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Dimensional Immortal Dimensional Immortal original

Dimensional Immortal

Author: Stevemeh

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Death and Rebirth

Chapter 1

"Alpha to Bravo requesting progress on your position over," I say jokingly over the walkie talkie watching through the scope of my sniper as my brother shoots a glare at the building I'm in as he slowly walks to the office building preparing to get proof that the job was done.

"Shut the fuck up Zach I told you we can't fuck around on the missions now what did the client say she wanted as proof that we did the job?" Smirking at the whispered voice of Ryan I pull out my phone and double-check to confirm proof of completion.

"She wants his genitals." I say seriously losing my joking tone watching through the scope as Ryan stumbles slightly before quickly regaining his balance. 

"You're kidding right?" 

"Nope, she just sent the text, check it yourself." I say as a smirk spreads across my face.

Watching as Ryan opens his phone before quickly putting it back away I hear a sigh come through the mic."Why the fuck do I get all the weird ones?" He asks the dejection clearly in his tone. 

"What are you talking about the last one wanted his face his fucking face as far as I know you haven't skinned anyone's face!" I say while wondering which one's worse, skinning someone's face or cutting off someone's genitals, definitely skinning someone's face it's actually quite difficult to do.

"Whatever, now shut the fuck up I'm getting to the building." He says as his walkie talkie goes dark. Watching from the top of another high rise I watch as he walks up the stone steps stopping at the entrance as suited security checks the key card that we got from our client to the guards only for the guards to pull out a gun and shoot him right in the head spraying blood and brain matter against the pavement as the civilians around them begin to flee. Moving my head away from the scope I hear my heartbeat begin to beat in my head as my hand begins to shake excessively. "What the fuck." I whisper under my breath quickly looking back in my scope. "What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK!" I shout as my voice begins to grow louder as my anger sores quickly shooting the head of the bastard that killed my brother before quickly moving to the next man who's wearing a similar suit shooting him in the head stopping as I hear clapping behind me I quickly whip around preparing to kill whoever snuck up on me only to let out a scream as a gunshot rings and my shoulder begins to burn in pain as I drop my rifle and I'm forced to look at my perpetrator, a small man no taller than five foot three completely bald with small black beady eyes with two suited men at his side one with his gun drawn and smoking.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I growl out through gritted teeth clutching my shot right shoulder while fishing out a surprise from my back pocket.

"You don't remember me? Well, that's suspected after all we've never met." He says while smiling, showing off his yellow crooked teeth. "You might not know me but you might remember my father Liam Shepard you cut out his tongue after putting a bullet in his brain." As if it was a walk in the park the man somehow gets even uglier as his smiling face morphs into one of anger as he spits out what I did to his father which makes me let out a small chuckle.

"I don't mean to burst your bubble but I don't fucking care, do you have any idea how many people me and my brother have killed? Fucking thousands! We don't write their names on a wall somewhere to atone for our sins because to us... we aren't sinning! If someone dies it's because they're weak it's that simple." I say while shooting a glare at the ugly man.

"Well that's all I need to know, you're scum and scum should disappear." Turning away from me he leaves his two men walking towards the elevator on the roof. "Kill him, dispose of the dead body I don't want this to lead back to me!" He shouts while pressing the button to the elevator, I'm also fairly certain I heard something about him doing his good deed for the year but I could be wrong. Focusing my attention back onto the men with suits I watch as the one that shot me before quickly raises his gun only to freeze as I pull out the live grenade that I keep on my person at all times in case of situations like this. 

"Welp if my assumption is correct this place is littered by bad guys so what better way to go out then on my own terms," I say with a sigh while pulling the pin on the grenade dropping it into my lap and staring up into the beautiful blue sky wondering if I'll see my brother where I go. Being unable to feel the grenade my soul unknowingly drifts to the afterlife.


Looking at the darkness I can't help but be… disappointed. My brother and I would always debate where we would be going once we died he was a believer that we'd head straight to hell but I always told him that if God was real we would've never been born and the afterlife wasn't real either that maybe just maybe the beings that gained enough strength ascended or something, looks like we were both wrong.

The system has found a suitable host…

Based on your actions during your life, we have chosen you to be the first user of the System. Would you like to accept the system? 

[Yes]                       [No]

Smirking internally to myself I can't help but feel like a fool or perhaps I've gone insane because a floating blue box just popped up out of nowhere. I guess the only person who was partially right about the afterlife was those fanfiction writers that I used to read for kicks after finishing the anime I watched. Having nothing to lose I mentally tap yes after failing to be able to press it with my hand.

Integrating system with host please wait…

Integrating system with host please wait...

Integrating system with host please wait...

Integration successful…

Congratulations! The host has already completed the prerequisite for the tutorial so the host can start the full game!

Actions taken during the tutorial have affected initial character design giving him proper rewards for his actions.

[Natural Disaster] Legendary Achievement! 

Condition: Kill over five thousand people

Achievement: Random legendary reward

[Little Monster] Legendary Achievement!

Condition: Kill someone before the age of ten

Achievement: Random legendary reward

[Stud] Legendary Achievement! 

Condition: Sleep with over 2000 woman

Achievement: Random legendary reward

[Graduate Highschool]

Condition: Graduate Highschool 

Achievement: Random common reward

[Anime Expert]

Condition: Watch 100 anime

Achievement: Random common reward

That's it? I question staring at the five measly achievements I've done more things then that I know I have! Trying to think of an event that's achievement worthy I can't, all of my memories are gone. The only thing I'm able to remember are the events that the achievements listed and bits and pieces of combat situations I've been in.

Do not be alarmed the system has deleted all unnecessary memories from the host please move on from achievement listings.


Scoffing at the system I reluctantly decided to move on, I already died which means I wasn't strong enough to protect myself or the ones I cared about leaving them behind so if my memories are how I repay for my death then so be it. Tapping next I see another screen load in and two holographic worlds pop up.

Host will be reborn when he is transferred to his first new world after his current body will be used…

Scanning memories…

Scanning memories… 

Suitable worlds chosen please choose from options…

Naruto: Enter a world filled with ninjas, chakra monsters, and a rabbit goddess who is on the moon. If you choose this world your body constitution will be reborn into a random naruto verse family gaining a chakra system and chakra.

One Piece: Come to a world that's filled with pirates and corrupt marines in the search for the infamous One Piece. If you choose this world your body constitution will change to that of a One Piece child with a random parentage.

Looking at the two options I can't help but feel worried, I've watched both Naruto and One Piece so I know that both are filled with beasts that can kill me instantaneously in a child's body but I also can't help but feel a rush of excitement. I would always fantasize what it would be like to be in one of these shows when I was younger and even when I was an adult just daydreaming to pass the time and now I actually have the option to go to them. Thinking through the options I quickly decide on going to the Naruto verse because not only did I actually finish the show I am also much more knowledgeable about the whole world compared to One Piece where I only watched like five-hundred episodes. Tapping Naruto the blue box quickly disappears as a new box takes its place.

Host has unopened achievements would the host like to collect them now?

[Yes]          [No]

Hint- System rewards will be given once the host leaves the world he is on and can only be accepted during the transition to a new world.

Wanting to have any sort of advantage I can before I go to the Naruto verse I don't hesitate clicking yes watching as a golden box quickly appears flashes into existence showing six different crates three being gold, two being green, and a single grey box with bold letters above them saying tap to open. Tapping the screen all the boxes open revealing different all the contents within, making up my decision I click on the grey items and watch as the screen blows up showing a picture of an all black basic ring with a description under it.

System Ring- The System Ring will notify you when you are able to transfer worlds and will give you access to your achievements when you do choose to leave.

Nodding my nonexistent head I believe I understand that that was just automatically given to me and I didn't have to do anything special for it but it is nice to know that I will be able to leave the Naruto Verse eventually if it is too difficult to survive in. Moving on I click the two green creates and watch as two pictures and two descriptions pop up.

Common Tactical Yo-yo: What better to have in battle then a trusty Yo-yo who's wire you know won't ever disappear, this Yo-yo has tactical wire that if used properly can cut through bone and if it snaps will regrow in a single day use it well and don't cut yourself.

Reading through the description and looking at the blue Yo-yo I can't help but feel a small bit of joy because if this is considered a common drop what will my Legendary drops be like? I'm still unsure whether or not I'll use it but it is still nice to get free rewards.

Common Healing Potion: The common healing potion is able to heal minor wounds and relieve you of any fatigue while boosting your body's overall functioning for a short time.

Hint- All items will be accessible through the ring which will be linked with the host's mind.

Looking at the pinkish liquid my joy fails to diminish because even though it is only a common potion it still has the chance to boost my percentage of winning a battle and I'm not one to be ungrateful when given a gift. Moving on from the common rewards I clear the screen and go back to the main screen quickly tapping on the three golden crates watching as another screen quickly springs to life and trumps begin to play as three pictures and three golden descriptions appear. 

Race Change

Parasite: Host has the option of becoming a parasite being unbound by normal human restraints. Host will have his main body he is born with but will also be able to exit his body in his second form and can enter another subject controlling them and if certain conditions are met host will even be able to take over their body and make it his own, but host must be careful because if host dies within his second form he will die forever. Race changes are optional so if the host does not want to change his race he can always decline so would the host like to become a parasite?

[Yes]           [No]

Reading through my first legendary reward I can't help but feel… disappointed. There are too many uncertainties in becoming a parasite I'm unsure whether or not this second form is strong enough and besides what if I'm forced into a weaker subject then I'll be screwed and I've already died once so I will NOT take this unnecessary risk that can absolutely fuck my future survival. Tapping no to my surprise after the original race change fizzles out of existence another legendary crate takes its place. 

Immortality: The passing of time will no longer affect the host but be cautious as physical pain is still painful even if the wounds do not last long and your mind and soul are just as mortal as your past life merely your body shall never be destroyed even if it is just a single cell that remains to bring you back.

Reading through the replacement change I can't help but wish I had a body because if I did I'd be laughing historically right now. This is a no brainer! Of course I'll choose this over the other legendary, in my former life I was practically worried sick every time I went out on a mission which served a valid worry after dying but now I no longer have to worry about death as only the pain will hold me back. Admiring the golden apple one final time I quickly clear out the legendary crate reading one final message before moving on to the next achievement.

Immortality will be applied at conception.

Legendary Familiar

Dragon: The system has rewarded you with a random legendary dragon egg that will be completely loyal to you as a Familiar but you will have to raise it yourself from a baby but the rewards will be fruitful as the dragon will have the power equivalent to a legendary reward. 

Looking at the pale white egg I feel a rush of excitement wash over me at the thought of raising something so amazing soaring high in the sky with something so powerful just the thought is exhilarating. Moving on I look at the third and final crate quickly reading over the description. 

Cup of Youth: Drink from this cup filled with the waters from the fountain of youth and you'll have what so many have urned for and died for a life full of youth but be careful because if someone else drinks it it will have the same effect. 

Staring at the rewards I can't help but feel an odd sense of hopefulness at being reincarnated in the Naruto Verse although the majority of everything that I just got won't help me in any way shape or form in survival… who the fuck am I kiding Im literally fucked! I got some magic water that will make me eternally youthful when I'm already immortal if I'm not mistaken! Welp at least I know that I'll survive if I'm not sealed off, get my body blown apart and sealed in a hole or get mind controlled. Taking a moment to calm myself down I clear my mind and focus on the new box that just popped up.

The system has placed the difficulty on realistic mode and will only be accessible in world transition. Good Luck!

Host will be transferred to the Naruto verse in fifteen seconds please prepare yourself.

Doing the equivalent of taking a deep breath for someone who doesn't have a body I decide to look on the bright side of things, I'm currently headed to a world that I know the majority of everything about and I already have an edge on most people there because I can't die and even then I'll be able to leave at some point. Clearing my mind I allow the system to do it's work and transfer me to my new home only for nothing to happen.





Reading the red text box which was the cause of the incessant dings I quickly feel my worry grow at what this system has planned for me even if it won't be as prominent as other systems are.

An error has occurred, world transfer has been compromised, sending the host to a random destination… alternate destination acquired sending host to the DC Universe in fifteen seconds.

NOOO! If I had a body I'd be screaming right now. How in the world is there an error, and why the hell wouldn't it give me more than one option to choose from like with the race change?!  Feeling pins and needles shoot through my spiritual body is the only sign I get as a reassurance that my reincarnation is going well until my mind goes blank and I drift back to unconsciousness unable to communicate the amount of dissatisfaction I have at going to that fucking shit show. How the fuck am I supposed to be bad if there's people like batman, superman, and the flash all running around protecting the innocent?


The Allen household was abuzz with activity and Henry Allen was just as excited, scared, and overjoyed because soon he would be meeting his second son. Henry and Nora originally wanted to wait a little longer to have another child or even not have another child at all and focus their attention on Barry and their work but they wouldn't ignore this gift because they would love this child just as much as they love Barry. 

"Alright sweetly are you ready do we have everything?" Henry asks frantically to his very pregnant wife helping her down the final steps of the stairs. The house is filled with Christmas decor, the stairs lined with candy canes and pine tinsel the smell of peppermint and pine filling the air from the Christmas trees and candy canes.

"Yes yes Henry everything is ready we already packed the car last night now stop worrying." Nora says reassuringly, ironically trying to calm down her husband before she gives birth. 

"Don't forget I helped too!" A small voice chimes in as a young brown haired boy hugs his mother's leg.

"Oh your mother didn't forget you Barry there's merely a lot going on." Henry says with a smile kneeling down to eye level with the boy who's still in his red Christmas pajamas. "Are you ready to be an older brother Barry because next time you see us you'll be meeting him." 

"Really!" Barry shouts a grin adorning his face. "Of course I'm ready, we'll play tag and draw and play legos!" Barry says excitedly as Nora carefully leans down with the help of her husband and plants a kiss on Barry's forehead.

"You'll be a great big brother. I have no doubt about that but your father and I must leave you'll stay here with Dina until we come back ok?" Nora says shakily standing up.

"Ok, come back soon!" The young three year old Barry says with a smile hugging her mother and father one last time before running off back up stairs to go back to bed.

Leaving the house Henry and Nora climb into the car allowing Henry to drive them to the hospital to give birth to the second Allen child. 


They were wrong, all of Nora's friends and her doctors had said that giving birth was supposed to be easier the second time but it wasn't in fact she still remembers the pain through the anesthesia and she'd put everything she owned at stake on saying that this time was harder than giving birth to Barry but it was worth it. Looking through the glass at all the newborn babies only one of them stood to her and Henry and that was their new son Theodore Allen born December twentieth five days before Christmas.

"He's perfect." She whispers out looking up at Henry at finding comfort in his warm smile as he stares at the small bundle.

"Yes he is." Henry says eyes never leaving the child. " Barry will be happy when he sees him too."

"Yes he's been looking forward to having a sibling." She says tiredly the fatigue of childbirth still weighs heavily on her even after a day of rest in the hospital but that doesn't matter, they're going home now. Focusing back on the baby the nurse picks him up and brings him out handing him to Nora letting both Henry and Nora admire him in his cute little clothes as Henry leans over her watching as he pushes her wheelchair out of the hospital taking the baby home.

Stevemeh Stevemeh

Hope you like the first chaper second chaper will come out Thursday August 13th give feedback in the comments.

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