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Chapter 2: Chapter 2-Blackout

[Day 2, 2011 - 01:31:24]

{Caucasus Mountains, Russia}

Captain Price looks to his team, "The Loyalists are expecting us half a click to the north. Move out."

Gaz picks up his shotgun, "Loyalists, eh? Are those the good Russians or the bad Russians?"

"Well, they won't shoot us on sight, if that's what you're asking." Price picks up his rifle.

Gaz nods his head. "Yeah well, that's good enough for me sir."

Nat glances at them both,silently nodding her head.

The team moves out to meet the Loyalists. Nat Sees a couple of guards and shot them.They move up to the guard house ahead. Inside are two guards watching the newscast of the events in the Middle East. Price tosses a flashbang through the door and they take out the two guards.

Nat says to the team "Good work. There should be a few more guard posts up ahead. Kamarov and his men will be waiting for us in a field to the northwest."

They cross under a bridge and see two guard houses ahead. They stack up by the front house.Soap plants a claymore by the door, steps back and shoots it. The explosion allures and neutralizes them a few guards They enter and come out of a house to a private field.

Captain Price turns to Gaz. "You smell that?"

Gaz nods. "Yeah, Kamarov"

Sgt. Kamarov comes out of the bushes."Welcome to the new Russia, Captain Price." He signals his Loyalist team out of the tall grass.He took notice to Nat "And Miss Price" Kamarov's eyes trail down Nat's body for a moment. Nat raises her eyebrow.

Captain Price took notice, "What's the target, Kamarov? We've got an informant to recover.Oh, and keep your eyes off my daughter,"

Kamarov has a small smirk, "BM21s on the other side of the hill.Their rockets have killed hundreds of civilians in the valley below."

"Not so fast. Remember Beirut? You're with us."

"Hmm...I guess I owe you one." Kamarov exhales, glancing at Nat.

Nat cuts in "Bloody right you do."

The joint team of SAS and Russian Loyalists head up a hill.

Kamarov whispers to his men "Vanya, come on! Prepare to attack. Wait for my signal.This way. There's a good spot where your sniper can cover my men."

Price, Gaz, Soap, Nat and Kamarov position themselves on the cliffs above Kamarov's men. Soap pulls out his M21 suppressed and prepares to provide sniper support for Kamarov's men below.He begins to snipe targets while the Loyalists storm the village. A couple of enemies begin firing a machine gun from a house below.

Nat looks over to Soap, her voice firm "Soap, take out the machine gunners in the windows so Kamarov's men can storm the building" Soap kills the machine gunners by firing through the walls.

"Nice shot, MacMillan would be impressed." Price remarks.

As Kamarov's men move up the village, more enemies appear. An alarm sounds, and helicopters are seen flying overhead.

Sgt. Kamarov cursed, "Damn, enemy helicopters!"

"You didn't say there would be any helicopters Kamarov." Price sighs, aiming his rifle.

Kamarov notions to a house,"I didn't say there wouldn't be any either. We need to protect my men from those helicopter troops. This way" They move on to intercept the helicopter troops

Price Sighs "Make it quick Kamarov, I want that informant..."

Kamarov looks at him "You have nothing to worry about. We'll take out the BM21s and carve a path straight to your informant Captain Price."He turns to his men,"What's your status? How much time do you need?"

Nat scoffs, "We should just beat it out of him."

Price looks over at her "Not yet, Lass."

They encounter helicopter troops dropping in by the power station.

Gaz intervenes them, "Sir we've got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast!" The troops are eliminated.

Sgt. Kamarov says over the com "Captain Price, my men have run into heavy resistance. Help me support them from the cliffs."

"What about our informant? He's running out of time!"

"Then help us! The further my men can get into this village, the closer we will be to securing your informant!"

They eliminate more targets from the cliff above the village. Kamarov's men push farther into the village.They move up to the power station on the top of the hill.

Kamarov notions to the village below "Look. The final assault has already begun. With a little more of your sniper support we are sure to be victorious. Captain Price, I need to ask a favour-"

Gaz pushes and holds Kamarov on the ledge."Enough sniping! Where is the informant?"

Kamarov groans then gets flustrated "What are you doing? Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing?"

Gaz snarls "Where is he?"

Kamarov quickly gave in "The house... the house at the northeast end of the village!"

Nat scoffs "Well that wasn't so hard was it? Now go sit in the corner."

Gaz sits Kamarov down on the corner. The team gets prepared to rappel.

Nat looks at the men "Soap, Gaz. We've got to reach that house before anything happens to the informant. Let's go!"

Price, Gaz, Nat and Soap rappel down from the power station to the village. They see Ultranationalists going to the house.

Nat cussed under her breath "Bloody hell let's move. He may still be alive."

They reach the house. Nat puts on her night vision goggles "Gaz, go around the back and cut the power. Soap, get ready!"

Price and Soap put on night vision goggles and prepare to enter the house while Gaz goes around the back to cut the power.The house lights go out,making everything pitch black.

Price and Soap enter the house.

A Russian man's voice can be heard "Hm? What happened with electricity? Viktor! The electricity went out!"

Soap quickly kills the man.

Price scoffs "These night vision goggles make it too easy."

They continue through the house.They move upstairs to the second floor and kill more Ultranationalists in the house. At the last room, Soap kills the final enemy, who drops a flashlight that shines into Nikolai's face. They contact Nikolai.

Nikolai groans at the bright light "What do you want? Who are you? Special forces?"

Price helps up Nikolai and hands him an AK74u.

Nat's helping him "Nikolai - are you all right? Can you walk?"

Nikolai nods his head "Yes...and I can still fight. Thank you for getting me out of here."

Price speaks over the coms "Big Bird this is Bravo Six. We have the package. Meet us at LZ one. Over."

Big Bird responds. "Bravo Six this is Big Bird. We're on our way. Out."

They move out of the house and reach Big Bird with Nikolai. Once all aboard, Big Bird takes off.

Nikolai looks at them "Have the Americans already attacked Al-Asad?"

Price shakes his head, "No, their invasion begins in a few hours Why?"

Nikolai replies "The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive."

Price sighs and nods. 

Nat sits next to her father,she knew it was a long ride so she puts her head on Price's shoulder and closes her eyes. Price wraps his arm around her shoulder and just lets her sleep. Soap was across from them,leaning his head against the metal wall behind him. His eyes wandered but landed on the sleeping Lieutenant, she looks so peaceful. He was careful to look away before Price noticed his staring. Price's attention was mostly on his daughter,who's curled up in his side. 


{Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia}

The Black Hawk travels across the countryside when the missile lock alert begins sounding and a Stinger missile begins to close in. Nat wakes up, Confused as hell, "What the bloody hell is that?!"

Price recognized what it was, "Incoming missile! Hang on!"

The helicopter is hit and begins to spin towards the ground. Nat gets dizzy and disoriented from the flashing lights.

The Pilot shouts on the com, "Mayday, mayday! This is Hammer 6-4, we're going down, I repeat, we are going down 2 miles south of Waypoint 5!"

The helicopter crashes. Natalie woke up to her head throbbing and an intense pain in her leg, she looks at it, seeing a large piece of metal impaling her calf. She cries out in pain. Price sprinted over to her, Seeing the wound. The wrecked helicopter explodes, presumably from the fuel tank igniting. Natalie whimpers in pain, her face pale.

"You'll be alright Natalie" Price helps her up, putting her arm around his neck to give her support so she can stand.The Metal still in her leg.Nat and Price get back to the survivors, and Soap pulls out his M1911.

Price nevertheless supports Nat "Casualty report?"

Gaz looks at them "Paulsen and both pilots are dead, Sir."

Price cusses under his breath "Bugger... All right, the extraction point's not far from here. We gotta get her some help"

Price,Nat,Gaz, Soap and Nikolai begin to make their way towards the extraction point.

Baseplate speaks over the com "Bravo Six, this is Baseplate. AC-130 Gunship support is on the way, but it will take some time before they will be in a position to assist, over."

Price replies on the com "Copy. Bravo Six, out."

Nat coughs "An AC-130, eh? Haven't worked with one of those in a while."

They group up with a scout watching out for vehicles from behind a fence by the highway.

"Vehicles coming from the north." Nat stumbles for a second

Price steadies her "Get under that bridge - move it."

They sprint and Price helps Nat to take cover under the bridge as a convoy speeds past. A helicopter with a search beam also arrives and flies overhead to scout the crash site.

Price helps Nat up "Alright, let's move."

They come across the back door of an old wooden garage. Russian voices can be heard from the other side of the building.

"Hold up. We've got company."

Price silently opens the door. The room is clear but looks out onto a farmyard. A group of Ultranationalists asks a farmer where the crash survivors are. One of them becomes aggressive on him. Nat takes out her pistol shoots all of them.

"Macmillan would be impressed" Price Remarks

As they make their way through a field of long grass, the helicopter returns.

Gaz whispers "Spotlight. Hit the deck."

They go prone using the grass for cover.Price helps Nat lay down, who's confused and tries to get up.

"Stay down... Stay - Down." Price whispers to her, she nods and rests her head on the ground, closing her eyes. The helicopter passes over them.

Price looks up, "The heli's moving away. Let's go.Wait! Bloody hell, they're onto us. Get to cover! Move!"

Price scoops up Nat bridle style so shes easy to carry, he sprints to a wooden house at the far end of the field with the team.

Gaz looks at Price "Contact, six o'clock."

Price ducks down with Nat still in his arms "Return fire."

The helicopter returns and enemy reinforcements begin rappelling down at the other end of the field.They continue to fight through the house and proceed into another deserted farmyard.

Nat weakly whispers, "It's too quiet...where the hell did they go?"

Gaz: They're probably regrouping. Trying to cut us off somewhere up ahead.

Nat whispers, "Stay sharp."

They move into the courtyard. Enemies can be detected shouting and dogs barking. The dogs come running towards Soap, who reaches for the dog's head before it bites down, he twists and breaks its neck, killing it. He gets up and back into the fight. They pursue their way through the courtyard.They make their way down a shallow riverbed.The enemy vehicles roll past and the helicopter's search light moves past them.

Price says in a hushed tone "Let's move, but stay low."

They sneak through a field using haystacks and the darkness as cover to try and elude the enemies patrolling the field with flashlights. They reach the greenhouses and engage enemies. They fight their way through the greenhouses to some abandoned houses.They engage enemies at the barn at the end of the complex. They enter the barn and kill enemies inside. Stinger missiles are laying on top of the ammo crates.

Price glances at the Scottish man, "Soap! Grab a Stinger and take out that chopper. Move!"

Soap grabs a Stinger, locks on the helicopter, and fires a missile. The helicopter begins spinning before crashing into the ground.

Nat's voice is weak. "Bloody nice shooting there, Soap"

Price nods at her words, still carrying her in his arms "Good work, Soap. Everyone on me. Let's move out."

After leaving the barn, they approach a main road, where a T72 and a large convoy of trucks are unloading troops.They sneak past them

and continue on through western Russia and make their way to the extraction zone.

Price lays Nat on a row of seats, getting ready to get the metal out of her leg. Nat whimpers and cries out in pain when Price yanks out the metal.

"Sorry Nat," He quickly says, he starts to bandage her leg.

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