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Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home, Orphan

Caine followed Charon through the complex until they came to a large oval frame with a keypad on it. Charon walked up to the left hand side and input a 4 digit code. "6926, remember that code. Its your keycard basically." Charon continued, "Everyone you saw today was claimed by a God and sent to their own little subspace. We call em "Cabins" but they're more like entire Planets and the only way in and out are these babies right here," He knocked the oval frame with two knuckles. "Teleportals." Charon smirked when he said that. Caine wanted to ask so many questions, but his mind was racing with so much new information that he just sat there wide-eyed. He finally thought of something important.

"I wasn't claimed, so where are we going?" Caine asked.

"We, are going to my Cabin." As Charon said that he pressed enter on the keypad and a deep white mist appeared to be swirling in the middle of the Teleportal frame.

Charon had explained how this new world came to be but not how it worked. He continued to explain to Caine that Orphans are sent to the Void normally, what Humans have come to call Reincarnation. They have their memories wiped and their energy is put into a new child on Earth. Caine, in the eyes of Pantheon is an Orphan. In order for him to remain in Pantheon he needs a "Sponsor." Sponsors are essentially parents, guardians, owners and masters to their Orphans. They can treat them however they want, but they are solely responsible for their costs. One Orphan under a Pantheon Citizens care doubles all costs for any purchase within Pantheon, no matter the Item.

After Charon explained this to Caine he asked several questions.

"Are you gonna use me like a slave?"

"No, Idiot."

"Why did you sponsor me instead of sending me into the Void"

"Because, I wanted to."

"Are you rich or something?"

Charon got a wild look in his eyes and a wicked smile covered his face.

"Insanely." He said as if trying to sound like a madman.

Charon pulled Caine through the teleportal by the wrist. Caine felt like he couldn't breathe, as if his lungs were filled with cement. Half a second later he felt fine, as if nothing had happened. After he opened his eyes, his jaw dropped. Caine was in the most beautiful landscape he'd ever seen.

Huge mountains with white snow caps in the distance almost looked like a backdrop to the lush green grass that covered the hills that the two were standing on. The air was the cleanest and freshest Caine had ever felt in his life, or afterlife. He saw a giant wooden house that looked like a castle mixed with a hospital. There were Jets and Helicopters on the flat part of the roof. Caine started drooling at the thought of how much money this would cost on Earth.

"Shut your mouth Kid," Charon said jokingly.

Charon led Caine to through the front door. Caine had to ask, "Do all the Cabins look like this?"

"Oh Gods, no. Compared to mine they all look like cardboard boxes. Gods are all powerful, not rich and powerful, there's a difference." Charon seemed both full of himself but also confident like he knew what he was talking about. Caine believed him.

Charon kept showing him around the house until they got to a large steel door that piqued Caines interest. "What's this room?" he asked Charon.

Charon put his hand on the large flat pad next to the door. As the door opened Charon said, "The Armory, my personal favorite."

As the door opened upwards Caine saw the inside of the room. It was a huge area that seemed almost bigger than the whole house. The whole back of the room was a giant workbench with seemingly limitless tools and materials. He scanned the walls, they were full of tons different styles of weapons and items, from scythes and gauntlets to necklaces and watches. Some looked like real world items while some looked like creations of a fantasy world. One item in particular caught Caines interest, a black phial. Caine walked up to the wall and his vision seemed to blur out and back into focus. Suddenly he saw words floating above the item.

>Sealing Glass<

>Rarity: Crafted<

>Contents: [Blocked]<

>Owner: None<

>Form Contract to Unlock Container<

"Whoa, how do they show words like that?"

"Do what? What are you talking about?" Charon asked, never having seen the text that Caine was explaining. Caine was confused, was he seeing things?

>Panic Detected<


>System Authorized<


Caines mind went blank and he was floating as a conscience again, only this time, He heard a Voice in his head.

(Hello, my Child... I cannot reveal everything now, it will all make sense soon. For now I leave you with my creation, your System. It will help you along your journey. Trust it, it knows more than even I.)

Caines mind came to and he was still looking at the wall. He told Charon he was just seeing things as he continued to look around. When he got to Charons workbench he looked at some of the tools but a pair of gloves stood out to him.

>Artificer's Gloves<

>Rarity: Crafted (Perfect)<

>Materials: Leather, Steel, Laghrimite<

>Special Trait: Sub-spacial Storage<

>Owner: Charon<

>These leather gloves have Laghrimite Covered Fingertips giving them a Special Trait<

Caine asked Charon about the gloves.

"Did you make these?" Caine asked.

"I made everything in this house, Kid," Charon said, "Im an Artificer, a tinkerer, a crafter. And on top of that, I'm an Orphan." The last thing that Charon said had caught Caine off guard

"You're what? Why didn't you tell me you were an Orphan earlier?"

"Because. It doesn't matter, I'm sponsoring you now and that's all that you should care about, so don't you be asking about my business."

Caine had just noticed that Charon didn't have an Emblem at all. Curious, he asked, "Is that why you sponsored me? Because you're an Orphan?"

"No, I sponsored you because I see potential in you. Im an Artificer, I find good material and I make it into something better." Charon seemed to be telling the truth so Caine believed him.

"Now lets find some gear for you, Kid."

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