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Chapter 12: Life's a game, so level up.

Several days have passed since the encounter with the unknown being and the undead. During that time I've been gradually getting deeper and deeper into the dungeon, passing the level where the castle resided long ago. Originally I had thought that the castle was the bottom of the dungeon but day after day I would get proven wrong. Every time I used the「Arcane Mapping」skill and looked at the mind map, the depth of the dungeon only seems to get larger. This place is freakin' huge.

I am currently floating on top of a high flat rock on the side of the cave section and absorbing the cores from the previous battle while looking through my inventory for anything I could use. During my descent of the dungeon, I've been fighting and killing many different types of monsters. Spiders, scorpions, lizards, so far the monsters seem to range from bugs, reptiles, and rodents. All of them have been exceptionally huge as well. The greater cave arachnid that I met when I first set out was probably your average monster in this dungeon.

Most of the monsters in the higher levels mostly only use physical attacks so the beginning of the descent wasn't too difficult. However, the deeper I got the more difficult the monsters became. The usage of magic among the monsters also became more common as I dove further into the dungeon. Some monsters were really strong but...they were nothing compared to the unknown being.

The goal of leaving this dungeon and going to the outside world has been put on hold. My new goal is to destroy the unknown being for what it did as well as the thousands of undead that it created, to do that I'll need to get stronger. For now, I'll refer to the unknown being as crimson eyes since that's the biggest impression that it left on me.

That thing scared the hell out of me.

Even now, I still get super nervous and shudder whenever I think back to the experience of being gazed at by it.

The eyes of that being, I just can't seem to forget them...

The image of the pair of red glows in my mind causes me to almost drop the magic item I am currently holding as fear resurfaces in my mind.


That was close, almost dropped it down the giant rock.

Let's not think about that for now...

That aside...hehehe, I believe it is time I show off the magic items that I found during my search through the storage! I will be using these legendary magic items to conquer the world!!



Object: Mirror of beautification

Enchantments:「Altered Mirror Reflection」

Description: Whoever looks into this mirror will see a beautified version of themselves, possibly something they will never achieve.



Object: Resonating Violin

Enchantments:「Enchance Sound Appeal」

Description: A violin that uses magic to amplify and produce audibly appealing sounds.




Why is there nothing useful in your damn treasury?!?!


Damn it.

I guess it makes sense if you think about it.

Any treasure that could heighten the chances of survival probably would have been taken and used by the escape party when they left for the surface. The reason Arondite and the magic items in the royal blue chest wasn't taken was probably because they didn't have the time to open it and carrying the whole chest with them would slow them down.

Which means that all of the strong and useful magic items from the treasury are with the thousands of undead...

Urgh, that means I gotta beat them first, I don't even wanna think about that right now...

Trying not to recall the glare of crimson eyes and scaring myself, I pulled out another magic item from my inventory and appraised it to see if it could help me.


Object: Amulet of Rain Detection

Enchantments:「Specified Detection」

Description: Allows the user to detect if it is currently raining outside. Only works outside.




The sound of the magic amulet hitting the rocks below echoes throughout the area as it topples down the few metre drop and makes a hard landing on the ground with a crack. Heaving out another sigh, I floated down the rock and picked up the amulet.

Whatever, I'm just gonna stop searching the treasury.

There's not gonna be anything useful anyway.

As I'm about to leave a greater cave arachnid, a little larger than the one I encountered before, leaps out from the shadows with its fangs pointed towards me, ready to kill its prey. The attack ended up with the spider dumb spider getting skewered by Arondite as it struggled in the air for a few seconds before slumping down lifelessly.

Yep. I already knew that guy was there.

After fighting in the dungeon for a few days I've gotten a general idea of how some of the monsters behave. For example, the greater cave arachnid is a hunter that uses stealth and high attack power. All you have to do is pretend to do your own thing and bait it out into a trap.

They're stealthy but in the eyes of both「Mana Sense」and「Life Form Detector」they might as well be wearing a hi-vis shirt.

After doing the disgusting process of extracting the core from the corpse, I extracted the mana from the core and continued deeper into the dungeon.

After absorbing so many cores, I've definitely gotten a lot stronger than before. A lot of things that were hard for me to beat before are a piece of cake now, but I'm still too weak. Compared to crimson eyes, all the monsters I've encountered so far might as well be ants.

I know I've made my decision to defeat crimson eyes...but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid...

...I should be able to beat him right?

The image of the pair of red glowing lights appears in my mind once again, causing me to subconsciously loosen my grip and accidentally drop the adamantite hammer onto the ground with a loud thud.

Ah. Whoops, I gotta stop doing that haha...

I picked up my hammer and continued my trip. Minutes passed by and the contents of the「Arcane Mapping」skill increased slowly but steadily as I uncovered new parts of the underground dungeon bit by bit. Turning a corner and floating down a new tunnel, I began to notice that the presence of the glowing crystals became more and more numerous. The deeper I travelled in this certain direction the more crystals would reveal themselves.

Hmm? Is this some sort of cave biome?

Seeing all these crystals is strange, but it looks really nice.

After finally leaving the tunnel, I'm introduced to a significant change in the environment. Instead of the normal rock caves I've seen so far, this area is all covered in large glowing crystals that came in many different shapes and forms, it was like a rough forest of blue crystals. The scenery completely left me in awe, just like when I first entered the treasury.


You know, I don't really go out of my way to look for these things but the world seems to keep finding new ways to show me that this isn't earth.

I'm not complaining though.

From the corner of my eye, I spot a shiny blue flower planted next to a large crystal that was sticking out of the ground. Curious, I floated towards the flower and pressed my face up to it to inspect its features. The petals of the flower glowed in a beautiful ethereal dark blue colour similar to sapphire jewels. Its stem and leaves which looked like it was made from crystals were actually soft with the touch just like any other plant and bore a colour similar to mana which was light blue.


It's super pretty~

I've seen some pretty flowers on the internet back on earth but this one takes the cake.

The only flower I can think of that resembles this is the red spider lily from china, but not only is its colour much different but its petals look longer and wider.



Object: Crystal Light Flower

Description: An extremely rare flower that can only grow under very specific conditions underground. This flower can be used to create medicine that cures almost any abnormal condition, both physical and magical. Many researchers of magic have attempted to farm this flower under lab conditions but none of them has ever succeeded in making any progress.


Ohhh! So this flower is actually super rare!

I've stumbled upon something super nice didn't I?

Its properties are amazing as well, its actually pretty unbelievable.

If we had this back on earth, I wonder how many incurable diseases would have become exterminated?

Staring at the flower and admiring its beauty for a few minutes, I decided to pick the flower and place it into my dimensional storage. I'll never know when I might need it, plus my storage perfectly preserves anything organic placed into it so why not?

Also, the flower was said to be extremely rare but...aren't there quite a few around here?

Look. There's one. There as well. Oh! There's a group of them over there!

I floated around the crystal cave in a happy mood and began to pick the crystal light flowers one by one.







Just as I was about to go look for monsters to kill, I looked at the beautiful flower I was currently holding with「Telekinesis」. I looked back and forth at the flower I was holding and the flowers that were sparkling in the surrounding area.


Maybe just a bit more...

captain_alcohol captain_alcohol

Sorry for lack of action scenes for the last few chapters, I've been getting a little too many ideas. I promise action next chapter :P

Also, pls tell me if there are any spelling mistakes. I feel so dumb when I find a spelling mistake a few weeks after I post the chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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