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Chapter 81: The Long Awaited Date with Former Vampire Princess

After passing by Liese and greeting her, Eleonora immediately left the house and headed to the front gate. When she is about to close to the front gate, she can see someone she knows currently waiting for her. That made Eleonora smile happily and fasten her movement until she was getting close to her date for today and giving her a light peck on the cheeks, causing Eleonora's date to turn red.

"I am sorry to make you wait, Yue. You look adorable and gorgeous."

Yue blushed when hearing that compliment from her lovers and the kiss she received from Eleonora too. She is now wearing an off-shoulder pink sweater while she has a black bra and a short black skirt. Yue also wears black stockings and black boots on her legs. The way she dressed showed off her long, plump, and soft thighs.

Her small hands then reached Eleonora's hands and held them together tightly while she looked down still in embarrassment. Seeing the gesture that shown by Yue, the young bluenette simply nodded in understanding about that, and before they began their date, the blonde-haired vampire said something.

"Eleonora, you're… also gorgeous and sexy. Always has been."

Eleonora chuckled with a thankful smile on her face hearing that.

"Why, thank you, Yue. Seems we both are surprised seeing our new looks."

"Mhm. You're right, we were both surprised in a good way, and I like it."

"Alright, Yue ojou-sama—how about we start our date?"

The blonde-haired vampire princess just nodded at Eleonora with widely smiling on her face. What Eleonora did right now was so gentlemen and elegant as she bowed politely with that manner of speaking towards Yue.

With that, they then start their date and have fun too. Eleonora takes Yue to any place that picks up Yue's interest since she has that fascination looks on her face each time she looks around. Because what she saw is really different and miraculous according to her, compared to Tortus, who lacks the development but with Eleonora as the king who rules Heiligh, it may be changed soon and affect the entire world if she is given the time.

The beaming Yue makes Eleonora chuckle happily, yet it is perceived as mocking but in a good way. Her cheeks puffed and letting the young bluenette poked Yue's plump and soft cheeks. Both of them flirted and joked while the people around them turned their attention to the sweet couple like them. Some are swooned by the adorableness and cuteness, while some feel jealous of those perfect couple in their eyes.

"It seems you found things around you fascinating, Yue."

Yue bobbed her head quickly in response to that. Eleonora just smiled at the blonde-haired vampire, who seemed happy seeing the new things that don't exist in her home out there. Yue find most of it convenient and makes people's life easier. She was also fascinated by the various exciting cultures she witnessed and began to like that.

"Hehem. It's really different, maybe a hundred—thousand times better than in Heiligh and Tortus. Anything here seems to exist to make life easier and convenient for everyone. Although maybe some of the things became too complicated, you can't deny it definitely makes life easier than before."

"Hm… you're not wrong, but our technology and culture are still far behind. Something that makes people convenient would be things that let them only do simple jobs, but the results are a hundred times better. It's like you do 10, but you got 100 instead, so that means the convenience concept behind it successfully achieved."

Yue was just gaping in surprise as she understood what's Eleonora meant by that. From her perspective, anything in Eleonora's world is super convenient, while the latter still thinks it's not. After all, there are many flaws, and Eleonora is also thinking about inventing a new thing. Maybe one or two, since she already builds a teleportation device with the help of Oohoshi Ringo, the girlfriend of Mikogami Tsukasa, the current Prime Minister of Japan, also known as a nuclear physicist, a top-notch technical inventor, and a member of the Seven Prodigies.

She and Tsukasa love each other and strangely didn't get charmed by Eleonora. Eleonora was glad about that since both were a perfect couple and cared about each other so much. They are an adorable couple that makes people around coo whenever seeing them, mainly due to the cuteness from Ringo since she is always shy and acts like that, even with her friends.

Eleonora then continued what she said.

"But I think it's enough for now. For this 21st century, things like that are already sufficient, and maybe after we start the 22nd century, the world's development will increase drastically. Many new things also will likely be invented."

"Mhm. I still find it fascinating and not complaining too much about it."

The young bluenette laughed at Yue after hearing that, pat her head, and then stroked it slowly, making the golden-haired vampire feel nice and good. She became like a puppy when Eleonora did that to her, and she won't complain even if she is called childish due to this treatment she gets from her beloved lover.

"Maybe you will start to complain if you stayed in this world for so long, Yue."

"…I won't deny that if I've lived that long and became used to the convenience around me. Give me a year or two, then I'll get used to this world. Whether it's technology, culture, or anything. I just hope that I won't turn lazy."

"Then I'll be sure to remind you about it. Although laziness sometimes can be considered the way of enjoying life, it's also a sign of badness."

"Don't worry, Eleonora. I'll try to not become too lazy since I want to be your full-time housewife after we get married later. I will take care of our house and child when you're busy with work or anything else."

Eleonora just sends her slight smile and strokes her head lovingly as the blonde-haired vampire looks like enjoying the treatment she gets from her lover. She looks like a cat who wants to get stroked by someone, and it's so apparent, she even purred and made Eleonora chuckle in response to that.

"I know you won't be lazy, Yue."

"Mhn. Alright, let's continue our date. I want to know more about this world since it's basically new to me."

"And you can count on me whenever you want to ask me about anything related to this world. I'll make sure you enjoy anything that my world offers you. Maybe in terms of everything, this world is more advanced than Tortus, but some things weren't advanced at all and remained the same."

Yue agreed with Eleonora's first sentence but pondered about the latter. She doesn't know what parts Eleonora told her that same with Tortus, but she thought that maybe the racist or things related to races. She wasn't sure and maybe waiting the confirmation from her lover regarding that, although she didn't care that much about the world she had initially been living in since Yue doesn't have that much attachment to Tortus; maybe she had a bad experience about that.

"Well, let's not bother our mind with that complicated talk or topic. Say, Yue, how about we watch a movie? In a theater that wasn't far from here, and it's quite great."

"Movie… is that moving picture you are talking about? I've only seen it on your so-called 'laptop' back then."

Eleonora nodded at her while holding Yue's hand and walked towards the theater they were talking about. As Yue noticed something, the blonde-haired vampire felt happy when her hand was being held by Eleonora, and she was also curious what kind of movie they would watch. What will the genre be? Since Yue doesn't know about that kind of thing, she basically doesn't know too much about modern-thing.

"That's right, Yue. I'm sorry if the movie isn't to your liking. Maybe this will be your first time in a movie theater. I just remember that today is still counted as workdays and not holidays or weekends. Hope the theater isn't crowded with many people."

"No problem about it, Eleonora. I don't even know movie and theater-thing before, and in my entire life, I don't even watch that since it does not exist in Tortus. Maybe the movie that I saw from your 'laptop' is the first movie I watched, and it's called Iron Man, I believe…?"

"Iron Man… that's a kind of good movie, and I like it a lot."

After walking for approximately twenty minutes, Eleonora and Yue have already arrived at the theater. Seeing the place isn't that crowded makes the young bluenette relieved since they don't have to waste their time waiting in a long queue to enjoy the movie together.

"But I think romance movie is out of the question. Not that I dislike it, but we already have romantic moments enough and might want to change things up. You okay with that, Yue?"

Yue bobbed her head as she agreed with Eleonora about that. They already have many romantic moments and want to have something different when watching this movie they will get. After all, if a date having too much romance will be bland and cringe to some point, considering the balance between it might be good, and both Eleonora and Yue are also always lovey-dovey even if they are not on any date.

'Since we both don't want a romance or things similar like that, maybe I'll try some movie with a different genre. Although if it is too childish will be bad, something that can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of their age. So a movie that contains sexual content may not be suitable for it.'

Eleonora shook her head mentally and glanced at Yue, who was excited on her face. Her body even didn't hide the excitement that was brimming within her; it's so evident that causing Eleonora to hold her laugh, so the blonde-haired vampire doesn't realize it, or she will be mad at the young bluenette.

Eleonora just let out a small huff and smiled at Yue.

'Well, hope my choice isn't wrong and can make Yue satisfied with it. I want to know more about her, and asking directly isn't a good choice. Pressuring or forcing her is also not good. The only insensitive person would do that since they aren't aware of the person feeling, and I will do my best to be not like that, especially to people who are important to me.'

While Eleonora thought about that, she felt that her sleeve was tugged, and she then looked at Yue as the blonde pointed her finger to the ticket counter. Seeing that, Eleonora nodded as she understood what Yue meant. She immediately bought two movie tickets for them and chose what kind of movie they wanted to watch.

The ticket agent or clerk of the movie theater put on her smiling face, and the moment her eyes met with Eleonora, she felt that her cheeks heated up. She was flustered yet trying her best to keep her composure and act professionally. Yue, that currently beside Eleonora, just grins, seeing the clerk's reaction to Eleonora.

The clerk then cleared her throat and smiled at Eleonora while politely asking her.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?"

"Two movie tickets of Kamen Rider Reiwa The First Generation for her and me. Are there any seats available?"

"Yes, theater 1, 2, and 3—we still have many slots. You may check it first to confirm the seats."

The clerk handed her the device that showed the slot of seats currently available in the three theater rooms mentioned. Seeing that there are many slots left, Eleonora chooses two seats that are presently what she wants and then turns to the clerk.

"I choose this one."

"Certainly. Please wait a moment."

Saying that, the clerk then immediately processed her order. After a few minutes, she handed the tickets to Eleonora and suddenly blushed when their hands touched, which made Eleonora sweatdropped with an awkward smile seeing that.


The clerk was bowing politely with a smile while still having light blush on her face.

"Please enjoy the movie."

Eleonora and Yue nodded at her while leaving the ticket counter and tried to find an empty seat for them while waiting for the roll call of the movie theater to their designated theater room. Both Eleonora and Yue got theater 1 and seat numbers 30 and 31. It was lucky, according to her, that made her satisfied for now.

Before sitting on the available and empty seats, they went to the concession stand of the outdoor movie theater. They have no worries about waiting since the movie will start in an hour, and they are given enough time to buy snacks and drinks that they may later eat in the theater room.

Quickly went to the concession stand; Eleonora then asked her lover about her preference for drinks and maybe the popcorn flavor she might want.

"Yue, what kind of flavors do you want in the popcorn and the drink?"

"Hmm… classic butter and salt. For the drink, orange juice, please."

Eleonora nodded and then went to the cashier to order what they wanted. After a few minutes, which is quite fast, their orders finished, and Eleonora gave Yue's orders to her, which was thanked by the blonde-haired vampire.

Although she doesn't know what popcorn is, she won't lie that the flavors are pretty interesting, and Yue liked it when she ate one of them. The orange juice she had added up, enhancing the flavors and making her addicted to it.

Eleonora, who saw her, just chuckles.

"Yue, don't eat all of it, or you won't have any of it when the movie starts. Come on, let's wait inside rather than here. Inside is more comfortable rather than here. It's quite warm in the theater since right now it is December and still in winter."

"You're right. Let's go; although you can use magic to keep yourself warm, nothing that beats the comfortableness inside. We also don't have to stand up and just sit on the chairs."

"That's right. We can also cuddle while waiting inside."

"You're read my mind. I'm not surprised by that."

Yue said that with a slight smile on her face while Eleonora just let out a small laugh at the obviousness of her blonde-haired vampire lover. Although she also wants that and cannot deny it. She and Yue want more lovey-dovey moments since they want to deepen their relationship even more; despite that, they obviously love each other so much.

Yue then continued.

"Also, I want people around us looking with jealously when we cuddle."

She said that with a smug face to Eleonora, which caused the young bluenette to laugh wholeheartedly and nod her head in agreement with Yue about that. She found it funny and could not disagree with her blonde-haired vampire lover.

Yue didn't even get mad or upset when Eleonora laughed like that. Both of them are in the same mind and can understand each other very well, so there is no need to be upset. So that's why when they went inside the theater room and sat on available seats while storing their snacks and drinks inside Eleonora's [Inventory], which surprised some people around there, they kissed each other lips in a chaste kiss without embarrassment at all.

Because it's not like they did a french kiss or something similar like that.

What they did causing some people around them to flush in excitement and be surprised at what they saw. After breaking up their kisses, Yue leaned on Eleonora's shoulders while still holding hands together with a smile on their faces.


Yue called her lovers. Eleonora then replied without looking at her.

"What is it, Yue?"

"I… I never had something like this. I am currently happier than before."

Eleonora went quiet as she listened to Yue. She knew what the blonde-haired vampire meant; that's why Eleonora didn't stop or interrupt her.

"Back when with Hajime, I always felt jealous and sometimes filled with competing for his affection. Maybe that's why Shea sometimes dislikes me. Hajime also still has feelings for Bakaori, but I hid that fact and didn't tell him."

Yue or Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl is her real name suddenly had reminiscent about her times with Hajime. The times they have spent together and the fact that she realized that her feelings towards the Synergist are not mutual or just kind of one-sided but both of them didn't know it until late.

"I also realized that my feeling of love to him isn't genuine. It was only because I had craved attention. It's because I want someone to be my side and because he is the only one who is with me after I didn't meet anyone for a long time, sealed inside the deepest part of the dungeon."

Eleonora looked down for a moment and pondered about that.

'I see… so they were loved each other because of depression. Since there's no one except Yue and Hajime-san in the place where they have met. A place that Yue called Abyss and judging by the name alone I can imagine what kind of place is it.'

Yue then lifted her head and looked at Eleonora. A smile that indicated happiness adorned her beautiful face. One of the rarest smiles she ever showed to someone, not even to her ex-lovers Nagumo Hajime, but she only offers this to her true lover, Eleonora Pendragon.

"But the moment that I met you, I instantly fell in love with you. I thought it was because of charm or things like that, but after examining it myself, I knew that's what people called genuine love. I feel that… we are destined to be together."

"Even if I have a lot of lovers than you?"

The blonde-haired vampire simply nods. She doesn't care if Eleonora has more lovers than her, as long as she stays with her.

"Yes, I don't care, and I love you."

"Me too. I love you, Yue."

Saying that Eleonora brought her face close to Yue, and both locked their lips in a simple and loving kiss.


As usual, the god that watches Eleonora's growth and life keeps himself busy by playing some video games created by humans in any world. Still, he is especially fond of the games from the world Eleonora lives in. The reason is unclear since he doesn't want to tell people about it, even his fellow gods.

But something perks his interest. His eyebrows rose to see the thing that suddenly popped out in front of him and caused the video games he played to be forced to be paused. As he opened up the notification, what he got was something unexpected that made him laugh awkwardly seeing that.

"That little sister of Tatsuya… she really changed her sexuality and head over heels to Eleonora. She even develops a new habit and maybe fetish towards Eleonora. Keeping the picture that she was saved from the chat group that contains that young bluenette and admiring them when she has the time to do that."

He shook his head in disbelief and sighed.

"But… this may be a good chance. If this escalated to the furthest level, she might form a cult or religion that brings my favorite person some [Divine's Fragment]. She might be recognizable even from the multiverse and worshiped by anyone in the multiverse. That's kinda dope and interesting to watch."

The being grins at that thought. Since that would be convenient for Eleonora to gather people who worship her and get her [Divine's Fragment] without killing other gods. Although the young bluenette doesn't have a problem, she can just kill gods that she or everyone thinks 'evil.'

Rogue god or evil god. She didn't dare to kill gods who weren't like that, or maybe even if they were attracted to Eleonora and shared the same feeling. She will be trying to find other gods if that's happened. It's kind of unfair, but life is always like that from the moment it exists.

According to Eleonora, killing an innocent god or the gods who didn't do anything bad would be very wrong. So far, she only knew about evil and false gold like Ehit, but maybe in the future, she will encounter more gods like him that will be eliminated by her; either it's easy or hard to deal with.

"And I don't know if it was good or bad, but probably Eleonora will get more harem when landed on each world of those members living in. But it's good since she is basically responsible and not like those generic harem protagonists. They just abandon their harem because those people are too dense, almost like a black hole of density. Especially that kid called Orimura Ichika; I hope if she somehow ended in that world, she blasted his head because of how stupid is he didn't notice the girls who basically threw themselves like a slut wants attention to him."

He said it with pure hate and clenched his fists towards Orimura Ichika. If possible, he wants to go to his world and give him a good punch, maybe he tries a few combos from some video games he had played before, so it will be more satisfying if his punch deals more damage to him.

He then sighed and shook his head.

"I will just let her do it for me. It's up to her if she wants it though, I don't want to force her if she doesn't like it, or I can't help her again in the future if I do that. Anyway, as much as I don't want her to not meet with any goddesses in here—I think it's inevitable. She will soon attract them or maybe gain their attention since how fast her growth right now."

Once again, he let out a sigh, but it's a big one this time. He cannot stop what Eleonora does since that will violate the already set rule. He is not the highest god after all, and if he did break that, he would be stripped of his powers and banished from heaven or the divine realm to mortal worlds.

He doesn't want that since it's practically fantastic in heaven because he doesn't have to do anything. His work even not that hard, and the salary is relatively high. His job is to ensure Eleonora Pendragon's life goes well without any significant problem that will be causing her life from good to be wrong.

"Well, at least my work this month is good and nothing wrong. I hope next month and forever will stay the same. I don't want my salary to get cut. That will be fucked up for me."

He laughed awkwardly at that thought and continued again.

"Anyway, if she ended up in that world full of adventurers and a tall dungeon consisting of 50 floors and more, then I hope she can completely change some of that fucked up gods—for example like Freya or Ishtar of that world. Man, I also cannot help but wait for her development in personality. She is still too kind and selfless. I hope she can become like that wacky-wahoo pizza man. That guy is quite fun and likable for me, though."

He laughed again when remembering that since he played the game of that wacky-wahoo pizza man. It has fun and exciting gameplay that makes most people addicted, especially for someone who loves to do some sort of combo and is eager to perfect their achievement.

Then he heard a notification sound that popped up again in front of him and made him frown. He then sighed tiredly and scratched his hair because finding it troublesome.

"Creator, dammit. Why did that Aphrodite of that Sword Princess' world cause such ruckus by picking a fight with the three virgin Goddesses? And someone wants me to solve that? Dammit, I hope I get a pay rise, or I'll file a complaint to the department."

TetekGede TetekGede


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