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Chapter 1: Chapter One

"The humans, animals and plants were the only creatures of earth initially .When gods decided to leave the planet they swept along with them the other mystical creatures that ever existed and hence creatures like Minotaur, sirens, basilisk, pixies, elves, angels and many more have only remained as myths.

But centuries later when gods got disappointed with the way the human beings were treating other creatures and assumed superiority over the realm , they decided to send a supernatural creature back to the earth to subdue the humanity .Unfortunately by then the myths have adapted themselves into their new realm and found it hard to let go of it. And hence Vampires were created ,the immortal creature resembling human beings but with sharper and enhanced features, which feed on humans and have the capacity to turn them into one of them, but centuries later the vampires assumed the same mistake that the humanity made.

And that is when werewolves came into existence, the creatures solely created to kill vampires and maintain balance between all other earthly creatures, to preserve and nurture nature and the balance of life. The Moon Goddess created and reigned control over the species, initially they were known as the cursed creatures with hideous demi human and wolf form, and they were not blessed with immortality but extended life span and were bestowed with characteristics of both human and wolf.

Werewolves abided by their law and purpose of creation and thus were favored by their god, they got relieved of their hideous forms, their wolves were separated from human form and a divine link was established between the two. But the most nurtured gift given to the kind is mate bond. Every living being on the earth has a soul mate, but they may or may not cross each other and even if they meet they don't recognize them. Only your other half can complete you, and to be bonded with them and being able to identify them is a blessing. Disrespecting the mate bond is like disrespecting the goddess. The Luna is the mother figure to the werewolves, unlike other gods she has been always in touch with her creations ,guiding them in the right path, but when angered she can be ruthless. So no one dares to disrespect the mate bond.

But wait, why are you drilling me with these kind of questions now?", she asked stepping out of the combat training mat abandoning her punching bag and sat  beside him on the marble bench , she was in her training session when he barged in bombarding her with questions.

The seven year old bundle of curiosity ignored her question as he launched his own," Is this all real, the story you said now?'' .He stretched himself on the bench as he stared up at the dome shaped wooden ceiling of her training hall waiting for her reply.

The enormous hall was empty sparing them.It was a simple hall, black mats covering the wooden floor, white marble benches were built alongside the walls, weapons and other equipments stored in the wall mounted shelves.

"Of course it is. First of all it is not just any story but our history, you will learn about all this in detail when you start your alpha training." she replied.

"Oh please!" he groaned," You don't have to remind me each and every time that I have to start that wretched training in a year's span.''

She stared at his big baby blue eyes with a mischievous glint as she began," Hey, that place is not that bad Rey, it only follows a strict schedule of timing and diet, and they just don't allow you to have smore's and ice cream in there.''

"And that's enough to send me seven feet underground", Rey grumbled and she fell into fits of laughter making him growl at her.

Once her laughter died down she repeated her question again," Sorry, but now tell me what made you curious about mates?

"Well that, I heard that Sam's mate has tried to commit suicide because he has rejected her, that's why I got curious as to why a person would try to take their life just because a single person didn't want them and when I asked pops he simply said that rejection is painful and mates are important and blah blah as usual inadequate lame answers so I came to ask you."

Ah, he was talking about their Beta's mate Lila, she is actually a rogue wolf whom they found in their territory two years ago, the then sixteen year she wolf was severely injured and unconscious, she was the one who stopped Lila's execution for trespassing as she felt there was more into the story and her intuition was proven right when she heard her part of story. Lila and her parents were attacked by rogues in neutral lands when they were shifting from their pack to another one and her parents died in the attack but managed escape her and that's how she ended up in their territory. After futher investigation and running a background check on her she made the Alpha of the Royal Pack to join her in his pack. But two days ago when the Beta found out that she was his mate, he rejected her impulsively considering her history of being a rogue , the wolf was already scarred deeply by her parents death and the rejection broke her further. But now after all this fiasco he regretted rejecting her accepted her as his mate, and that's the happy ending of their fairy tale.

"Oh, but he accepted Lila as his mate." she told him incase the kid didn't know.

"Yeah I know, but if he is going to accept her then why this unnecessary drama, well and Ri you told me that when someone disrespects mate bond they get punished by the moon goddess, then why is Sam not yet punished for rejecting his mate ?"

Goddess this kid is too smart for his age, she thought." Rey its not as simple as you think its complicated, rejection is common, when a werewolf doesn't want to be with his mate truly then he rejects him/her and mostly the mate either accepts the rejection or just leaves it as it is in a hope that their mate will accept them and in these cases the mates come to a mutual understanding and respect each other's decision so the bond is not conflicted. But, when a mate doesn't want to accept the rejection and desires to be with his/hers mate and denies the rejection then a conflict arises in the bond ultimately awakening the wrath of the Goddess. And we don't know what will happen then because something like this has never occurred in our history so far but, it is not simply a legend Rey .Because unlike humans who just considers things like these a myth because of lack of evidence we have these evidences in our roots and are in constantly in connection with our goddess.", she explained.

"Well this is really confusing, but long story short if you deny a rejection you anger the Goddess.'', he simply said but confusion was etched all over his face.

She smiled at the adorable pup, he was the only thing that is full of life in her monotonous life, the only person who has not abandoned her completely.

Their conversation was interrupted by the knock on her door, followed by a meek feminine voice,"Princess, the king has summoned you to his office."

"Inform him I will be there within half and hour." she replied.

"But princess the king..."

"You may leave", she dismissed her she knew what the woman wanted to say, the king wished to meet her immediately, for no reason off course if it is something urgent he would have mind linked her. She was not the kind of person to dismiss orders just on whim but she always tend to herself first and this was not her mistake they raised her this way. But she definitely doesn't treat her subjects the same way; their needs were way above hers.

"Okay Rey I have to go now I'll see you later." with final kiss on his cheek she grabbed her grabbed her duffle bag and made her way out of her private training hall and to her room. She was in a desperate need of a shower after 2 hours of physical drill and then later a mental drill by a curious pup.

"Bye Ri.",she heard him call behind her.


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