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Chapter 17: 17: The Hidden Seal Breaks

No one moved.

The winner had been announced, yet no one moved. Jax'ins sword remained pointed at Vearus's neck as they both heaved for breathe.

With a deep breathe Jax'in dropped his sword, letting it clatter to the ground. At the drop of his sword all the tension in the stands released with a deafening cheer.

"We'll discuss what I want you to do with your father, agreed?" Jax'in said, extending a hand to Vearus.

Vearus didn't hear any of this however. To him, time had slowed down to a crawl as he dropped to his knees. His mind was blank. But when he saw Jax'ins outstretched hand, he stammered the only question that mattered.

"How... how could you move like that... I've spent nearly a century training, so how?"

There was silence between the two as the cheering in the stands went quiet with anticipation. The anticipation that signaled the moment of truth between two fighters.

"I honestly don't know... I was just desperate to win."

"But why? Why fight so hard?"

"Some things are worth any risk."

Vearus let out a defeated sigh before accepting Jax'ins help back onto his feet. And as if a signal fire had been lit, every man, women, and child in the stands stood up. The cheer that ensued became one that was heard throughout the city.

The few people that had chosen not to attend the fight all looked in the direction of the arena. One such group of five Nekarians smiled at hearing the cheer. But it was a dark smile full of malice.

The leader opened a door to an abandoned shed near the water, and as each member entered they shimmered before their appearances became human. Somehow, someway, they had figured out about the Mana Oasis, one of the Nekarians largest secrets, and snuck inside.

Inside the building one could see several dozen headless Nekarians, Peranians, Solarian Elves, and Lunar Elves. Hung by their feet over a magic seal made of blood that dripped from the corpses. A feeling like that of being watched could be felt from inside the circle, as if it was intelligent.

Each of the humans shivered at the feeling, only to nod and raise their arms over the circle each drawing a knife from their belts as the all chanted in unison.

"For the purification of the world, we release you. Formless shadows of the mighty Legion, accept our sacrifice." Each member cut themselves from wrist to elbow, allowing their blood to fall and mix inside the circle.

"What was once bound by we Five, shall now be released. Break the seal and bring about the purification of the unworthy!"

The chanting grew to a crescendo as they dropped to their knees. The oppressive intelligence growing stronger with each passing second.

"Accept this willing sacrifice from we Humans, annihilate the unsanctified demi-humans that plague this world... and grant... His Majesty... your...boon...."

Upon finishing the chant, all the collected blood, as well as the blood not yet spilled in the building, was all drawn into the circle in streams. Only to stop a second later as an extremely tall and spindly shadow shot out of the circle. It stretched as it spoke in a hoarse hissing voice.

"Haaaaah, I. Am. Free. Pitiful humanssss. You alwaysss were ssso greedy for power."

The being raised its taloned fingers as a wall of dark energy burst through the wall, allowing it to walk out into the light.

"Ahhh, itsss been ssso long. The light of Sssolarisss isss asss hurtful asss alwaysss."

It finally rose an arm to the to the sky as a black portal opened behind of it.

"Go my monstersss, ssslaughter every living thing, leave nothing ssstanding."

Hundreds of smaller shadows shot from the portal, one such shadow bore six legs and a muzzle reminiscent of a wolfs. Each shot out into the noonday sun, traveling in large groups across the city.

The shadow wolf led a group of thirteen smaller panther shaped shadows. In the direction of the dueling stage.

At the same time that all this happened, Jax'ins face suddenly darkened. A grim expression overtaking the previously light and respectful one, as he tensed up and scanned the surroundings.

"Relax Jax... King Jax'in, you have bested me, proving your worthiness..."

"Shhh... something's different..." Jax'in started to say as a notification popped up in his view

-First Seal of the Legion's Pit has broken, Legion General Galvanic released-

After seeing the notification his eyes widened in fear. It couldn't be real, how could the danger he had foretold already be here?

"Vearus, find your father." Jax'in croaked

"What are you..."

Vearus had trailed off as he saw the grave look in Jax'ins eyes. The sudden seriousness had taken him off guard. And as he turned around to exit the stage he saw Instructor Naiji looking to the west with a look of terror before truly taking off after his father.


"Instructor Naiji..."

Upon hearing his name, instructor Naiji turned to look at Jax'in. The two shared a grim look before either spoke.

"Your Highness, I have never felt anything this powerful before..."

"Neither have I."


"We need to get everyone into the palace." Jax'in stated

"I shall make the announcement." Instructor Naiji remarked as he took a step forward.

"Have anyone with any combat abilities gather in the Main Hall. Anyone else should take refuge in the Dining Hall."

"By your command." He said with a bow before making his way to the center of the stage.

"Everyone," he boomed, quieting the crowd. "By order of His Majesty, everyone is to make their way to the Dining Hall, those of you with fighting abilities are to gather in the Main Hall."

Everyone in the stands began to look around in confusion. Most had never been allowed inside the Palace, fewer still had ever been allowed past the Main Hall. Despite this proclamation no one moved.

"Their Majesties, King Ysna and King Jax'in have begun preparations for a celebratory feast towards an announcement of great importance to them." Instructor Naiji began again.

"Everyone in attendance has been formally invited to attend, and it would show great disrespect towards them to decline. So please, enter and prepare for their announcement."

With those final words he walked back towards Jax'in, a taut expression wrinkling the mans face.

Jax'in understood its meaning and started forming a plan. He formed his plan in a practiced speed that could only be attained from his years running from the Halcion Kingdom.

"Instructor Naiji, in the next 5 minutes you need to get every Instructor you can find to take up positions around these people. Herd them inside if you..."

He never got to finish his explanation as an earsplitting howl could be heard from just outside the stage. Almost as soon as the howl died down, the screaming started.

"Everyone, to the palace. Now!" instructor Naiji's booming voice urged the crowd.

The two moved as fast as they could towards the scream, only to witness Magical Beasts mad of Shadows pouncing on helpless individuals. Tearing into their victims, killing them so quickly you barely had time to realize what happened.

"We need to hold them back!" Jax'in yelled.

He only received a nod from the Instructor as he raised his arms up, a sharpened spire of earth piercing through a shadow on his left. It slouched over the spire as if it had died, only to slide itself up off the spire, without so much as a scratch on it.

After watching this, Jax'in felt his heart sink into his stomach. He had no idea how he could possibly hurt this thing. Instructor Naiji appeared to be in the same dilemma. He had cast a spell in each of the elements he knew, but none of it seemed to work.

Jax'in quickly glanced at the palace doors, seeing the last of the surviving civilians all file inside. He quickly cast another Earth Spire spell, slowing down the approaching beasts.

"Instructor Naiji, the civilians are inside, we need need to join them, now!"

They both turned and ran for the palace gates. The Shadows drawing closer with every step they took. The wheezing hiss of the beasts breathe sounded like it was right behind them as they ran.

As they drew close to the gates they both began shouting.

"Close the gates!"

"Shut them quickly!"

The guards at the gate had heard them. They began closing the gates as fast as they could. The massive stone doors were creaking close. Jax'in felt himself be grabbed from behind and drew his sword, only to find himself flying through the closing doors.

As he landed he noticed Instructor Naiji holding back three shadow beasts as a fourth slammed itself against the doors. Pushing its massive panther-like head through the opening as the guards struggled to push them closed.


Jax'in had sprinted to the door and had begun swinging at the beasts head. But every strike felt like it was hitting stone. His desperation only heightened as he could see Instructor Naiji's arm be ripped from his body.

In his desperation he began hacking at the beast using Moon Cleaver with each strike. The beasts eyes all turned towards the gates, but Jax'in kept swinging.

Just as the remaining three beasts approached the gates, Jax'ins sword sliced clean through the beasts head.

And the Gates finally swung shut as the beasts dead body dissipated into nothing, rewarding Jax'in with two prompts.

-User has slain Level 30 Legion Panje, 2300 exp gained-

-User has reached the maximum class level, upgrade your class to level up-

-Moon Cleaver Rank 3 attained-

Soren_L_Javerin Soren_L_Javerin

Hi everyone!

So just a heads up, I have been pretty busy as of late and haven't been able to write as much as I wanted. I'm going to do my best to have another chapter ready for tomorrow.

Remember, the more powerstones you guys toss into my pond the more I can keep on writing chapters!

And as always, stay happy and stay healthy everyone!

P.S. Don't forget to comment on my chapters, critisism is always appreciated, after all nothing is perfect.

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