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15.38% The Pyre

Chapter 2: Chapter Two: Reminiscing


"Good morning Pasha, I trust you rested well." I couldn't help but smile under the satin sheets. My Osha. "The question is, did you?" I mused emerging from my nest of pillows. There she stood, her curly hair tumbling down her back in all it's red glory like wildfire, her eyes pools of mud, which to her expense I poke fun at. It's difficult to recall her once being a putrid smelling little girl from the pits. I never intended on caring for her so, she assailed me with those eyes filled with fear and wonder. Never had I cared for a pet, let alone a human pet. As she aged into beauty, it all started to shift. I hadn't planned on her otherworldly looks, she was immaculate. The mouth that once ate with reckless abandon now pouted with pink innocence, her scrawny body now curved with womanhood, her voice laced with a seduction of a siren. She was mine by right which made the improper thoughts more rampant. I shook my head in shame. Get it together. "I'll rest better when I escape here someday." She retorted smartly. "Is that so? Have I given you leave?" This immediately warranted a pillow to my face. "You're such a shit." She giggled. I enjoyed the back and forth, she treated me as if I were one of her people. I hopped from my bed and stretched. "Mind your tongue." Misha snapped entering my chambers. "Yes, Master Misha." She bowed. It was shocking to say the least, Misha permitted her to informally address him by his first name. Now the "Master" part he had to uphold for personal appearances. "Yes, yes, as you were." He waved. She bowed once more before gathering my bedding. "Father wants to see you, I'm assuming it's about our name day." He sarcastically replied. We both knew nothing good could come from today, he held no love for us, that was no secret. Not one, but two sons held the capacity to dethrone him. It was only a matter of time, he knew they would one day over power him. He resented the prospect greatly. "Ahem!" Osha cleared her throat, capturing our attention. "I have something for you two, a gift, for your name day, I bribed the smith with a fresh loaf of bread to make them for me." From her apron she produced two bracelets. They were of silver, the abbreviation of our names engraved on each. "I figured... since you two are so close, you wouldn't mind having a piece of each other." Bashfully placing the gifts in our hands. "We do not require gifts." Misha stated as he eyed the bracelet with my name in his hands. "It's lovely, I'll cherish it forever Osha." I replied thankfully. WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO HER? Misha eyes caught mine. SHE CARES FOR US MISHA, PLEASE PLAY NICE, WHO ELSE HAS EVER DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS? He responded with an exasperated sigh. "I thank you for the trinket... Osha." He managed. A smile splayed across her face, "No need, you both have done so much for me, it's the least I could do." She gathered the linens then scurried off.


After I had finished washing Pasha's and Misha's bedding outside, I hung them out to be dried. With them around, this place was bearable, I'd gladly tackle any task in their name, I owed them this. I despised being a slave don't get me wrong, but the brothers eased the pain of this. They felt more like childhood friends rather than my masters. I was grateful, had God not blessed me that night, I'd have been long dead, robbed of my skin, fed to hounds leaving not a trace behind. Watching the linens dry, I begin to think back on Misha, he seems to trust me more by letting me in his chambers. He's never been sentimental but in his own way, if you look very intently, you can see he has a hint of kindness. Returning with fresh linens for both, I expertly crisped the sheets to perfection, not a wrinkle in sight, the smell of fresh air lingering in the threads. When I was satisfied with another task completed, I sought out the brothers. I was to comb through their collection of books, discarding the ones too tattered to read. I wondered if I could persuade them to teach me to read. Making way through the mazes of corridors, I found my destination to be up ahead. As I neared I heard Pasha's voice howling through the halls, I picked up the pace, gathering my dress in my hands. Pasha!

Bursting through the doors of the throne room, I quickly assessed that no harm had come to him. Misha's face was full of malice, Pasha knelt beside him quaking with anger, all heads snapped to me as I entered, including the King's. The situation escalated leaving me bewildered, how could the day turn so quickly? "Filth! How dare you enterer these chambers and interrupt me! I am your King!! Guards remove this wretch at once and give her a lashing to remind her of her place!" Just as I entered, I was being dragged out. "You will NOT! I will kill you where you can stand!" Pasha spat, saliva dripping from his mouth. Misha pinned him down, his eyes full of concern. The King held is hand up, making the guards freeze. "Enough Brother," he then met his father's gaze. "I'll take her lashings." How did this turn so quickly? Bitterness rose in my mouth, I knew the answer. I grew to be too comfortable in their presence. "I will not allow anyone to take punishment that is meant for me." I interjected, not meeting their gaze. The King obviously amused waved his hand in my direction. "Hmmm it seems this putrid gash holds some interest to you two" He mused. "We shall rectify this. No heirs of mine will fraternize with such vermin." The finality in his voice sent my body in shivers. Turning to Pasha he glared, "And YOU will obey me and serve me at the vanguard or so help me I will make you pay. You know well I make good of my threats boy."

The vanguard? What does he mean? Pasha sagged in defeat, Misha's eyes were still on me, fury flashing clearly through them. "Guards, make certain there's no interference." He motioned to Misha and Pasha. Guards swarmed them, elbows, fists and feet coming down on the two until they were submitted under thick chains and wrestled to the wall occupying the side of the room. Latches hung from the stone meant to hold prisoners in place, the guards brought them to the side, clearly struggling to attach them to wall, Pasha and Misha did not make it easy for them. "Bring her forth." Desperate attempts made by both brothers to free themselves proved fruitless. "It's okay." I managed. The guards ushered me forward until I was in front on the King, I felt the foot of a guard prod the back of my knee bringing me down. His cold eyes surveyed me, creeping over every detail of my face. "You seem familiar to me." His gaze now narrowed in suspicion. "I am but a servant your Grace." I bowed my head so as not to look upon him, my body grew rigid with anticipation. "Indeed you are, yet you are brazen enough to consort with your superiors. You must be held accountable." The king replied coldly, with the nod of his head I was yanked to my feet. Calm. Breath. Breathe. Breathe. I mustered what little courage to prepare myself, I shuddered, feeling the cold bite of steel being slapped on my wrists. They positioned me in front of a vertical wooden beam, as I neared it I could make out scratch marks and blood from its other victims. The manacles once secure, were hooked onto the 'Fool's Post' which served for public flogging and entertainment to those watching. More struggles from Pasha and Misha could be heard, my positioning obscured them from my view. This was by far my first lashing but I still feared it greatly, each time it seemed to take on new levels of pain, I knew what lied ahead which is why perhaps it made it worse. The guard attending then ripped my dress from the collar down, the coolness of air hitting my back. I huffed audibly trying to prepare for pain, with the nod from the King, down came the first lash. "Huuaaaaaaahhhhh! I cried out. I could feel my skin give way under the whip's force with a pop, my flesh opened instantly. The sting was unbearable, my legs shook, my breath coming in short gasps. Another lash. Hisses emitted from Pasha and Misha, unbridled fury showing clearly in their face. Another lash. I refused to give the King satisfaction over my pain, nor intensify Misha and Pasha's fear for me. The lash came down again, I bite my lip, groans escaping frequently. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. This time the lash crossed another, I faltered, my legs gave out from under me. Lash. "Enough!" Pasha pleaded. I could hear the King's laughter, crazed and unyielding. "When you know your places! Strike her hard, to further drive this home!" He demanded. Two more deafening lashes, I couldn't move I couldn't speak, the pain was a stinging fire burning my skin. I will die right here, is this what you felt Mother? I'm coming home to you soon. Tears escaped, falling with reckless abandon, I could no longer hear nor see, have I passed on?


Our father rose from his seat, a grin of satisfaction on his lips. He cleared his throat, turning his head towards us. "Clean this up and dispose of this," he motioned to Osha's too still body. "Before I change my mind." In a gust he exited the room leaving Pasha and I there. As Osha lay in her own blood, I fought against the chains holding me, I'll fucking kill him. Pasha started blankly ahead refusing to look at her. "Why did she burst in here the way she did, she knew better, she knew better..." he muttered more to himself. I glanced Osha's away again, her blood pooling around her. Then it hit us with a staggering force. The scent of her blood caressed our nostrils unleashing the beasts within us. "She smells amazing..." Pasha breathed, struggling against the chains that bound him. His vampyr had taken over, his strength increased, breaking his bindings. He was in rare form, but then again so was I. I let my Vampyr rise and released myself, feeling the clang of freedom. The chains sat in a bundle at my feet. It was forbidden for us to ever show our true strength in front of our father, it was only used as a way to challenge authority. If we lost ourselves doing so, she could pay the price. Pasha ran to her side, her limp bloodied body was already in his arms. His eyes trailed over her hungrily, I could see his fangs lower, his eyes icy, I could see him struggling. " I'll take her." I offered breaking his trance, a growl emitted from his throat. "You're in no condition to care for her. Feed then come to my chambers." Taking her from him hastily, I gave him no other option but to do as he was told. What a fool this one is. She knew well not to barge in the throne room, of course that idiot was rather loud. I knew it was her love and devotion that drove her, what I could not figure out was, the fact her love was that of a servant or that of a woman. Humans were a very complex species when it came to such matters. Nevertheless I had a duty to care for the girl, my actions brought her here, the least I could do was be take responsibility.

Laying her face down on the thick fur of my rug, I surveyed Osha's wounds. Flesh in ribbons hung from her body, blood oozed at a steady pace, my mouth watered. I found myself needing to taste her, I knelt over, hovering my mouth over her back. No. I need not taint myself with peasants blood even if it is hers. With the shake of my head I pulled away, I unsheathed my blade which I kept snug by my side. I brought the blade to my wrist, I bore down to make the gash deep for it would be healing soon. Warm red sprung from me like a fountain, I held my arm out, showering her in it. I began to feel aroused by the sight of her coated in me, a deep satisfaction came over me. I felt myself grow down below, she was a human yes but for some reason, though I refused to admit many times over, I wanted her. I left momentarily for a basin of water and cloth, gathering my composure I returned, knelt beside her and placed the cloth in the water. For a peasant she was graced distinguishing features rivaling that of royalty. Her face still neutral as she slept, I studied her. I recollected our first meeting, her small silhouette against the flames, her helplessness. My incompetence cost this girl every thing she had, the sharp spear of guilt thrust into me. Steeling myself, I willed my mind to obey me. Focus.


My back...knife..blood..everywhere...

I fought against myself to open my eyes, when I finally did, I found I was in Misha's bed chambers. "Youuu idiot!" Misha. I shifted slightly to face him, such beauty even now. I made an attempt to raise myself, wait there was no pain, but how was that even possible? Pacing in a furious frenzy he stopped to look at me. "You have been spoken to!" His canines hung low, his eyes aglow, this was an entirely new level of his wrath. The familiar cramp of fear came in intense waves. My mind went to the Old Man's Lair, the life completely drained from me. He was about to speak again but I took the opportunity away from him. "What did you do? Did...did you take me below?" My scalp prickling once more, I was overcome with the same terror I felt that day. His eyes slightly softened, adjusting to a more calmer stance whilst his fangs retracted. "I did not." He bit out crossing his arms. I moved to the sitting position. "But how did-?" "That is not the business of the help, I have a mind to strike you for forgetting yourself!" He snapped. "You are forbade from roaming about, you may return to your quarters until I send for you." Obediently I rose from the bed and began gathering the bedding yet again. "That will not be necessary, get out." His clipped tone sending me on my way. I was dumbfounded as to the quick turn of events, not only that but the fact I was entirely fine. What did he do? I wondered.

Outside, I hurried to tidy my appearance before someone caught me, taking a gasp of air in, I released it in a huff. I had no clue as to my position now, deep down the fear of being snuffed out in my sleep began to gnaw at me. I followed my Master's instructions and thought better to make myself scarce. I had successfully managed to find my way back to my quarters. I closed the door behind me, leaning against it as I stared into the darkness of my room. A profound sense of shame sliced into me as it did every time I entered the room. The others lived in squalor yet here I sit in a room with privacy, a bed to sleep in, a window to see they days turn into nights. I was far more fortunate than they were. I vowed to myself I'd never complain about my circumstances, how could I? I of course had dreams once, of one day leaving this place with them, the Vampyrs wiped away from the earth by some mighty force. For my brothers and sisters to be liberated from their Hell. I wanted to be the type of person to save them, to be their knight, to charge into battle for them. I had been slapped by the reality of the truth, I was weak, who was I in the vast mass of people who all had their own lives, who all mattered? I had no mighty sword, I've not once even held one. I lacked the courage for fear of losing my own life, I was a coward, the same as my enslaved people. We were too frightened to fight. More fundamentally it simply came down to this one fact: They are Vamprys, who possesses unearthly amounts of some strange power, we on the other hand, were completely mortal. I let out a heavy sigh as I climbed onto the bed, I lay there for only a moment before I was swept away by sleep.

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