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Chapter 6: Ma Biyun

-Ma Biyun POV-

I am called Ma Biyun. I am 6 years old and I am part of the Tè clan, a hidden clan inside a big forest. The reason that my surname is not Tè is that I'm not originally part of the clan. I was informed that I was from an ancient clan that was destroyed. All my clan died exempt for me who was saved by the actual head of the Tè clan, Tè Bian. I'm really grateful for him and his clan as if it weren't for them, I would have perished with my clan.

While I was growing, I was pampered by the clan members that treated me very well. I was also taught about everything, including the norm of the clan. As a girl, I was expected to marry a man, have kids and take care of them. Thanks to my strength, I was expected to have the strongest husband, making my kids the strongest to make the Tè clan unrivaled, trying to create the most perfect and powerful spirit.

I am somewhat introverted and cold from the outside, scaring most children, so it was difficult to make friends for me. The only two friends that I had were Tè Er and Chen Meijing.

Er was the second son of the future head. He was the first one that approached me, trying to be my friend. He is incredibly intelligent, bright and funny. I always enjoyed the time with him, always telling some interesting stories or playing new games.

Meijing was always with Er, clinging to him. She was very shy and cute and with my interactions with her and Er, I quickly became friends with her. She was also like me, someone saved by the Tè clan from dying.

My dream became to marry Er in the future together with Meijing, the three of us becoming family, always being together and having strong kids, helping to achieve the clan's, who had saved me, dream. Even the kind elders encouraged me into it.

I was very happy with my life and I wanted it to continue like this. However, it all changed once I was 6 years old with the spirit awakening ceremony.

I awakened the Frost Fire Phoenix, a very powerful spirit, receiving the cheer and praised from the elders like it was expected. But Meijing betrayed the clan awakening a useless spirit. That wouldn't do it, I couldn't continue being friends with trash like her. I don't know why Er whose name changed to Shenti wanted her to be with her.

Fortunately, Shenti awakened with good talent, so even if my dream had changed a little, I would be able to be with Shenti.


Half a year passed and Shenti was unable to absorb any spirit ring, being blocked at rank 10 while I was able to break through rank 11 absorbing my first spirit ring.

Since the first failed try of Shenti, the kind elders had told me that I shouldn't pass time with Shenti that I was too good for him. I liked to be with Shenti, but I must say as the elders told me, the clan had always protected me and it's the most important.

I sensed an ache in my heart, but in the end, I did what I should, move away from Shenti. Shenti was completely unable to advance, becoming trash like Meijing.

Now, I was a little sad and alone without any friends, but I need to help the clan.

I don't know why but these days I'm cold, it must be due to the winter approaching.


Two years had passed since the awakening and something big happened in the clan. Tè San, Shenti's little brother, had awakened his spirit. He had also his body as a spirit with an innate rank 10, but unlike Tenshi, he was able to absorb a spirit ring, he being a true genius. His spirit being the Elemental Body.

According to elder Yan who is the doctor of the clan and had Eyes spirit, San's body would be able to accept any element, being able to control them in the future. With San's first ring, he was able to control fire over his body.

San was recognized as the future successor of the clan and his name changed to Yuan. Also, there was something over the clan and Yuan would be trained by the strongest elders and at the same time, Yuan's father, Huoshan took the position of head of the clan, having surpassed his father in cultivation.

I was presented to Yuan by the elders. When I saw him, a little nostalgia came, remembering my time with Shenti and Meijang. Yuan was an exact copy of Shenti with the difference that his hair was white instead of black, even their purple eyes were the same.

Yuan presented to me with a smile and a bow, being very courteous, saying that we must work hard for the clan's future. The elders informed me that I would be Yuan's bride, ensuring the strength of the next generation.

One part of me said that I would have preferred Shenti, but a bigger one agreed with the elders. I couldn't be with trash and Yuan was perfect. He was very talented, would be the next head of the clan and even resembled Shenti, I couldn't demand more.


Cold, cold, cold. I shivered due to the cold. My body's temperature had dropped and I am unable to even feel my extremities, it seemed that I could freeze at any moment.

This had happened once I absorbed my second spirit ring, not much later than Yuan's awakening. My spirit seemed to have changed, its flames becoming unruly and threatening to freeze my own body, completely out of my control.

I don't know what to do, but I want to stop it. If it goes worst, I might even die.


Elder Yan had inspected my condition. He said that my spirit was special, a mutation of my previous clan's original spirit and had an uncontrollable fire. He ordered me to stop cultivating as it would only worsen my situation, he promised me that they would find a solution shortly.

I trusted them. I will wait for the elders to find some cure for my condition.


Today, I woke up even colder than yesterday. As I couldn't find anyone around me, I left my room and went to find elder Yan for some treatment.

As I arrived at the infirmary, I unintentionally listened a conversation. I hid at the back of the door and I saw elder Yan and elder Jiu talking between each other.

"So what is her true condition?" Elder Jiu asked.

"Biyun is done" Elder Yan waved his hand "Her body is too weak, being already internally affected by her own flame. She would at most last 10 years and this is without cultivating. If she cultivates again, she would immediately die."

"Another trash, eh?" The elder sighed "First Meijing, then Shenti and now Biyun. What a shitty generation, it might have been cursed" He shook his head "At least Biyun would have some uses. Her talent is true, but she lacks a strong body. Even if she is trash, her descendant might have some uses, it's worth to try it" He said thoughtfully before turning to elder Yan "Will she at least be able to birth?"

"Controlling her pregnancy and taking care, it would be possible, but she won't survive to the delivery" Yan informed coldly.

"It would be one intent before being discarded," Jiu said coldly "At least a trash like her would be useful" he laughed.

"Ah!" I unconsciously gasped shocked. Both elders turning towards me with cold gazes.

"So you were listening, not like it matters" Elder Jiu approached me and lifted me gripping my hair, it hurt a lot.

"Please, stop!" I supplicated, trying to free myself, but I was too weak. I turned elder Yan "Please, help me" I looked at him with hope. Elder Yan always had been good with me, being my favorite. However, his face was cold as if he wasn't even looking at me.

Yan snapped her fingers and two servants appeared "Take her to the dungeons, lock her up there. Make sure, she is not even able to suicide." He ordered.

I was shocked, where was the kind elder Yan that always cheered me and give me gifts like clothes or chocolate "W-why? Why are you doing this?"

"Why?" Yan hummed "That's how trash must be treated" I started trembling "You truly thought that you were important? That the clan or I cared for you? What a joke" Yan laughed.

"That was only because you were a little useful. A strong woman with a high rank is more probable to have strong children, so we want to have a good opinion in your mind when you become stronger. But now, there's no need at all as you would never become strong" Jiu confessed.

"It was all a lie?" I said shocked, tears falling from my eyes. How could they treat me like a mere object?

"It's a pity that all that hard work has gone to waste but at least I can stop treating a whore like you like a princess. In the end, it's a relief" Yan grinned. "You were never part of the Tè clan, only a foreigner tasked to have kids, nothing different than a furnace."

"As there's only one try, we will wait until Yuan is able to impregnate her. Let's pray for a good result" Jiu said to Yan. He turned towards me "Enjoy your stay, princess! Hahahaha" He laughed.

"No, no!" I shouted as I was dragged to the dungeon. Why? Why? Why it happens to me?!


"Sniff, sniff!" Tears fell from my eyes, becoming ice before they even could reach the floor.

I was tired, starved and all my body was in pain. I don't know how much time had passed, it could have been months, years or decades. No, if it were to be decades, I would have been already dead, even if this was difficult to be considered to be alive.

My body was cold as ice, I could feel it break with the minimum movement. Even breathing was difficult. I was barely kept alive, without the strength to even move.

"When this torture will end?" I sobbed. I looked up towards the little window not big enough for people and full of bars, seeing the dark night sky.

"Shen" I cried seeing Shenti's black hair over the sky. Images of the time with him and Meijing. They had been my true friends and I had been an incredibly bad one, abandoning them, and for what? I shitty clan of trashes that used me!

Blue flames surged from my body, formed by pure anger and extending all over the cell. It wasn't the first time, my cell with only a hard like a rock bed was already covered by a thick layer of ice, due to my years being here. I even had frozen some unfortunate servants.

"Shen, Meijing" I said with nostalgia "I would give anything to be with you again. I don't mind being trash, but I want to be with you" "Clank!" "Clank!" More tears fell on the floor.

I had reached my limit, I was broken. I don't want this pain to continue. I will finish this.

"This life, I don't want to live it" I looked sadly at the night sky "Shen, Meijing, I wish you have a good life. Maybe we are able to meet in the next one"

I closed my eyes, detecting the spirit energy of my surroundings, attracting it to me. I might not be able to move, but I could cultivate it. Like that bastard of Yan said, cultivating would kill me.

I could easily feel my stagnate rank, quickly increasing, my rank 23, breathing through the rank 24.

"Crunk!" Ice started surging from my legs, slowly climbing over my body, encasing me in an ice coffin.

This is how I die. The ice was reaching my neck "Goodbye, Shen, Mei!" I said with a sad tone.

"Crash!" I loud sound occurred. I lifted whatever I could, trying to see what happened. A boy stood there with a sword in his hand, the cell's bars broken around him.

Suddenly, I was lifted from my position as I was embraced by strong arms. It was warm. It was the warmth that I thought that I had forgotten all these years. Even the ice around me stopped growing.

"Did you miss me, Yunyun?" A warm voice said.

Tears started unstoppably falling from my eyes. Dark shining hair with warm and beautiful purple eyes filled with care. "Shen!"


A little dark chapter. I wasn't planing to write something like this but somehow as I wrote it, it was the result.

Let's add more anger to the Tè clan.

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