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Chapter 72: Volume ???

Bian tells that this is the price to have kidnap the same person two times. He had taken advantage of the chaos of the battle and while Meijing was busy fighting against a Spirit Douluo, Bian attacked her when she was focused on her rival, reaching to kill it.

However, even when Bian nailed the moment, knocking her down, Meijing was able to react, cutting Bian's arm before falling unconscious. Moreover, Meijing's sword had evolved thanks to the Deathgod Domain, acquiring the death attribute so anything that she cuts would be unable to be healed, Bian's skills becoming useless.

Bian tells Haotian that if he wants to see Meijing alive, he must go to the Tè Clan alone where a surprise was waiting for him.

Haotian is full of anger but he let Bian escape, not wanting to put in danger Meijing as they held her as hostage, going by himself to the Tè Clan.


At the Tè Clan, Meijing finds herself captured and hunger up by her wrist. Yuan appears in front of her, explaining that she had been captured for Haotian to come here that he would make Haotian pay for humiliating him. Yuan also offers to free Meijing if she accepts becoming his woman, knowing that Meijing's betrayal would hurt him even more.

Of course, Meijing negates it, stating that she would never leave Haotian and that Yuan doesn't even reach his feet.

Yuan laughs at her release her binds, freeing her. He challenges her, directly showing all his power.

After the battle, Yuan is panting heavily while clenching his chest. He didn't think that Meijing would be that strong, becoming a very difficult battle for him. Haotian's wound had already healed but Meijing had cut it again and this time due to her sword, it would permanently be there.

Yuan insults calling her bitch while beating her, leaving her close to death, but stays away from killing her, not risking Haotian discover her and run away from his challenge.


Arriving at the clan, Haotian finds it very damaged, like a battle had occurred over it, destroying multiple buildings along the way.

Reaching the main mansion, Yuan is already waiting for him while saying that he doesn't need to worry about Meijing as soon as both would be dead.

Yuan explains that he had purged the clan, cleaning everyone that went against him, becoming the absolute leader that would bring the clan to the highest point, even surpassing Spirit Hall. Then, Yuan shows Haotian two dead bodies, their parents.

Nair tried to stop Yuan, trying to calm him down and saying what he should do while his parent tried to protect her so Yuan killed them both. For Yuan, they were nothing, no family love inside him.

Seeing Haotian's shock seeing Nair's body, Yuan laughs telling that she didn't know her place.

Haotian approaches the body and close her eyes while agreeing with Yuan, their mother never knew her place, she was always too good, too kind for a place like the Tè Clan. Haotian apologized to his mother for not acting before, telling at her corpse that he would be unable to keep his promise.

Haotian's fury explodes, completely directed at Yuan, their fight starting.

Yuan had become stronger reaching the Spirit Sage realm with a 100.000 years old ring as his 7th ring, his elements becoming much stronger and he being able to completely control them, inside and outside his body, with Light, Darkness and Space joining his previous Earth, Fire, Water and Wind. He continues being arrogant but he now has the strength to be it while not underestimating Haotian, becoming a much stronger rival than the last time.

Haotian also had become stronger. Having reach Spirit Sage, he hadn't formed his own Spirit Avatar but he is now able to invoke the Spirit Avatar of his girls, but only one at the same time.

Yuan's pure strength seems to be higher, but Haotian's changing of Spirit Avatars and control forces Yuan who tired of chasing against him unleashes his 7th skill, showing his Spirit Avatar.

He becomes a 15 meters long dragon with silver-white scales and purple eyes, showing that his spirit is the legendary Silver Dragon King.

After his lose at the wedding against Haotian, Yuan had increased his training, madly fighting even stronger beasts and almost dying multiple times until he was able to excite his bloodline that even self create his 7th skill, awakening its full potential and showing its true form, the Silver Dragon King.

Against Yuan's Spirit Avatar, Haotian finds himself overpowered, forcing him to unleash his stronger form, using Rongrong's Spirit Avatar plus all his other spirit skills. Rongrong's Spirit Avatar is able to incredible boost the other spirits, making them evolve to their final form, Haotian becoming a beast-like Yuan, calling that Quimera Form.

The battle transform, seeming more a battle of two raging and powerful beasts rather than humans. However, Haotian quickly finds that is not enough, even his spirit bones are useless against him, being suppressed by his bloodline, Yuan's power being too strong, with each second being more apparent and Haotian being pushed further, becoming more tired.

Finally, Yuan unleashes his ultimate attack, completely locking Haotian's surrounding space (As his own space is unable to control due to Haotian's 4th skill) and unleashing a Dragon Breath combining Fire, Earth, Water and Wind.

Haotian finds himself unable to avoid or stop, thinking that his death had arrived, however, before the attack reaches him, someone push him away from the attack's trajectory, Meijing.

She appears with her domain activated and with her sword being held by her mouth, her two arms missing while blood leaks from her wounds.

The bond between them was two ways, Meijing being able to sense Haotian's danger, waking from her unconscious state. Without waiting for a second, she invoked her spirit, cutting both of her arms, knowing that they would never be able to be healed, launching towards Haotian and pushing him away from danger, without any ounce of doubt, taking his place, taking the full might of the attack.

Meijing tries to stop it with all her power, but she is ultimately unable, the attack swallowing her, her burnt and destroyed body falling to the ground, Haotian catching her, just before reaching it, in his arms.

Meijing's life energy quickly leaves her body, showing that she wouldn't last longer, Haotian who uses Lingling's Spirit Avatar to maximize his vitality being unable to heal even when he puts all his might, crying as he senses Meijing's life going away.

With her last strength, Meijing opens her eyes, saying that she is glad that Haotian was safe. She also is honest, telling him that she was at fault for Rongrong's broken bond, if he would forgive her.

Haotian answer while crying that it didn't matter that she is forgiven and that Meijing had always been the most important.

Meijing smiles brightly for the last time saying that she is glad before closing her eyes and dying over Haotian's arms.

Haotian clench Meijing's body, shouting madly over the sky, before his eyes fall over Yuan who mocks over Meijing's choice, instead of escaping she decided to uselessly sacrifice her life for him as it wouldn't change anything, Yuan also killing Haotian shortly, Yuan throwing multiple elemental attacks towards him.

In his anger state, his mind and body reaching the limit due to his fight and Meijing's death and with the bond with Meijing reaching a completely new level just before she dies, Haotian's spirit truly awakens, discovering the truth about it.

Looking at Yuan, Haotian states that he would kill him, burying all this shitty clan for Meijing. Haotian's six rings (Meijing's ring having lost all color, cracks appearing all over) shine and the space around him cracks, destroying Yuan's attack. The cracks expand all over the clan. Icy flames, forests, poisonous rivers, tornados... surge from them the cracks, completely destroying all the clan, the voices of people dying sounded all over the place, killed by such strong disasters, even Meijing's corpse falling over them, completely disappearing in the cataclysm.

Finally, the cracks stop, the clan disappearing leaving a strange world in its place, with a red and blue lake in its middle and very different and marked areas around it, each one representing every one of Haotian's spirit rings and girls, a desert full of crumbling swords that were slowly becoming sand representing Meijing. With Haotian and Yuan being the only ones alive in it.

That's Haotian's spirit, Realm. His spirit being a complete world formed by him, needing girls to bond with him to develop it and ascend it, not much different as the Divine Realm needed gods to be created and the gods need the Divine Realm to become bigger and stronger.

With his Spirit Avatar, he is able to manifest his Realm outside, clashing with even the Douluo Dalu World itself.

Yuan is shocked by the destruction but quickly ignores it, stating that the Tè Clan was useless and he only needed his strength as there would be countless people to serve beneath him.

Yuan tries to attack Haotian again but quickly finds himself unable to use his powers normally, the elements around him being impossible to control as they are part of Haotian and under his control.

The fight restarts changing their roles, Yuan who trusted too much his own power unable to properly control in such place, his elemental control being useless there.

In the end, Haotian unleashes his last attack, controlling all the elements of his Realm and forming an elemental sword in honor of Meijing, slashing Yuan in half and disintegrating him, killing him.

Releasing his Spirit Avatar, Haotian finds over a plain desolate desert without any trace of the Tè Clan behind, cursing for Meijing's death.

However, he finds that he is not completely alone, being able to sense with his superior senses some life around.

Going towards it, Haotian discovers a hidden underground laboratory. Inside of it, he discovers multiple caged individuals, humans and beasts, old and young, and a combination of both. Most of them were dead or even worst, so much in pain that were unable to move, their eyes pleading for a quick death to free them from this hell.

Over what it seemed the biggest room, full of body parts and experimental tools, Haotian discovers his grandfather, Tè Bian, and elder Yan who were hurried while trying to gather most of the data around them, preparing to run away.

Seeing Haotian, the stop still, fear invading them. In that state, Bian explains the secret of the clan.

The Tè Clan was divided into two, the main clan that tried to create a strong spirit, joining them with strong people and the hidden part that experimented with beasts and spirits.

Ages ago, the Tè Clan was established in this place that not Spirit Beast dared to approach. There, they discovered the traces of the ancient Silver Dragon King, obtaining even blood from it.

During this time, they tried to recreate the Silver Dragon King as a spirit, the Silver Dragon King being their perfection.

The hidden part was in charge to investigate the blood over different spirits, experimenting with them to discover a spirit capable to manifest the Silver Dragon King's bloodline. While the outside part was in charge to create a strong enough spirit to resist and use its immense power. Both parts often joining for their experiment.

Haotian's mother, Nair, had been an experiment from the hidden part, kidnapped as a kid for her rare body spirit and being able to survive at the injection of the Silver Dragon King's bloodline. That's why as a lot of time before, they schemed a play, letting Nair escape from them and being rescued by Huoshan to join with him, joining the main clan.

Bian insults his son for him to be smitten by Nair, but thanks to them, they long dream was finally realized with Yuan. However, Bian blames Haotian to finish their dream. Hundreds of years of the culmination of their hard work being destroyed by a bluff of mutation like Haotian.

Listening to them blabbing, Haotian is a little surprised at how he doesn't care of it at all. Even Nair's motive to stay at the clan were lies from them, she never leaving their control. But it didn't matter, Nair like Meijing being already dead.

Haotian finally unleashes his Spirit Avatar, completely destroying all the hidden laboratory and all the pained specimens inside under the cries of anger from Yan.

Seeing that it was the end, Bian activates his Spirit Avatar Camaleon, trying to escape but finds it useless, inside Haotian's Realm, he is under Haotian's control being impossible to escape from him.

Yan dies between flames while Haotian slowly approaches Bian who starts again insulting him, calling him a hypocrite as it wasn't different that what Haotian had done with his girls, using and lying to them to obtain the power to strength his spirit.

Haotian while coldly staring at him says that it might be true but it didn't matter as this was simply his own revenge, killing Bian with his own hands while he supplicates in fright for his life. Finishing the Tè Clan.

But, it doesn't finish it there, under Haotian's feet, a strong light shines, a silver-white dragon appearing from it. The dragon is very similar to Yuan's Spirit Avatar but is smaller, 4 meters long, and its power being weaker.

Haotian without doubting a second, charges against it, trying to kill him, thinking that is another experiment from the Tè Clan and wanting it to disappear. However, what he thinks would be a quick kill, became a full fight.

The dragon is far weaker than Yuan but unlike him, its control is immense, being able to control elements even inside Haotian's Realm, even influencing his own elements, fusing everyone of them into potent attacks.

But in the end, the dragon is too weak, Haotian being able to win over it, injuring one of his wings and throwing it to the ground.

As Haotian approaches the dragon to slay it, the dragon transform, becoming a beautiful white-haired girl with deep purple eyes, but that doesn't change Haotian's mind, continuing to finish her, however, her words stop him. The girl saying that Meijing could be saved.

Haotian inquired glance her, threatening her to not lie to him if she didn't want to suffer a destiny worst than death.

The girl had been able to sense all the fight outside, so she knew that she needed to be careful, any wrong move, possible being her final.

The girl explains that Meijing's soul has been bond to Haotian's spirit, Haotian retaining his 1st spirit ring being the proof of it even if he was unable to use it now due to her death. If Haotian is able to reach godhood and evolve his spirit, he would be able to gain control her soul, reviving her again.

That angers Haotian who was already aware of that fact, however, the problem is that to ascend to rank 100, he need the cooperation of all his girls, needing the 9 bonded girls to ascend. Without Meijing it would be impossible for him to become a god.

But, the girl tells him that he is wrong. While its certainly true normally, strong external help could make him ascend, giving him strength surpassing his own spirit.

Haotian thinks that it has sense as showed that he had been capable of surpassing his girls' cultivation after absorbing the cores of the Fire and Water Dragon Kings. But that is not nearly enough to reach godhood.

The girl then present herself. She is Gu Yuena, the true Silver Dragon King and the half of the Dragon God. She had been able to partially break her seal thanks to Haotian's spirit influence but the spilled blood of the awakened Yuan. However, she was very weakened, only a fraction of her true power.

Then she offers an alliance to Haotian. He would help to recover and if possible upgrade her strength, Haotian's spirit making possible her growth and she would help to reach godhood, already having the methods to make it possible.

Haotian thinks that it might be a trap and finishing being used by Yuena, but wanting to revive Meijing over all, he finally accepts the deal.

Yuena explains that she would keep hidden the method until he is ready for her and his own protection and the conditions for his ascend is that he wouldn't lose any more girl and that the two next bonds to be incredibly talented, maybe even able to ascend for themselves.

That makes Haotian's girl list to be erased, only two names reaming in it. There's only two possible objectives, the ones that ascended in the novel, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong.

Lastly, Yuena explains that for her to move freely and help him ascend, he would need to destroy the link of the Divine Realm over the Douluo World, destroying their temples and followers in it.

Yuena couldn't be seen by the gods. If they saw her, they would even descend to the world to kill her. Thankfully, Haotian's spirit, Realm, wasn't controlled by them so he was something like a blank space for them. However, that won't stop the gods to see her using their followers so Yuena would be unable to directly act in such cases, a heavy duty falling over Haotian.

It is for this that Yuena decides to start trying Haotian as his control is too weak.


This should have been the turning point, were the novel change its usual pace

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