Black and Hawaiian, not to mention lesbian so I can add in homophobia, and you three are all white. You have no evidence or proof that I did this to them and they aren't exactly loved by all in this place."

"Mr. Jameson, her hair is blue!" Stephanie screeched, angrily swiping the tears off of her face.

Mahina snorted, "Yeah, a dusty blue, aegean blue, if I'm being specific, your blue is more of a smurf blue," she shrugged, sipping her tea to stop herself from laughing.

Audrey took a shaky breath, "She knows the exact colour! That has to be proof!"

"Are you telling me that everyone that's seen any Smurfs movie is a suspect? Because that's a lot of people," Mahina offhandedly commented.

Audrey and Stephanie both made the same noise of frustration, "Mr. Jameson!" They whined.

The man shook his head, "Unless you two have irrefutable proof, I can't do anything-."

"Meaning that you can easily write me a pass so that I can head to History, we're learning about Hawaii and I want to correct Mr. Cook on everything that's wrong," Mahina grinned.

She smirked at the two girls and sarcastically waved before leaving the office, snapping the door shut behind her.

Once the day was over, she stopped at her favorite tea shop, "What's up Kipi?" She grinned, "I'll have my usual tea, Doll."

"Mina, my favorite lesbian," Kekipi chuckled, taking the five dollar bill and quickly turning to make her tea, "do anything bad today?"

"Nothing that I can tell you until the sun falls," Mahina shrugged, pushing herself onto the counter, "and I can't be your favorite lesbian if I'm the only lesbian you know, Kip."

"Ina, Ina, Ina," Kekipi clucked, handing her her cup, "you should know by now that I don't tell you everything."

Mahina let out a dramatic gasp, "You're gay, have a boyfriend, met a lesbian and you didn't set us up on a double date? Oh, Keki, you sly dog."

Kekipi threw his head back and laughed, "Very funny, Mahi, you know I'm as straight as straight as a ruler-."

"Rulers can bend," Mahina grinned.

Kekipi shoved her shoulder, "And I have a girlfriend," he finished, "and if I did know any other lesbians, I'd have to make sure they could handle your reckless ass."

"You love my a-."

"You Mahina Kapule?" A man asked.

Kekipi opened his mouth before Mahina could, "Sorry man, but we're closing up early today, you gotta g-."

The man shot him right between the eyes, "Didn't ask you," he huffed. "Are you Mahina or not?"

Mahina kept her mouth shut, staring at Kekipi's lifeless form until the man shot her and her eyes fell to her torso, "Oh," she gasped before she blacked out.

"Papa, are you completely sure that she isn't dead?" A small shaky voice asked.

"Damn," Mahina groaned, "can't have shit in Detroit."

The squeaky voice made an ear grating noise, "Oh! She's alive! She isn't dead! Are you okay? Do you need anything? D-."

"I would love it if you'd shut up," Mahina gently said, "and if you could tell me where I am."

"I'm Nada Anderson-Howard, they/them. These are my dads, Nasir Anderson-Howard, he/him, and Khalid Howard-Anderson, also he/him. You got shot as we were passing that tea shop so we went in to help you, the cashier was dead but you were just passed out, the bullet missed the major arteries and your lungs and stuff and went straight through s-."

"Please get to the point, Day," Mahina huffed.

"To save you we kinda sorta had to turn you into a vampire," Nada nervously laughed, playing with their fingers, "I know it sounds crazy and if you don't believe me I can-."

Mahina flopped back down onto the bed, "Give me like, thirty minutes to process, then you, and only you, can come back and explain with irrefutable proof." She clenched her fists a few times before sitting up and checking her body. She dryly laughed when she saw only a scar, "I'm a vampire now."

"Yeah," Nada nodded, "I can explain everything, if you want."

"You have ten minutes before I bounce, Blondie," she monotonously answered.

Nada quickly explained everything with as much detail as they could, tucking their hair behind one of their ears and smiling to show off the fangs, "I tried to save your friend and my Dad, Khalid, caught the guy that killed him and shot you, took him to the nearest precinct."

Mahina gave them a small smile, "Thanks."

"No problem."

"So what's next?"

"You can leave if you want or you can stay with us, get trained like I did because there are Hunters, and have a family," Nada shrugged, "it's up to you."

"You're telling me that I can stay?" Mahina asked, "You all don't even know me like that and y'all would just let me live with y'all for the rest of eternity?"

They nodded, "You're a good person, I can tell from your energy. Also I kind of heard some of your conversation with the cashier and I overheard a few people from your school talking about how you pranked the mean girls because they were picking on someone and you seem like a really cool person and if you don't want to be my friend or sister or whatever that's totally cool and you can go and I won't-."

"You're rambling, Nay," Mahina interrupted with a smile, "I'd be glad to be your, how old are you?"

"Fifteen, I'll be sixteen June twentieth," they giggled.

Mahina smirked, "I'd be glad to be your older sister. I'm seventeen, eighteen December ninth, little bug."

Nada pouted, still smiling, "I can tell you're the mean but cool sister already."

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