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I Fell in love with a Hybrid I Fell in love with a Hybrid original

I Fell in love with a Hybrid

Author: JaydenLuthor9

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter One

It was a nice day outside so Alex decides to go for a walk to her favourite park. As she was about to sit by the fountain she bumps into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry miss. Are you okay?" Alex helps the woman up. "I'm fine thank you. I really should be watching where I'm going." "How rude of me. My name is Alex. Alex Danvers." "Samantha. Everyone calls me Sam though." The two shake hands. "Wait. Alex Danvers? Was your mother's name Eliza?" "Uh yes. Why you ask?" Samantha and Alex walk and sit by the fountain. "No reason. Just wondered. I used to be friends with your mother before she passed away." Alex looks at Samantha shocked. "You were?" Samantha nods. "I went to school with your mother. Way back." "Wow." Samantha laughs. "What's wrong?" "It's just." "Yes?" "You don't look any older than 27." Samantha laughs. "Why thank you love. That's very sweet." Alex blushes. "Hey I have a question for you." "Shoot." Alex takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "How old do you think I am?" Samantha looks at Alex and thinks for a moment. "Hmm. 28?" Alex laughs. "Right on. I'll be 29 tomorrow." "Oh nice. I was just guessing haha." "I know. Oh another question." "Yes?" "Um. Were you there when my mum died?" Samantha nods. "I held her hand until she passed away." Samantha sheds a tear and so does Alex. "I miss her." "Me too. What happened to your dad?" Alex starts sobbing. "He passed away when I was 10." Samantha puts a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." Alex wipes her face. "No it's fine. I'm okay. How about your parents?" Samantha chuckles. "They're living in Italy with my daughter. They send me pictures of her every month." "You have a daughter?" Samantha nods. "She just turned 12 yesterday. Her father died soon after she was born so I took care of her for awhile. Then my job took most of my free time so I asked my parents to take her." Alex pats Samantha's shoulder. "That must be hard. Not being able to see your daughter everyday." Samantha pats Alex's hand. "It gets easier but I'll never forgive myself for choosing my job over my daughter. We Skype every now and then but it's not the same." "True. I'm sorry." Alex then stands up and offers her hand to Samantha. "Come on." Samantha takes Alex's offered hand. "Where we going?" "You'll see." They walk to a coffeeshop just down the road from the park. "Is this the coffeeshop your mother owned?" Alex nods. Alex leads Samantha to the basement. Samantha gasps when Alex turns the lights on. "She did it. She actually finished it." "We finished it. A few months before she got sick." Samantha looks at Alex. "You remember me?" Alex nods. "I was playing with you." Samantha starts tearing up. "I remember when your mother told me she was going to build this. She was so excited. You both were. You couldn't wait to paint it when it was done haha." Alex chuckles. "I remember." Samantha looks at Alex. "Hey Alex?" "Yeah?" Samantha clears her throat. "There was a day where your mother and I were talking and she told me you had a crush on someone back then. Who was it?" Alex blushes. "I can't tell you." "Why not?" "Cuz I still have a crush on her." Samantha looks shocked. "Her?" Alex nods. "You didn't know I was pansexual?" Samantha shakes her head. "No I did not. I'm sorry I disappeared the way I did." Alex hugs Samantha. "It's okay. I understood why." "I still feel horrible." "Sam relax. I still am your friend." Samantha holds onto Alex a little tighter. "Thank you." Samantha kisses Alex's neck and then pulls away. Alex pulls Samantha back and kisses her. Samantha pulls back. "Alex?" "Yes Sam?" "Am I the girl?" Alex walks over to the stairs and sits down. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." Samantha goes and sits beside Alex on the stairs. "It's okay love. You just surprised me." Alex goes over to the weight room and starts working out. Samantha comes in a few minutes later. Alex is punching the bag. Samantha walks over and grabs Alex's shoulders. "Alex stop. Stop for a second." Alex stops and turns. "What?" Samantha leans in and kisses Alex deeply. Alex pulls away when her lungs start to burn. Samantha smiles. Alex smiles back. The two kiss once more before going upstairs and locking the basement door. "Would you like a coffee?" Samantha shakes her head. "I've got my sugar high." Alex giggles and kisses Samantha softly. "You're so cute." "Give me your phone." Alex does so. After Samantha is done with it she gives it back to Alex. "There. Now you have my number." Alex texts Samantha a heart. "Now you have mine too." Alex smiles goofily. Samantha chuckles. "Now look who's being cute." The two walk out of the coffeeshop and Alex locks the door. Samantha and Alex walk back to the park. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Alex thinks. "Working. Why?" "Do you maybe want to grab drinks after?" Alex checks her phone. "Sure. Say 8pm?" Samantha nods. "8pm. See you then." Samantha kisses Alex's cheek. Alex waves as Samantha walks off. Samantha waves back. Alex walks home and goes to bed after her shower. She texts Samantha.

Alex- Goodnight Sam 😍

Sam- Haha. Goodnight love. Sweet dreams 😘

Alex falls asleep soon after.

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