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Chapter 3: Run Potato Girl Run

(Author- Hey guys I hope you all enjoy! If you do then please feed me all the power stones you have! I am selfish. Don't share them with anyone else please!)

"Dam. He's still making that potato girl run huh? She's been running for five hours now. Her stamina must be incredible" Eren, an average height boy with short brown hair and crystal blue eyes states surprised.

As Eren, Armin, Conny, Marco, a relatively tall boy with a plain looking face and bowl cut black hair Mina, a short pretty girl with a roundish face and long black hair, and I watch Sasha run.

Marco nods, "Yah, but she seemed more distraught about not being able to have dinner than anything else."

Connie nods, "If I remember correctly, she's from Dauper village, a small hunting village deep in the mountains."

I simply nod, Eren, then asks, "What's that?" While pointing to a carriage going up the hill and leaving the camp.

Mina stands up and walks over to the railing of the cottage we are all leaning on and replies, "Those are the dropouts. They requested transfer to the frontier."

Armin looks surprised, "What? But it's only the first day!"

Eren simply nods, "It was only a matter of time. If you aren't strong enough, then you have to leave. Hard to believe they'd rather go weed and pick up rocks though."

I nod, "Agreed. Some people just aren't meant to be soldiers. In this world you either fight or die. Those who can't fight, but don't want to die, run. Because there's nothing else they can do."

Marco then turns to us and asks, "Oh yah, we didn't ask, where you two were from?"

Eren replies, "I'm from Zhiganshina. Same as him" While wrapping his arm around Armin's shoulder."

"I don't know where I came from. The last thing I remember was waking up right by the wall with the Colossal titan standing over it. So I guess you could say I'm from Zhiganshina as well though I don't know if I was born or lived there." I reply.

Connie hearing this jumps up, "Wait, so does that mean you two saw the Colossal Titan?"

I simply nod while Eren replies, "Yah. I did."

--A Few Hours Later--

In the dining hall eating our dinner Eren, Mikasa, Armin and I are all sitting at a table and being bombarded with questions.

Eren sighs. "Like I said, I saw the Colossal titan. So did Mikasa here and Izuna."

"How tall was it?" One guy asked excitedly.

Eren shrugs, "Slightly taller than the wall I guess."

"What? I heard it stepped right over the wall!" Another voice shouts.

"Me too!"

"That what my village said as well!"

I then shake my head, "No, it wasn't that tall. Only it's head actually managed to make it over the wall."

"What did it look like?" Mina asks.

Eren continues stating, "Hm. It barely had any skin, but it had a huge mouth. I can clearly remember the moment the dam thing's massive foot smashed down the gate allowing others to swarm into the the city. It then proceed to make its way to break down Wall Maria before disappearing."

"What about the Jaw Titan that wiped out the Garrison and climbed the wall to destroy the cannons?" Connie asks.

"That's what they called it? It was smaller than most Titan's, but it had this weird bone like armor around it's head and it swiftly dashed around on two legs and two arms both of which had sharp claws." Eren describes.

Marco then asks, "Then what's a normal titan like?"

This comment, causes Eren to freeze. He then begins to tremble before shaking and dropping his spoon into the bowl and covering his mouth.

Mikasa, worried, grabs Eren's arm, "Eren?"

I turn to him and ask, "You okay?"

Marco then turns to the crowd, "Guy's maybe we should stop asking questions. I'm sure he'd rather forget some things."

Then Eren scowls, "No. Don't keep asking!" He then smirks, "The Titan's aren't all that tough. If we can master the three dimensional maneuvering gear, they won't stand a chance.

Finally I get to train as a soldier. I am just so excited I forgot myself there for a second. I'm joining the survey corps. Then I'll wipe the titans off the face of the earth! I'll kill them all."

Then, suddenly from a table to our left, a voice shouts, "Oi oi oi, you crazy? You just said you wanted to join the Survey Corps right?"

I turn then look. Seeing who it is, both Eren and Eye narrow our eyes. Jean. Eren then nods, "Yah I did. You said you wanted to join the military police to take it easy right?"

Jean nods with a smirk, "Yah, I'm no liar. I'm a straight talker unlike someone who pretends to have balls of steel. The Survey Corps is a gang of idiots and buffoons who just want an early death."

Then, before Eren can do anything, I stand up throwing my chair to the floor with a glare on my face. I then walk over to Jean, "Yo. Did you just insult the survey corps?"

Jean then stands up, "So what if I did?"

"My full name is Izuna Hanji. Recognize it?" I ask while staring coldly at Jean.

He smirks, "Nope should I have?"

Marco then speaks up, "Wait, your related to Captain Hange of the scout's?"

I nod, "That's right. I'm her nephew."

Jean then smirks, "Oh, so your Aunt is a suicidal manache like that brat over there?"

Eren stands from his chair pissed, but before he can do anything I then snarl, "I'm also planning on joining the scouts, and don't you dare insult my Aunt."

Jean rolls his eyes, "What? It's true."

This was the last thing that left his mouth before I launched a powerful punch into his gut. "What the fu...." Was all he managed to get out before I launch a perfect roundhouse and striking him right in the face.

He then proceeds to fly back 5 feet before crashing into the ground groning. "How do you like that? I learned that from Captain Levi. Now I know you've heard of him. Do you have the balls to call him, humanity's strongest, a suicidal maniac?"

All I get in response is silence before Jean stands up and snarls, "Why you!"

He proceeds to lunge at me. I then simply wind back and kick him in the face again sending him crashing to the ground. "Idiot." I snarl before grabbing my half loaf of bread and storming out.

After I walk in the dark for a few minutes, I see Sasha, the potato girl, wobbling forward. "Finally. Done."

I was about to say something, when suddenly, she turns to her left and lunges at a short, beautiful girl with long blond hair, stunningly fair skin, and crystal blue eyes. She then rips from the girls hand a loaf of bread and proceeds to quickly devour it.

"This is... FOOD!" She shouts in excitement.

The blond haired girl then nods, "Yah, sorry but that's all that I could sneak out for you. But I saved it for you. Hear, drink some water first."

Sasha then turns to the girl and smiles, "Are you a god?"

"God!!!!" She shouts while hugging the blond girl.

"Yo. What's going on here?" A tall, snarky looking girl with short brown hair tied into a ponytail and freckles asks.

I then step forward, "Yah, I was just about to ask the same thing."

The blond girl then replies nervously, "Um, she spent the whole day running."

The girl the scowls, "So your trying to do a good deed?"

The moment she asked that, Sasha then finishes eating, and collapses onto the blond girls lap asleep.

The snarky looking girl then continues, "Did you do that for the potato girl? Was the effort worth what you got out of it?"

This part annoys me, "So? What does it matter to you what she does? Helping people isn't a crime. Just let her do whatever the hell she wants to do."

Both girls then look over at me. The snarky girl then sighs, "Whatever. Imma take her to bed. See you losers." She then proceeds to pick up Sasha, sling her over her shoulder and walk off.

The blond girl then turns to me, "Um, thank you for helping me."

I then look her up and down. Something's off about her. that's it. Her smile. It's fake. Just like the scouts when they returned from scouting out wall Maria.

"Yah. Sure." I reply before walking away. I'm tired.

After a few minutes of walking I reach the male's barracks and head inside. I begin walking around to find a bed when I hear, "Yo. Over here."

I then turn to see Eren on the top bunk of a triple stacked bunk bed, and Armin on the bottom. "We saved you a spot." Eren states while nodding for me to come over.

A small smile creeps onto my face as I head over. After I reach the bed, I quickly strip off my shirt and climb into the bed. "Thanks, I was worried since i got here late I'd be stuck with a shitty bed."

Eren nods, "Yah, don't worry about it."

After a few minutes of silence eren asks, "So, do you really know Captain Levi and are you really the Nephew of a scout captain?"

I nod before replying, "Yah. Well not by blood anyway. Hange adopted me after the fall of Wall Maria. I call her Aunt, but technically she's my mother. A for Captain Levi, yah I know him. He and Commander Erwin used to come over pretty often.

Taught me a few tricks. He's like an Uncle to me. Erwin is like a father to me. He taught me all about the Titans and what they fight for."

Armin speaks up, "So you really remember nothing before the fall?"

I agree, "Nope absolutely nothing and according to my physical it's permanent due to brain damage. Honestly I'm lucky that it was only memory loss. To be honest though, while I'm curious, I don't really care about my life before the scouts. While I don't know for sure, I have this feeling that there is nothing worth remembering."

Armin then whispers, "I see."

Before our conversation can continue any further, the lights go out and the Sergeant screams, "Shut up! Get some sleep now you Maggots! Your gonna need it."

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