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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: When Guilt of the Guilty Calls

"Vinci!!"A male voice called out.

Vinci held her breath unconsciously, her heart skipping a beat.

"Could it really be.."she thought.

A male ran down the steps, "Vinci!"he called out.

"Vinci, something's off.."the demon inside of her tried to warn her.

"Stop, it's him"she started quietly,"It's my Octavion!"her fully watered tears began to spill down her cheeks. She knew she hadn't killed him.

Octavion's tall frame towered over Vinci. "Baby.."He looked at her, gripping the bars that stood between him and his Vinci. His beautiful blue eyes gazed at her softly, he winced as his eyes scanned her body, seeing all her scars and wounds. His fair skin covered in dirt and sweat. His messy blonde hair stuck to his face.

"I'm telling you kid, when has he ever called you baby?"the demon urged.

"Stop you demon! It's him, it's Octavion!"she cried out, ignoring the demon. But he was right, Octavion rarely called her anything but Milady,  Princess or My Queen. Maybe the years apart had changed him, Vinci tried to convince the demon, who was sure Vinci was trying to convince herself more than him.

"Let's get you out of here."He said, smiling at Vinci.

"Kid, that's not him, his smile is different, something is off about him. Didn't he always let ears and tail be free."the demon tried again to convince her, even tried to take over her body, he nearly did but she fought back vigorously.

"Kid look at the facts, you would never let me do it, he is affecting you differently than normal."

Vinci waited excepting him to help her, when he didn't, she tried to pull at her chains. "Octavion.."Vinci said flatly.

"O-oh right.."he pulled the bars apart, melting the chains. He grabbed hold of her wrist roughly, pulling her closer. "Kiss me."he barked.

Vinci was taken aback, time couldn't have changed him this much, she looked up at him her face expressed worry.

"I said kiss me!"he hissed, putting his hand on the small of her back, pulling her much shorter body to his.

"N-no.."she pushed him away.

"Come on babe. I just want a kiss."he acted hurt.

"What's wrong with you."Vinci glared up at him.

"Nothin-"Octavion stopped mid-sentence, blood spilling from his eyes, followed by his nose and mouth. His stomach began gushing blood. "Shit.."he barely got out before losing his footing.

"Octavion!"Vinci caught his body before his head had hit the floor. His heavy body was limp. "Octavion.."she asked softly. No reply. Just like that he was gone. Tears began to to spill down her cheeks. His warm blood sliding gently onto her, soaking up in her prison jumpsuit and coating her already grimy face.

Lillith stood up, finally getting a grip.

"You see that.. You kill people."

"B-but I-"Vinci's voice cracked horribly, Octavion's body still as a statue."I..I didn't..I didn't....What did I do.."she began to ball. "What did I do!"she screamed, wrapping her arms around his lifeless body. "Octavion!!"she cried, hugging him close.

Lillith's vengeful eyes softened. Maybe this girl really had others who shared her body. The vindictive smirk faded and guilt set in as she watched the short girl hug her lover's dead body.

"I can't do this.."Lillith said, her voice tinged with guilt. "Stop this illusion.."she said louder, her eyes beginning to fill with tears.

Vinci's cries got louder, she thought she had killed him.

"I said stop it!!"Lillith screamed.

Everything went black, then a bright white light shimmered and they were back to the same dark dungeon, that the illusion showed.

Vinci was still chained heavily, her head hanging down, tears slipping off her face and onto the ground. She cried out loudly.

"Pull her out."Lillith ordered.

"But Lil..I think-"The young prince Lucifer started.

"I said pull her out!"She hissed.

Lucifer ceased his illusion on Vinci.

"We're done here.."she gazed at Vinci with pity, she felt so guilty now, she began up the long spiral stone steps that lead up the castle.

Lucifer lingered, looking hatefully at the prisoner.

"Lucifer!"Lillith yelled.

He gripped the rusted bars that stood between him and that monster. He gritted his teeth. He was enraged at Vinci, he didn't give a damn whether that she was who she was. He hated her for hurting his beloved sister. An idea popped in his head. Lucifer had thought about this many times over before. He threw open the cell's bars, stepping in front of her. Drawing his poisoned dagger, he grabbed a handful of her dark dirty curls, holding the tip of the knife to her throat.

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