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Chapter 4: HUNTING

A boy is currently sitting on a chair reading a book their are several books beside him he closed the book he was reading. he opens his pocket watch he stood up you maybe wondering who is this but it was I Dio....*ahem* of course it's our MC Oliver who do you think it was?!

[Oliver P.O.V]

"I have 10 minutes left before we go I should get ready *sigh* I finished up to page 49 and the book has a total of 200 page I learned that their are a lot of different kind of magic like Elemental magic, Light magic, Dark magic, Manipulation magic, Demon Magic, Demon Slayer magic, Dragon Magic, Dragon slayer magic, special magic and Spatial magic, ect. and to check my stats I need a special type of paper called magic scroll as written at page 42-49 if only I have that currently"

'why do you need it?' Sarah said

"because I want to check my stats duh" I said

' its not like the one your speaking to is a system or anything hmph' Sarah sarcastically Said


'If you want to check your stats you can just ask me you know. BAKA'

"*sigh* God why do you have to give me tsundere system"


"*sigh* can I see my stats"



'because You're a moron'

"*sigh* please?"



'hell no'

"pretty please?"

'still no'

"pretty please~"


"pretty please Sarah-chan~"

'w- f-fine'

"knew it"

'what did you say?!'

"nothing Sarah-chan~"

'here's you stats hmph'


Name: Oliver

Surname: Cecil

age: 4

level: 1


Mana: 1000/1000

Hunger: full

Mood: very happy

Condition: healthy

likes: reading, learning new stuff, music and burger

dislikes: several small holes (Trypophobia)

magic affinity:all


Shadow monarch [Dark magic]

ability to summon the undead as a shadow soldier's the dead must be


Shadow exchange [Dark magic]

ability to exchange position with a shadow soldier

cool down:none

Shadow manipulation [Dark magic][active]

ability to control the shadow it self and it also protect the user

multiply [special magic]

ability to clone one self

mana: 20 per clone

chant: multiply

duration:10 minutes

all tongue [manipulation magic][active]

ability to speak and read any type of language by manipulating the words itself

truth seeker [special magic][active]

ability to see the person's basic powers and to see if he is lying by looking at their eyes for 5 second

perfect copy [special magic][active]

ability to copy someone perfectly by looking at them for 5 times

exchange [Spatial magic]

ability to exchange places with someone or something in cost of slightly lost of eye sight

mana cost: 50

usage: 15 per week

Dimensional gates[Spatial magic]

ability to create Gates to travel other universe

unlimited blade work [spatial magic]

ability to make a replica of a weapon that the user wants. the weapons is stored in a different dimension

re-equip [spatial magic]

ability to make a replica of a armor that the user wants. the armor is stored in a different dimension

re-growth [light magic]

if the user has lost a limb it will begin to regenerate it takes month to regenerate a severed limbs


common illness

tier 1-3:poison, paralyzed, blindness and nausea




[3 person P.OV]

[10 minutes of preparing]

"so are you ready to leave" Ulric said to Oliver

"yup all the things I needed is in the carriage" Oliver said

"then what are we waiting for. let's go we don't want your grandpa waiting right son" Ulric said to Oliver

"yup. Caine follow" Oliver said. Caine followed him to the carriage

[30 minutes later]

the carriage stop at a cabin and two figure are standing in front of it

[Oliver P.O.V]

"ahh you're finally he I thought you'd never come" the old man said while hugging my father

'who is he?'

'he is your grandfather the former king Leo and beside him is his wife queen Ellyn' Sarah said

"ahh and you have also bring Oliver huh. let me guess you're going to teach him how to hunt" my grandfather said while walking Infront of me

"move! you old fool I want to see my grandson it's been ages since I saw him" my grandma said pushing my grandfather to the side and hugging me

"ages?! we just visited them yesterday" my grandpa muttered

"shut up you old fool or do you want to sleep in the couch. for me it's been far too long and don't ruin the fun"

"*gulp* y-yeah it's been ages since we saw him" and he whispered something to my dad but because my sense are 5x better than a normal person I heard what they are talking about

"women are scary is Isabel the same?" my grandfather said

"*sigh* yup they are the same she said that if she saw a single scratch in Oliver I'm dead" my dad whispered to grandpa

"*clap*clap* we should start hunting" my father said. I wave good bye to my grandma as we enter the forest

"here son. I'll teach you how to use a bow and how to hunt hmm their *he carved a target in a tree* I want you to hit it" my father said giving me a bow

my dad explained how to use a bow but I already know how to use it because in my previous life I have already know how to use a bow because my son really love hunting so when he invited me to go hunting I saw him bringing a bow and I have bring a sniper rifle and when my son saw it I saw the disgust in his face. he said that the true way to hunt is to use a bow and it hurt my pride as father seeing my son looking at me as if something is wrong with me so I took classes on how to use a bow and it also strengthen our bond because he would give advice on how to use a bow so I already know how to use a bow before I got reincarnated

"breathe. now aim and realise it when you are ready"

*inhale* I realise the arrow it hit bulls eye I got another one and it hit bulls I again and again and again until all 5 arrow hit the bull's eyes

[a/n: similar to how Merida shot the arrow inside another arrow from brave but instead of just a single arrow it was 5]

"way the go son! your a natural at this" my dad said happily

"unlike someone who took mouth's just to hit near the tree and another month to hit the tree" my grandpa said

" it took me that long because of terrain"

"it was flat land"

"the sun was always in my face it was hard to shot"

"we have a tent that covered you because you're always whining about it"

"the bow you gave me sucks"

"the one that Oliver is using is the one you used"

*sigh* my father whispered something to my grandpa but I heard what he said" dad don't embarrassed me Infront of my son. please?" my grandfather just laugh it off

"*ahem* now son I'm going to teach you how to track an animal" my father said but of course I already know how to track animal so I pretend I was listening

[5 minutes of explaining]

"and that's how you track an animal I want you to do it" my father said to me

[5 minutes of searching for a foot print]

I found a foot print I have checked and confirmed it came from a deer

"oh so you have found a foot print what animal is it?" my grandpa ask me and he was with my father

"based on the hoofed shape and size it came from a deer" I answered

"ohh you already know what type of animal it was. even though your father didn't tell you what foot print do animals left he just told you how to find them" my grandfather was surprised

'It was at this moment he knew he fucked up' Sarah send it to my brain so I can hear it

"I uhh once read it in a book hahaha" I said with nervous laugh at the end (• ▽ •;)

"hahaha that's Oliver for you dad he really loves to read. one day a guard once caught him reading several books at the castle library it was already passed his bed time so me and Isabel have decided to forbid him to go to the castle library until he turned 10 that was his punishment" my father said to my grandfather

'*phew* good thing dad was here and really Sarah ಠ︵ಠ' I said to my head

'what? that was for teasing me earlier hmph' Sarah said

"what are we waiting for let's find this deer" my father said raising his sword

[5 minutes of tracking]

their it is the deer we have been looking for it was currently drinking in a lake. I took out my bow *inhale**exhale* I took the shot it hits the deer in the head killing it immediately my father walks to it to confirm the kill

"right in the head. nice shot Oliver" my father said while giving me a thumbs up

[a/n: similar to how guy gave Lee a thumbs up]

"congrats Oliver on your fist kill. let's take it to your grandma you'd love her cooking"

[10 minutes of walking back to the cabin]

we we're walking back my dad and grandpa was walking several feet's away from me. I was taken a back by the beautiful view the cabin was beside a waterfall and the sunset was shining through it was so beautiful that a single tear came out of my eye on top of that the view looks like it came from one of those high end animes

"we're back" my grandfather said

"why did you bring me a deer that is so skinny it had barely any meat and it's so dirty where did you even find this in the sew-" my grandma was cut by my grandpa

" shh *point at me* he was the one that killed it" my grandpa whispered to my grandma

"my grandson killed it!!!" my grandma said pushing my dad and grandpa to the side to hug me

[5 minutes later]

I was sitting on a log my grandma is cooking the deer. my dad and grandpa was collecting some sticks from the forest

"hey Oliver I heard that you like reading. is that true?" my grandma suddenly ask

I just nodded my head while scratching Caine under his ear

"*giggle* you remind me of myself when I was younger all I want to do is learn everything in the world. here take this" my grandmother gave me a paper

"what's this grandma?" I ask

"it's a magic scroll it's my gift for you I think you already know how to use it. correct?"

I opened the magic scroll and drop a bit of blood in it and word are suddenly written on the magic scroll


Name: Oliver, Cecil

age: 4

level: 1


mana: 200/200

Magic affinity: all


Shadow monarch [Dark magic][U]

ability to summon the undead as a shadow soldier's


Shadow exchange [Dark magic][U]

ability to exchange position with a shadow soldier

cool down:?

Shadow manipulation [Dark magic][U]

ability to control the shadow it self

multiply [special magic][U]

ability to clone it self

mana cost: 20 per clone

chant: multiply

exchange [Spatial magic][U]

ability to exchange places with someone or something

mana cost: 200


my grandma was surprised when she was looking at my stats

'hmph I'm more in depth when giving your stats' Sarah said in my head

'that's weard it didn't show all of my skill like all tongue, truth seeker, perfect copy and Dimensional gates and some information are not written here that's weard' I thought

"what did we missed" I looked back and saw my dad and grandpa holding some stick

"come here and look at your grandson stats" when they saw my stats they have a (☉。☉) face and they drop the stick

"did I done something wrong?" I said in a childish voice

"*ahem* no you haven't done nothing bad it's just that we we're just surprised by your stats" my father was the first one to escape his surprised state

"we we're surprised that you have a magic affinity to all type of magic"

"not just that but also you're skills"

"what's wrong with my skills grandma?"

"well you see our magic affinity is awaken at the age of 4 we don't know why it has to be 4 and on top of that we also unlocked 5 skills they can be within the rank of U, SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F and you're skills are all U!"

"what's U?"

"it's 'Unidentified skill' it means you are the first one the have them"

"we still have time to know what rank they will be so let's eat first...."

Knightmare15 Knightmare15

hope you like it (^‿^)

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