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Chapter 2: Reagan: Lost

It takes time for me to recollect myself and to process what just happened. Was I dreaming? Did any of it happen?

It felt so real but it couldn't have been, Could it? Nevertheless, it was 7 in the morning and I felt like crap. With not a minute to spear, my mother comes into the room telling me to get ready.

Like any other kid in Fairport school wasn't our finest moment unless you were the Dablin twins the most popular kids around town also Eden Highs infamous bully's. I wasn't very popular at school but I have a few friends.

By a few, I mean around two of my best friends Simon and William. They would follow me to the ends of the earth, I'm just not sure if it's right for me to take them there.

I take a shower and get ready combing my hair into my regular faded ponytail. My hair isn't that long so it doesn't take much time.

I put on my favorite sweater grabbed my bag and headed down the stair to the kitchen. My mom had already left leaving her usual note and breakfast on the counter waiting. I grab the note and it reads.

Good morning my ray of sunshine! Breakfast is on the counter as usual. Hope your day is better than mine I love you -Mom P.S. working the double shift tonight so see you in the morning.

I set the note down on the table and grab the sub on the counter and leave the house. I grab my bike and ride to school.

As I'm riding I meet up with Simon who doesn't live far from me, neither does William but we don't see him yet. Simon looks at me with a confused face and he begins to speak "you look like hell," and he laughs.

"That's a two-way street but I had one hell of a night," we laugh and keep on riding until we get to the school. We park and lock our bike on the racks and walk to the outside sitting area where we meet with William.

He sees us and when we sit with him he says the same thing Simon said to me, "you look like hell." "So I've heard... had a pretty rough night." Saying that had the mood change from light to concerning.

"What kept you up," Simon's voice seemed tender he wasn't much of an emotions guy but he had his moments and this was one of them.

"That's the problem I was sleeping, It was like I was awake while I slept or to simply put it I just had my eyes closed."

Just as I thought they did, looking at me with crazy eyes like I said something completely out of my ass.

Now I'm just stuck wondering if I should tell them the full story or just leave it out but I end up telling them anyway. They're my best friends I can't keep this away they could probably help me understand.

"Ray are you on drugs?" What no how can he even think something like that. He's known me for 15 years and automatically thinks drugs like he doesn't even know me. I ignored his question and went on to telling them the story.

"I had a dream, well I think its a dream I'm running through the woods and then a force comes out of nowhere carrying me to this unknown destination. When I get there I see this gazebo.

There is no one around so I sit and then this woman comes out of nowhere, mind you throughout this whole time I'm scared and I'm thinking the worse but she comes and instead of getting the death I was expecting she tells me something.

Something she says was so important. She tells me that I'm not from the real world and I have to go back to that world and that it's inevitable."

As expected they laugh and proceed to tell me that it was nothing more than a dream. But it felt so real if they were there they would know. It wasn't just a dream I don't know what it is but it wasn't a dream.

I guess there is only one way to figure out what's going on, I have to wait for the person she claims will come and get me to bring me back to the world I belong too. Should I tell them? Will this make them not want to be friends with me anymore?

I decide to tell them I guess it couldn't hurt me more than it already has. "I think I have a way to prove that it wasn't just a dream."

"How, why are you still on that?" William's voice pierced me it seems like the more I talk the crazier I sound. But I know I'm not crazy, I know I can prove this wasn't just a dream. "The woman told me that she will be sending someone to get me to bring me to the other world. If she does show up then I know my dream wasn't a dream."

Without giving either of them a chance to speak the bell rings and a sudden relief fills my body. With the response, I had been getting I'm not sure I want to hear what they had to say to me next. I quickly get up to go to class.

Walking down the halls not minding anyone and staying to myself so I don't find myself in trouble. Like always the Dablin twins and their crew are surrounded by a group of desperate girls.

Do they even know them on a personal level? Not likely, they walk down the streets of our town and down the halls of our school like they own something.

Someone ought to teach them a lesson but that person most certainly won't be me. I'm not a fighter but don't get me wrong I'd fight for what's mine.

If Simon or William ever needed my help I'd take one, two maybe even three punches for them, though right now it seems like they wouldn't do the same for me but like I said before I'm not sure I'd want to carry them to the ends of the earth for little old me.

I finally get to class and sit in my regular seat at the back of the classroom. Mr.Jones greets us like he does every morning and then he introduces to us the new student.

He introduces her as Charlotte, foreign exchange from Scotland. She seemed familiar to me but I haven't even been out of the county I sure as hell haven't met anyone from halfway across the world.

Mr. Jones goes on to teach his lesson and I can't find it in myself to pay attention, with all that has happened in the past day I can't focus on much of anything.

I find myself either going back and reliving my time in the woods or trying to figure out where I had seen charlotte. It's like that for much of class and then much of the day.

Class after class and it's all the same, zoning in and out not able to get my head around anything but last night. School has finally ended and I am all over this day. I just want to go home and sleep since I didn't get any last night.

As I'm walking down the path to get my bike, I spot Simon jogging towards me, I don't want to talk to him or anyone for the matter so I pretend not to see him and hurry to my bike but he catches up to me anyway.

He catches his breath before speaking to me. "Look Ray we're..concerned." I can't believe what I am hearing my friends think I'm going completely nuts.

But how can I blame them, listening to myself I think I can be on the little offside. But I still feel hurt because after all these years my best friend probably thinks I need help.

Shame prevents me from talking, I just grab my bike off the rack and leave. I look back as I leave from view and a look of sorrow is stretched on his face. But I can't feel guilty I'm going to prove I'm not crazy and get my friends back.

I ride off as fast as I can trying to get home quickly.

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