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Chapter 2: Mizpah

Mizpah (n.) The deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by death.


Friday 8:55 A.M._

A slight blush crept to my cheeks. I looked over at Blake, he had a slight smirk on his face.

He was quite attractive, muscular build, tall around 6'2 from the looks of it. He had a defined jawline, it looked almost as if you could get cut with it. His eyes were this bright green that sucked you in. They were beautiful. His lips were full and a rosy shade. He had the longest lashes I've ever seen of a male. They were just the perfect length. His hair looked as if he just rolled out of bed and ran his hand through it.

"You know staring isn't polite." He knocked me out of my daze. He was looking straight at me with his smirk still on his face.

" I wasn't staring, I was analyzing." I stated matter-of-factly.

"Analyzing what? My good looks?"

Wow, cocky much?

"No, your face and giving myself reasons on why I shouldn't be talking to you." I sat forward in my seat.

"What reason should you stop talking to me then?"

"One the fact that Maria over there is death staring me for even being by you." I said point to the blonde sitting in the front of the room.

"Two because we're in the middle of class and I'm trying to keep my record of not getting detention at 0."

"Oh I see." He said, looking forward. For some odd reason I felt like there was more to it.

"What do you mean by 'oh I see'?" He shrugged and continued looking forward, smirking.

I looked forward trying to put my attention back on the teacher who was to deaf hear us talking. He meant something else by that and I know it.


The rest of the day went by pretty fast, it was now lunchtime, so I headed to the cafeteria with my wallet and phone. I never really talked to anybody at lunch, It was slightly peaceful and made me calmer for the rest of the day ahead.

I got in-line for food and ordered a chicken sandwich with fries and a soda. I made it halfway through the cafeteria before the idiot called me.

"ODETTE!" An accented voice shouted from the other side of the room. Some people followed them with their eyes to see where he was going, others looked directly at me with disgust or a questioning look.

"Hi Blake." I said in almost a whisper. He smiled as he walked up.

"Can I sit with you? You know since I'm new and all." I thought about it for a second.

"I mean su-" I was cut off by a high-pitched voice.

"Why would you sit with her when you could sit with us?" Maria said to us.

Don't get me wrong I don't know why he said yes either. Maria was indeed beautiful. Her naturally tanned skin glows no matter what the lighting is, she has a beautiful face and a Spanish accent that was to die for.

"I like her a little more for one, and she smells a little nicer." My eyes widened at him.

"C'mon love, let's go eat." He slung his arm around my shoulders walking towards a table.

I walked with him, people looked at us the whole way. We both sat down and I noticed that he didn't have anything.

"Where's your food?" I asked.

"Not hungry." He said with no emotion.

"Why are you wearing a jacket when it's 80 degrees outside?" I asked taking a sip of my drink.

"Because of my tattoos." Again nothing, he went from 10 to 0 real quick.

"Tattoos? Show me." I said kind of excited, "please?"

He sighed and looked at me for a second. Then he started taking off his jacket.

When it was fully off I could see sleeves of tattoos on both sides. They went up under his whit t-shirt. I looked at his scooting over to get a better look. I grabbed his hand and looked at his arm there were so many designs it was amazing. He had flowers, words in different languages, and some many other things.

"Wow." I laughed, "this is amazing."

He shrugged his shoulders. I looked on his wrist and the name 'Lily' was inked in black calligraphy.

"Whose Lily?" I asked looking up at him.

"My mum." He almost looked sad.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah no, she's fine. She lives back in London. When my parents got a divorce not too long again she stayed and I moved down here. She couldn't support the both of us. I told her that I would go to university there so that way I could see her." I stared at the name on his wrist.

I looked at his left hand. That wrist just had a blank spot waiting for something to be permanently engraved.

"What's going there?" I asked again looking at him.

"That spot is for the woman I'm going to marry." He said looking at me, I smiled and went back to my open spot.

"She's going to be lucky, I mean I barely know you but you seem to have a good heart." He was still staring at me.

���Yeah she is, but you don't know me yet, so I think I'll wait before I ask her anything." I was confused on why asking her to be with him would have to wait till I got to know him.

"You should get a tattoo, you'd look good with one." I smiled but then stopped.

"I can't"


"Because I'd get in trouble and my step-mom she'd...uhh… I-I just can't right now."

If I ever did anything to myself that would prevent myself from a good future and not being able to move out of the house my mom would throw a fit and most likely would make me get it removed.

He nodded putting his jacket back on. We sat in silence for the rest of lunch. We didn't have any more classes together I think but I couldn't tell because he left right after lunch almost looking angry.

I did something to make him mad, why do I mess things up? We were good and talking then my dumb butt had to go and mess it all up because I'm stupid.

I went home right after school and went straight upstairs not wanting any attention.

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Can yall like comment how I could improve so far lol? I pre write a lot so I could use yalls help with editing them. Thanks!

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