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"Onyx Mebius?", said the curious Mirai who was in the meeting with the other members inside the direction room.

"That's right. Temporarily, we'll call him Onyx Mebius since we still don't know his real name.", said Director Misaki.

"You mean like his temporary Registry Code?", asked Teppei.

"Correct.", said Misaki.

"But, before this, didn't the headquarters give the registry code right after the kaiju's defeated or appeared?", asked George.

"We usually named kaijus. But, we have never named an Ultraman before, excluding Ultraman Hikari, of course.", said Sakomizu.

"Ultraman and aliens are far more complex than monsters and beasts. That's why we didn't give a name to the black Mebius yet. We need to study him even deeper.", said Ryu.

After that, Kazuya asked a question to the presenter, Misaki.

"But, I wonder why it's named Onyx Mebius.", said him while holding a Mebius action figure.

"Well… it's obviously because it's Mebius but with a different look, right?", answered Toriyama.

"Onyx is a semi-precious variety of agate with different colours in layers. But, mainly it's just black. Since there are black parts at that titan's body, we gave it a name, Onyx.", said Misaki.

"And, then, since he pretty much resembled Mirai-kun. Therefore, we decided to combine those names, 'Onyx' and 'Mebius'.", explained Maru. After that, the members finally understood.

At that exact moment, Teppei received the data on Onyx Mebius.

"Oh, the data on Onyx Mebius is here!", said Teppei right after he took a sip of coffee. He immediately opened the file and searched for the data. He was extremely shocked right after he found it.

"No way! His physical attributes are exactly the same as Mirai-kun's!", said the shocked Teppei.

"Looks like we got ourselves a doppelganger to be handled.", said Ryu.

"But… why did he copy me?", asked Mirai.

"How can be so sure that he copied you?", asked Eiji out of a sudden. Mirai was immediately silenced by him. "Hey, Hibino, don't assume that you're the only one who looks like that. It's a big world. You're not a god.", said Eiji.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, Eiji-san? You're talking to your senior here! Have some respect!", Haruzaki stood up for Mirai. He quickly moved to Eiji and grabbed his collar tightly. "Why, Eiji-san? Why do you have to talk to him like that?! Are you Onyx Mebius?", asked Haruzaki determinedly. All members including Eiji got silenced by that statement. "Why the sudden silence? It's true, right?! You're Onyx Mebius, right? If it's true, then, Misaki-san, we gotta change the name because he does not deserve the name 'Mebius'!", added Haruzaki.

"Is it true, Eiji-kun? Are you… Onyx Mebius?", asked Marina who was suspicious of his identity. Suddenly, he pushed Haruzaki away from him. And, then, he performed the transformation sequence of Mebius by trying to bring out the Mebius Brace onto his arm. He did the same thing a few times.

"Do you guys see any Mebius Brace? Do you see it… Kanata…?", Eiji provoked Haruzaki for accusing him to be Onyx Mebius. Haruzaki immediately got silenced by his words.

"That's enough, you guys. Eiji, Haruzaki, go back to your seats. No matter who's Onyx Mebius is, his appearance must not be revealed to the public. We might bring panic to the public. Guys, be cautious.", ordered Ryu who wanted to resolve the conflict immediately.

"G.I.G…", the members responded with a low tone.

"Okay, guys, dismiss.", the members were dismissed. They all went to their rooms to get a rest. However, the conflict between the two members doesn't end there as Haruzaki kept staring at Eiji with a furious feeling.

"Eiji… that bastard. You'll pay for insulting Hibino-san!", Haruzaki monologued while staring at Eiji who was carrying his pillow and his blanket out of the direction room.

The next day in the morning, the members gathered in the direction room like always, doing their own businesses. And, then, Ryu realised that something weird happened.

"This is weird, where's Captain Sakomizu? It's 8.30 a.m. already! He should be making his morning coffee right now.", said the curious Ryu.

"You're right. Especially when he's a bit strict about his daily schedule. Not like this guy…", said George while pointing to the door. Everyone was curious as to why did he point to the door.

Then, at that exact moment, Teppei entered the direction room.

"Good morning…?", said the confused Teppei.

"What are your excuses this time, Teppei?", asked Ryu.

"I forgot to set the alarm clock again. Man, if only the Memory Display had an automated alarm clock system.", said Teppei who walked towards his seat. As he got onto his seat, he realised that the chief wasn't there at the time. "Where's the captain?", asked Teppei.

"We're asking the same question, right now. We can't start a meeting without his authorisation, since I'm still pretty new as a captain.", said Ryu while working on his wooden figure.

"Dude… you're almost two years as a captain, and you still need Captain to look after you?", asked George who was making fun of him.

"It's not looking after me… It's called 'supervision'. If he's looking after me, he would be my dad right now.", said Ryu.

Right after that, Sakomizu, Toriyama, Maru and Misaki entered the direction room. But, the weird thing is that they brought a number of plastic bags with them.

"Good morning, folks! Sorry for the lateness!", said Toriyama.

"Toripi, what's inside the plastic bags?", asked Marina. That question had made Toriyama and Maru's eyes opened wide.

"Didn't he tell you?", asked Toriyama.

"Who?", asked Marina again.

"Sakomizu-kun, didn't you tell these guys the thing that I've told you yesterday?", asked Toriyama.

"I pretty much remembered that I've already told them to read the memo at the calendar yesterday.", said Sakomizu while scratching his head in confusion.

"MEMO AT THE CALENDAR?!", said all members except for Eiji and Haruzaki. After that, they immediately ran towards the calendar which was at the notification board.

"Picnic day?", the members read the word, one-by-one. "EEEEE…THE PICNIC'S TODAY?!", asked all of the members out of shock.

"Well, it can't be today since you didn't do what Chief Sakomizu told you to!", scolded Toriyama.

"But, when did you tell us, Captain?", asked George.

"I told you at the beginning of the meeting.", answered Sakomizu.

"That's weird, how can't I remember?", asked George.

After that, he tried to remember the time where the meeting of the day before was about to start.

"You guys, I've put something onto the calendar. Make sure you read it before you leave this room…", said Sakomizu before he realised that the members were all sleeping at their stations. The room was filled with snoring sounds. At the same time, George entered the room.

"Oh, captain, you're here! Good morning!", said George while heading to his seat with his favorite ball in his hand.

"Good morning to you too! Hey, George, can you tell the others later to look onto the calendar before they leave the room?", asked Sakomizu.

"Oh, sure, captain. That's not a problem at all.", said George.

"Okay, thanks, George!", Sakomizu thanked George. And, then, he remembered that he has forgotten what's he doing. After a moment of thinking, he finally remembered it. "What was I doing before…? Oh, I was going to the toilet before Toriyama-san told me to give this message.", Sakomizu monologued. "Oh, I better get going!", said Sakomizu before he ran towards the toilet.

Back to the current time, right after George told them the whole story,

"That's how I remembered it…", said George. Suddenly, he realised that all members looked directly into his eyes. He started to feel uncomfortable after that. "Hey, why are you staring at me like that?! It scares me, you know?", George complained. At that exact moment, Marina immediately pulled his ears. "Marina, let me go! It's my ear you're pulling, not an elephant!", said George.

"Don't you realise, we haven't been on a picnic together in a long time?!", scolded Marina.

"We haven't done a picnic together actually…", whispered Ryu. George immediately stared at Ryu before his ear was pulled even harder than before.

"Did you hear that you idiot?!", said Marina while slapping his head.

"How can I know that? I'm in Spain for a long time!", said George while rehabbing his head.

"That's enough, you two. We'll divide into two groups; my group will find the dessert while the other group will go hunt for drinks.", ordered Ryu.

Later, the first group consisting of Mirai, Ryu, Marina, Eiji and Teppei, were downtown, looking for a bakery while the other group consisting; George, Konomi, Yuko, Mizuka, Donna and Haruzaki, were looking for drinks.

"That idiot George, how could he forget the single, most important thing at the time? If it comes to girls… oh, that idiot will never forget them…", said the annoyed Marina.

"Sounds like you're jealous, Marina…", said Ryu.

"Why would I be jealous? I've found the man that matched me…", said Marina in a weird, graceful tone. Teppei and Ryu would stop walking.

"Wait, you… have a crush on someone?", asked Ryu.

"Of course, I'm a woman after all.", answered Marina. All out of a sudden, the two would laugh as hard as they can.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! How can a woman like Marina-san have a boyfriend?!", said Teppei.

"That's what I was thinking! Poor that man, he's sure must have been forced by her to ask her for a date!", continued Ryu. Marina would become mad after those insults. She would throw her handbag that went straight into Mirai's neck and got closer to the two men.

"Tan'itsu no mottomo kyōryokuna pinchi! (the single most powerful pinch)", shouted Marina while pinching both of them without letting go of them.

"Marina… Marina… I'm sorry… It's Teppei's fault for starting it! Ouch!...", Ryu asked for forgiveness.

"Let me go… Marina-san… I apologise! Even though, it's still weird why do you call it, 'single', although you're pinching two men…", said Teppei.

"Maybe she's destined to be that… Ouch!!!", added Ryu before she pinched both of them even harder. Eventually, she would release both of them.

"Teppei-kun saying those things to me… It must be that idiot George who influenced him! Damn you George!!!", said Marina who tried to hold her anger.

At that exact moment, George sneezed out of a sudden.

"George-san, are you okay?", asked Konomi.

"Ikaruga, come on, it's not that cold today…", said Donna.

"It's not about that… maybe someone has mentioned my name.", said George while wiping his nose.

Back downtown, Teppei realised they're two men from his group who weren't with them at the time.

"Hey, guys. Where's Mirai-kun and Eiji-kun?", asked Teppei.

"Yeah, where are they? I thought they were behind us.", said Ryu. Out of a sudden, Mirai came out from the convenient store beside them, with a plastic bag of carbonated drinks.

"Mirai-kun… you've been there all the time?", asked Marina.

"I thought you three were talking about something. Since it took quite a while, I decided to go into the convenient store to buy us some drinks.", said Mirai.

"Mirai-kun… that's so nice of you…", said Marina.

"That much of talking must have made you parched, right?", said Mirai. Immediately, Marina was triggered by Mirai's statement. Ryu and Teppei would laugh secretly.

"She got a taste of her own medicine… AHAHAHA…", whispered Teppei. At the same time, Eiji would walk pass them from behind with some 'takoyaki' in his hand.

"Is that… takoyaki?", asked Ryu.

"Yeah…", answered Teppei while watching him eating a big mouthful of takoyaki. His actions would make their stomachs rumbled loudly.

"Should I get yourselves some food?", asked the concerned Mirai.

"No worries, Mirai… We are on our way to a bakery after all. There's no need.", said Ryu. Eventually, they would continue their journey although they became regretful for not allowing Mirai to treat them with some food moments before.

Minutes later, they would finally reach their destination.

"Aaahhhh… Finally, we have arrived! Owww, my legs and butt are screaming at me!", said the exhausted Ryu.

"Why would they put the bakery right in front of the border line? Wouldn't it be easy if they put a bakery right in front of the Phoenix Nest?", complained Teppei.

"Stop complaining… We're already here… Teppei, make the order…!", ordered Ryu.

"Me?... Why always… me? Give me the money, then… I don't have time to put out my wallet…", said Teppei.

"That's just your excuses so that you don't have to pay for them, right?", asked the suspicious Marina.

"At least, I made the order for you guys! Come on, give me the money…", said Teppei. As the members were looking for their money, suddenly Eiji gave Teppei a huge amount of money.

"Eiji-kun, what's this for?", asked the shocked Teppei.

"Just go and buy something quickly. It's on me.", said Eiji with a flat tone.

"Thank you, Eiji-kun… You're so kind-", said Teppei before he got interrupted.

"Just buy the damn thing, already… Hurry up, I'm tired!", said Eiji. Teppei would eventually go to the counter to order something.

During the time when they were waiting for their order to be completed, a customer called the owner of the bakery.

"Hey, mister! Can you open the television? It's getting boring here!", shouted the customer.

"Just grab the remote at the table below the TV! Change it yourself!", shouted the owner from the kitchen. The customer would do what the owner told him to. The customers started to transition from a channel to another until he found a particular channel that got his attention…, and later all people inside the bakery.

"Breaking news! Our news reporters have confirmed that a titanic showdown has erupted at the Sahara Desert a few days ago. Ultraman Mebius along with a kaiju and an unknown titan who suspiciously looked like Mebius has been confirmed that they've participated in that showdown. A recorded video was sent to us minutes ago by a man named Kenji Tajizawa.", said the news reporter. That report would open the GUYS members' eye's wide, except Eii who looked relaxed after that.

"The news has been leaked! What happened?", asked Mirai.

"I thought both CREW GUYS Africa and CREW GUYS Japan had an agreement to never expose the news of the kaiju showdown at the Sahara Desert!", said Teppei. Right after, the people excluding the CREW GUYS members started to become panic.

"I thought Japan was the only country that they've targeted but they had other plans!", said the traumatic man.

"But, the more important question right now, who exposed it?", asked Ryu. Just at the right time, George called him from the other shop.

"Ryu, did you hear the news?", asked George.

"Yeah, it was terrible. I mean like we have promised to ourselves that we'll never expose the case. But, then, this happened…", said Ryu.

"Who had to send them the recordings?", Mirai monologued suspiciously.

(Mebius no Uta played)

After that, George continued to ask him.

"Have you caught the name of the publisher of the news or the article?", asked George.

"I hadn't because I knew it through the news on the television.", answered Ryu.

At that exact moment, he realised that there's a group of middle school students who were watching the same news on their laptop.

"George, I'll call you back. I got something to do.", said Ryu while deactivating his Memory Display. Ryu immediately stood up and walk straight to the students. "Hey, guys, would you mind if I borrow your laptop for a moment?", asked Ryu.

"Sure…, I don't mind!", answered the laptop's owner.

"Thank you, kid. You're very kind!", said Ryu before he started to look for a news article on the web search regarding the news. The other members started to join him on the search.

"Hey, mister. What are you looking for?", asked the laptop's owner.

"Oh, I'm looking if there's a news article regarding the recent news.", explained Ryu.

"Oh, you mean the black Mebius at the Sahara Desert?", asked the student back.

"Yes! Yes, that one!", answered the excited Ryu.

"Let me type the link for you.", said the kid while typing the link. Moments later, the link was opened as the blurry Onyx Mebius' picture became the headline for the news.

"That's fast. Thanks, kid! Let's see when did this news was published…", said Ryu while scrolling through the page. Moments later, Mirai found something suspicious on the webpage.

"Ryu-san, stop scrolling! I think I see something!", said Mirai.

"What do you see, Mirai-kun? The time? The publisher?", asked Teppei.

"Yeah, the publisher! It's right… here!", said Mirai while pointing to the screen. All members and the school students started to look closer to the screen.

"Ken…ji Tajizawa? Who's that?", asked Teppei. Suddenly, Ryu hit the table very hard that caused the people around him to get shocked.

"Dammit!!! It's that guy again!", said Ryu.

"Who is he?", asked Marina.

"He's the adopted grandson of the GUYS' Supreme Commander. And, he's the founder of MONSTRO.", answered Ryu.

"MONSTRO, you said?! So, that means MONSTRO is under GUYS?!", asked Marina.

"Worse... They're under TDF, just like GUYS.", said Ryu.

"Can the Supreme Commander do something about it? He has already ruined our plan on purpose, though. He should be punished, right?", asked Mirai.

"It's useless to ask him, Mirai.", said Ryu.

"Why is that, Ryu-san?", asked Mirai.

"It's because we're under him. If there's any man who dares to challenge him, he'll be out of GUYS immediately. Trust me, I've lost many staffs because of him. Even Chief Mechanic Araiso almost got fired by him, you know?", said Ryu.

"How could a man like that be a grandson to the supreme commander? That's really weird…", said Marina.

"Don't you know… that goodness can't be inherited, Kazama-san?", asked Eiji who suddenly interfered. That statement has silenced all members especially Marina. Right at that moment, he stood up from his seat and left the bakery.

"Eiji-kun!", scolded Mirai.

"Mirai-kun, it's okay… He's right, though. I shouldn't have said that.", said Marina.

At the same time,

"Teppei-san, here's your order! Thank you for buying with us!", said the cashier. Teppei immediately went to the counter to get their finished order.

"Thank you very much! Guys, let's go! We're kinda late!", said Teppei before leaving the café.

"Ah, yes! Thank you, guys! You're very helpful!", Ryu thanked the students before he, Mirai and Marina stepped out of the café.

As soon as they're all out of the café,

"Now, what?", asked Teppei.

"Right now, I think it's better if we go home and tell this to the others. I don't know if a man with his rank could face consequences. But, I think it's better if we speak out to the chief.", said Ryu. After that, they all went back to the Phoenix Nest using their car.

After they've returned at the Phoenix Nest, a meeting has happened among the CREW GUYS members and the highest authorities of GUYS Japan.

"I see… but, I felt weird actually…", said Sakomizu right after the story was told by Ryu himself.

"What's wrong, Captain?", asked Marina.

"What is his intention of doing this?", asked Sakomizu.

"Right now, the answer is quite simple… He wants to destroy GUYS…", answered George.

"Yeah, not just GUYS Japan but the whole GUYS itself.", added Donna.

"Why is that, Donna-san?", asked Mizuka.

"The incident before… it involves GUYS from two countries. A very slick man, isn't he?", answered Teppei.


"Finally, someone has acknowledged my talent! Thank you for that praise, Kuze Teppei…", said a voice. However, the man himself was nowhere to be seen.

"Who's that?! Show yourself!", shouted Donna loudly in the meeting room.

"WOAHH, hey, there, be relaxed for a moment, could you, Federico Donnarumma-san?", the sound of the same man emerged once again.

"Relax…? I'll take on you one-on-one if you don't show yourself!", said the determined Donna.

At that exact moment, the screen projected a visual. The visual showed a man in a black suit, facing away from his camera.

"So, you're the one who talked just now. Show yourself or you'll get the reward!", shouted Donna once again. The man immediately turned, facing the members eye-to-eye virtually.

"So, you're that Kenji Tajizawa jerk? No wonder. Even your face expression right now tells me that you're a jerk!", said George. The man kept giving the same annoying expression to them.

"Well, if I'm a jerk, I wouldn't be like this today...", said Kenji.

"What do you mean?", asked George.

"Kenji-san is the founder of MONSTRO, the youngest supervisor of GUYS International and a former successful news reporter. Because of his achievements during his time as a news reporter, he would use that skills in collecting data. He's also a master at spying.", explained Maru.

"Hahahaha... Your praises are too much for me, Maru-san...", said Kenji with an arrogant face expression.

"Supervisor Kenji, what's the meaning of all this?! You're the supervisor of GUYS International. Why did you interfere in our plan to keep the information a secret to the public? What's your intention in exposing the information to the news?", asked Ryu.

"My answer is simple. I'll destroy ETs no matter what the cost whether interfering your work... or... interfering Mebius...", answered Kenji.

"Supervisor, we busted our butts here, day and night, just to protect the city from outside threats and still you're intending to interrupt our work? What kind of supervisor are you?!", asked Donna.

"Just one thing I wanted to ask you, what's the intention of keeping Gomora's egg at the Biological Lab Centre? Or..., should I ask, what's the point of treating Mebius as your comrade?", asked Kenji. That question had triggered most of the members.

"Supervisor, what kind of a question is that?", asked Marina.

"That's right! Asking why did we treat Mebius as our comrade is such a stupid question! Mebius... is our comrade, a friend to us... a friend to all humanity!", said Kazuya.

"If you say so, Hibiki-san, can you ensure that he'll always be your comrade? Can you ensure that he'll always be good for mankind? Can you ensure that he doesn't have any plans that made behind us? Can you ensure that?!", asked Kenji. That question had silenced Kazuya. But, not for the senior members.

"Of course we can!", answered Konomi.

"That's right, Mebius would never betray us!", added George.

"Mebius has been sacrificing his body, just to save mankind. Not just that, he had saved thousands of suffering lives! Does that indicate him as a betrayer to you, Supervisor?", said the captain.

"Oh my... Captain Aihara, no wonder you needed Sakomizu-san's help for tutoring you to be a captain because you're... immature.", said Kenji.

"What did you say…", whispered Ryu before he was stopped by Sakomizu.

"Kenji-san…, if the ETs are threatening the safety of the public, we will take force against it. No matter who is it!", said Sakomizu. All members were shocked when he said those words.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, Sakomizu-san. Thank you for understanding me! Well, Kenji Tajizawa signing off! See ya!", said Kenji before he ended the video call.

After that,

"Dammit, that jerk! I'll beat up his arrogant face before he can say the words 'see ya!' again!", said Donna who released his anger by hitting the table. At the same time, Sakomizu saw Mirai who seemed to be pretty worried.

"Mirai, is there something wrong?", asked Sakomizu.

"Captain, you did say to me once before, people can change, right?", asked Mirai.

"Yes.", said Sakomizu.

"But, we aliens, can change too. No matter how much damage we have caused.", said Mirai. Suddenly, Sakomizu patted his shoulders.

"Mirai, there's a difference between 'destroy' and 'take force'. What I meant by 'take force' is taking actions but that doesn't mean that we'll destroy immediately.", said Sakomizu. Those words of him seemed to calm Mirai down. "Based on the previous documents, there's no denying that many threatening ETs have come to this world. But, there are also various cases that 'allies' from outer space came to Earth.", added him.

"That's right, Mirai-kun. For example, from document ZAT, there are stated the name, Alien Miracle who saved a little girl's life right after her mother got killed by King Tortoise.", said Teppei.

"Can you see it, Mirai? The good of someone doesn't come from its looks, but it comes from here and here.", said Sakomizu while pointing to Mirai's heart (intention and sincerity) and to his fist (actions).

"Thank you, captain. Thank you, you guys. I'm sorry for my bad assumptions.", said Mirai while bowing down to his friends.

"Mirai-kun, there's always a room for forgiveness. Remember that.", said Marina while patting his shoulders. Everyone smiled brightly right after she said that.

However, this happiness was interrupted by the sound of the alarm.

"It's a monster alert, captain.", said Haruzaki. At the same time, Director Misaki looked at the main computer in the meeting room.

"We got a report from the local police department. A kaiju's cry was heard right after a landslide happened at District 2A!", said Misaki.

"Ryu, dispatch now!", ordered Sakomizu.

"Got it, sir! GUYS, Sally Go!", said Ryu.

"G.I.G!", the members responded. Later, George and Donna would go there using the Gun Winger, Haruzaki and Mizuka using the Gun Loader, Mirai and Marina using the Gun Booster while Eiji used the Gun Launcher.

Minutes later, after they reached their designated location, they started to observe the situation below them.

"Direction room, this is George reporting from the Gun Phoenix Striker. We have arrived at District 2A. We'll be continuing with the observation.", said George.

"Got it. Be sure to report immediately if you witness anything bizarre.", ordered Ryu from the direction room.

"G.I.G.", said George before he ended the call. "We'll divide into four groups, Gun Loader, go to the west, Gun Booster, to the east. Meanwhile, Gun Launcher will stay here while we're heading north.", ordered him again.

"G.I.G.", all members responded.

"We'll gather back here if nothing happens in 30 minutes.", said George before he separated the Gun Phoenix Striker.

"Gun Phoenix Striker, separate.", said George while pushing the lever to separate the three machines. Once the three machines got separated, they went to their designated ways.

In the Gun Booster at the time,

"Since when he started to order people?", asked Marina who was doing a system check.

"Who? George-san? Well, he's in the Gun Winger. Technically, who rides the Gun Winger will be leading the mission except when Ryu-san's with us.", said Mirai.

"Well… I'm very lucky to be here with you, Mirai-kun.", said Marina. Mirai, on the other hand, felt weird about her statement.

"Lucky to be with me?", asked Marina.

"EEEEHH, don't get me wrong! It means that I don't have to seat with that playboy idiot.", said the panicked Marina. Luckily, Mirai managed to understand the meaning of her statement.

At that exact moment, George sneezed out of a sudden.

"Oy, Ikaruga. Feeling cold?", asked Donna.

"I dunno. Maybe the night breeze?", said George who wiped his nose a few times.

"Turn off the ECS (Environmental Conditioning Systems), then!", said Donna. George immediately turned it off.

Gun Loader, on the other hand,

"Mizuka-san, any signs?", asked Haruzaki.

"Not yet, Haruzaki-san.", said Mizuka.

"Not yet? We have already reached the borderline, though.", said Haruzaki.

"Maybe we should head back to the gathering point.", suggested Mizuka.

"Yeah, good idea.", said Haruzaki. "This is Haruzaki, reporting from the Gun Loader. There's no unusual phenomenon that happened here based on our observation. The radar also didn't detect any unusual wave reading. We're heading back to the gathering point.", said Haruzaki who reported to the other mechas.

"Got it. We'll be there soon. There's nothing on our side either.", said George.

"Gun Booster will be returning there as well.", said Marina.

Suddenly, Mirai detected something through his senses. After that, he immediately changed his course away from the gathering point.

"Mirai-kun, what's wrong?", asked Marina.

"Marina-san, I heard something. Can you hear it?", asked Mirai back.

"Mirai-kun, don't be silly. My hearing isn't comparable to yours. Yours are too superior.", said Marina. At that moment, she heard something as well. "Wait, Mirai-kun, what did you hear?", asked Marina.

"Kaiju…!", said Mirai before he boosted towards the source of the sound. Meanwhile, Marina reported to the other mechas.

"This is Marina. We heard something on the north side. Mirai-kun said that it was a kaiju's cry. We're on the way there to confirm it.", said Marina.

"Got it, wait for us there.", said George.

"G.I.G.", Marina responded. After that, she continued to study the sound that she and Mirai heard. "This sound. I think I might have heard it before…", Marina monologued.

Then, she contacted Konomi for assistance.

"Konomi-chan, this is Marina. Do you copy?", asked Marina. Konomi, however, didn't get the message clearly as it was blurry on her computer.

"Marina-san, I can't hear you! Can you hear me?!", asked the concerned Konomi who tried so hard to contact her. Both of them continued to ask the same question back-and-forth. Eventually, Marina had to disconnect.

"The signal here is weak. I can't contact the Direction Room. She could have helped us by looking at previous missions' documents.", said the disappointed Marina.

"Previous missions' documents? You have heard this sound before?", asked Mirai.

"I don't know for sure, but I think I might have heard it before.", said Marina.

Right after that, Mirai realised something about their surroundings.

"What is this fog? It's so thick!", expressed Mirai. At that exact moment, she remembered something.

"Fog…? Foggy surroundings… Could it be?", Marina monologued.

Immediately after that, both Mirai and Marina heard something from below them. Both of them were shocked.

"Mirai-kun, did you hear that?!", asked Marina.

"Yeah, a kaiju's cry. Below us!", said Mirai. Both of them tried to observe the ground below them. However, it's been covered by the thick fog.

"This fog, I can't see anything!", said Marina.

"Marina-san, take over the controls! I'll observe it!", said Mirai. Marina agreed and immediately the controls were taken by her. Mirai, on the other hand, kept staring at the ground below using his Ultra-vision. Suddenly, a boulder was thrown towards them.

"Marina-san, reverse now!", shouted Mirai. Luckily, she managed to react quickly.

"What's that Mirai-kun?!", asked the panicked Marina.

"A boulder. Something has thrown a boulder to us!", said Mirai.

Out of the blue, they heard a grumbling sound came from below. Eventually, an exploding sound would emerge. The fog would fade from time-to-time, revealing the situation below. They were shocked when they saw the Rock monster, Sadora, wandering below.

"It's Sadora! What is it doing here? Is it looking for a victim?!", shouted Marina.

"Marina-san, that Sadora. Why does it look like that?", asked Mirai who were confused about the kaiju's appearance. At first glance, she realised that it's a common Sadora. However, after Mirai said that she used the built-in camera system to have a closer look.

"That Sadora does look different! Could it be a…?", said the shocked Marina.

"Marina-san, let me have a closer look below. Please take care of controls.", said Mirai who seemed to have a plan.

"Be careful, Mirai-kun. I'll try to connect to the others as well.", said Marina. Then, Mirai put out his Mebius Brace and immediately changed to Mebius.


Mebius appeared at the scene, confronting the odd-looking Sadora. As Mebius was getting ready to battle, Sadora suddenly ran away from him out of fear. He thought that it wanted to run away from him so that it could do a sneak attack. Therefore, Mebius chased it from behind. However, due to its lean body, it quickly disappeared out of his sight. Mebius immediately became confused.

Marina, who was inside the Gun Booster at the time, started to scan her surroundings right after she called her comrades to come over.

"Ah! Found it! Behind the trees! But, how do I tell him? If only I could contact him…", said Marina right after she spotted it hiding behind the trees. Suddenly, she realised that Mebius started to walk towards the trees. She started to feel weird about it. "Did he hear me? That can't be…", Marina refused to believe. At the same time, she was contacted by George.

"This is George. Marina, Marina, come in!", said George.

"Yes…yes! I'm here…I'm here!", said the panicked Marina.

"Oy, are you okay? What happened? Is there a…spider inside there?", said George. Her eyes suddenly opened wide when she heard the word 'spider'. She immediately out of her seat.

"Spider?! Where…where?! Did you leave that toy spider of yours again, you playboy idiot?!", said the terrified Marina who was literally standing on her seat. Mebius who were on the ground felt weird about the movement of the Gun Booster as it was moving weirdly side-by-side.

After that, he continued his search on the little Sadora. As he was approaching the trees, he realised that the trees that were right in front of him were 'shaking' heavily. He quickly sneaked towards it. After he reached right in front of them, he immediately pushed the trees away from his sight, right before the little Sadora blurred his sight using two trees. Mebius would be panicked and immediately he retreated from it.

As he retreated from it, he started wiping the debris of the trees off his eyes. Immediately after that, he heard a crying sound came from Sadora. That sound can also be heard by the GUYS members.

"Ikaruga… did you hear that?", asked Donna.

"Yeah, it can be heard clearly although we're inside.", said George.

"Sadora's crying?", Mizuka wondered.

Mebius walked slowly towards it. As he wanted to calm it down, the crying Sadora pushed his hand away from it before crying continuously. He tried it for the second time but again, failed. He immediately regretted his actions on making the kaiju scared.

Meanwhile, back at the Phoenix Nest, Teppei made a hypothesis.

"What if… no way?! You guys, do not commence an attack onto it! It's not the same Sadora that we faced before!", urged Teppei.

"What's wrong, Teppei-san?!", asked Haruzaki from the Gun Loader.

"Based on my observation on the video you guys just sent to me, if we compared the last Sadora we face with this Sadora, this Sadora's size is two times smaller than before. And, added with its actions and behaviour, I think it's a baby Sadora…", said Teppei.

"BABY SADORA?!!!", shouted all of them.

"A baby?! Aaahhh, if only I could play with it, no wonder it was so cute when I see the footage!", said Konomi.

"Its cute appearance will be good for my photo gallery! Haruzaki-san, don't forget to take some pictures, okay?", asked Yuko.

"Oy, oy, since Kazuya-kun's not here, I'm your new assistant, now?", asked Haruzaki.

"I was just asking…", said Yuko.

"It's been a long time since you behaved like that, Yuko-chan.", said Kazuya. She immediately turned her long face away from him right after he said that.

Exactly at that moment, a group of missiles started to rain onto Mebius and the baby Sadora. The missile's existence was not detected by their radars. Mebius immediately used his Mebium Shield to protect him and the baby Sadora from the missile attack.

"Hey, who dropped the missiles?! Did you guys drop it? Did you do it, Eiji?", asked George.

"What the heck are you talking about? I haven't moved from here since you guys left me.", said Eiji with his signature flat tone.

"Then, who did it?!", asked Mizuka. Right at that moment, Haruzaki saw something above him.

"Mizuka-san, look at that!", said Haruzaki. Mizuka and the others immediately looked up and realised that a fleet of jets was flying gracefully at the skies.

"Captain, did you send a supporting team?", asked Haruzaki.

"We didn't! All of us are here! Even, Misaki-san's here!", replied the captain.

"Then, who is it?...", wondered Haruzaki.

At that moment, George recognised something from the jets using his supervision.

"It must be them… I'm 100% sure about it!", said George.

"Who is it, George-san?", asked Haruzaki.

"Looks like you guys can never learn your lessons, don't you… MONSTRO?", said Marina who saw the MONSTRO logo at the wings of the jets.

"CREW GUYS Japan, this is Falcon 25-X. We have been ordered to takeover this mission. Please fly away from the site, or you'll experience the aftermath.", said one of their pilots.

"Wait a minute! The kaiju hasn't done any harm to us! Leave it alone!", shouted George.

"We will not wait until the kaiju do harm first. We'll defeat it immediately, no matter what it cost! Including Mebius' life!", said the pilot.

"What did you say, you fool?!", shouted Donna out of anger. Suddenly, their machine's control became unstable. "Dammit, what happened to the controls? Ikaruga, did you do something?", asked Donna.

"What the heck are you talking about?! I haven't touched anything besides the control stick!", said George. At the same time, the other machines witnessed the unstable movement of Gun Winger.

"George-san! Donna-san!", shouted Mizuka and Haruzaki. At the same time, Marina contacted Kazuya.

"Kazuya-kun, what happened to George and Donna-san?!", asked Marina. Luckily, he already did the scanning right before she contacted him.

"Marina-san! Get out of there! Their jets are emitting a ray of some kind. I don't know what kind of ray it is, but that ray caused the Gun Winger to be controlled by someone!", warned Kazuya.

"Can you identify which jet is the controller?", asked Mizuka.

"I've already done the scanning. However, based on these readings, the controller isn't among their pilots.", said Kazuya.

"So, they're controlling 'our wings' from below. So, we couldn't recognise their presence.", said the captain.

"Captain, what should we do now? We can't just leave them like that!", asked Yuko.

"Gun Loader, Gun Booster, land now and don't forget to switch off all powers. George, Donna, switch off all power, and eject manually!", ordered Ryu.

"G.I.G", all members on the flight responded. Gun Loader and Gun Booster immediately landed while George and Donna quickly turned off the switches.

At the same time, Teppei asked the captain.

"Wait a minute, Ryu-san! If Gun Booster falls to the ground, who's going to retrieve it?", asked Teppei.

"Don't worry, I've already made the call before I do the order.", said Ryu. His statement made Teppei wondered about the meaning.

Meanwhile, George and Donna were going to get ready to be ejected from the machine.

"Donna, you're ready?", asked George.

"I should be asking you because we might fall into the sea, Ikaruga.", said Donna.

"Don't be silly, the sea is miles away!", scolded George. "Donna, turn the power switch off, and eject immediately.", added George.

"G.I.G!", said Donna. "EJECT!", said Donna before he and George pulled the lever below the seat right after he turned off all switch.

At the direction room,

"Ahh, the Gun Winger!", shouted Teppei out of worry.

"Eiji, now!", ordered Ryu before the Gun Launcher appeared at the scene to catch the Gun Winger using its two 'hands'.

"Ah, the Gun Launcher!", said Yuko.

"Don't forget that Eiji's in this mission as well.", said Ryu.

"G.I.G, we're sorry, captain.", said Kazuya.

"Eiji, land on a safe place and assist Mebius from below.", said Ryu.

"G.I.G.", Eiji responded from the Gun Launcher. After that, he turned off the radio switch. "Do they think that I'm their servant here?", Eiji monologued.

Moments later, Donna and George safely landed on a spot in the thick forest.

"Damn, it's a thick forest.", said Donna right after they landed.

"We should call the others, they might be worried.", said George. Donna immediately called the HQ.

"This is Donna. Do you copy?", asked Donna using his Memory Display. The members in the HQ were relieved right after they got the hear his voice.

"This is the HQ. Konomi speaking.", said Konomi.

"Sempai, we had safely landed at this… ummm, thick forest. What should we do now?", asked Donna.

"Donna-san, right about 600 meters directly in front of you, is the location of the Gun Loader and Gun Booster. The others should be around there somewhere.", said Konomi.

"Got it. We're heading there now.", said Donna.

"G.I.G, be careful there.", said Konomi before she disconnected.

"Oy, Ikaruga! We're heading there!", said Donna while pointing in the direction.

"Got it, but help me out of this parachute and this… curly branches! Damn these branches looks exactly like your hair.", said George who got stuck.

"What are you talking about? It's trending nowadays.", said Donna before he went to help George.

Meanwhile, Haruzaki, Mizuka and Marina were looking for the controller.

"The controller should be around here. But, we need their exact location.", said Haruzaki. Suddenly, they heard the sound of Mebius' color timer.

"Oh no! Mirai-san's energy's running out!", said Mizuka.

"Come on, we need to find the controller immediately before Mirai-kun runs out of time!", said Marina.

"But, Marina-san… this forest is quite big. Finding the controller would be impossible at this point…", said Mizuka.

"Cut that out! Have you ever heard Mirai-kun said those words before?!", asked Marina. Both of them denied that. "Same as me, therefore, don't give up that easily and keep finding the controller!", said Marina determinedly.

"G.I.G!", both members responded. At the same time, all three of them got pulled down by someone. All of them were surprised at the time.

"Hey, who's there?! Come out now-", shouted Haruzaki before his mouth got closed by George. He silently pointed towards the other side of the forest. He immediately used the newly-installed MacroVision on his GUYS Visor to get a clearer view of things far from their current location.

"Ahhh… that's the supervisor!", whispered Haruzaki.

"I knew it, he must be in charge of this!", said Donna.

At the same time, they heard that Mebius' color timer started to blink faster. His shield that he used to protect him and Sadora started to fade slowly.

"Mirai-kun!", shouted the worried Marina. As his energy got weaken from time to time, he told the scared Sadora to take cover inside the place where it came from telepathically. The baby Sadora followed his instructions and immediately went back to his 'home'.

After that, Mebius stopped using his Mebium Shield. Then, he looked towards the fleet of jets above without thinking about the missiles.

"How can I stop them without hurting them?", Mebius monologued. Suddenly, he got a strange vision. In that blurry vision, he saw an entity putting out his hands and then, he saw a fleet of jets got stuck in the middle of the air. Immediately, he got out of the vision.

"What was that vision? Who's that?!", Mebius monologued. "But, he did show me something. Maybe I gotta try it!", added Mebius before he stepped forward. Right after that, he did exactly the same as the unknown entity did in the vision which is the Ultra Psychokinetic, the ability to control something using only mindpower.

His first trial miraculously turned out well as all jets and missiles got stuck in the middle of the air.

"The jets and missiles… got stuck in air!", said the stunned George. After that, he grabbed a fist and all missiles got crushed in a second. The missiles got compiled and then, continued to be crushed before they turned into particles.

"The missiles got compressed into particles! Ultraman's power is really something!", said Teppei.

"But, that kind of power…", said Ryu in a worried tone. Mebius, on the other hand, used his psychokinetic ability to put down all jets onto the ground gently and took out the weapons literally out of the jets.

"He did it! Mirai-san did it!", said Haruzaki who seemed to be happy right after Mebius managed to stop the attack. But, the others didn't feel the same way. "What's wrong?", asked Haruzaki.

"Using that kind of technic… would cost a lot of energy.", said George. Coincidentally, Mebius faded from the site.

"Mirai-san!", shouted the concerned Mizuka.

"That's it, I'm finding Mirai right now!", said George. At the same time, Haruzaki realised something through his MacroVision.

"Ahhh!! That brat's running away!", said Haruzaki.

"Donna, Haruzaki, Mizuka, go chase that brat! We'll find Mirai at the same time.", ordered George.

"G.I.G!", the three of them responded before they went on to chase the mastermind of the assault.

"Marina, let's go!", said George before they went out to find Mirai who faded from the site.

Minutes later, Marina and George were still looking for the fallen Mebius inside the forest.

"Mirai-kun! Can you hear me?! Please answer me, Mirai-kun!", shouted Marina.

"Mirai, if you're here, give us a sign!", added George. At that exact moment, Marina heard a slight voice from far.

"Don't… hurt… him… He's… innocent…", said the voice. Immediately, she recognised that voice.

"Mirai-kun! Wait for me!", shouted Marina before she started to follow the direction of the voice.

"Oy, Marina! Hold your horses!", said George while catching her from behind. A few moments later, they've arrived at a 'dead end' which was the baby Sadora's cave. Both of them would be confused when they arrived.

"Isn't this…", said George.

"Yeah, it's the baby Sadora's cave. But, why would his voice lead us to here? I didn't see…", said Marina before she heard the same voice again. "Mirai-kun… he's over there!", said Marina while running towards the voice, leaving George again.

"Marina, not again!", said George who had to catch her up again.

A few minutes later, she suddenly stopped running towards the fade voice of Mirai. George would stumble hardly onto her. He would fall onto his back.

"Oy, Marina! Why did you stop?!", said George while fixing his GUYS Visor. Then, he saw a big shadow right in front of him.

"It's… that Sadora from earlier!", said the nervous Marina. It was indeed the Sadora from before. They thought that it approached them for an attack. However, it would reach out to its claws. They would realise that the critically exhausted Mirai was on its claws.

"Mirai-kun! It just saved… Mirai-kun.", said Marina.

"What are you waiting for? Let's get him. His condition must be bad right now.", said George before he ran towards it to get Mirai off its claws. Both of them would check Mirai's condition right after they got him from Sadora.

"His blood pressure is high! His body temperature is also high! We need to bring him to the hospital immediately!", said George right after he scanned Mirai's body using the GUYS Visor. As he and Marina were about to lift Mirai onto their shoulders, they heard a sound of particles flowing out of a sudden. When they turned back to Sadora, they would find out that Sadora was shooting something out of his claws. As it reached Mirai's body, his condition would slowly turn normal.

"Mirai-kun, are you okay?", asked Marina. Suddenly, Mirai would put out a smile on his face.

"I'm… okay…, Marina-san… George-san…", said Mirai slowly. Marina would be touched and immediately she hugged him.

"I'm glad you're okay! I really do!", said the touched Marina. George who watched them by their side, saw Sadora slowly walked back to his home.

"Arigato… Sadora.", monologued George. After that, they would escort him back to the machines.

Meanwhile, Supervisor Kenji Tajizawa alongside his secretaries were seen running away from Haruzaki and Mizuka.

"Oy, stop right there or you'll face the consequences!", shouted Haruzaki. Moments later, they managed to hide from both of them. At the same time, they would discuss a plan to escape from the GUYS officers. During their discussion, one of his secretaries saw the trees shaking out of nowhere.

"Boss, look at the trees! It's shaking out of a sudden! It's not even windy at the time!", said the secretary.

"Fool! Are you scared of the wind? Or, are you scared of the…", said the supervisor before he saw Donna right in front of his face, hanging upside down while flashing his torchlight towards his face. His presence would surprise all three of them.

"… Curly-Haired Man!", shouted the scared Kenji right after he realised Donna's presence.

"Supervisor, what on Earth did you do back there?! Are you going to try to kill us just to kill Sadora and Mebius?!", asked Donna while holding onto Kenji's collars right after he blasted both of Kenji's secretaries out of the scene.

"Don't make me do that, Officer Federico Donnarumma. Or, should I say, 'newbie'? You have already known my initial plan, right? Then, why do you ask such questions?", asked the threatening Kenji.

"You brat… Eat my fis-", said Donna while grabbing his fist before he realised that someone has pointed a gun towards his head.

"Eat your what? Why did you stop?! Now, if you don't want to die right now, please, release my collar.", said Kenji. However, Donna still didn't do what he's ordered to. "Release my collar, you brat!", said Kenji a few times. After a few times, the remaining GUYS members on the site would arrive at the scene.

"Donna-san! Let him go! Killing him right now wouldn't be useful for us!", urged Haruzaki.

"Donna-san! You do love us, right? If you do, do you think your death would make us happy? Think, Donna-san! Think about us!", said Marina. Donna's heart would be touched by her words.

"Sempai…", said Donna while slowly releasing the supervisor's collar. As the supervisor's released from him, his guards started to surround the GUYS members out of a sudden.

"Supervisor, what are you doing?!", asked George.

"Punish them… PUNISH THEM!", shouted Kenji before his guards started to target the GUYS members with their weapons.

However, their attempt to 'punish' the GUYS members would be interrupted when suddenly their weapons got thrown onto the trees out of a sudden by an unknown force.

"What did you do? What did you do with my weapons?! Punish them with all you've got!", said the supervisor.

"We can't, supervisor!", said one of his guards.

"Why not?!", asked the supervisor.

"Because all of our weapons, including the hidden ones, are gone.", said the guards.

"Run! Run away! They're allying themselves with freaks! Run away!", said Kenji while running away from the scene before his guards followed his tracks.

"Don't take it seriously, Mirai. He's crazy.", said George who was worried that Mirai might become sad because of his words.

"But, the most important thing, where's that force coming from?", monologued Haruzaki. All of them didn't realise that they were being watched by someone unknown. Later, they would go home using their machines.

The next day in the morning, Mirai would tell something to his comrades.

"What?! Sadora wants to come back to his mother?", asked George.

"Yes. Apparently, he told me that the cave wasn't his original home.", said Mirai.

"Wait, he told you?!", asked the confused George again.

"Well… yeah, right after he saved me immediately after I faded away.", said Mirai.

"Where is it now?", asked George for the third time.

"He's still in his cave but he's under the science observation's protection.", answered Kazuya.

"There have been some records that Sadora usually take care of its babies they let them go according to Document MAT. Researchers discovered this right after Sadora's presence.", said Teppei.

"I see… Poor Sadora. Separated from his mother at a young age.", said the concerned Konomi.

"Unfortunately, according to the officers and villagers nearby, no kaiju sightings reported. Besides that, when the investigators went to that cave during Sadora's inactive time, no large footprints were detected other than the baby Sadora's.", said Teppei.

"So, you mean that the mother's already gone since it was born?", said Mizuka.

"What do you mean, 'since it was born'?", asked Donna.

"Ah, during the investigation, the investigators also discovered… possibly the egg of Sadora. It's only an assumption since the egg looked very similar to Sadora's skin. We hope that our assumption is true.", said Teppei.

"We don't know if the mother was already been killed or not before the egg was confiscated.", added Kazuya.

"It's obviously has been killed after it was born. Don't you hear it was looking for its 'mother'? Or, are you guys deaf for some reason?", said Eiji out of a sudden.

"Eiji-san, watch your mouth!", said the angry Haruzaki.

"There's one thing need to be considered, though. Usually, creatures considered the first thing they saw as their mother. So, we didn't know who is his real mother.", added Kazuya.


"I'm sorry… Why are we discussing this, again? Why don't we take him to a monster island or something?", asked the enraged Eiji.

"You fool! He was looking for his mother! What's wrong about that?!", said Haruzaki in an angry tone as both of them started to argue suddenly.

"Let him look for his mother by himself! We are fighters! Not caretakers!", said Eiji. His statement has really made Haruzaki's water boiling.

"Let me tell this right in front of your face… Fighters sometimes are not caretakers, but caretakers are absolute fighters!", said Haruzaki while grabbing Eiji's collar tightly. The others were afraid to be involved in their confrontation. Luckily, Ryu entered the direction room at the right time. He would stare right into Haruzaki's eyes.

"Captain…", said the nervous Haruzaki.

"Let him go, Haruzaki. This is a direction room. Not a wrestling ring.", said Ryu. After that, Haruzaki eventually released his collar from his grip. As Eiji was walking back to his seat, Haruzaki reminded him of something. "Remember my words…", whispered Haruzaki.

"Is that really Eiji? Does he always behave like that? I haven't seen him being angry like that.", whispered George to Mizuka while the other members were listening.

"Sometimes… but he has been angry quite frequently since Eiji-san joined, for some reason.", whispered Mizuka back.

"Eiji-kun really likes to boil people's water, don't you think?", added Marina. At the same time, Ryu saw them whispering amongst each other.

"Mizuka, George, Marina, do you have something to share?", asked Ryu.

"Oh! No, no, no… of course, not!", said George.

"Well, then, have a seat, cause I have something to share with you guys.", said Ryu. Immediately all members went back to their seats.

As soon as all members were in their seats, he had inserted a flash drive into his computer. After that, he had projected it to the main screen.

"Alright, guys. Today, we have a special request from the headquarters. We have been requested to bring Sadora to the Kaburaya Island.", said Ryu.

"Kaburaya Island, you mean that stranded, empty, little island?", asked Mizuka.

"Yes, but it's no longer empty since GUYS International had decided to relocate the main science observation centre to this island.", said Ryu. "So, the plan, Misaki-san?", asked Ryu to the director who appeared out of a sudden right behind George's seat. No one realised when she entered the direction room secretly.

"So, we'll use the trail-and-kill technic which we'll be using sound waves that will attract Sadora Jr.", said Misaki.

"Wait, Misaki-san. What kind of sound wave that's attractive to Sadora?", asked Teppei.

"We'll be using the basic roar of the regular Sadora.", answered Misaki. "Two members will be going to the cave to emit the sound waves right towards Sadora Jr. Hopefully, it will attract Sadora Jr. to come out of the cave. After that, we'll use the Maquette Kaiju, Windam to fly him to the Kaburaya Island.", said Misaki.

"Does Windam have enough energy to fly him straight to Kaburaya Island within a minute?", asked George.

"That won't be an issue since we have upgraded the METEOR technology management. With this upgrade, we can change the level of METEOR usage. Therefore…", said Misaki.

"The more the METEOR, the longer the time, is it?!", asked Konomi.

"That's right. And, for this mission, GUYS headquarters would like the two members to be the tester of our new machine.", said Misaki.

"New… machine…?", asked the confused Mirai. Misaki immediately presented to them, the 'new machine'. However, the members didn't seem to be impressed with the new machine.

"It's a… car?", asked George.

"Not just any car. Araiso-san.", asked Misaki to the chief maintenance officer, Araiso. Araiso went to the controlling machine and suddenly, the car changed from a supercar to an SUV. Immediately, all mouths were wide opened.

"The car… just changed form!", said the shocked Teppei.

"From a supercar… to an SUV!", added Marina.

"Not just that, it had a lot of forms to choose from. But, the choice must be a handful for the mission.", said Misaki.

"I see… Oh, what is it called?", asked Teppei.

"For now, it'll be called the 'Gun G-Guzzler'.", said Misaki.

"Ugh… the name of that thing is like being given by someone who had a bad choice of names like Ryu.", whispered Marina on her own.

"Marina, did you say something?", asked Ryu who realised that she was talking on her own out of a sudden.

"Eee… No… I was just talking to… George! Right, George?", said Marina with a number of different expressions at a time. George was unaware when she mentioned his name.

"Is it true, George? Were you talking to her?", asked Ryu to him.

"What?", said George who was biting his nails for some reason. Immediately after that, she stepped hardly onto his feet that were bothering Marina during the whole meeting.

"Y… Y…Yes…", said George who struggled to keep his tears from flowing.

Back to the original agenda,

"Therefore, I wish you all the best.", asked Misaki.

"Yosh, so, Mirai… George… I would like to assign you guys to this task since both of you were at the cave yesterday.", ordered Ryu.

"But, captain, Marina-san was there as well.", said Mizuka.

"Yes, but it would be a ruckus when these two are together, right, Marina, George?", asked Ryu to both Marina and George who were confronting each other suddenly. They would realise their names were being mentioned after that.

"The others will be staying inside the Gun Phoenix Striker. GUYS, Sally Go!", shouted Ryu.

"G.I.G.!", all members responded.

Minutes later, Mirai and George were already standing by inside the new Gun G-Guzzler.

'George-san, I wonder why didn't we use the Gun Speeder?", asked Mirai.

"Erm…, Gun Speeder's a little bit huge in diameter. So… it's not suitable for a road-trip.", said George.

"I see…", said Mirai.

"Gun G-Guzzler, start-up!", said George while pushing the gas pedal. He would drive through the tunnel before finally reached the road using a secret passage.

The journey would take about half an hour. As soon as they arrived,

"This is the place, right?", asked George.

"Hopefully, he's still inside.", said Mirai.

"Sound wave, emit!", George emitted the sound wave by switching on the wave transmitter. Moments later, a dot would appear on the radar.

"Yosh, it's here!", said George. However, the kaiju itself hasn't come out yet although the dot appeared. After a painful 30 minutes of waiting, Sadora Jr. finally burst out of the cave.

"Mirai! George! It's out!", Ryu shouted through the Memory Display. His shout would wake Mirai and George up after a long 25 minutes of deep sleep. George immediately went out of the car.

"Sado! Come with us, okay? We'll bring you to a safe place!", shouted George. Sadora replied his order by waving at him.

"Damn… that's cute.", monologued George.

"George-san! Let's go!", shouted Mirai to George who was taken away by Sadora's cuteness. George immediately returned back to the machine.

"Did you just call him 'Sado'?", asked Mirai as soon as George entered the car.

"Well, a baby's gotta have a name, right?", said George.

"Right… We're moving on!", said Mirai while pushing the gas pedal as he took the wheel at that time.

Meanwhile, in the skies,

"This is Gun Winger, Donna reporting. Gun G-Guzzler is on the move. I repeat, they're on the move.", said Donna.

"Copy that. Gun Phoenix, escort Gun G-Guzzler to the designated location. Gun Booster, be ready to take it away.", reminded Ryu.

"G.I.G.", all members responded.

As they were approaching the designated location, they suddenly realised that the dot that indicated Sadora on the radar suddenly stopped moving.

"Gun G-Guzzler, this is Gun Winger. We have detected that Sadora has stopped moving.", said Donna.

"G.I.G. We're on it.", replied George. After that, they immediately went out of the car to check Sadora's conditions. They would be surprised when they found out that the baby Sadora was figuring out how to step over the gateway.

"What… is it doing?", asked the confused George.

"I think he wants to step over without breaking anything.", said Mirai.

"Is there any way for him? We're only meters away from the destination.", said George.

"I'll go!", said Mirai.

"Yosh! I'll be waiting for you!", said George while entering the car. As Mirai was about to transform into Mebius, he would realise that Sadora had walked 50 meters to its right so that it could step over the shorter-lengthed trees instead of stepping over the gateway.

"He figured the way out himself…", said Mirai while observing Sadora. Sadora would eventually return back to the initial way. "Yosh! Sado, follow me okay?!", shouted Mirai before he ran towards an empty passageway through the city before they reached their destination.

As they were about to enter the city, Mirai suddenly realised that Sadora was looking away from the initial way as it was looking to its right.

"Sado, what happened? What did you see?", asked Mirai.

"Mirai, what happened?", asked George.

"I don't know, it stopped out of a sudden.", said Mirai. At the same time, Sadora growled out of a sudden. "Sado, who are you talking to?", monologued Mirai.

Meanwhile, inside the Gun Winger,

"Sempai, look at this! There's another wave that has a similar frequency and amplitude with ours!", said Donna.

"Donna-san, quickly to the city!", ordered Marina.

"G.I.G", Donna responded before he burst forward.

Back in the city, Sadora started to move towards his right.

"Sado! Where are you going?! You are going the wrong way! COME BACK, SADO!", shouted Mirai. Suddenly, a light ray appeared, impacting right in front of Sadora. Mirai looked behind and saw Onyx Mebius standing in the middle of the city. Even, George didn't realise his appearance.

"Eh, when did he appeared?", George shouted. "Direction room, this is George! Onyx Mebius has appeared at the scene! He seemed to be targeting Sadora!", reported George.

"Eh?! When did… No way!", said Teppei while looking at his screen.

"What's wrong, Teppei?", asked Sakomizu.

"Captain! Onyx Mebius has arrived at the scene! And, he has targeted Sadora!", said Teppei.

"Oh no! Winger, Loader, Booster, go to the city right now! Prevent Onyx Mebius from attacking Sadora! We need to bring him safe and sound!", said Sakomizu through the mic.

"G.I.G!", all members responded.

Meanwhile, Onyx Mebius was provoking Sadora to come to him. Sadora, on the other hand, immediately walk towards it without thinking about the damages.

"Sado! You're ruining the city! Stop it!", shouted Mirai.

"What is happening right now? Didn't he walk carefully just now just to prevent damages?!", asked George.

"Maybe he sees Onyx Mebius as a threat to prevent him from looking for his mother… which means he heard his mother's voice from far!", said Mirai. As soon as he reached the city, he started to run towards Onyx Mebius. However, as soon as he reached his opponent, Onyx Mebius would attack it multiple times, weakening him in the process.

"I… I need to stop him!", said George before he started to run towards them.

"George-san! Wait a minute!", said Mirai who went on to chase him.

However, their journey would cut short as Onyx Mebius carried the weakened Sadora on his shoulders and threw him towards the buildings. Mirai who saw it predicted that it would land right into the building George's running in.

"George-san! Look out!", said Mirai after he predicted the landing. Then, he used his super-speed to reach him in seconds. As soon as he reached George, he immediately pushed him out of the way. As soon as he was pushed out of way, the building would fall onto him.

"MIRAI!!! Mirai, where are you?!", shouted the concerned George. Luckily, he heard Mirai's voice from far.

"George-san… George-san…", said the miraculously-survived Mirai who was stuck among the debris of the buildings. George immediately followed the voice.

"Mirai! Hold on, Mirai!", said George while carrying the heavy debris one-by-one.

"George-san, don't worry about me… You need to save Sado… Go, George-san.", said the struggling Mirai while grabbing his collar and looking him straight to the eyes.

"No way, I'll leave you alone right here!", denied George.

"Listen! Sado has been alone for his entire life! I'm lucky to have you guys by my side! Now, make sure you'll save him!", said Mirai.

"But, Mirai… you can't die here!", said George.

"Who says about dying? When the time comes… I will die! But, I will not stop trying… Now, go!", urged Mirai. After the persuasion from Mirai, George unwillingly left him in the debris to save Sadora while Mirai himself strived to get out of the buildings.

Meanwhile, in the skies, the Gun Phoenix Striker trio was approaching the city.

"Damn that black Mebius! I thought he was an ally.", said Donna who was in the Gun Winger. Suddenly, Marina saw something strange below them.

"Donna-san, did you see that? At the ruined building?", asked Marina. Donna immediately observed it and he saw Mirai trapped in the debris.

"Sempai, I just saw Mirai-sempai trapped in the ruins!", said Donna.

"I knew it! Donna-san, land right now! I'll save Mirai-kun!", ordered Marina.

"G.I.G. But, sempai, do you need any help?", asked Donna.

"Marina-san, I'll go and save Hibino-san!", said Haruzaki who was in the Gun Booster through the radio.

"Well, looks like you already had your help.", said Donna.

"Donna-san, you don't have to land. I'll eject instead. You, on the other hand, I need you to prevent Onyx Mebius from attacking Sadora. Got that?", said Marina.

"Sure do. Take care, sempai.", said Donna.

"Ejecting!", said Marina while pulling the lever. After she landed safely, she immediately ran towards Mirai. Haruzaki would soon join her right after he ejected from the Gun Booster, who was taken over by Mizuka.

After minutes of searching the way, both Marina and Haruzaki would find their way towards Mirai.

"Mirai-kun! Hold on, I'll carry the debris off you!", said Marina.

"I'll help you, Marina-san!", said Haruzaki while carrying large debris. At the same time, both of them heard George's voice who was struggling to save Sadora from Onyx Mebius.

"Marina-san, look at there! What's George-san doing there?!", asked Haruzaki while looking at George.

"That idiot… How could he leave Mirai-", said Marina before Mirai replied to her.

"… I told him to do so!", said Mirai. "Marina-san, go help George-san!", added Mirai.

"But, Mirai-kun, how about you…", asked Marina.

"Don't worry, Marina-san! I'll take care of him from here!", said Haruzaki.

"Thank you, Haruzaki-kun!", Marina thanked Haruzaki for his help. "Mirai-kun… I'll be back! Wait for me!", said Marina while grabbing Mirai's hand tightly before she left them for George.

Minutes later, Marina would arrive at the place where George took cover.

"George, what's the status?", asked Marina.

"I tried all chambers of the Triger Shot but all of them are ineffective to Onyx Mebius!", said George.

"Here, try using the METEOR Shot. You left it at your station.", said Marina while handling the METEOR Shot to George. George tried to use it towards the enemy but still ineffective.

"You gotta be kidding me! Even, Imperiser got affected by this!", said George.

"Maybe it's time to use this!", said Marina while looking for something inside her bag.

"Use what?", asked the curious George. Moments later, she would bring out a nozzle-like device.

"What is it, a new… nozzle?", asked George.

"Give the METEOR Shot to me.", asked Marina. George at first would be hesitated to give his beloved device to her. Then, Marina would take it straight from his hands. Immediately, she put it on and took a shot from it. Finally, the shot was effective towards Onyx Mebius as it hit his shoulders.

"Yosh! It's effective to him!", said Marina.

"How can-", said George.

"This is the new Diamond Shot Nozzle. It can be used for both Triger Shot and METEOR Shot. It can be used in two forms, Quad-shot which will shot four rays at the same time. Or, Quad-Impact, four shots combined into one.", said Marina while shooting at the enemy.

As Onyx Mebius got affected by it, Sadora took his chance immediately to attack him. However, his unexperienced fighting skills would cause him to struggle against the enemy. During the struggle, Sadora's long hand would hit the high part of a skyscraper, causing it to fall down slowly. Coincidentally, the debris of the high building would lead towards Haruzaki was still struggling to carry out all debris that was trapping Mirai at the bottom.

"This building has been hit! It's going towards their way! George, we gotta warn them!", said Marina.

"Haruzaki, you need to hurry up! A building is falling your way!", said George through the Memory Display.

"Hibino-san, hold on! I'll save you, no matter what!", said Haruzaki after he heard from George.

"Haruzaki-kun, you need to get out right now! The building's falling our way!", said Mirai who witnessed the fall of the building.

"No way, I'll leave you! I won't leave my comrade here alone!", said the struggling Haruzaki. At that exact moment, Mirai saw between the buildings that Onyx Mebius was about to execute his finisher.

"That move… No way! I gotta transform… I gotta transform to save both of them!", monologued Mirai while trying to put out his Mebius Brace although he was too exhausted to do so. He needs to be strong enough to bring out the brace. Then, he saw the debris approaching them. Out of desperation, Mirai used his willpower to transform, and finally, he managed to change into Mebius.

His transformation would save Haruzaki from the debris in the process. As soon as he's transformed, he would jump over the half-ruined building and kicked Onyx Mebius away from the fallen Sadora. However, right after that, he started to show signs of exhaustion as he fell onto his knees.

"Mirai-kun, what's wrong with him?", asked Marina.

"Marina-san, George-san, we need to help him! He transformed, using his willpower. He may have lost a lot of energy.", answered Haruzaki through the Memory Display.

"If that happened, then, how much time he had left?", asked Marina.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it has been shortened.", said George.

Mebius would go on to check on the fallen Sadora despite his condition.

"Sado? It's me, Mirai. Are you okay?", asked Mirai telepathically to Sadora. Sadora would soon roar as a sign indicating he's okay. Then, he would focus on Onyx Mebius.

"You! Aren't you an Ultraman? Why would do that to a living thing that doesn't affect others' lives?", asked Mebius. Onyx Mebius kept silenced. "Answer me, right now!", urged Mebius.

At that exact moment, he faded out of the situation without any warning. Mebius would decide to let him go.

After that, he would help Sadora to get up on his feet. However, they didn't realise that they were someone else besides them.

"Well, well, targeted for one but resulted in two. That was unexpected. Well, then, time for phase two.", said the man in black. The man would put out his hand towards the skies. And, then, all out of a sudden, three lights would move towards them at full speed.

"What is this? Three similar waves detected flying towards them in full speed!", said Teppei.

As soon as all of them landed, three kaijus with similar looks appeared right in front of them.

"What is that?", asked Marina.

"I don't know, but we gotta report this to the direction room.", said George. "Direction room, this is George.", said George.

"George, what happened there?", asked Sakomizu.

"Three kaijus has appeared out of a sudden, confronting Mirai and Sadora. All of them looked similar.", said George.

"Check the documents if you could identify the species.", ordered Ryu. George immediately scanned all of the three kaijus using his Memory Display. However, no similar species was detected. "No similar species detected. They're undocumented.

"Dammit… Konomi, how is it?", asked Ryu to Konomi.

"Ryu-san, I couldn't find similar species, even in the confidential documents!", answered Konomi.

At the same time, Marina and Haruzaki who recently joined them, saw something happening in front of them.

"George-san, look at that!", said Haruzaki while looking at the kaiju trio who were shooting some kind of a red field surrounding them. The red field had caused the upper part of the high buildings to be turned into sand particles.

"That part of the building just turned into sands. Which means…", said Haruzaki.

"If it reaches the ground, everything in this field will become sand particles... Hypothetically, including us.", said George.

"We need to get out of here! Tell Mirai-kun that we need to go!", said Marina while reaching for the stairs.

"That's impossible! It's covering like 5 km radius and it'll reach the ground within minutes!", said George.

"And, you expect me to give up easily right now?", asked Marina.

"No… because… look outside.", said George while grabbing her. Marina would soon look at the outside. She would later realise that Mebius had used his Mebium Field maneuver.

"No… No! Mirai-kun, you shouldn't use that maneuver! Your time will be shortened!", shouted Marina. However, Mebius' Mebium Field was already covering 2/3 of the enemies' field.

As soon as the Mebium Field has covered all of them, Mebius started to fight all of them despite the shorten time limit although he already knew that the three kaijus were going to lead the fight.

"There's no chance of Hibino-san's winning this! Especially, when he has to face three at the same time!", said Haruzaki.

"He's in the Mebium Field. His time limit should be longer!", said George.

"Indeed, his time limit will be increased. However, minus his weak condition alongside the usage of the Mebium Field and the transformation using willpower, he should be out in two and a half minutes.", replied the man in black who appeared out of nowhere. The GUYS members were absolutely shocked when they realised his presence.

"You?! Who are you? Tell us!", asked George while the three of them pointing their Triger Shots at the man in black. The man in black would later reveal himself as Heolstor.

"Man in a black robe, you're that Heolstor!", said Haruzaki.

"Great guess, young man! I couldn't believe you remembered me!", said Heolstor.

"You! What have you summoned just now?", asked George.

"Oh, them? They're Alien Gyasori. I've brought it here.", said Heolstor.

"Brought it here? Where did you bring it from?", asked Marina.

"Can't tell.", answered Heolstor.

"Why not?", asked Marina.

"Because it came from a place that you knew their existence but you've never been there.", said Heolstor before he faded away.

"Dammit, he got away!", said the furious George.

"What did he mean by that? 'A place we knew their existence but we've never been there?", monologued the confused Marina.

In the meantime, Mebius was still getting beaten up by the Gyasori Aliens. He got grounded once again. At the same time, Haruzaki's Memory Display sounded.

"This is Kanata speaking.", said Haruzaki.

"Haruzaki-san, where on Earth are you?", asked Mizuka through the same device.

"Mizuka-san, how did you entered?", asked Haruzaki.

"We landed as soon as the three kaijus spread out its ray.", said Donna.

"We're commencing with the attack, right now. Eiji and I will be in the skies. Mizuka, you will assist them on the grounds.", ordered Donna.

"G.I.G.", both responded.

"Eiji, give Mirai-sempai a backup while I'll protect Sadora.", said Donna.

"G.I.G.", Eiji responded with his signature flat tone. "Geez, why do I always have to do the hard work?", Eiji monologued.

Then, the attack towards the Gyasoris started. Missiles after missiles were brought down. However, due to the excessive level of quickness, all three Gyasoris managed to dodge all maneuvers from GUYS. At the same time, one of them managed to take down all GUYS Machines.

"That thing is too quick! I couldn't manage to avoid it! Dammit, I was about to shine!", said the falling Donna. The two machines would eventually crash-land, leaving the weakened Mebius on his own.

He would eventually go face-to-face with them, only to be taken down with ease by one of the Gyasoris. Mebius' color timer already started to blink.

"His color timer! Mirai-kun's time...", said Marina.

"Dammit, what can we do?! All of our maneuvers won't work on them.", said George.

"But, we can get their attention, right?", asked Mizuka who seemed to have a plan.

"If we attack all three of them...", said Haruzaki.

"... that would give Mirai-kun a chance to attack!", added Marina.

"I'll take care of Mirai from here! Mizuka, Marina, Haruzaki, I'll leave the rest to you guys!", said George.

The members immediately spread throughout the Mebium Field to went on with their plan. Unfortunately, the Gyasoris received some help from their master about their plan. As the members spread out, the Gyasoris took care of each member, causing all three members of GUYS were attacked. All of them went down immediately with their weapons out of reach. The current remaining member standing at the time was George who was guarding Mebius.

"Dammit! I'm the only one left! Hold on, Mirai! I'll protect you till the end!", said George while grabbing his METEOR Shot and Triger Shot tightly.

The Gyasoris would move closer towards George and the grounded Mebius. As they were close enough to them, George decided to take a shot to get their attention. The Gyasoris, however, would fight back by firing at his right and left, leaving him stranded at the spot. The enemy would charge it's energy to fire at the remaining member. After seconds of charging its power, the Gyasoris would fire their ultimate ray towards George who was covered by Mebius at the last minute.

"Eh, I'm alive! What happened?!", monologued George while checking on his body to make sure that he's in one piece. As it turned out, the baby Sadora or 'Sado' would make a final-moment save when he used his claw to take down all three of them at the same time.

"Sado! You're here!", said George while looking at him. After that, Sado would help Mebius to get up on his feet. At this point, Sado pledged to not get afraid of his obstacles. He would start to fight all the three opponents with Mebius side-by-side.

"Yosh! Allow me to kick their butts as well!", said George while marching forward with his arsenal of weapons.

Mebius and Sadora would fight valiantly against the three opponents. Both of them wouldn't allow the opponents to do a single attack. As one of them tried to escape, George would shoot it down with both METEOR Shot and Triger Shot. As one of them went down, the other two would take the chance to fly over George. George would lose his grip from his weapons, assumed that they would roam free before each remaining Gyasoris would be shot down by two rays. As it turned out that the enemies were shot down by the other GUYS members who got back up.

"Oy, Ikaruga! You don't think you would kick their butts on your own, do you?!", shouted Donna from far.

"What are you waiting for, then?!", shouted back George before he continued to rampage onto the opponents. The others would follow his tracks.

As Mebius almost reached his time limit, he decided to finish things by using the Mebium Shoot onto an Alien Gyasori before he penetrated another one using his Mebium Blade. Sadora, on the other hand, would trick his enemy by putting out its body steam before he finished the opponent using his swifting claw.

"Don't think this would be over just like that!", shouted Heolstor in the shadows.

Mebius and Sado thought that they have succeeded before they saw that purple lights would emerge and move towards each other. The lights would combine to form King Gyasori, a larger species of Gyasori.

"Sado, let me finish this!", said Mebius while blocking Sado's way. He would summon the METEOR Armor CODE-1 before he fought one-on-one with King Gyasori.

At the same time, Mizuka felt weird about something.

"Shouldn't the time has reached its limit?", asked Mizuka.

"I don't know about that. But, I knew about one thing. As long as he's fighting for something that's valuable, he would not give up easily. He will fight until it's the end for him.", said Marina.

"So, determination makes his time longer?", monologued Eiji while observing Mebius.

Even though the King Gyasori seemed to be an upgrade for the Gyasoris but that wouldn't stop Mebius from leading the showdown. The determined Mebius would easily fight the combined kaiju without being grounded or even being attacked by it. Mebius would use the Spinning Mebium Drill Kick before he finished it off with the Mebium Phoenix Rampage. King Gyasori would finally be defeated after a tough fight. Mebius would be happy after he managed to defeat his opponent although he's on his knees. The members would also embrace their victory over the Gyasoris. At the same time, Sado would once again be helped Mebius to get up on his feet as a sign of 'thank you' for helping him before.

However, the happiness didn't last long as Marina detected something from her hearing. Her worried face expression would tell all of it to the members.

"What's wrong, Marina?", asked George.

"Shhh... I heard something! Something's coming in full speed! We better take caution!", whispered Marina while being careful with her hearing. As it turned out, another Alien Gyasori appeared on the scene from the underground, colliding with both Mebius and Sado in full speed. The members would fall to their backs as the wind speed reached a high-speed level.

"Dammit, there's another one!", said Donna.

"Come on, don't give up! Get the weapons and commence attack towards it!", said Marina. The members would try to reach their weapons before they fell again alongside the weapons.

At the same time, George realised that Mebius was in danger.

"Mirai, look out!", shouted George. Mebius would look to his forward and saw the speeding Alien Gyasori. He would immediately duck and luckily managed to dodge it. The attack didn't stop just yet as the alien made a U-turn towards the same direction. This time, Mebius didn't realise the movement of the alien. Therefore, Mebius wouldn't have a chance to dodge the speeding alien. The members were so afraid that they've closed their eyes as they couldn't stand, watching Mebius getting stabbed by the alien's sharp teeth and horns.

After a moment, Marina heard a slight, low-pitched roar. As it turned out that Sado had blocked the alien's way from stabbing Mebius by using his body as a shield for Mebius. Sado would slowly cry in pain. Mebius who realised it tried to pull the enemies' horns out of him before he got fired by a sudden fireball causing him to fall on his knees.

"Sado... Sado! SADO!!! Why?!", shouted George. The Gyasori would throw the life-threatened Sado out of its reach, leaving the weak body on his own far from the reach of the members and the already-weakened Mebius. Mebius at the time wouldn't have the energy to fly towards him.

George would be furious about the alien's actions towards Sado. He would run towards it while shooting the METEOR Shot multiple times although he already knew that they were ineffective. As the alien was about to pull out the finishing blow towards the weakened Sado, its head suddenly exploded. All members were extremely surprised by it. It turned out that Onyx Mebius was a 100-meters behind it. His arms at the time indicated that he's the one who destroyed its head from behind as he's in a 'spacium-beam' position. Mebius would look at him straight to the eyes before he detransformed on the spot alongside the Mebium Field.

A day has passed after Sado's passing. Mirai at the time was entering the Direction Room.

"He still has no mood to be here, today?", asked Mirai as he saw that George's seat was empty.

"He's been all night at the science research center, watching Sado's dead body.", said Marina.

"Poor George-san. Even though it's only a short amount of time, I think he would make a great team alongside Sado like Konomi-san with Lim and Miclas, right?", said Mizuka.

"I think it's better to not talk about Sado for the time being in front of him. Let him cool down first. He's still shocked about it.", said Sakomizu.

"So, where is he now?", asked Mirai.

"He's now at the science research center. He's been there ever since. I don't know he could ever regain his mood to be here again right after the big loss.", said Ryu.

However, Ryu's assumption appeared to be wrong as George eventually came into the direction room.

"George, do you want to eat something? I can get it for you if you want.", asked Ryu.

"It's okay, you don't have to.", said George.

"Come on, George. You haven't eaten since yesterday.", said Marina.

"I have no mood to eat, you guys. I'm sorry... Maybe I need time off.", said George while walking towards the door. Suddenly, when he looked back at his comrades, he realised that his comrades were reacting weirdly. "Guys, what's wrong?", asked George to them. And, then, he heard a squeak above his head. He tried to touch the 'thing' on his head. At that exact time, his finger got snapped by the 'thing', causing him to scream like a woman. "Why you...?!", said the furious George while bringing the 'thing' down.

At that exact moment, his face reaction would change. A big smile would be created on his face.

"SADO!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!", shouted George in excitement.

"That's Sado?!", asked Konomi.

"How did you get here, Sado?!", asked George.

"Because he loved you, George-kun.", said Misaki who recently entered the direction room.

"He loves... me?", said the curious George.

"The particle accelerator... suddenly malfunctioned. Thus, created this little... Sadora... which is basically an offshoot mutation of nanomachines with data on the recent Sadora we encountered.", said Secretary Maru who accompanied the director alongside the adjutant.

"This is exactly... the same case as Lim!", said Teppei. Coincidentally, Lim would appear right above the sleeping Eiji's head before jumping to Konomi's grasp.

"Wait... if Lim was created because of Miclas' trauma, so that means...", said Kazuya.

"Yeah, he was created... because of his love towards me. Don't you, Sado?", said George while rubbing his head. Sado would squeak childishly as a respond.

"It's really good to see you... being George again.", said Ryu.

"Why? Did you missed 'me' that much?", asked George.

"You fool. The direction room was... you know what happened.", said Marina.

"Quiet, I supposed?", asked George.

"I think they meant, the situation wouldn't be lively without you, George-san.", said Mirai.

"Oy... Oy, who said we meant that?", said Ryu who tried to cover his thoughts. Both of them would have an argument since then.

(Believe-KIYOSHI played)

However, at the same time, someone was observing the Phoenix Nest from below. Added to that, that 'someone' had a Mebius Brace at his hand. His eyes would observe the base sharply before he disappeared out of a sudden.

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