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9.09% Luna
Luna Luna original


Author: MsRightHand

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Epilogue

Luna and Vladimir are like Adam and Eve, they are the first creatures not made by God, but by the Demon King, Lucifer, to harm the greatest creatures created by God who are Adam and Eve, the first male and female human beings. Due to jealousy and greed, Lucifer decided to copy the greatest creatures of God, but he wanted to surpass God's creatures, so he made Vladimir and Luna with the same image of God's greatest creations, but with more charm and perfect physical appearance, both face and body. Since Lucifer wanted his creatures to rule the world, he made them a blood-sucking monsters, meaning their primary food are those who have blood and God's greatest creations' blood will be the most delicious for them.

At first, Vladimir and Luna are just like beautiful wild animals, hunting for food, they are just brutes who have no intellect and free will. But when God's greatest creation fell into the trick of Lucifer which is to eat the fruit of Good and Evil, God became so disappointed and banish Adam and Eve from Paradise. God already knew what the Demon King plans, so He played along. The Demon King planned to banish Adam and Eve from Paradise, so they can be Vladimir and Luna's meal, but God already secretly approached Vladimir and Luna before He banished His creations.

"Vladimir and Luna, I will give you free will, incredible intellect, long lives, reincarnation and "Imperium", the power to control your future descendants using your mind or words, but you shall never harm my greatest creations" He said as He casts His divine powers on them.

Since Vladimir and Luna obtained incredible intelligence from God, they vowed their loyalty to Him and promised to never hurt Adam, Eve and even their next generations.

"You and your descendants will now be called Vampires" God said.

He let Vladimir and Luna to live in the same world with Adam and Eve. Both creatures knew the existence of each other, but due to the beastly instinct of Vladimir and Luna, they can't help but felt extreme hunger when they are near Adam and Eve, so instead of harming them unconsciously, humans and vampires agreed to live separately. Vladimir created a magical barrier in between the two lands. No humans can enter the vampire realm and no vampires can enter the human realm, except if they have the 'blood key', a key made of Adam and Vladimir's blood. There are only two blood keys, one is for the vampire realm and the other one is for human realm.

For 100 years, Vladimir, Luna and their descendants isolated themselves from humans. The world is in peace, but Lucifer won't allow it. He tricked one of Vladimir and Luna's child, Cassius. Out of the 12 children of Vladimir and Luna, Cassius is the most powerful and intelligent vampire. One day, he met a beautiful young lady named Lucia whom he fell in love for the first time, but little does he know that she is Lucifer's offspring from a human. Lucia's feelings was used by Lucifer in order to fulfill his plans. He planned to create a war between humans and vampires. He does not care whether humans or vampires will be annihilated, what he wanted is to have chaos in the world and revenge.

Cassius was wandering near the barrier when a beautiful lady caught his eyes and it was Lucia. He tried to ignore her at first, but Lucia's sorrowful yet beautiful eyes caught him off-guard. For the first time in his life, he felt like he needed to protect this person. He comforted her whenever Lucia comes near the barrier. They shared their stories and secrets with each other, until both of them completely fell in love with each other.

"Do you even know what are you doing, Cassius?!" Vladimir angrily said.

"Yes. Please allow us to get wed, Father" Cassius pleading his father as he tightly hold the hand of Lucia.

"She is a human!" Vladimir insisted.

"I know, but still..." Cassius worriedly said.

"Humans are not allowed to enter this land without that key. Who are you? Where did you get the key?" Luna asked Lucia.


"Cassius, I'm not asking you" she said as she gave a sharp look on Cassius.

"I... I am Adam and Eve's granddaughter, Lucia. I got this key from Grandpa" she said with a little fright in her voice and showed the 'blood key'.

Luna sighed and rubbed her temples, while Vladimir shook his head and with disappointment in his face.

"Do you know the original color of that key?" Luna asked.

"The key...?" Lucia asked and looked at the crimson key.

"Are you that desperate that you even kill your own grandfather?" Luna sharply said.

Lucia trembled and get shocked. Lucifer said to her that she needed the 'blood key' in order for her and Cassius to become happy. Adam did not agree to the reasons of Lucia and due to her extreme anger and desperation, she planned to kill Adam and steal the 'blood key'. After she stole the key, she immediately went to the barrier. As soon as Cassius arrived, Lucia opened the barrier using the key. At first, Cassius was surprised and many questions arose in his mind, but due to his love to Lucia, he never questioned her.

"No... I just wanted to be with Cassius..." she said in tremble.

"You cannot go back to the human realm, but we cannot let you stay in our realm too, so leave. Leave this place without our son" Vladimir said.

"Why?!" Cassius hysterically asked.

"If she stayed here, the humans who are now searching for her in order to get revenge, will become our enemies and that is the situation I never wanted to happen. For 100 years, we were able to obtain peace in this world by not involving with humans, but if we let that lady live in our realm, it will be an extreme chaos" Vladimir added.

"I won't leave Cassius!" Lucia refuted.

"If you really love our son, you will leave because if you don't, all of us will be attacked by humans and when I mean all, it means Cassius is included" Luna said.

Lucia who is confident just a moment ago, started to felt depressed and tears started to flow from her eyes. Cassius can't bear to see the woman she loved and cared to be in sorrow, so he comforted her immediately by tightly hugging her.

"We will leave this place" Cassius whispered in Lucia's ear. In that moment, Lucia and Cassius disappeared like a smoke. He used one of the abilities of a vampire and that is to teleport.

Humans who are outraging for what happened to Adam, immediately took their anger on vampires because Lucifer, who disguised as one of them, tricked them by spreading a twisted information that Cassius is the one who seduced Lucia in order to kill Adam so that humans will fear vampires. He made it look like Cassius and his whole family are all greedy for power that they even used Lucia for their plan to rule the world. Since they were tricked by Lucifer, humans decided to attack the vampire realm. They cannot enter without the key, so Lucifer helped them by breaking the barrier. Since Vladimir and Luna promised to God that they will never harm humans, they tried to negotiate with them, but all humans still attacked them and all they did is to dodge and run away. Seeing the chaos created by Lucifer, God let His voice be heard.

"I won't allow anyone to get hurt because of a trick of a demon. Humans, stop this violence right now!" God angrily said and humans immediately put down their weapons. A man who was greatly influenced by Lucifer snorted.

"You allow those monsters to kill Adam, but not for us? Isn't that unfair, God?" he sarcastically asked.

"Unfair? All this time I believed that all humans will be free from sin and yet from time to time, you all disappointed me. Instead of caring for your kind, you kill and steal and did many more sins, but the promised that you call 'monsters' made to me never broke, they keep on their promise that they will never harm humans, so tell me now who is unfair?" God said.

"But Cassius, their son, just used Lucia!" the man argued.

"Lucia was never controlled by Cassius, it was her will to kill Adam" God replied which made all humans surprised.

"But our lives will be in danger if these monsters continued to live in the world!" the man still argued and God remained silent.

"If you let them live, we will hunt them until all of them extinct" the man added and the vampires are starting to get enraged, especially Zella, the eldest child of Vladimir and Luna.

"God, please let me propose a solution" Luna said.

"Go ahead" God answered.

"Appoint vampire slayers" she said and this statement made both humans and vampires surprised.

"If one of my kind started to harm any of your greatest creation, I will allow them to kill my kind. In this way, peace can be maintained and our promise to you will never be broken" Luna added.

"You might not be my creation, but I admire you because no one has the courage to offer the life of their kind in order to maintain peace. In return, all vampires can live with humans without that barrier and from now on you are now my creation" God said.

The proposal that Luna said that day backfired to her after 20 years because she was brutally killed by Night, the most dangerous vampire slayer. Out of guilt, Vladimir declared a decree that all future Queens of the Vampires must be called "Luna", the name of his beloved Queen.

Reincarnation is only applied to vampires and not for humans. If a vampire died and he/she wanted to be reincarnated, a pure and sincere prayer to God must be sent by that specific vampire. All vampires retained their past memories and physical appearance once reincarnated, unless they sinned against God, their soul will never be reincarnated and will forever be gone.

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