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Chapter 2: Prologue 1 : Kiyl's Regret

The wind blew sharply through the night swaying the silk hair of a young man. The long silver blew loose in front of the gentle face and sharp eyes.

"Kiyl," A sweet voice echoed in the silence causing the young man to turn. His sharp gray eyes gazed emotionlessly at the older woman calling his name. "Why are you out here Kiyl? Should not you be inside as the one being honored? It was you that finally won this war." The woman smiled at the young man. Kiyl's eyes glinted slightly giving the woman approaching a pause. She shivered slightly as his narrow gray eyes swept past her and focused on the door leading inside.

His eyes drifted back towards the woman as he asked, "And why should I be honored when this war was such a loss. We may have won, but at what cost? What did we lose to win this war Marilia? Why am I the survivor being honored as those we lost are forgotten?" Kiyl asked, anger sparking in his voice, his eyes showing longing to join his lost friends in their rest. Marilia sighed deeply and shook her head, her auburn curls bouncing. Her gentle green eyes watered slightly as she remembered her children whom she had buried.

"I know Kiyl, I know." Her eyes began to drip, small crystal tears leaking out of her glimmering eyes and sliding down her flushed cheeks. It appeared she had been drinking slightly. Her voice began to rise as she began to berate the young man in front of her. "You think I don't know. Kiyl. I was the one who raised them. The one who adopted them. I was the one to guide them. I WAS THE One…" her small frame finally collapsed as she burst into sobs unable to hide the raging sorrow racing through her.

Kiyl froze, unable to think of how to comfort the sobbing woman, whom he thought of as his mother, who shook in front of him. "Ah, Marilia… Um" Eventually he walked forward and patted her back gently. "I am truly sorry Marilia, I should not have brought up this pain. I… I'm sorry. I am so sorry Marilia." His eyes were stormy as he watched Marilia slowly gain control of her sobs.

He turned towards the edge of the balcony. The balcony looked over an abyss named the void, a connection to galaxies across the universe, but now it's only opening led to the small world that they and their mortal enemies had just fought over. He began to walk, then slightly run. Behind him there was a gasp as Marilia realized what his intention was. She called in panic, "Kiyl, Don't go! Please stay here, we need you… I Need you."

He kept his direction never hesitating, then finally as he reached the edge and stood on the railing he turned and smiled. The sorrow contained in the smile made Marilia's heart ache. As he tilted backwards she heard him saying, "I will never be needed in a place where honor goes to the coward. You will learn to live without me, to find someone who you can rely on." He disappeared from Marilia's view, falling into the void below the balcony.

Marilia suddenly raced forward, fear evident in her still red eyes. "Kiyl," She screamed. "No!". She screamed lost in her pain then collapsed as her eyes lost all light. She had finally lost the last of her children, her family, the ones she raised and cared for. All she could think was how this war took everything from her.

Ten minutes later she turned towards the door leading towards the ballroom. She heard the sound of laughter, conversations, and music drift from the door to the quiet balcony. Her face morphed, a vengeful smile blooming on her delicate face. She staggered up and began to approach the door. When she opened the door hopeful eyes turned her direction waiting for the hero of the party to reappear from the hidden balcony he had retreated to earlier. Whispers began as her smile was seen and the absence of the "hero" was noticed.

The guests heard the woman in front of them begin to mutter, then slowly she began to scream. "You took them! You took every one of my children!" Marilia screeched the words, finally losing her mind at the various condescending eyes gazing her direction. "I will never let you live in comfort after this. I will haunt you until you finally lose everything precious to you!" Marila then summoned her sword, the holy sword of the empire belonging only to the highest priestess, and sliced her neck spraying bright red in the glinting light. Her body fell lifelessly with a thud to the floor as the pool of red began to trickle down the stairs and towards the huddled guests.

Screams filled the ballroom as soldiers raced towards her and the balcony. As some tried to hide the body and prevent the spreading pool of blood from going further the others raced into the cool night air. As they looked in horror, they saw only the empty balcony with the twinkling stars and black abyss below. Men and women alike ran from the large ballroom as the joyful celebration turned to mourning. And the banquet for the celebrated "hero" ended in terror.

** **

Two weeks later it was finally announced that the heroes of the Great war between the Lycians and the Lorians, the Nightwing family, were officially all deceased. The news rocked the Lycian nation. Those who were the ultimate hope were gone. Not one had survived, not even the mother of the adopted children.

A government official who had been placed in charge of the Nightwing family's funeral shook his head sadly. "To think the only reason this good family is gone, is because of those who pushed them to the head of this devastating and useless war." He sighed deeply then turned away from the white graves sitting there like gleaming skulls and entered the black car parked nearby. "Return to headquarters." He ordered the driver.

** **

Kiyl startled awake, his eyes glowing slightly in the darkness. 'How am I not dead.' was all he thought before pain from unknown injuries filled his mind and he returned to the darkness of sleep again, falling unconscious from the sharp pain invading every corner of his consciousness.

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Sorry for not working on a new chapter, there were a couple of problems I needed to fix with this one. I will attempt to get one chapter a week from now. Thank you for reading!

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