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Chapter 2: Feelings ♡︎


~Oct 2019~

{Delilah's POV}

*Me: Mr Harrison, Please could we meet up? We need to talk.*

My hands trembled as I sent the message, it had been a good week or two since I last saw George and I hoped that we could move on from the incident.

*Mr H: Sure, I'm free now if you want to come over.*

I sighed in relief at his reply, both of us knew there was much more history to this that needed to be clear before my father started to suspect something. I quickly jumped into the shower and put on a simple jogging set before I headed out the door, I knew I didn't have too long before my father would be home so I hoped this would go smoothly.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by George who looked like he hadn't been up long.

"Morning, Mr. Harrison." I giggled, as he yawned and rubbed his sleep filled eyes.

He quietly gestured for me to come in, I was amazed by how beautiful his home was. I mean I knew he was a Beatle and all but everything looked so expensive and beautiful I was scared to touch anything, he watched in amusement as I gawked looking around the house.

"Like what you see, Del?" He laughed, closing the door behind us.

"I-It's beautiful, Mr. Harrison..." I stuttered, trying to take in my surroundings.

He smiled and placed his large hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't we go into the living room and talk." He smiled, guiding me down the hallway.

He opened the big wooden double doors and welcomed me into the living room, it was just as beautiful as the hallway way with elegant furniture and beautiful antique painting. He gestured for me to sit down as he grabbed a seat next to me, I felt nervous and uneasy the last time we were this close it didn't end too well. I could see he slightly nervous also as he cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and his hand rubbed his neck.

"Mr. Harrison... please can we talk about what happened." I asked, my expression turning more serious.

"I mean I guessed that's why you wanted to talk." He sighed, his fingers running through the slight stubble on his face.

"Well... I feel like there is more to this." I said.

"You see, Del, I want to be honest with you, okay?" He said, talking my small hands in his.

"I do have feeling for you... I have for a long time now and that's one of the main reasons I left the town because I wanted to run away from these feeling... but I can't." He explained, searching my eyes for a reaction.

"It's so wrong of me and I shouldn't feel like this, when your mother passed away I knew you both needed me but I just couldn't cope knowing my feelings for you." He continued, his expression turning into a shameful and guilty look.

"I left Olivia because it felt like I was cheating on her when I would be falling for you every single second." He said, gripping onto my hands and searching my eyes for something.

"Mr. Harrison... I... I..." I choked, unable to form a sentence from what I just heard.

All them times we spent together he secretly wanted me? I felt a surge of mixed emotions and confusion whirling around in my head, was his care only used for his own gratification?

"So... you only got closer to me because you liked me?" I asked, feeling my eyes well up.

"No! Oh God no! Del, I cared about you so much and I still do." He said, looking at me shocked from what he had heard.

"When I needed you the most you disappeared." I croaked, feeling the tears fall down my face.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, I felt my tears fall onto his shirt leaving a water mark as I sobbed into his body. When my mother passed I needed him more than he ever knew and it destroyed me when one night he just left without a trace.

"Shh... I'm so sorry, Del." He cooed, rubbing circles along my back and kissed the top of my head.

"I promise I'm going no where... I'm right here with you." He smiled, wearily his eyes red and puffy.

"Please don't cry, you're too beautiful to cry." He whispered, thumbing away the tears from my cheek.

Our eyes met, the same loving look glazed over his soft brown eyes. He cupped my cheeks in his rough calloused hands, our faces only inches apart I could see how gorgeous he was so close up with his defined features and gentle eyes. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt his soft warm lips meet mine, my heart pounded as I felt his lips move against mine as if they were meant for each other. I rested my hands on his thighs for support as my body turned limp from his intoxicating touch.

He both panted as we parted from one another's lips,  his eyes drowned in lust and his lips a pinky colour from my lipstick. He licked then bit his lip and groaned in satisfaction.

"That was amazing, sweetheart." He smiled, kissing my temple ever so gently.

I could feel my lips tingle from the amazing sensation... I wanted it again. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a passionate and wanting kiss, he moaned into my lips as his tongue explored the inside of my mouth. I could smell the tobacco on his clothing making me deepen the kiss, his hands cradled my face like a baby as we explore each other's mouths.

After a few heated minutes we pulled away slowly, he looked at me and caressed my cheek.

"You're blushing, My Love." He smiled, kissing the tip of my nose.

I giggled as I snuggled into his strong warm arms, he sighed in contentment as we stayed like a statue of lovers for a few seconds. Those few seconds felt like forever and if it was forever I would be happy.

"Del, I want to start something but we need to give it time, okay?" He said, entwining his fingers in mine.

"I understand, Mr. Harrison." I smiled, squeezing his hands.

"I gonna admit that I love it when you call me Mr. Harrison." He winked, helping me up from the sofa.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Harrison." I retorted, tip toeing to reach his cheek to kiss him.

We held hands as we walked down the long hallway, but in that moment it didn't seem long enough as our eyes never left one another. I hoped deep down that this would all work out, I knew there was going to be bumps in the road but hopefully we could stick them out.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He smiled, pecking my lips.

We waved as I walked down the path and over to my house, when I opened the door I saw my father sat on the sofa swiping through his phone, probably the news app.

"Hello, Sweet, were you at George's?" He asked, not moving his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah... um, he asked if you were okay and stuff." I said, hoping he would quiz me.

"Is he doing okay? We haven't seen him in a while." He asked, finally removing his eyes from the screen and looking at me with a smile.

"Oh! Yeah! He just wasn't feeling well... a cold." I replied, praying he was believing the quite frank bullshit from my mouth.

"Ohhh, well it's good to hear he's doing better." He smiled, coming over to hug me.

"I've missed you, Dad." I said, returning the hug.

"I missed you too." He mumbled, squeezing me tightly.

"Well, your tea is in the microwave... I'm gonna head to bed, night love." He said, kissing my cheek as he headed up the stairs.

I ate my tea and rested in my room for the rest of the day, I felt like I was on cloud nine (wink wink). My mind kept replay that magical kiss, I decided to leave George a sweet little message.

Me: Night Mr. Harrison, thank you for today and I hope that this could be the start of something.

I heard the swoosh sound telling me my message had sent, unknowing to me I must have been so tired that I crashed. But George sent a message back.

*Mr H: Night Del, trust me this isn't the end, remember I'm always with you no matter what. Rest sweet angel - Your Geo x*

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