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Chapter 3: Favouritism

Walking down the road Jordan felt something, or rather someone, tapping her on the shoulder.

She turned around.

It was a girl around her age, short brown hair, and black clear eyes.

By seeing she had clear eyes, Jordan knew that she didnt hold any ill intention towards her, yet at least.

This was a habit of Jordan's when she was in her past body. By looking in their eyes she could see if that have pure or ill intentions most of the time she was accurate but not always, I mean it's not as if she's Sa*ki Kusuo from the anime and can penetrate others thoughts just so she can know if they'll end up spoiling a movie for her.

But anyways, it's a good skill to have, being that she was 'trash' and all. So obviously someone would come at her and try to start something and she'll just give them a knuckle to the face.

"Mornin' Jor!"

Jordan was confused, 'who in the hell is this?'

"who are you?"

Jordan said that with the most indifferent tone it was almost like she was in the most boring place on Earth.

The girl felt paralyzing shock, seeing this young woman look at her with her almost-as-if they were rain clouds, grey eyes glaring at her. Making the short brown haired girl feel as if this young woman saw her as a revolting-half-dead worm waiting to finally escape life under the cold gaze of the goddess of death.

The brown haired girl teared, up alot, A buttload of tears patiently waiting to pour out just to grab pity from all those around at that time.

"J- Jor did you forget? I- it's me, Mia?"

A flash of memories came before Jordan's eyes.

Mia Bayley. Old Jordan's best friend, She always backed up Jordan whenever she got picked on. A nice girl and brave with as it seems for now pure intentions, ofcourse there's a downside to all this.

She's a professional crybaby.

'Ugh. A crybaby. Hate dealing with those types they always gain attention at the wrong times. Especially the pretty ones.'

"Mia I'm so sorry it was just joke. I didnt mean to hurt you're feelings."

Jordan flashed one of her best apologetic smiles she could muster at this time and scratched the back if her head.

In short. Impeccable acting, only an extremely skilled actor would be able to see through her, and Mia was definitely not an actor much less an extremely skilled one at least to Jordan's knowledge.

Mia was almost embarrassed at how long she stared at Jordan.

But, it's not as if she could stop. Even people who walked past stopped to look at that smile.

And they definitely weren't wrong to, that smile with that face makes a godly combination.

Mia blushed, Hard. And then looked away turning into the most crimson tomato the world has ever seen.

"L- let's get to school, shall we."

Mia grabbed her arm and started walking with Jordan.

Jordan thought to herself with a small smirk on her beautiful face.

'Heh, I suppose my new face helps a lot, huh. Could help getting better clients and stripping people of their money.'

[Sup bitch]

'...Are you actually serious...'


[Oh, by the way someone with bad intentions is watching you... a lot. kinda creepy actually...Like... pedophile vibes...]

'I know, I noticed earlier'

[Yeah so you shoul- HUH?!]

'In their 30's, male, almost obviously here to do something shady to me. Probably waiting to do it after school though.'

[Uh- okay then guess I'll shut up then, prick.]


"Huh what was that?"

"Oh, nothing keep talking."

Then Mia continued to speak about various subjects Jordan totalllllyyyyy listened to.

When they arrived at Thorne military high school Jordan started subconsciously examining it.

At least a 4 story building plus the walls that was pure white, although it looked like it didnt have a speck of dust on it, it wasnt that extravagant although, it wasnt not-not extravagant.

But it definitely, without question seems to be the perfect facility for military students.

At arriving, there was a security procedure they had to go through. X-Ray, a tapping down, search through our stuff, alot of crap.

But what Jordan noticed most of all, was that some obviously privileged, spoilt-rotten daddy's boys/girls skipped the procedure no problem.

Then she realised.

'Ah, It makes sense now. Favouritism.'

But the thing is, Jordan half expected this. You see, she did a little light research before getting to school. the school was extremely biased between talent and trash, and those with status and those in the slums.

'Pretty much petty bitches who have nothing better to do than suck up to those with power. typical. Not like I'm any different...'

As jordan thought that, a cold gaze befall her eyes but disappeared quite quickly as she realised she was making it.

But not quick enough.

Mia saw the short cold gaze coming from her best friend and couldnt help but be terror-stricken.

She had never seen such a look before and from now on at this moment, never wants to, ever again...

"U- uhm w-w- what's r- wrong Jor..?"

It was way too obvious that Mia was frightened out of her bones and obviously Jordan noticed this.

"Nothing, why?"

Mia thought it was best not to ask more questions recalling the face she made earlier, and managed to gain the courage to spit out a few words.

"N- nothing neverm- mind."

Jordan passed through the gates and reaches the security procedure.

It was showtime.

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