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42.85% Bullet Wound

Chapter 3: Screw You Life

Before you continue this chapter may contain

•Abusive/Graphic Violence

•Sexual content


•Mature language

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~Bullet Wound~

-Chapter 3-

"I like your moxie love" the boss man says while he walks over and put his what I soon find out to be chloroform cloth over my face as I slowly close my eyes. Darkness all I see is darkness in-till I open my eyes and I'm in a dimly lit black room I have to squint because my eyes need to adjust to the small probably broken light hanging from the ceiling. I try to rub my eyes but my hands and feet are tied to a chair by the looks of it, it looks older light blue and made out of wood.

It finally hits me that I've been kidnapped by god knows who and all I could do is scream and that's exactly what I did I screamed like a banshee. The boss man comes running down what sounds like stairs and practically brakes down the door then he just stared at me. Screaming and crying I could see slight pain in his eyes while looking at me but he should know that this pain is his fault because I finally got free just to be in another trap.

I can only imagine the things he's going to do to me and I'm shaking from ether fear, anger or sadness I just can't take being a prisoner again. "Love I-" he tries to say before I interrupt him "Your a asshole! You know that right? You could of let me go but nooo of course NOT! Because nothing good happens in my life and also listen up here YOUR A GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH who PROBABLY KIDNAPS PEOPLE WHO HAVE A BIGGER MASSIVE HUGE C-" before I finish my sentence he walks over and grabs my face tightly with his massive hands. "Listen here YOU MAYBE ABLE TO TALK TO OTHER GUYS LIKE THIS BUT NEWS FLASH YOU CAN'T TALK TO THE HEIR OF THE ITALIAN MAFIA LIKE THAT" he said practically screaming in my face and I couldn't help but let myself cry. I think he realized what he did and let go of me the worst part about it is that I couldn't even hide my face so he doesn't see my weakness because right now it's on full display.

He tried to walk close to me again but I can't help but flinch knowing these a high probability that he'll hurt me, even more then I am. He walks around me and unties my hands and legs, my reaction like most others is to go into a corner like a worthless baby and cry. Then I snapped out of it and ran past the guy who had previously untied me and ran up the stairs I figured were there from the noise they make. I booked it out the door and didn't stop running even when I heard voices yell from behind me I just ran intill my legs turned numb and I could hear my heart in my ears.

I've never been so happy to see the flickering neon red apartment sign I run inside and go into the elevator. Then I realized I could have DIED like there and then not even living my soon adulthood, there are very very many things I still need to do in life and that all could have been taken away from me. I didn't even realize I was crying hard in-till I could taste my salty tears running down my face then I feel my cheeks start to burn. Then the breath escaping my chest un-willingly and I couldn't help my legs failing and me falling onto my butt.

Finally the elevator opens and I crawl on my hands and knees out of it and slowly reaching my room. I gather what strength I have left in my legs and stand to unlock my door then slowly crawl in and lock it behind me. I practically faint onto my couch and I start to drift off to sleep after a very very very VERY long day.


Three brief hard knock jolt be awake from my sleep and I sigh and ask "Who is it?" it takes a few seconds before I get a response but then I do "It's me Mario" and there's no way in hell I'm answering the door now. "Sincerely Fuck off! Oh and I quit you know I have a complicated past so why the HELL would you throw me to a couple of power hunger small dicked FINE piece of ass men!? Huh don't have a answer yeah I don't care even if you do" I said as I slowly walk back on-to my couch. "Please there here and they said if you don't open the door they'll kill me!!?" I scough. "Good! Get em boys like the good dogs you are" I replied coldly and sarcastically before I know it the door slams open and two pen run in it's Xavier and boss man. I grab my knife as Xavier runs and pins me against the wall, I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and stab him in the back LITTLERLY as he instantly drops me and I fall on my knees.

I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and I try to get up again but he picks me up by my hair me in the air struggling. Then as fast as I know it I feel a dart hit me as I slowly drift off to sleep but just before I do I hear them argue. "You HAD THAT THE WHOLE TIME!?" The other one replies with "yeah but it was nice to see a girl beat hour ass" then I fall asleep.

I open my eye to be greeted to un-Surprisingly the same room tied to the same chair but this time the boss man was sitting in-front of me. I have no time for tears I kept repeating to myself while waiting for him to talk but then I thought screw it I'll talk "You must have a tiny dick" I said. Honesty that's not what I ment to say but that's the only thing I could say my stupid sarcastic comments. "Well on this topic let's stop talking about my cock, you've been mightily interested in it, it's almost like you'd like to see my massive c-" before he finished his sentence Xavier walks in the room and just stares at me. "Hey do I have something on my face? Or something?" I say but they both ignore me and look at me or what I soon find out to be my neck. "Who did this to your neck?"

What there referring to is the hand marks on my neck. I want to say there from... you guessed it Derek it was from when I tried to have fun on go to a fancy restaurant with my friends. It was only a week ago, it wasn't long ago but I'm not about to say that to two random strangers to happen to be in the mafia.

"I like to be choked" then both of them look at me and Xavier laughs I could tell the boss man didn't believe me but it doesn't matter as long as he doesn't know anything for sure. "Asher she sure is the love of my life" said Xavier. Ooh boss mans name is Asher~ Xavier leaves the room so it's just me and Asher now "What really happened?" He asks, I'm not going to tell him of course. "Let me out of here!?" I demanded trying to change the subject and get answers.

-End of the Chapter-


I just want to say that I'm just trying to get as many chapters out as I can because I'm busy through out this week. But I also want the chapters to be good chapters not these rushed chapters so it might take awhile but I hope you enjoyed regardless

Love you kisses byeee


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