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Chapter 3: 3: Ancestral Moon Treant

-Inside the Throne Room at Castle Halcion, Capitol of the Kingdom of Halcion-

A massive and foreboding throne that has been adorned in the skulls of the fallen Moon Elf and Dog-eared Royal families, sits at the end of the room with a battalion of soldiers dressed in shining plate mail. And sitting on this Dark Throne is broad shouldered, barrel chested man in gold and purple silken finery that showcases the man menacing lethality. Along the sides of the room sitting on velvet covered chairs were the


"Enter and be acknowledged." boomed the man on the dark throne.

The Knight Lieutenant Kimel entered the throne room and in a strong and confident voice announced.

"Her royal highness, the First Princess of the Halcion Kingdom, Zarita Camilla Halcion!"

After her Knight announces her to the room Princess Zarita flowed into the room and gives a low curtsy towards the man on the Dark Throne. In a soft voice that carried throughout the marble stone room.

"Good evening, your Majesty, King Halcion. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The man on the Dark Throne slowly smiles as he stands up and strides powerfully towards his daughter. As he gets closer a cold gleam shines in his eyes.

"Stand my daughter. I have some exciting news to share with you." he says as he stretches his arm put for Princess Zarita.

She stands up slowly and takes her fathers arm as he escorts her across the room towards the balcony just outside the throne room. Upon reaching the doors to the balcony doors two of the royal guards moved and opened the door for the two royals before closing the doors right behind them.

"What news is so great that you summoned me in the middle of the night Father?" Princess Zarita questions.

"My Hounders caught that cowardly Moon Elf Prince and his bastard dog of a retainer... Well, they caught his bastard retainer, the prince... they filled him full of holes and threw his body deep into the Moon Forest. Hahaha!" King Halcion bellowed.

Upon hearing this revelation she felt her heart stop for minute as she felt a lump form in her throat and tears start forming in her eyes. In that moment she knew that she couldn't hide her emotions and she quickly brings her hand up to her face to quickly wipe away her tears.

"Are you okay my dear?" Says King Halcion with an evil knowing smile.

"I'm just overjoyed Father, I had feared that this war was going to surpass your life."

"I had feared the same... I have a question for you my daughter."

"Yes Father?" She glances up at his face hoping for a clue on his question.

"Did that Demi-human filth take you before you returned that night?" King Halcion questioned darkly.

Suddenly a group of guards marched out onto the balcony surrounding the two of them, with their spears pointing towards Princess Zarita. with their spears pointed at her, the group of guards slowly start closing in on her until the tips of the spears around her neck and stomach.

"Father, I have no clue what you mean." She stutters as the spears push firmly against her neck.

"Do not lie to me, I do not recall raising a whore for a daughter!" King Halcion rages before slapping her across the face.

"He didn't touch me Father, I swear." She cries out as tears streak down her face.

"My Hounders witnessed that mongrel sticking his foul lips on you before you ran away, you lying wentch!" he screams as he slaps her again "Guards, lock her in her room. Lieutenant Kimel!"

"At your command, sire."

"You will no longer be the Guardian Knight of this whore. Knight Captain Ferin will be her Guardian Knight from this day forward.

"By your command" the two Knights replied.

"By your leave your highness, Guards escort her to her room!" the Knight Captain commanded the soldiers.

After watching his daughter be escorted at spearpoint, King Halcion turns around to look out over the balcony, and clasps his hands behind his back. His eyes focus on the forest out in the distance as he walks out to the railing on the balcony.

"Soon, very soon the true rulers of this world shall return to power."

*Near the Center of the Moon Forest*

The sun was creeping up over horizon. The sunlight was slowly creeping over the forest, by the time the sun had fully lifted over the horizon Jax'in was already up and moving towards the blue glowing dot on his map. It was only a few kilometers ahead, so he slowed his pace down to a jog and checked his gear as he moved closer.

'Hmmm... if this Treant is the ancestor of the Lunar Treants it's probably going to be more powerful than anything I've ever faced' thought Jax'in as he closed the last remaining kilometer to his destination.


-User has entered quest zone 'Lunar Grove' identifying quest target, users HP, Spirit, and Mana have been restored-

-Target not found, User must search the grove to discover the quest target-

"sigh... so much for taking the easy way out" Jax'in huffed in exasperation.

After spending the majority of the day exploring the Lunar Grove and finding nothing other than a handful of crescent shaped leaves the system labeled as Lunar Treant leaves, Jax'in decides to sit below the shade of an old oak tree. It hadn't been more than a few minutes before Jax'in found himself dozing off below the boughs of the oak, silently passing the day away, and just as the last rays of the setting sun disappeared below the horizon. It happened.


Jax'in was wrenched from his sleep as the sound of hundreds of branches and roots being torn apart suddenly filled the night air around him. He shot up from his position from beneath the boughs of the old oak tree to find dozens of silver-eyed treants of varying sizes wandering the open space of the grove. And his jaw dropped, never in his life did he think such a sight could've existed. For, it was not the dozens of silver-eyed treants that truly left him speechless, it was the giant sized silver-eyed treant that was staring right back at him that made his heart stop beating.


"Are you He who has challenged me?" rumbled the giant treant as it slowly bent down to observe Jax'in.

"Y... yes I am." stuttered Jax'in as he quickly became unsure of whether or not this hidden class was truly worth his life.

"Present to me the ancient codex, so that I may acknowledge this challenge." ordered the treant.


-User must present the Codex of the Firstborn to begin the trial-

Jax'in, in his confusion just stood there like a lost lamb waiting for its shepherd to return. It wasn't until he felt the Codex shift underneath his chainmail that he finally snapped out of his daze and drew the book from his chainmail. Upon presenting the book to the Treant it simply nodded its head and in a deep rumbling voice commanded only one thing.

"And so the challenge is recognized."


-Trial of Lune commenced, users consciousness transporting to Trial Plains-

-User must defeat the Ancestral Lunar Treant in a battle of the mind-

'Wait. Wha...' was all JAx'in could think before he found himself on a seemingly endless moonlit prairie.

"Welcome challenger to my mind." rumbled the now ethereal treant from before. "We shall begin the trial of Lune, the goddess of wit and luck."


-User has begun the Trial of Lune-

Suddenly a beam of moonlight shone directly onto Jax'ins own ethereal figure. Filling him with a sense of peace and tranquility, leaving the Ancestral Lunar Treant with a look of complete surprise. Remarkably, that same look of surprise quickly changed to one of dignified respect.


-The light of Lune has covered the users body-

-User has passed the trial of Lune-

"Wait... is that it? No fight, just a beam of moonlight?" Jax'in asked in astonishment towards the Ancestral Lunar Treant.

"Yes young one. The Trial of Lune was never meant to be a fight, rather a test of ones mental strength. And their luck." the Treant rumbled in a laughing manner.

After saying this the Treant slowly waves its hand in the air and Jax'in once again found himself standing in the Lunar Grove with not only the Ancestral Lunar Treant looking at him, but every silver-eyed Treant present had its eyes fixed on Jax'in. Leaving him with a chill running down his spine in awe of the creatures.

"I now bestow upon you the class given to those few Moon Elves from ages long forgotten to time. The Moonsilver class." rumbled the ancient Treant "However young one, know this, switching to this class will forever require you to maintain a balance of Mana, and Spirit within yourself.'


-Hidden Class Quest completed-


-Hidden Class (Moonsilver) Acquired

-Upgrade class to Moonsilver?-

'System, upgrade class to Moonsilver'


-Congratulations user, class successfully changed to Moonsilver-

Remaining Rewards:

-1000 exp

-Blessing of the Moon Bloodline

-Rewards applied to users stats and skills-


-User Status-

Name: Jax'in Gail'Toren

Race: Moon Elf

Class: Moonsilver

Level: 6

Exp: 500/600

HP: 33/33

Spirit: 40/40

Mana: 90/90

Strength: 13 (6)

Constitution: 10 (6)

Agility: 17 (6)

Intelligence: 30 (6)

Wisdom: 30 (6)

Luck: 19 (6)

Stat points: 10


Blessing of the Moon Bloodline (All stats gain 1 point per users level)

Longsword: Rank 2 (Deal 40% more damage while using Longswords)

Longbow: Rank Max (Deals 2x damage while using Longbows)

Medium Armor: Rank 3 (All Medium Armor blocks 60% more damage)

Saber: Rank 4 (Deal 80% more damage while using Sabers)



Heal Wound: Rank 2 (Increases healing done by 40%)

Growth: Rank 1 (causes plant growth at 20% increased speed)


Fertilize: Rank 2 (makes desired soil 40% more fertile)

Earth Spire: Rank 2 (Juts a sharp spire of rock up at the targeted enemy dealing Int x 40%)

'System, allocate 2 points to strength, 3 to Agility, and 5 to constitution'


-User Status-

Name: Jax'in Gail'Toren

Race: Moon Elf

Class: Moonsilver

Level: 6

Exp: 500/600

HP: 63/63

Spirit: 84/84

Mana: 108/108

Strength: 15 (6)

Constitution: 15 (6)

Agility: 20 (6)

Intelligence: 30 (6)

Wisdom: 30 (6)

Luck: 19 (6)

Stat points: 0


Blessing of the Moon Bloodline (All stats gain 1 point per users level)

Longsword: Rank 2 (Deal 40% more damage while using Longswords)

Longbow: Rank Max (Deals 2x damage while using Longbows)

Medium Armor: Rank 3 (All Medium Armor blocks 60% more damage)

Saber: Rank 4 (Deal 80% more damage while using Sabers)



Heal Wound: Rank 2 (Increases healing done by 40%)

Growth: Rank 1 (causes plant growth at 20% increased speed)


Fertilize: Rank 2 (makes desired soil 40% more fertile)

Earth Spire: Rank 2 (Juts a sharp spire of rock up at the targeted enemy dealing Int x 40%)

After allocating his final free stat points, Jax'in's world suddenly fell dark as his body fell to the ground. It was no surprise to the ancient Treant, for he had seen it happen with every Moon Elf that completed his challenge. But to even this ancient beings surprise, Jax'ins very body seemed to be rapidly developing and toning muscles, and his mind sent off pulses of pure mana due to the rather large and abrupt changes happening to his body.

All the ancient Treant could do was gently place Jax'in beneath the boughs of the old oak, for the first rays of sunshine had started to peak over the horizon. It was time for the ancient being to sleep, for creatures born of pure moonlight cannot survive long in the burning rays of Solus's light.

Soren_L_Javerin Soren_L_Javerin

Hey guys sorry for not posting this chapter yesterday, I had some unexpected circumstances surface and I wasn't able to finsh the chapter like I had hoped to. Worry not, everything is fine now and the schedule I set for myself should go as planned from now on.

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