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Chapter 3: Homecoming

Aldrig opened his eyes. His head was still throbbing. Gently probing at his skull he felt the tight bandages that had become familiar over these past several days. He had been terrified when had first came around but Haldric had been patient and gentle. He could not believe his luck at first but reality had sunk in. He would never see his family again. He never even got to say goodbye to Isola. He vowed to himself that he would return to see her someday. Gratitude welled up in his heart as he remembered that Haldric had said he had given her a good burial.

"You're awake lad? Good, have some of this."

Al took the bowl of food that was offered. It seemed to be rabbit stew. Bits of mushroom floated about with the stringy meat. As well as several other things he did not recognise.

"Uncle Hal, where are going?" he suddenly asked. Curious about what they would do.

Haldric flinched slightly at this. Being called uncle made him feel uncomfortable. After all many years had passed since anyone had called him with anything sounding like family. He was not against it. It would just take time to get used to.

"The port of Stonecraw. I think it's best if we return to Norheim for now."

Al pondered over this. " Is that where you'll teach me about runes Uncle?"

Haldric could only sigh. "It will take years for you to be ready boy. The runes are not so simple. Before that you'll have to temper your mind and body. For that you'll have to be enrolled at the main temple of the order as an apprentice."

Aldrig had heard the legends of the Runelords from his mother and sister. Warrior priests who live in devotion to the gods of their people. Judge, jury and executioner to all who threatened their way of life. A warlord would not make a move without at least one in their army. This however required a substantial 'donation' to the Order. Beyond getting involved with wars they mainly hunted monsters. A fee would be collected from the nearby village chieftains or the domains warlord though.

His blood boiled at the thought of one day having songs sung about him in the great halls. To be called a hero by the people. He had already made up his mind to diligently study the Way of the Runes. Haldric had told him that giant Runestones were scattered around the world. Leftover by the Gods when they wandered the lands. Each one held a secret and learning the intricacies of the Runes would allow the user to distort reality in specific ways.

Ofcourse in the recent era numbers of the Runelords had discovered that by altering the rune in specific ways could change the outcome. Runes could be interchanged and combined to create new magic. This was the art of Runecrafting. A must have skill for a Runelord. The created runes could be engraved on weapons and armour to change their properties. Though to affect ones own body their Mana had to reach a certain threshold before attempting to carve a Rune into their own body. These were Enhancement runes. Unfortunately the body could only withstand six of such runes before the circulation of mana would overload, instantly killing the user. Unsurprisingly this was also how the Order judged the level of its members.

The ranks within the Order were as follows: Novice, Apprentice, Master, Lord, Elder and finally Grandmaster. Completing the six realms of runic knowledge. The six runic realms were Enhancement, Life, Elemental, Manipulation, Illusion and Mysticism. These were the realms of reality that the Runes could affect. For example Haldric's Thunder God used a combined rune of Elemental and Manipulation. By creating lighting first and manipulating it to speed up his reactions could grant him explosive speed and evasion abilities.

It was up to each Lord how they would develop themselves. After all each one would have their own style that suited them best. Al secretly hoped he was gifted in the same areas as Haldric. His battle style sounded amazing!

"Land sighted!" yelled one of the men from outside the tent.

Al got up and pushed open the flaps. Wandering about the deck of the longship. Seawater splashed his face as the ship cut through the waves. He had been apprehensive at first when they had boarded but now he could not be anymore excited. After all this would be the first time he would set foot in the land he hailed from. He had only been a baby when his parents had decided to join the settlement in Angolia.

He gazed excitedly at Stonecraw as it seemed to open up before his eyes as they neared the coast. Cheers resounded from the docks as people gathered to cheer. Excited to see warriors returning to catch news of the Invasion of Angolia. Many had high hopes of starting a new life there. The land in Norheim was just too unforgiving.

The ship sliced apart the sea as the men took up the oars and lowered the sails. The ship became boisterous with activity as the men and women on board prepared to dock. Ropes were thrown to the dock hands awaiting them, pulling the ship safely in. There was a rush as the crowd raced to shake hand give greetings. There would definitely be a feast tonight.

The tide of people suddenly halted as a solemn look came over them. The first to step off was not a normal warrior but an older man with his face covered by a hood and a luxurious fur overcoat. The boy beside him who had been excited suddenly became confused.

The crowd parted and bowed their heads with respect. This was not new to Haldric. The common folk both revered and feared the Runelords. Especially here in this town. The main temple was situated near the peak of the mountain that the town was built around. Well maybe town was no longer the correct word. It seemed to Haldric that it had grown to the size of a city in the years he had been away.

Haldric walked forward, Al closely in tow. Al looked into the faces of those surrounding them some were solemn. Others hopeful. Yet others actually looked at him with pity in their eyes. Though the younger generation, those roughly you get than twelve looked at him as if he was already a hero. After all a Runelord would never travel alone with a child. Unless said child had already been confirmed to posses mana. This meant that the fellow child before them had been accepted as an apprentice! They could only dream of such a life!

Al's eyes met with those of a young girl. She glanced away as she felt her cheeks redden. This reaction confused him. Though he could not help but glance back every now then.

When they rounded a corner in the street the man beside her spoke.

"Keep your eyes on that one Askarr. He's sure to be something the next time you see him."

She could only nod in agreement. Even her father who was the Jarl of Stonecraw had to show respect to the Lords. 'Hopefully he'll survive till then.' She thought.

The chilling winds felt like they cut Al to the bones. If Uncle Haldric had not provided him with a spare cloak he would have frozen to death by now! The rugged mountain made his legs ache and snow had started to fall the higher they climbed. Every now and then they would pass under intricately carved archways as if signalling the distance to the temple. Once they even had to cross a slim bridge as the path disappeared. He had looked down then and instantly swore to himself never again. He kept his head down and covered as much as possible. This was the reason he had failed to notice that Haldric had stopped as he walked into him.

"What the hell!" he grumbled.

Haldric chortled. "We're here lad."

Al glanced beyond the snow. The silhouette of massive walls and buildings piercing the skyline reaching even higher could be seen behind them. A chill crawled up his spine as he realised that some of the higher points between the buildings were interlinked by bridges that had no barriers! He could bared make out people crossing them as if there was nothing wrong with it! He was suddenly feeling very dizzy as he imagined falling from such a place. Nope even thinking about it seemed to be bad for his health.

The giant stone doors creaked open making the snow pile up to the sides. Curious onlookers could be seen through the gap.

Two men and a woman walked out from within. The woman had a look as though she was ready to commit murder. Al unconsciously hid behind Haldric. Without warning she suddenly burst out laughing.

"Haldric you old bastard! I wondered who would wander up here!" She yelled with glee. Her voice giving off a feeling of warmth to all who heard it.

"Olda! Is that anyway to speak to your senior and old mentor!" he yelled back, "Lets get inside! My balls are aching from this cold!"

They heartily laughed at each other. Leaving Aldrig more than confused. 'So much for dignity' he smiled bitterly following the couple. 'I guess this is home now.'

Antihero Antihero

If you've made it this far then thank you. I know the first couple of chapters is where you can really lose people. I hope you all with have the patience to stick with me as we continue on. Please comment and/or rate it's much appreciated.

On another note if you have any questions I'm happy to answer. Thank you all again and see you next chapter. Yeah, next chapter.

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