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Chapter 3: Sanity Flayers and Ursine Slayers

Both Goblins looked confused, "Um... where is you? ... ... you is... here?"

With the patience of a saint, Lorenth swallowed his frustrations, "Yes... but where is "here"?"

"Oooh!" Tilly looked enlighted, "You want name of place?"

"Dear Lord, yes! What is this place's name?" Lorenth's eye was now starting to twitch.

Tilly looked at him with a large amount of pride and in the most patronizing voice possible said, "This is "field"!"

Lorenth's jaw dropped. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

Strix must have picked up on his frustration, because he reached over and smacked Tilly upside the head. "No you, dumb dumb. He wants to know what we calls it!"

Finally, progress, thought Lorenth.

Strix gave Tilly an exasperated look, "Sorry, big'un. Tilly not so smart. This is "field of grass"."

Lorenth blinked twice. "You know what? I appreciate the help, but I'm just going to go look for a town or something."

With that, Lorenth stood up and walked unto the woods in a random direction. He'd had enough, and would rather get eaten than listen to these two idiots for another second.

After walking for over an hour, he realized that the terrain was beginning to change. The trees were starting to get farther apart, and the once-level forest floor was beginning to get more hilly. Stones were starting to peak out from the ground in between the trees.

He stopped abruptly. In front of him was a large cliff face. It was obviously to steep and high to climb. "Well now what do I do?" Lorenth looked the left and right, but from what he could see there was no end in sight.

Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes behind him and he turned around. "Alright, I assume you've been following me because you're lost too? Right?"

His eyes opened wide in surprise. A giant brown bear was standing there. It's shoulders were level with branches 10 feet off of the ground. Half its face was scarred from a terrible battle or some sort of burn, and it was obviously blind in one eye. He was expecting it to be the two goblins. His eyes opened wide with fright. "... Well... hello. Are... you looking for something?"

The bear walked slowly forward and Lorenth backed towards the cliff until he could feel the rocks pushing against his back. He tried to back up more as the bear got closer, but his feet could get any traction and just dug trenches into the dirt. "Dang it," he thought, "looks like this is it. I wish I had some idea why I'm about to die." He slid down the cliff face until he was sitting on the ground and closed his eyes to wait for the end.

He could feel the bear breathing on his face now. The stench of rotten meat was overpowering. It was unfortunately obvious that it wasn't only fond of berries and honey.

Suddenly his hair was sucked forward towards the bear and he opened his eyes slightly to see what was going to happen. The bear roared directly into his face. Slime and mucus poured out of the bears mouth in a veritable stream and coated Lorenth's face and clothes. The bear was so large that its open mouth could easily bite him clean in half.

Lorenth screamed in sheer terror. Certain that doom was upon him. But the roar triggered something inside him too, and with a jolt of adrenaline he rolled to the side, behind the bear's front leg, and took off running parallel to the cliff. The bear was astonished and his view was He could hear the bear right behind him grunting as is ran over stones, and crushed sticks under it's very large paws- paws with claws larger than Lorenth's fingers.

Lorenth tripped on a stone and nearly fell, but caught himself with his staff on the ground. He kept running. Suddenly he let out a groan, ahead of him was a rock slide, and it was large enough that he couldn't scaled it in sufficient time to get out of range of the bear. He looked into the woods, but at this point he growth was so think there was no entrance. He was trapped!

Without another option he turned and faced the bear, it was right on top of him.

With no other weapon available, he closed his eyes and swung his staff at the bear's good eye as hard as he could just as it lunged for him. "Dang it! I wish this was a sword instead! Ahhhhh!"

He was launched backwards as the bear impacted with him, and slammed into the rocks. The world faded to black as he launched consciousness.

Josh_Williquette Josh_Williquette

That chapter was un-BEARable. *listens to the groans from my dumb puns and smiles*

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