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Chapter 2: Chapter 1

"Listen, Naruto," Iruka shouted.

"You failed the last final exam and the exam before that!" Myra watched in boredom.

Uzumaki Naruto had run away from class and their teacher had finally caught him and brought him back, again.

"You shouldn't be fooling around like that,"

"Hn," Naruto said, looking from where he was sitting on the ground, tied. A tick slapped over Iruka and he looked over at all the students.

Myra straightened up a little, not wanting to appear as if she wasn't paying attention.

"We're going to have a review test for the Transformation Jutsu!" Iruka announced to the class.

"Those who already passed will have to line up as wel!" Myra wanted to slap herself and Naruto for bringing this up again.

"What!" Everyone groaned loudly except for two students - Myra, who was busy craving her name into the edge of her desk, and Uchiha Sasuke, who just generally stayed quiet all the time.

Myra had never talked to him either. In her wise opinion, Myra believed that Uchiha Sasuke had created a disease that had consumed the majority of females in their class. It had to be something of that sort, because there was no other way the girls could become so loopy, stuttering messes otherwise.

Myra was proud to say that she was one of the few who had managed to avoid Sasuke like the plague and steer clear of this horrible disease. The students got up from their desks and walked over to the front of the classroom, lining up according to their names. Myra joined them as well, standing a little bit aside from others since most of the classmates didn't really like to approach a demon's child '. Iruka took his clipboard and one by one the students started to step forward and show off their Transformation Jutsu.

Myra had no problem with that - She had practiced it well enough to know how to do it on a whim. Naruto on the other hand ... Nope! Four years had passed since Myra had joined this class. Everyone was at least a year older than her but she did not let that get to her -

she worked as hard as each and every one of them. She knew that they didn't really feel comfortable with her (and Naruto) there, but Myra did not let it get her down.

People of Konohagakure were still repulsed by her presence among them, and Naruto's, but Myra tried her best to not let it affect her. She had tried her best to make friends with others regardless of everything, but none of them except Naruto was ready to be her friend. And vice versa.

"Haruno Sakura going ... Transform!" Haruno Sakura said, holding up her hands in the Ram hand seal. There was a poof of smoke and in her face now stood a perfect copy of Iruka Sensei. Once Iruka had approved of it, she turned back.

"I did it! Did you see that? Sasuke- Kun?" But Uchiha Sasuke made no response. In fact, he made no indication that he even heard her voice. However, everyone in the class was used to this behavior. Sasuke rarely talked and was mostly interested in only the lessons. Myra didn't really mind his presence, but the other girls loved it.

"Next, Otsutsuki Myra," Iruka called out.

Myra walked over to the front and moved her hands through the Dog, Boar and Ram hand seals. There was a poof of smoke and she had transformed into her Iruka Sensei.

"Good job, "Myra turned back into herself and smiled at him before going to join the rest of the class who had gotten done with their Transformation Jutsus.

As Myra moved her long white hair back, Sakura eyed her and huffed slightly. Myra did not respond as she watched the other students. Sakura and Ino had a rivalry for Sasuke, along with the rest of the girls in the class (or most of them, at least as Myra or Hyuga Hinata could care less). Myra had no problem with all this, but what she didn't like was that the girls believed that she might join this contest as well. She wouldn't. She would never get that disease!

"Next, Uchiha Sasuke," Iruka called out.

Sasuke walked over quietly, did the Jutsu and then turned back once Iruka had nodded at him in approval. He turned back to the nonchalant himself.

"Alright. Next, Uzumaki Naruto," Sasuke came over to the other side and stopped next to Myra, who was watching Naruto start forward. Myra had barely observed Sasuke next to her when she was pushed out of the way and Sakura took her place, wanting to be next to Sasuke. But Myra was glad about it. What if she had stood there and contracted that disease ?! Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino both chided at Naruto for making them get stuck with this procedure once more but Naruto didn't seem to care, as per usual.

Myra watched as he transformed but as the smoke subsided, it was revealed he had used the Harem Jutsu. This behavior was typical of Naruto.

Even Myra had blushed when he had used it for the first time in front of them but like most of the class, she was no longer affected by it. Iruka Sensei on the other hand. He was shocked out of his wits and flew off with a bloody nose.

"How was that? I call it the Harem Jutsu!" Naruto asked as he transformed back into himself from that female version, laughing loudly. Iruka Sensei gained his senses and was, very obviously, not pleased with this.

"You idiot!" Iruka Senseishouted at the blond 12-year-old. "Don't invent such a dumb Jutsu!" Myra hid back a chuckle or two at the ruckus.

The following day, Otsutsuki Myra came prepared and extremely determined. It was the day that they would give their final exams and then, if they passed with appropriate scores, would receive their new Forehead Protectors with the Konohagakure's symbol on them.

Myra was thrilled. Ever since she was a child, Myra had always wanted one of them. To be recognized as a brilliant Kunoichi who had graduated from the Konoha Ninja Academy was something she had always looked forward to.

Myra could not wait to represent Konohagakure. Their first exam was a written one, which was something Myra was good at. Unlike Naruto who loved pranking, Myra did not usually have much to do, and she rarely talked to anyone but her tailed beast. And so Myra ever did was to study and try out Jutsus. Her monthly allowance was all spent on books. Sometimes, she would even skip dinner to buy a book. The next exam was a practical one, which asked of the students to perform several Jutsus to their teachers to show them that they were now a full-fledged Genin and ready to head out to the world out there and complete missions.

Myra breezed through the examination.

"We will now start the final exam," Iruka told the students.

"When your name is called proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the Clone Jutsu," Myra turned to look at Naruto, knowing he won't get it.

"Practice, Naruto," Myra said as she walked over to him. The blond looked at her miserably and she showed him the hand seals for the transformation. Naruto tried them a few times and failed horrendously every single time.

"I can never do it," Naruto groaned as they looked at his rather pitiful clone that laid on the floor. It was discolored and seemed like it could not get up for the life of it. Myra frowned as it vanished with a loud poof .

"Don't say that, Usa!" Myra told him.

"You just need a little more practice, then you will be able to do it. We can try it again, "Myra was about to show him how to do it when her name was called out by Iruka.

" Oh no, I've got to go, "Myra stuffed her origami rabbits and Ayatori string into her pockets before rushing off into the room next door where Iruka and Mizuki were waiting for her performance of the Clone Jutsu. She stood in front of the two of them, rather excited.

"Usa!" Myra called out and in a split second three copies of her stood in front of her as the smoke subsided. Iruka and Mizuki both observed her Jutsu for an evaluation. She waited patiently, knowing that she had done well.

"Excellent, full score for this one, Myra-Chan," Iruka Sensei said.

"As expected of you. That makes a new high score for the Academy, "Myra's lips broke out into a grin and her clones vanished.

" Have your forehead protector, "

" Thank you! "Myra said as she stepped over and looked at the Forehead Protectors that were laid out on the table. She was torn between blue and white, her favorites. Then she picked up the white one.

"Thank you," She bowed once more and moved out of the room, smiling in satisfaction.

Myra walked out of the room , admiring the new, unblemished metal with Konohagakure, as well as the silky white cloth it was secured on. Her happiness could know no limit. She looked over herself, wondering where to wear it before tying it around her waist, but over her belt and it rested against her left hip.Now, her identity and outfit were both complete!

Myra walked through the crowd of parents and their child, something that wasn't hard for her to do.Everyone parted away to move as far as they could from her. Myra was too happy to care.

Myra could see all of her classmates there except for a few. She waited around for Naruto, wondering when his turn would come up. She really wanted to go out and have Daifuku and she knew that

Naruto would want Ramen. Uchiha Sasuke came out of the classroom next, now supporting his own Forehead Protector. They barely met eyes before a gaggle of his fangirls intercepted Myra's vision. She just remembered that he was an orphan too. She knew of his rivalry with Naruto but wondered if he would like to join them.

Myra looked around to see if Naruto had gotten out of the building and saw him at the swing that hung from the tree next to the Academy. He must've gotten out when she wasn't able to see through the people. As she neared him, Myra noticed that he was quite dejected, and frowned.

"Hey, Naruto," Myra said once he was in hearing distance.

"How did you do? Is everything all right?" Naruto looked at her, even more miserable than before and she knew what must have happened in the classroom.

"Myra-Chan, did you pass?" Naruto asked. But his eyes then fell onto the white Forehead Protector wrapped around her waist and he shrunk even more.

Myra frowned deeper as she watched him, crossing her arms.

"Tm sorry about what happened," Myra said as she studied him.

"Hey, don't be discouraged, Naruto! Maybe you can practice again and show it to Iruka Sensei? He will definitely let you pass that way ... "

" It's okay, Myra-Chan, "Naruto mumbled. Myra glanced over at where everyone was gathered with their parents, showing off their new Forehead Protectors.

" I'm a real ninja now, right? "One of their classmates went off.

" Good job! It's something I would expect from my son! "His father replied.

" Congratulations on graduating, "his mother said.

" Mum is going to fix you something nice tonight, "The boy cheered happily.

" Hey, those kids are the kids, "One of the women spoke, referring

to Myra and Naruto.

"The girl passed but the boy was the only one who failed,"

"Serves him right," the other woman replied.

Myra frowned.

"If he becomes a ninja, it's only going to cause trouble. It's bad enough that the girl passed ... They're really ... "

" Hey, it's forbidden to say anything more than that, "the first one chided the other woman. Myra's frown deepened. She knew that they were talking about them being the Jinchuriki.

"Ignore them, Naruto," Myra told him.

"I believe in you, you're going to become a ninja and the Hokage, believe in yourself. Should we go out and have Ramen? "

But those words had made Naruto's mood worse and he didn't reply to her. Myra frowned and decided that she should give him some space rather than pestering him with it. She straightened her skirt slightly and then headed off from there.

"I don't understand what their problem is, Usajii," Myra mumbled under her breath as she kicked a stone ahead and ahead as she walked. The sun was already setting and she had yet to go back home, but it's not like anyone is waiting for her there anyway.


"What is it?" Okuninushi's voice rang in her head.

Myra smiled slightly. The tailed (or tailless) beast may be a nuisance sometimes with how much of a grumpy old man he tended to be, he was definitely a friend of her.

"Are you done with your exams, Usahime?"

"I don't know why you had to go into hibernation, you know that I do not cheat," Myra told elderly rabbit.

"But yes, I'm done with my exams , Usajii, and look, I've got the Forehead Protector! Now, we'll be able to go on missions! "

"Good job, Usahime," Okuninushi replied, genuinely appreciative of her achievement.

"Now you must do your missions diligently and become a Chunin, and then a Jonin," Myra nodded.

"You should become the next Hokage. I would like that,"

"Naruto wants to be the next Hokage," Myra replied.

"The Jinchuriki of Kurama." Okuninushi hummed in response and she knew he was going back to sleep. She sighed. He really disliked talking about the other tailed beasts.

Myra stopped by the worn- out steps that lead down to the river banks and looked over to the sun as it descended down slowly. Myra wondered what was out there in the world. She had read a lot of books but she knew that practical approach was more important than what she read between pages. It was not lost on her that she was not entirely a human, that she shouldn't exist at all.

Myra had no idea who her father or mother were. Or if she had any siblings. Or if she had any family at al. For all Myra knew, her family existed thousands of years ago, and here she was. Existing in a time that she shouldn't exist, no father or mother or siblings. She had not read all of this in the books: Okuninushi had told her everything about her heritage as soon as she was capable of understanding, against the Hokage's wishes. Okuninshi had not told her the identity of her mother or father, but he had detailed to her that once she learns how to control Chakra, she could grow up to be as powerful as her ancestors but Myra wondered if that was possible for her.

To awaken her Byakugan and Sharingan, to control her Wood Style and Crystal Style ... Could she really do it? Only Okuninushi could teach her to control Wood Style (as there was no person who could use it) and Crystal Style (it was only bestowed upon those who had Okuninushi sealed within them). She could deal with the others herself .. Myra played with Ayatori string.

Born of the Otsutsuki Clan, Myra had an excellent control of Chakra. She could take and put Chakra from and into anything she wanted. If she wanted, she could fill even a teacup with Chakra and send it onto a suicide mission across village. And she loved putting chakra into strings and origami.

Jinchuriki of Okuninushi, who used to be the brain of a terrifying creature, Myra had inherited his quick mind, ability to detect negative emotions, and an immense amount of good luck and hope that a rabbit brought. Not to mention, she had extremely strong legs with a good speed and jump. But would she be able to own up to that level? Myra had no idea.

She hated fighting and arguments. She wasn't scared of them but she just preferred to be as far away from such things as possible. She preferred peaceful times, even though she knew that wars were often fought to keep peace. Her light blue eyes wandered over as the sun finally sank beyond the horizon and then turned to look at the sky behind her, where the moon had just blossomed out. Myra wondered if there was any of her family left there. She had asked Okuninushi many times about who her parents were but he would never tell her anything.

He always chided her as if she were a child and told her she will be told when she was older. Myra felt lonely. She was an alien stuck between humans. She knew that she had Naruto as her friend but she still felt rather lonely.

She had always had to worry about her safety, often spent weeks with insomnia in fear that someone would break into her house and try to kidnap or kill her.

Myra didn't want that. Okuninushi had told her not to worry but she did it still. Of course, Myra knew that she could trust Okuninushi to protect her.

He wouldn't want his vessel destroyed. He had told her how difficult it was to evade humans who tried to seal him in them and gotten themselves killed over how immense his Chakra levels were for their frail bodies.

Myra had thought he had been bluffing, after all, she had managed him just fine. But Okuninushi told her that the power of a mind was far too strong to be handled by any other person. Myra had disagreed and told him the power of heart was stronger than that of the mind.

Okuninushi wasn't really impressed by that and told her that the creature he was born from had no heart.

Myra had pressed on the topic and Okuninushi had told her that the creature followed whatever the person controlling it wanted. At this, Myra had decided that the controller was the heart.

Now, that was something Okuninushi had been impressed by. But he had told her that it made the Rabbit Goddess the heart of the creature.

She knew her ancestor would not be happy to hear it but Myra admitted that her ancestor, the Rabbit Goddess, had been a very shitty heart for the creature.

Myra hung around the river for quite a while, fooling around with origami boats and sending them racing through the water. It was true that she was the related directly to the one who created Chakra and could use the basic elementals with relative ease but Myra was the best with the Water Style. Maybe it was to do with the fact that moon had influence on the waters of the world but Myra controlled it the best.

And Myra knew how to use it with other elements to create something new. She couldn't control Ice or Mud Styles but she had often created results in them by herself. She was generally horrible with Fire and Lightning Styles, especially the Fire Style.

Myra stretched her arms and decided that she should head back home to their apartment. She locked her hands behind herself as she headed off to the direction of the village, whistling slightly to herself as she watched the people walked around. The darkening skies had lit the village up colorfully.

How could a person be so lonely when they are surrounded by so many people? There was an extra boost to the number of people dining out because of many students graduating out of the Konoha Ninja Academy, and every parent wanted to celebrate the occasion with their child.

Myra wanted to celebrate too. She wanted to go out with her parents and eat a lot of confectioneries. She glanced at the sweet shop but saw that the Daifuku had already run out due to the celebration. She wasn't in the mood for anything else so she decided to go on to her home.

No one paid attention to her and Myra wondered if that was for the good or for the bad. Was it good that no one noticed her and got scared and wary of her? Or was it bad that she was so unnoticeable when she wants to be a distinguished person?

Myra didn't understand. Myra stared at the moon high in the sky. She did not know who to wish for. She did not know who her mother or father were, but she knew that they were no longer alive.

Okuninushi's word had made that clear to her for once. She wanted family but there was no family for her to wish and hope for. Would she ever have a family? Not when she's a Jinchuriki of the Demon Rabbit.

Exhaling a long sigh, Myra continued off to her house. What a depressing note to end such a wonderful day on. Sometimes, her own mind was her biggest enemy. Maybe Okuninushi was correct: Mind really is the most powerful aspect of a creature. Maybe even more than heart ...

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